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1、2012-2013学年河北省保定一中高二第一学期第二次阶段考试英语试卷与答案(带解析) 其他 根据对话内容,从对话后的选项中选出最佳选项,并将其答案:标号填入题后的空白处。选项中有两项为多余选项。 Question: Why is it so hard for some people to apologize after theyve done something wrong I have made every effort to persuade my uncle to be nice to people that he knows hes hurt. 【小题 1】 How I wish t

2、hings would be better if hed just say hes sorry and ask them to forgive him. Answer: _【小题 2】 Its just easier for him to pretend nothing happened than to face the embarrassment (尴尬 ) of admitting he was wrong. Youve probably done the same thing yourself at some time. In fact, most of us have. Further

3、more, what if others wont forgive him even if he apologizes 【小题 3】 Pride blinds us to our mistakes or faults. Or at least it makes us pay less attention to their seriousness. Pride also makes us unwilling to admit to others that we were wrong. Perhaps were afraid they will look down on us if we admi

4、t it. 【小题 4】 But others see through our pride. And things would be far better if we admitted our faults and asked for forgiveness. 【小题 5】 Now you know why your uncle refuses to apologize, talk to him again. Help him to learn how to apologize and ask for forgiveness from others. A But a deeper reason

5、 is pride. B But he just refuses to do that. C We may even hope that somehow they will ignore it. D As a result, you would offend others and hurt their feelings. E. There are a variety of reasons for your uncles refusal to apologize. F. Otherwise our pride would only hurt us and cause conflict with

6、others. G. One reason your uncle finds it hard to apologize could be embarrassment. 答案: 【小题 1】 B 【小题 2】 G 【小题 3】 A 【小题 4】 C 【小题 5】 F 试题分析:本文分析了作者的叔叔做错事后不愿意道歉的原因。 【小题 1】 B上文提到 I have made every effort to persuade my uncle to be nice to people that he knows hes hurt.下文又说 How I wish things 可知,叔叔 并没有听作者

7、的劝告去道歉。所以答案:选 B、但是他拒绝这样做。 【小题 2】 G根据下文提到了 embarrassment of admitting 所以很容易选出答案:为 G、叔叔认为很难道歉的一个原因是怕尴尬。 【小题 3】 A 根据下文接着提到 Pride 而且接上面提到了一个原因,所以答案:选 A、但是更进一步的原因是自尊心。 【小题 4】 C根据上文说 were afraid they will look down on us if we admit it.如果承认错误怕他们会鄙视我们。所以这时候就希望对方能自己忽视不 理这种错误。答案:选 C。 【小题 5】 F此段内容依然跟自尊心有关系。别人

8、可能会看穿我们的自尊心,如果我们承认错误,得到对方原谅那会更好。否则,自尊心只会伤害我们,造成与他人的矛盾。因此答案:选 F。 考点:考查补全对话 单项选择 * Is Jenny coming to the exchange meeting _. She may not have time. A Up to you B Sure C I guess so D It depends 答案: D 试题分析:考查交际用语。根据句意: Jenny 要来参加交流会吗? 视情况而定吧。她可能没有时间。 A由你决定; B肯定的,当然; C我猜是这样; D视情况而定。所以答案:选 D。 考点:考查交际用语 H

9、e _ English for four years before he went abroad. A has studied B was studying C has been studying D had been studying 答案: D 试题分析:考查时态。根据句意:在他出国之前已经学习 了四年的英语。可知,学英语的动作发生在出国之前,而且现在出国依然在学,因此用过去完成进行时。所以答案:选 D。 考点:考查时态 Carelessness always contributes _ car accidents. Therefore, drivers are advised to co

10、ncentrate their attention _ driving. A for; to B to; on C with; on D in; to 答案: B 试题分析:考查介词。第一个空是考查 “contribute to”指 “导致,有助于 ”;第二个空考查 “concentrate ones attention on”指 “集中注意力于 ”。所以答案:选 B。 考点:考查介词 With a lot of difficulties _, they went to the seashore and had a good rest. A settled B settling C to se

11、ttle D being settled 答案: A 试题分析:考查 with的复合结构。在 with的复合结构中动词的形式要看与其修饰的宾语之间的关系,主动关系用 doing,被动完成关系用 done。句意:解决了许多难题,他们去了海边好好休息一下。表示 “问题已经被解决 ”,所以用settled。答案:选 A。 考点:考查 with的复合结构 The number of people present at the meeting _ two hundred and a number of them _ from the countryside. A is, are B is, is C a

12、re, are D are, is 答案: A 试题分析:考查主谓一致。 the number of 表示 “ 的数量 ”,谓语动词用单数,a number of 表示 “许多,大量 ”谓语动词用复数。句意:与会的人数达到了 200多人,许多是来自农村。所以答案:选 A。 考点:考查主谓一致 Giving up smoking is a slow and painful _ for him. A pressure B process C motivation D profession 答案: B 试题分析:考查名词辨析。根据句意:戒烟对他来说是个漫长痛苦的过程。 A压力; B过程,步骤; C动

13、机,野心; D职业,专业。所以答案:选 B。 考点:考查名词辨析 Busy _ he was, he managed to spare some time to help plan the project. A while B although C as D when 答案: C 试题分析:考查 as的倒装。根据句意:尽管他很忙,但总是能腾出时间帮忙计划这个项目。开头有了 busy,所以引导句子的连词只 有用 as可以引导倒装。while和 although只能引导正常语序的状语从句。所以答案:选 C。 考点:考查 as的倒装 The maths teacher demanded that a

