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1、1Theyre cows .课 题 Theyre cows .德育教学目标 培养孩子热爱小动物,热爱大自然。课 时教学目标i. Let the pupils learnnew words.ii. Let the pupils talk about animals and the usage of plural.教学重点i. Listen, read and repeat: farm, cow, pig, chicken, egg. http:/ww w.xkb1.c omii. Use sentences: What are they?They are .教学难点 The same as th

2、e importance .教学准备 recorder, cards教学板块 教与学预设(师生活动)前置性作业 一、 搜集一些名词复数二、 用句型 Theyre 造句教学过程 课前 3 分钟内容造句大比拼. Warming up and Revision 1. Greeting.2. Organize pupils to sing a song from Module 4.3. Hold the cards.4. Point to my face and ask: What are they?. Leading-in1. Show pupils a picture and ask: Look

3、at Sam and Daming. Do you know where they are going?2. Now let pupils look at the text: What happened?. Listening & reading Activities.1. Play the cassette.2. Play the cassette.3. Ask pupils:How many animals?What are they?4. Put the new words on the blackboard, drill the words.5. Play the cassette.

4、Further Development1. Let the pupils watch TV.( cows, pigs, chickens, pens, pencils )2Ask: What are they? X Kb1.C o m2. Let the pupils ask and answer in pairs. 3. Let the pupils read the text and act it out. 4. Quiz: organize pupils to do the Activity Books. Homework1. Let the pupils listen and repe

5、at the text 5 times.2. Let the pupils get ready for Unit 2.板书设计 Module 5U 1These are your eyes .What are these? these are .教后随记 通过了解身体的个个部位名称的学习,让孩子学会锻炼身体,增强身体健康课 题 Its thin .课 时教学目标Grasp the following sentences: Its fat. Its thin. Theyre big. Theyer black and white. Theyre little. Theyre pink. 德育教学

6、目标 培养孩子对物体形状的了解。教学重点 Use adj. and describe animals feature.教学难点 The same as the importance .教学准备 Taperecorder word cards Teaching picture 教学板块 教与学预设(师生活动)前置性作业 三、 搜集一些 adj四、 利用句型 Its 教学过程 课前 3 分钟内容造句大比拼Warming up and Revision1. T: Say “Hello” to the pupils. How are you?Im fine, too.2. T: Lets sing a

7、n English song. Heads, shoulders.3. Game: I do, you guess. Leadingin T: What feature are these pigs?Do you know how to say these sentences? Now lets lesrn the text the first, OK? Listening and reading Activity1. Write and teach the title: Its thin.32. Show the teaching picture and introduce the text

8、.3. Please listen to the tape recorder.4. Listen and repeat. Teach the new words: fat thin5. Read and text6. Act the text7. Teach English song: Listen and say. Then sing. Further Development.1. Show some pictures with some fat pigs on the blackboard.Then turn back.2. Finish the Students Activity Books. Homewo rk1. Listen to the tape recorder and review next module.Describe your rooms thing with “big” and “small”.板书设计 Module 5U 2Its thin .教后随记 孩子对物体形状的了解4


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