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1、翻译硕士英语学位 MTI 考试中山大学 2014 年真题及答案解析(总分:100.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、Part Vocabulary(总题数:30,分数:30.00)1.Kate was _ the experiment a month ago, but she changed her mind at the last minute.(分数:1.00)A.to startB.to have startedC.to be startingD.to have been starting2.“You _ borrow my notes provided you take care of

2、them,“ I told my friend.(分数:1.00)A.couldB.shouldC.mustD.can3.Overpopulation poses a terrible threat to the human race. Yet it is probably _ a threat to the human race than environmental destruction.(分数:1.00)A.no moreB.not moreC.even moreD.much more4.Had Julie been more careful on the maths exam, she

3、 _ much better results now.(分数:1.00)A.would be gettingB.could have gotC.must getD.would get5.Men differ from animals _ they can think and speak.(分数:1.00)A.for whichB.for thatC.in thatD.in which6.I enjoyed myself so much _ I visited my friends in London last year.(分数:1.00)A.whenB.whichC.thatD.where7.

4、What a nice day! How about the three of us _ a walk in the park nearby?(分数:1.00)A.to takeB.takeC.takingD.to be taking8._ the boys say, it is unreasonable to ask me to work overtime without pay.(分数:1.00)A.WhateverB.WheneverC.WhicheverD.However9.We consider _ he should have left without telling anyone

5、 beforehand.(分数:1.00)A.strange whyB.it strange whatC.it strange thatD.that strange10.Clothing made of plastic fibers has certain advantages over _ made of natural fibers like cotton, wool, or silk.(分数:1.00)A.oneB.the oneC.thatD.what11.The doctor proposed that she stay for one more week, her discharg

6、e from the hospital _ later on.(分数:1.00)A.to be consideredB.consideredC.to considerD.being considered12.It is universally acknowledged that he is _ a musician than his tutor.(分数:1.00)A.much ofB.much asC.more ofD.more as13.No sooner _ home than my grandfather asked me to read the newspaper for him.(分

7、数:1.00)A.I arrivedB.I had arrivedC.did I arriveD.had I arrived14.That customer wanted to return the pens he bought because he said they _ easily.(分数:1.00)A.didn“t writeB.weren“t writtenC.were not writingD.hadn“t been writing15._, he is not capable of teaching all subjects. After all, nobody could be

8、 an expert on everything.(分数:1.00)A.A teacher as Mike isB.Teacher as Mike isC.As Mike is a teacherD.As is Mike a teacher16.The painting he bought at the street market the other day was a _ forgery.(分数:1.00)A.man-madeB.naturalC.crudeD.real17.The bar in the club is for the _ use of its members.(分数:1.0

9、0)A.extensiveB.exclusiveC.inclusiveD.comprehensive18.The tuition fees are _ to students coming from low-income families.(分数:1.00)A.approachableB.payableC.reachableD.affordable19.Keep this reference book; it may come in _ one day.(分数:1.00)A.handyB.usefulC.convenientD.helpful20.Teddy came to my _ with

10、 a cheque of $200 to pay my room rate, after I phoned him that my wallet had been stolen.(分数:1.00)A.attendanceB.assistanceC.rescueD.safety21.The questions that the speaker raised were well _ the average adult.(分数:1.00)A.pastB.onC.beyondD.through22.We had a good time there, and the food was plentiful

11、 and _.(分数:1.00)A.conduciveB.wholesomeC.helpfulD.appreciative23.The scientists have made an _ study of the viruses that cause the disease.(分数:1.00)A.exhaustedB.exhaustingC.exhaustiveD.exhaustion24.Representatives from the companies indicated that they should go on working together in _.(分数:1.00)A.un

12、ityB.entityC.partnersD.partnership25.The study says the results are _ with an earlier research, which showed improved survival of patients with advanced HIV perfection taking the medication.(分数:1.00)A.persistentB.consistentC.compatibleD.harmonious26.The housewives would usually _ the fruit before ma

13、king their minds up which to buy.(分数:1.00)A.pick outB.pick onC.pick upD.pick over27.Fear _ us as we approached the old castle which was believed to be ghost-haunted.(分数:1.00)A.came uponB.came byC.came beforeD.came between28.As we all know, thick forests are the natural _ for birds, animals and insec

14、ts, and we must forbid cutting trees without any limitation.(分数:1.00)A.habitatB.resortC.residenceD.refuge29.In the war time, some cities were _ to the ground and thousands of civilians became homeless.(分数:1.00)A.demolishedB.destroyedC.razedD.annihilated30.Until now we have _ many improvements in wom

