IEEE 1516-2010 en Modeling and Simulation(M&S) High Level Architecture (HLA)-Framework and Rules (IEEE Computer Society)《模型和模拟高级建筑学 框架和规则》.pdf

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IEEE 1516-2010 en Modeling and Simulation(M&S) High Level Architecture (HLA)-Framework and Rules (IEEE Computer Society)《模型和模拟高级建筑学 框架和规则》.pdf_第1页
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IEEE 1516-2010 en Modeling and Simulation(M&S) High Level Architecture (HLA)-Framework and Rules (IEEE Computer Society)《模型和模拟高级建筑学 框架和规则》.pdf_第3页
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4、g20g25g16g24g28g28g26g15g3g56g54g36g3g3g20g27g3g36g88g74g88g86g87g3g21g19g20g19g20g24g20g25g55g48IEEE Std 1516-2010(Revision ofIEEE Std 1516-2000)IEEE Standard for Modeling and Simulation (M +1 978 750 8400. Permission to photocopy portions ofany individual standard for educational classroom use can

5、 also be obtained through the Copyright Clearance Center.iv Copyright 2010 IEEE. All rights reserved.IntroductionThis standard is the capstone document for a family of related standards that together describe a unifiedapproach to constructing interoperable simulation systems.The High Level Architect

6、ure (HLA) provides a general framework within which simulation developers canstructure and describe their simulation applications. Flexibility is the aim of the HLA. In particular, the HLAaddresses two key issues: promoting interoperability between simulations and aiding the reuse of models indiffer

7、ent contexts. Three main components are described within the set of products forming the HLA. Thefirst component, the HLA Framework and Rules Specification (i.e., this standard), provides a set of ten rulesthat together ensure the proper interaction of federates in a federation and define the respon

8、sibilities offederates and federations. The second component, the object model template (OMT), is a necessary basis forreuse and forms a documentation standard describing the data used by a particular model. The thirdcomponent, the federate interface specification, addresses interoperability and des

9、cribes a genericcommunications interface that allows simulation models to be connected and coordinated. Although theHLA is an architecture, not software, use of runtime infrastructure (RTI) software is required to supportoperations of a federation execution. The RTI software provides a set of servic

10、es, as defined by the federateinterface specification, used by federates to coordinate operations and data exchange during a runtimeexecution. Simulations are necessarily abstractions of the real world, and no one simulation design can meet thefunctional needs of the entire modeling and simulation c

11、ommunity. However, in defining an overridingarchitecture, generic issues can be addressed. When doing so, it is essential that such an architectureencompass both differing computing environments and differing classes of simulations. This standard, describing the framework and rules, is intended to p

12、rovide some of the general philosophybehind the HLA, including guidance about how to design, use, and adhere to the HLA vision.Notice to usersLaws and regulationsUsers of these documents should consult all applicable laws and regulations. Compliance with theprovisions of this standard does not imply

13、 compliance to any applicable regulatory requirements.Implementers of the standard are responsible for observing or referring to the applicable regulatoryrequirements. IEEE does not, by the publication of its standards, intend to urge action that is not incompliance with applicable laws, and these d

14、ocuments may not be construed as doing so. CopyrightsThis document is copyrighted by the IEEE. It is made available for a wide variety of both public and privateuses. These include both use, by reference, in laws and regulations, and use in private self-regulation,standardization, and the promotion

15、of engineering practices and methods. By making this documentavailable for use and adoption by public authorities and private users, the IEEE does not waive any rights incopyright to this document.Updating of IEEE documentsUsers of IEEE standards should be aware that these documents may be supersede

16、d at any time by theissuance of new editions or may be amended from time to time through the issuance of amendments,This introduction is not part of IEEE Std 1516-2010, IEEE Standard for Modeling and Simulation (M instanceattribute.attribute ownership: The property of an instance attribute that give

17、s a joined federate the capability tosupply values for that instance attribute to its federation execution. See also: instance attribute.available attributes: The set of declared attributes of an object class in union with the set of inheritedattributes of that object class. 3IEEE publications are a

