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1、2015学年北京第六十六中学八年级上第一次质检英语试卷与答案(带解析) 其他 阅读与表达 (每小题 2分,共 10分 ) People all over the world eat rice. Millions of people in Asia, Africa and South America eat it every day of their lives. Some people eat almost nothing but rice. Rice is a kind of grass. There are more than 7, 000 kinds of rice. Farmers g

2、row rice in many countries, even in the southern part of the United States and in eastern Australia. No one really knows where rice came from. Some scientists think that it started to grow in two places. They think that one kind of rice grew in southern Asia thousands of years ago. Someone in China

3、wrote about it almost 5, 000 years ago. Another kind probably grew in west Africa. Other scientists think that rice came from India, and Indian travelers took it to other parts of the world. There are two main ways to grow rice. Most rice grows in wet soil. People in many countries do all of the wor

4、k of growing rice by hand. This is the same way farmers worked hundreds of years ago. In some countries, people now use machines on their rice farms. People use every part of the rice plant. They make animal food and rice oil from it. They also make baskets, brooms and roofs for their houses. They b

5、urn dry rice plants in fires for cooking. 【小题 1】 Do the people all over the world eat rice 【小题 2】 How many kinds of rice are there 【小题 3】 Where do scientists think rice came from 【小题 4】 How did farmers grow rice hundreds of years ago 【小题 5】 Which part of the rice plant can be used 答案:【小题 1】 Yes 【小题

6、2】 More than 70,00. 【小题 3】 Southern Asia, West Africa or India. 【小题 4】 By hand. 【小题 5】 Every part. 试题分析:本篇文章介绍了水稻的种类,水稻的由来,可能来自亚洲的南部,非洲的西部或者是印度,和水稻的种植方式和水稻的用途。 【小题 1】细节理解题。根据 People all over the world eat rice.可知遍及全世界的人们都吃米饭。 【小题 2】细节理解题。根据 There are more than 7, 000 kinds of rice.可知有7,000多种水稻。 【小题

7、3】细节理解题。根据 They think that one kind of rice grew in southern Asia thousands of years ago. Another kind probably grew in west Africa. Other scientists think that rice came from India,可知水稻来自亚洲南部,非洲西部或者是印度。 【小题 4】细节理解题。根据 People in many countries do all of the work of growing rice by hand.可知数百年前人们是手工种植

8、水稻。 【小题 5】细节理解题。根据 People use every part of the rice plant.可知水稻的每一部分都有用。 考点:考查阅读与表达。 单项选择 * Look at the new words. Please _ in your notebook. A write it down B write down it C write them down D write down them 答案: C 试题分析 : 句意:看这些新单词,把 它们写下来记在你的笔记本里。因为是 new words应该用 them来代替,又因为 down是个副词,故把 them放中间,故选

9、 C。 考点:考查动词短语和代词。 Youd better read more English magazines to improve your reading. _ A Why dont you read it B Thats a good idea. C Can I help you D Im sorry to hear that. 答案: B 试题分析 : 句意: -你最好多读杂志来提高你的阅读。 -那是个好主意。此题考查情景交际,联系前后句,故选 B。 考点:考查情景交际。 The boys are going to play football after school. Um, D

10、ont forget _ them _ on the road. Its dangerous. A telling; playing B to tell; not to play C to tell; playing D telling; to not play 答案: B 试题分析 : 句意: -男孩们放学后要去踢足球。 -不要忘了告诉他们不要在路上玩耍,太危险。此题考查固定短语 forget to do sth 忘记做某事,和 tell sb not to do sth告诉某人不要做某事,故选 B。 考点:考查非谓语动词。 Everyone should _ a pen friend. A

11、 has B have C had D to have 答案: B 试题分析 : 句意:每个人都应该有个笔友。因为有 should,后面应用动词原形,故选 B。 考点:考查情态动词。 How about _ the radio in English every day A hearing B sounding C listening to D listening 答案: C 试题分析 : 句意:每天听英文版的收音机怎么样?因为 about是个介词,后用动名词形式, listen to the radio听收音机,故选 C。 考点:考查动名词短语释义。 Its a good idea _ fri

12、ends all over the world. A to make B for making C makes D made 答案: A 试题分析 : 句意:交遍及全世界的朋友是个好主意。 It是形式主语,真正的主语是不定式结构,故选 A。 考点:考查动词不定式。 Dont forget _ the lights when you leave. A turn on B turn off C to turn off D to turning off 答案: C 试题分析 : 句意:当你离开的时候别忘记了关灯。此题考查 forget to do sth忘记做某事,因为你离开,应该是关灯,故选 C。