15、en“s employment.(分数:1.00)A.brought outB.brought upC.brought forwardD.brought about二、Part Reading Compr(总题数:5,分数:40.00)An allowance is an important tool for teaching kids how to budget, save and make their own decisions. Children remember and learn from mistakes when their own dollars are lost or spe

16、nt foolishly. How large an allowance is appropriate? Experts say there is not a right amount. Actual amounts differ from region to region, and from family to family. To set an appropriate allowance for your child, work up a weekly budget. Allow for entertainment expenditures such as movies and snack

17、s. Next, include everyday expenses such as lunch money, bus fare, and school supplies. “If you make the child responsible for these bills,“ says Josephine Swanson, a consumer specialist, “he or she will learn to budget for necessary expenditures.“ Finally, add some extra money to make saving possibl

18、e. If you can, keep your child“s allowance in line with that of his friends. A child whose purchasing power falls away below his peers“ can feel left out. It can be tough, but avoid excusing your children when they make a mistake with their allowance. When Brooke Stephens was ten and growing up in J

19、acksonville, her mother gave her $5 a week, $1.75 of which was for bus fare and lunch. “If you lose your money,“ Brooke“s mother told her, “you walk home“ One week the girl spent all her allowance in a candy store, then she called home for a ride. “Morn made me walk home,“ recalls Stephens, now a fi

20、nancial planner in Brooklyn. “At first I was angry. But I finally realized that she was trying to teach me an important lesson.“ Experts advise that an allowance should not be tied directly to a child“s daily chores. Kids should help around the house not because they get paid for it but because they

21、 share responsibilities as members of a family. You might, however, pay a child for doing extra jobs at home, which can develop his or her initiative.(分数:7.50)(1).What does the text mainly discuss?(分数:1.50)A.How to develop a child“s initiativeB.How to work up an amount of pocket moneyC.How to teach

22、a child to save moneyD.How to teach a child about money(2).It can be inferred from the passage that if a child is given an allowance, he or she may _.(分数:1.50)A.spend all the money very soonB.be spoiled and finally ruinedC.feel responsible and careful about moneyD.lose the money and cannot return ho

23、me(3).In Paragraph 3, the words “his peers“ refer to _.(分数:1.50)A.his parentsB.his teachersC.his financial expertsD.his friends(4).Why does the author mention Brooke Stephens?(分数:1.50)A.To question the opinion about pocket moneyB.To compare Stephens with other financial expertsC.To explain that pare

24、nts should be strict when developing children“s good habits about moneyD.To suggest that pocket money is useless in developing a child“s sense of responsibility(5).The author implies in the passage that _.(分数:1.50)A.paying children for their housework is no goodB.a child“s initiative can be develope

25、d if he or she is paid for all the houseworkC.children may feel lost and lonely if they have no pocket moneyD.children may learn to put aside some money if they are given a great amount of pocket moneyNowadays, a cellphone service is available to everyone, everywhere. Probably thousands of people ha

26、ve already been using it, but I just discovered it, so I“m going to claim it and also name it: Fake Foning. The technology has been working well for me at the office, but there are infinite applications. In fact in any public space. Say you work at a big university with lots of talky faculty members

27、 buzzing about. Now, say you need to use the restroom. The trip down the hall will take approximately one hour, because a person can“t walk into those talky people without getting pulled aside for a question, a bit of gossip, a new read on a certain line of Paradise Lost . So, a cellphone. Any cellp

28、hone. Just pick it up. Don“t dial. Just hold that phone to your face and start talking. Walk confidently down the hall engaged in fake conversation, making sure to tailor both the topic and content to the person standing before you whom you are trying to evade. For standard colleague avoidance, I su

29、ggest fake chatting about fake business: “Yes, I“m m glad you called, because we really need to think about the details. What“s that? Yes, I read Page 12, but if you look at the bottom of 4, I think you can see the problem begins right there.“ Be animated. Be engaged in your fake fone conversation.

30、Make eye contact with the people passing, nod to them, gesture keen interest in talking to them at a later time, point to your phone, shrug and move on. Shoppers should consider fake foning anytime they spot a talky neighbor in the produce department pinching unripe peaches. Without your phone at yo

31、ur face, you“d be in for a 20-minute speech on how terrible the world is. One important caution about fake foning. The other day I was fake foning my way past a colleague, and he was actually following me to get my attention. I knew he wanted to ask about a project I had not yet finished. I was tryi

32、ng to buy myself some time, so I continued lake foning with my doctor. “So I don“t need the operation? Oh, doctor, that is the best news.“ And then: Brrrrrmg! Brrrrrmg! Brrrrrmg! My phone started ringing, right there while it was planted on my face. My colleague looked at me, and I at him, and natur