18、vailable from the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 445 Hoes Lane, Piscataway, NJ 08854, USA(http:/ IEEE Standards Dictionary: Glossary of Terms each instance attribute may have at most one value associated with it.corresponding class attribute of an instanc

19、e attribute: The class attribute that, from the perspective of agiven joined federate, is the class attribute of the joined federates known class for the object instancecontaining the instance attribute that has the same attribute designator as the instance attribute.corresponding instance attribute

20、s of a class attribute: The instance attributes that, from the perspectiveof a given joined federate, are a) Unowned instance attributes of object instances that have a known class at the joined federate equalto the object class of the class attribute and that have the same attribute designator as t

21、he classattribute, orb) Instance attributes owned by the joined federate that belong to object instances that have a knownclass at the owning federate equal to the object class of the class attribute and that have the sameattribute designator as the class attribute.current federation object model (F

22、OM): The union of the FOM modules and one Management ObjectModel (MOM) and Initialization Module (MIM) that have been specified in the creation of the federationexecution or by any federate that has joined the federation execution. The sum operation is carried outaccording to the rules as prescribed

23、 in IEEE Std 1516.2-2010. When all FOM modules have been provided,the current FOM will be equal to the FOM; and before this step has happened, the current FOM will be atrue subset of the FOM.current federation object model (FOM) Document Data (FDD): The data and information used toconfigure the fede

24、ration execution that is the union of the FOM modules and one Management ObjectModel (MOM) and Initialization Module (MIM) that have been specified in the creation of the federationexecution or by any federate that has joined the federation execution. The sum operation is carried outaccording to the

25、 rules as prescribed in IEEE Std 1516.2-2010. When all FOM modules have been provided,the current FDD will be equal to the FDD; and before this step has happened, the current FDD will be a truesubset of the FDD.datatype: A representation convention for a data element establishing its format, resolut

26、ion, cardinality, andordinality. declared attributes: The set of class attributes of a particular object class that are listed in the federationobject model (FOM) as being associated with that object class in the object class hierarchy tree. declared parameters: The set of parameters of a particular

27、 interaction class that are listed in the federationobject model (FOM) as being associated with that interaction class in the interaction class hierarchy tree. default range: A range lower bound and a range upper bound, defined in the federation object model(FOM) Document Data (FDD) and specified in

28、 terms of 0, the dimensions upper bound), for a dimension.default region: A multidimensional region provided by the runtime infrastructure (RTI) that is composed ofone range for each dimension found in the federation object model (FOM) Document Data (FDD). Thebounds of each of these ranges are 0, th

29、e ranges dimensions upper bound). There is no way for a federateto refer to the default region.NOTESee 9.1 in IEEE Std 1516.1-2010.IEEE Std 1516-2010 IEEE STANDARD FOR MODELING AND SIMULATION (M joined federate.federate application: An application that supports the High Level Architecture (HLA) inte

30、rface to aruntime infrastructure (RTI) and that is capable of joining a federation execution. A federate application mayjoin the same federation execution multiple times or may join multiple federation executions. However, eachtime a federate application joins a federation execution, it is creating

31、a new joined federate. See also: joinedfederate.federation: A named set of federate applications and a common federation object model (FOM) that areused as a whole to achieve some specific objective.federation execution: The actual operation, over time, of a set of joined federates that are intercon

32、nected bya runtime infrastructure (RTI).federation objectives: The statement of the problem that is to be addressed by the establishment andexecution of a federation.5All RTI-initiated services are denoted with a (printers dagger) after the service name.HIGH LEVEL ARCHITECTURE (HLA)FRAMEWORK AND RUL

33、ES IEEE Std 1516-2010Copyright 2010 IEEE. All rights reserved. 9federation object model (FOM): A specification defining the information exchanged at runtime to achievea given set of federation objectives. This information includes object classes, object class attributes,interaction classes, interact

34、ion parameters, and other relevant information. The FOM is specified to theruntime infrastructure (RTI) using one or more FOM modules. The RTI assembles a FOM using these FOMmodules and one Management Object Model (MOM) and Initialization Module (MIM), which is providedautomatically by the RTI or, o