13、 考点:考查动词短语释义。 Give him _ to eat, please. A delicious anything B delicious something C anything delicious D something delicious 答案: D 试题分析 : 句意:给他一些美味的食物吃。因为是肯定句,用 something,又因为形容 词修饰不定代词放不定代词之后,故选 D。 考点:考查形容词和不定代词 _on the road is very dangerous. A Play B Played C Playing D Plays 答案: C 试题分析 : 句意:在路上玩

14、耍是非常危险的。此题考查动名词作主语,故选 C。 考点:考查动名词。 Nothing is _than playing tennis. A more excited B boring C more exciting D more bored 答案: C 试题分析 : 句意:没有比打网球更叫人兴奋的事了。因为有比较级 than,根据句意,是令人兴奋的食物,故选 C。 考点:考查形容词比较级。 I like watching matches _TV. A in B on C by D at 答案: B 试题分析 : 句意:我喜欢在电视上观看比赛。此题考查介词, Ain在 里;Bon通过; C在 旁

15、; Dat ;根据句意,通过电视看比赛,故选 B。 考点:考查介词。 If I can run as _as Tom, both of us will be chosen to take part in the sports meeting. A fast B faster C fastest D the fastest 答案: A 试题分析 : 句意:如果我能和 Tom 跑的一样快,我们两个都被选去参加运动会。此题考查同级进行比较 as+形容词或副词原形 +as,故选 A。 考点:考查同级比较。 He _his English book at home yesterday. A forget

16、s B forgot C leaves D left 答案: D 试题分析 : 句意:昨天他把书落在家里了。此题考查 leave sth +介词短语把某物落在了哪,故选 D。 考点:考查一般过去时。 Mike went boating with his friends last weekend. They _ a good time. A have B had C will have D are having 答案: B 试题分析 : 句意:上周末迈克和他的朋友们去划船了,他们玩得很开心。因为是上周末的事情,用一般过去时,故选 B。 考点:考查一般 过去时。 Can you practise

17、the violin with me after school A play B to play C playing D played 答案: C 试题分析 : 句意:放学后,你能和我一起练习拉小提琴吗?此题考查固定短语practise doing something练习做某事,故选 C。 考点:考查动名词。 - _ do you get to school - I go there by bus. A How B What C Which D Where 答案: A 试题分析 : 句意: -你经常怎样去学校? -我经常坐公交车。根据回答,应该是以什么样的方式去学校,故选 A。 考点:考查特殊

18、疑问词。 I have _ books than you. A many B much C more D most 答案: C 试题分析 : 句意:我有的书比你有的书要多。因为有个 than应用比较级,故选C。 考点:考查比较级。 完型填空 完形填空(每小题 1分 ,共 10分) Many teenagers feel that the most important people in their lives are their friends. They believe that their family , and in special their parents, dont know t

19、hem as well as their do. In large families, it is quite often for brother and sister to with each other and they can only go to their friends for . It is very for a teenager to have one good friend or a circle of friends. Even when they are not with their friends, they usually spend a lot of time ta

20、lking among themselves on the phone. This is very important in childrens growing up, because friends can discuss something difficult to to their family members. However, parents often try to their childrens friends for them. Some parents may even stop their children meeting their good friends. The q

21、uestion of “choice” is an interesting one. Have you ever about the following questions Who choose your friends Do you choose your friends or your friends choose you Have you got a good friend your parents dont like Your answers are welcome. 【小题A members B parents C brothers D sisters 1】 A parents B

22、teachers C friends D classmates A talk B speak C play D fight A advice B money C help D quiet A interesting B difficult C important D necessary A education B information C friendship D communication A enjoy B say C speak D think A teach B help C choose D talk A by B under C from D at A talked B thou

23、ght C listened D compared 答案:【小题 1】 A 【小题 2】 C 【小题 3】 D 【小题 4】 A 【小题 5】 C 【小题 6】 D 【小题 7】 B 【小题 8】 C 【小题 9】 C 【小题 10】 B 试题分析:这篇文章介绍了青少年更喜欢和朋友交流的情况,父母有时会干涉孩子,呼吁大家参加讨论。 【小题 1】考查名词及语境。句意:他们相信家庭成员还不如朋友们理解他们。A. members 成员; B. parents 父母; C. brothers 兄弟; D. sisters 姐妹;根据句意,应该是总称家庭成员,故选 A。 【小题 2】考查名词及语境。句意