33、ally I gasped. “What is the matter with this thing? said, pulling the phone away to look at it, and then putting it back to my ear. “Hello? Are you still there?“ Oops.(分数:7.50)(1).Which of the following statements is INCORRECT?(分数:1.50)A.Cellphone service is popular among peopleB.Cellphone has much

34、use in officeC.Fake foning is a new cellphone serviceD.Fake foning is a new discovery(2).What is fake foning?(分数:1.50)A.A strategy to avoid peopleB.A device newly producedC.A service provided everywhereD.A skill of communication(3).In the author“s opinion, in order to make fake foning look real one

35、has to _.(分数:1.50)A.talk about interesting mattersB.behave politely to people passing byC.hold the phone while walkingD.appear absorbed in conversation(4).What does the last example show?(分数:1.50)A.One effective way is to fake fone one“s doctorB.One has to be careful while fake foningC.Fake foning m

36、ay not deceive peopleD.Fake foning is always quite successful(5).After his phone suddenly began ringing, the author _.(分数:1.50)A.immediately started talking to the callerB.immediately started talking to his colleagueC.put the phone away and stopped talkingD.continued with his fake conversationWill t

37、here ever be another Einstein? This is the undercurrent of conversation at Einstein memorial meetings throughout the year. A new Einstein will emerge, scientists say. But it may take a long time. After all, more than 200 years separated Einstein from his nearest rival, Isaac Newton. Many physicists

38、say the next Einstein hasn“t been born yet, or is a baby now. That“s because the quest for a unified theory that would account for all the forces of nature has pushed current mathematics to its limits. New math must be created before the problem can be solved. But researchers say there are many othe

39、r factors working against another Einstein emerging anytime soon. For one thing, physics is a much different field today. In Einstein“s day, there were only a few thousand physicists worldwide, and the theoreticians who could intellectually rival Einstein probably would fit into a streetcar with sea

40、ts to spare. Education is different, too. One crucial aspect of Einstein“s training that is overlooked is the years of philosophy he read as a teenagerKant, Schopenhauer and Spinoza, among others. It taught him how to think independently and abstractly about space and time, and it wasn“t long before

41、 he became a philosopher himself. The independence created by philosophical insight isin my opinionthe mark of distinction between a mere artisan or specialist and a real seeker after truth, Einstein wrote in 1944. And he was an accomplished musician. The interplay between music and math is well kno

42、wn. Einstein would furiously play his violin as a way to think through a knotty physics problem. Today, universities have produced millions of physicists. There aren“t many jobs in science for them, so they go to Wall Street and Silicon Valley to apply their analytical skills to more practicaland re

43、wardingefforts. “Maybe there is an Einstein out there today,“ said Columbia University physicist Brian Greene, “but it would be a lot harder for him to be heard“. Especially considering what Einstein was proposing. “The actual fabric of space and time curving? My God, what an idea!“ Greene said at a

44、 recent gathering at the Aspen Institute. “It takes a certain type of person who will bang his head against the wall because you believe you“ll find the solution.“ Perhaps the best examples are the five scientific papers Einstein wrote in his “miracle year“ of 1905. These “thought experiments“ were

45、pages of calculations signed and submitted to the prestigious journal Annalen der Physic by a virtual unknown. There were no footnotes or citations. What might happen to such a submission today? “We all get papers like those in the mail,“ Greene said. “We put them in the junk file.“(分数:7.50)(1).What

46、 do scientists seem to agree upon, judging from the first two paragraphs?(分数:1.50)A.Einstein pushed mathematics almost to its limitsB.It will take another Einstein to build a unified theoryC.No physicist is likely to surpass Einstein in the next 200 yearsD.It will be some time before a new Einstein

47、emerges(2).What was critical to Einstein“s success?(分数:1.50)A.His talent as an accomplished musicianB.His independent and abstract thinkingC.His untiring effort to fulfill his potentialD.His solid foundation in math theory(3).What does the author tell us about physicists today?(分数:1.50)A.They tend t

48、o neglect training in analytical skillsB.They are very good at solving practical problemsC.They attach great importance to publishing academic papersD.They often go into fields yielding greater financial benefits(4).What does Brian Greene imply by saying “. it would be a lot harder for him to be hea

49、rd“ (Para. 9)?(分数:1.50)A.People have to compete in order to get their papers publishedB.It is hard for a scientist to have his papers published todayC.Papers like Einstein“s would unlikely get published todayD.Nobody will read papers on apparently ridiculous theories(5).When he submitted his papers in 1905, Einstein _.(分数:1.50)A.forgot to make footnotes and citationsB.was little known in academic circlesC.wa


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