35、ptionally, provided to the RTI when the federation execution is created. federation object model (FOM) Document Data (FDD): The data and information in a FOM that are usedby the Create Federation Execution service and successive Join Federation Execution service invocations toconfigure the federatio

36、n execution. federation object model (FOM) module: A partial FOM (containing some or all object model template(OMT) tables) that specifies a modular component of a FOM. A FOM module may contain classes notinherent to it but upon which the FOM module depends, i.e., superclasses to the modular compone

37、nts. Thesesuperclasses will be included in the FOM module as either complete or scaffolding definitions.federation requirements: A statement that identifies a federation characteristic, constraint, process, orproduct that is unambiguous and testable and that is necessary for a federation to be accep

38、table for itsintended use.federation scenario: A set of initial conditions and timeline of significant events used within a federationexecution to achieve federation objectives.handle: An identifier originated/created by the runtime infrastructure (RTI) that is unique to a federationexecution.High L

39、evel Architecture (HLA) time axis: A totally ordered sequence of values in which each valuetypically represents an HLA instant of time in the physical system being modeled. For any two points, T1and T2, on the time axis, if T1 T2, T1 represents an instant of time that occurs before the instantrepres

40、ented by T2.inherited attribute: A class attribute of an object class that was declared in a superclass of that object classin the object class hierarchy tree defined in the federation object model (FOM). inherited parameter: An interaction parameter that was declared in a superclass of that interac

41、tion class inthe interaction class hierarchy tree defined in the federation object model (FOM). in scope: Of or pertaining to an instance attribute of an object instance for which all of the following apply:a) The object instance is known to the joined federate.b) The instance attribute is owned by

42、another joined federate.c) The instance attributes corresponding class attribute is a one of the following:1) A subscribed attribute of the known class of the object instance, or2) A subscribed attribute of the known class of the object instance with regions, and the updateregion set of the instance

43、 attribute at the owning joined federate overlaps the subscriptionregion set of the instance attributes corresponding class attribute at the known class of theinstance attribute at the subscribing joined federate.NOTESee 6.1 of IEEE Std 1516.1-2010.instance attribute: A named characteristic of an ob

44、ject instance denoted by a pair composed of the objectinstance designator and the attribute designator.IEEE Std 1516-2010 IEEE STANDARD FOR MODELING AND SIMULATION (M discover; delete; local delete; remove.last known good logical timestamp: The last timestamp to which a lost joined federate was succ

45、essfullygranted, as seen from the remaining High Level Architecture (HLA) compliant federation.local delete: To invoke the Local Delete Object Instance service to inform the runtime infrastructure (RTI)that it is to treat the specified object instance as if the RTI had never notified the joined fede

46、rate to discoverthe object instance (however, the object instance is not to be eliminated and may be rediscovered). See also:delete.NOTESee 6.12 of IEEE Std 1516.1-2010.logical time: A federates current point on the High Level Architecture (HLA) time axis. Federates makinguse of the time management

47、services follow restrictions on what timestamps can be sent in timestamp order(TSO) messages (relative to their logical time) to ensure that federates receiving those messages receivethem in TSO.lookahead: A nonnegative value that establishes a lower value on the timestamps that can be sent intimest

48、amp order (TSO) messages by time-regulating joined federates. Once established, a joined federateslookahead value may be changed only by using the Modify Lookahead service. Each time-regulating joinedfederate must provide a lookahead value when becoming time-regulating.lost joined federate: A previo

49、usly joined federate that has been disconnected from the runtimeinfrastructure (RTI) as a result of a fault so that the joined federate can no longer continue in the federationexecution in a High Level Architecture (HLA) compliant manner.Management Object Model (MOM): A group of predefined High Level Architecture (HLA) constructs(object and interaction classes) that provide the following:a) Access to federation execution operating informationb) Insight into the operations of joined federates and the runtime infrastructure (RTI)c) Control of the functioning of the RTI, th

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