24、:他们相信家庭成员还不如朋友们理解他们。A. parents父母; B. teachers 老师; C. friends朋友 ; D. classmates同班同学;根据文章第一句话,应该是朋友 ,故选 C。 【小题 3】考查动词及语境。句意:在大家庭里对于兄弟姐妹来说互相打 架那是经常的事。 A. talk交谈; B. speak讲话; C. play 玩耍; D. fight 打架;根据后面说,他们只能去朋友家,所以是互相打架,根据句意,故选 D 。 【小题 4】考查名词及语境。句意:他们只能去朋友需求建议。 . A. advice建议;B. money 金钱; C. help帮助; D.

25、 quiet安静; 根据句意,只能是需求建议更为合适,故选 A。 【小题 5】考查形容词及语境。句意 : 对于一个青少年来说,有一个好朋友或一群好朋友是非常重要的。 A. interesting有趣的; B. difficult困难的; C. important重要的; D. necessary必要的;根据 Many teenagers feel that the most important people in their lives are their friends.故选 C 。 【小题 6】考查名词及语境。句意:这种交流是非常重要的。 A. education 教育;B.informa

26、tion信息; C. friendship友谊; D. communication交流;根据 Even when they are not with their friends, they usually spend a lot of time talking among themselves on the phone.可知是这种交流,故选 D。 【小题 7】考查动词及语境。句意:如果很难和父母说的话,他们一般和朋友讨论。 A. enjoy喜欢; B. say 说; C. speak讲; D. think 思考;根据句意,故选 B。 【小题 8】考查动词及语境。句意:然而,父母经常为孩子们选择

27、朋友。 A. teach教; B. help帮助; C. choose 选择; D. talk交谈;根据句意,故选 C。 【小题 9】考查介词及语境。句意:一些父母还阻止孩子们去会见他们的好朋友。此题考查固定短语 stop sb from dong sth组织某人做某事;根据句意,故选C。 【小题 10】考查动词及语境。句意:你曾经想过下列问题吗? A. talked 交谈;B. thought思考,考虑; C. listened 听; D. compared比较;根据句意;应该是think about思考考虑,故选 B。 考点:考查社会现象类阅读。 阅读理解 Here are the con

28、tents (目录 ) of a book. Units Readings Skills Words Unit 1 Music Music & Feelings Sad movies Understanding main ideas Predicting by titles Kinds of music Music stars Unit 2 Sports National sports The ancient Olympic Games Understanding main ideas Guessing the meanings of new words Action verbs Names

29、of sports Sports tools Unit 3 Weather Weather service Weather and nature Understanding main ideas Guessing the meanings of new words Weather conditions Weather information Unit 4 Culture Traveling in India Body language in the United States Understanding main ideas Predicting by titles Making infere

30、nces Cultural studies Culture and art Unit 5 Space Living in space The planets Understanding main ideas Understanding attitudes Space news Space terms 【小题 1】 If youre interested in music, you can read “ ”. A National sports B Sad movies C The planets D Weather service 【小题 2】 You can learn something

31、about weather in . A Unit 1 B Unit 2 C Unit 3 D Unit 4 【小题 3】 Words about are in Unit 5. A music stars B weather conditions C sports tools D space news 【小题 4】 In all the units, you can learn the skill of . A predicting by titles B understanding attitudes C understanding main ideas D guessing the mea

32、ning of new words 答案:【小题 1】 B 【小题 2】 C 【小题 3】 D 【小题 4】 C 试题分析:这篇文章介绍了一本书的目录包括各个单元的内容,阅读内容,提升技巧和单词的概括。 【小题 1】细节理解题 . 根据文章 Unit 1 Music Music & Feelings Sad movies 可知如果你对音乐感兴趣,你就可以阅读悲剧。故选 B。 【小题 2】细节理解题。根据文章 Unit 3 Weather Weather service Weather and nature Understanding main ideas Guessing the meanin

33、gs of new words Weather conditions Weather information 可知如果你想了解天气情况就要学习第三单元。故选 C。 【小题 3】细节理解题。根据 Unit 5 Space Living in space The planets Understanding main ideas Understanding attitudes Space news Space terms 可知第五单元的单词是关于太空新闻的。故选 D。 【小题 4】细节理解题。根据 Skills Understanding main ideas Predicting by title

34、s Understanding main ideas Guessing the meanings of new words Understanding main ideas Guessing the meanings of new words Understanding main ideas Predicting by titles Making inferences Understanding main ideas Understanding attitudes 可知技巧方面都有理解文章大意。故选 C。 考点:考查表格类阅读。 You want to run across the stree

35、t to catch the bus which is leaving soon But wait! Youd better not. If a policeman sees you, youll have to pay a fine(罚款) . New traffic laws say that if people cross the street when the light is red, they can be fined as much as 50 yuan. Traffic accidents killed more than 104, 000 people in China la

36、st year. Chinese cities have more cars than ever. Drivers and pedestrians(行人) must work together to make the streets safer. The law has new rules for drivers and pedestrians. Drivers have to slow down when they are close to crosswalks. If people are in a crosswalk, cars must stop to let them walk. T

37、here are rules for bus drivers, too. If bus drivers smoke, drink or make phone calls while driving, they can be fined. Buses that carry too many people are also against the law. Pedestrians will have to walk more safely under the new law. They must cross streets at crosswalks. Also, they shouldnt cl

38、imb over the fences along streets. Do you bike to school Its not a good idea to carry classmates on the back. You could be fined 50 yuan. And stay in the bike lane when youre riding. The big roads are for cars and buses. Do you like to ride your uncles motorbike When you put on your helmet, ask him

39、to put one on, too. People on motorbikes must wear helmets, the law says. If they dont, theyll have to pay 200 yuan. Do you ride in cars often Dont forget to put on your seat belt, even if youre going for a short taxi ride. It could save your life. If you see a hit-and-run(肇事逃逸) , tell the police. T

40、hey may give you a reward. And dont be afraid to help people to hospital if they are hurt in an accident. Dont worry about money. The new law says that doctors must take care of them even if they cant pay right away. 【小题 1】 Dont go across the road when . A the light is green B the light is red C the

41、 bus is leaving D traffic is busy 【小题 2】 What does the word “crosswalk” mean in Chinese A过马路 B人行横道 C立交桥 D车行道路 【小题 3】 If you are a bus driver, while you are driving, according to the new traffic laws. you can make a phone call B. you cant talk to others C. you cant smoke D. you can drink 【小题 4】 When

42、you ride in a car, the first thing you must do is . A to put on the helmet B to pay the driver C to put on the seat belt D see if it carries too many people 答案:【小题 1】 B 【小题 2】 B 【小题 3】 C 【小题 4】 C 试题分析:这篇文章讲述了每年的交通事故都会让很多人死去,新的交通法规对机动车和行人都有了很多规则,这样就可以减少交通事故。 【小题 1】细节理解题 . 根据文章 New traffic laws say th

43、at if people cross the street when the light is red, they can be fined as much as 50 yuan.可知当你红灯时穿过马路时,你就会被罚 50元钱。故选 B。 【小题 2】细节理解题。根据文章 Drivers have to slow down when they are close to crosswalks. If people are in a crosswalk, cars must stop to let them walk.可知司机们不得不减慢速度当他们接近人行横道时。当人们在人形横道上行走时,车必须停

44、下来让他们先过。故选 B。 【小题 3】细节理 解题。根据 There are rules for bus drivers, too. If bus drivers smoke, drink or make phone calls while driving, they can be fined.可知如果司机吸烟,喝酒,打电话会被罚款的。故选 C。 【小题 4】细节理解题。根据 Dont forget to put on your seat belt,可知当你上了车,别忘记了系安全带。故选 C。 考点:考查日常生活类阅读。 If you usually take the school bus

45、or sometimes need to take public buses to school, there are some important rules you should know. When you are waiting for the bus, you should wait at the bus stop, and stand well back. When you get off the bus, make sure you and the driver can see each other, and wait for the driver to signal you b

46、efore you cross the road in front of the bus. Never go back for anything you may leave on the bus when it is starting. Never bend down near the bus when you walk to or from the bus stop. You should cross the street at a crosswalk or a street corner, and wait for the light to turn green or for the WA

47、LK crossing signal. It is important to look carefully to the left, the right and the left again when you cross the street. Remember that it is dangerous to stay in the areas around buses where the driver cant see you. Dont run between parked cars or buses. Do not run across the street or through par

48、king areas to catch up with your friends. 【小题 1】 It is important to when you cross the street. A run quickly B wait for the light to turn green C look carefully to the left D look carefully to the right 【小题 2】 If you walk to or from the bus stop, you mustnt . A bend down on the bus B cross the street at a crosswalk or a street corner C bend down near the bus D look carefully to the left, the right and the left agai


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