14、ll the students _ the examination paper within one and a half hours. A would finish B finished C finish D could finish 答案: C 试题分析:考查虚拟语气。在 demand“要求 ”的宾语从句中要用虚拟语气,谓语部分用( should) + do, should可以省略。所以答案:选 C。 考点:考查虚拟语气 You must keep it _ in mind that education is the first productivity. A mildly B firml

15、y C tightly D roughly 答案: B 试题分析:考查副词辨析。根据句意:你必须牢牢记住教育是第一生产力。 A温和地,善良地; B坚定地,牢固地; C紧紧地; D粗糙地。所以答案:选 B。 考点 :考查副词辨析 This word is wrongly spelt; a letter is _. A left behind B left alone C left out D left off 答案: C 试题分析:考查动词短语辨析。根据句意:这个单词拼错了,漏掉了个字母。A落下; B不理,不顾; C漏掉,省去; D 戒除,不再使用。所以答案:选 C。 考点:考查动词短语辨析 I

16、t makes _ big difference to keep calm when giving _ first aid. A a, / B /, the C a, the D /,a 答案: A 试题分析:考查冠词。第一个空是固定短语 make a big difference “起重要作用 ”。第二个空也是固定短语 first aid“急救 ”不用冠词。句意:当实施急救时保持镇静很重要。所以答案:选 A。 考点:考查冠词 _, the experiment will be successful. A If carefully doing B If it done carefully C

17、If carefully done D If doing carefully 答案: C 试题分析:考查省略。在 if引导的条件状语从句中,省略了主语和 be动词,experiment与 do之间是被动关系要用被动语态,即完整句子应该是, If the experiment is done carefully。所以答案:选 C。 考点:考查省略 In the front of the hall _ a group of pupils, who were listening to the lecture attentively. A were sitting B sat C sit D was

18、sitting 答案: B 试题分析:考查时态。该句是方位词置于句首构成的全部倒装结构,所以句子的主语是 a group of pupils。在全部倒装结构中不用进行时态,所以根据定语从句中的谓语 “were listening”时态选用一般过去时。所以答案:选 B。 考点:考查时态 Have you ever had a case _ someone accused your journalists of getting the wrong end of the stick A where B which C that D when 答案: A 试题分析:考查定语从句。先行词是 case,在

19、定语从句中做地点状语,所以关系词用 where。句意:你有没有过这种情况,有人控告你的记者们本末倒置?所以答案:选 A。 考点:考查定语从句 People all over the world are kept _ of what is happening at once by means of the Internet. A suspected B convinced C approved D informed 答案: D 试题分析:考查动词辨析。根据句意:通过网络,世界各地的人们随时可以了解发生的事情。选项中的四个动词都可以和 of连用,但只有 inform可以用于keep informe

20、d of 形式,意为 “让 知道或了解 ”。 A怀疑; B使相信; C支持,赞成,批准。所以答案:选 D。 考点:考查动词辨析 完型填空 Mrs. Barrow, room 501, I repeated to myself as I was looking for the room number. It was my first day of grade and I was really . Stepping into the room, I felt . I tried to keep calm, but Mrs. Barrow saw through me. “Good morning,

21、 Courtni. You may pick your .” I glanced round the room and took a(n) seat near a girl named Wendy. Soon, Wendy and I became good friends. I felt no closeness to Mrs. Barrow, . Mrs. Barrow had us write a paper what we wanted to be when we grew up. She said that when her students graduated, she liked

22、 them to come back and their fifth-grade dreams together, as a memory of their childhood. I decided right then that I liked Mrs. Barrow. A month later, my grandmother died of cancer. her was so painful for me that I _ some school. At the funeral(葬礼 ), I was sitting feeling sorry for myself when I lo

23、oked and saw Mrs. Barrow standing there. She my hand and comforted me by reminding me that Grandma had no more pain or . had never occurred to me that it was better for my grandma this way. After the funeral, we went home to see the flowers that had been sent. My mom me a pretty ivy(常春藤 ) plant. The

24、 attached card : Courtni, Im sorry about your grandma. Never forget, I love you. With love, Mrs. Barrow I wanted to . I took the plant home, watered it and put it in my grandmas old room. I am in eighth grade now and I have that plant. I never thought a teacher could that much about her students: no

25、w I know. 【A first B third C fifth D eighth 小题1】 A nervous B sad C angry D surprised A out of order B out of mind C out of control D out of place A chair B seat C desk D book A good B clean C empty D pretty A though B although C if D while A in B with C by D on A perfect B former C slow D ordinary A

26、 spare B bring C share D handle A Thinking B Having C Attending D Losing A missed B forgot C left D lacked A around B up C down D out A shook B waved C gave D held A delight B surprise C suffering D disappointment A It B She C They D He A dropped B handed C presented D provided A read B told C wrote

27、 D informed A run B smile C cry D wait A even B yet C also D still A learn B care C serve D offer 答案: 【小题 1】 C 【小题 2】 A 【小题 3】 D 【小题 4】 B 【小题 5】 C 【小题 6】 A 【小题 7】 D 【小题 8】 B 【小题 9】 C 【小题 10】 D 【小题 11】 A 【小题 12】 B 【小题 13】 D 【小题 14】 C 【小题 15】 A 【小题 16】 B 【小题 17】 A 【小题 18】 C 【小题 19】 D 【小题 20】 B 试题分析:文章

28、大意:作者上五年级的时候碰到一位老师 Mrs. Barrow, 我当时并没有感到跟老师有多亲近。 她让同学们在纸上写下自己的理想以便毕业后回来再分享这时的梦想,于是我开始喜欢老师。在奶奶的葬礼上,老师来参加并安慰我而且还送来了盆常青藤。我至今还养着它,看到它就会感受到老师的关爱。 【小题 1】 C 数词辨析。根据空所在的句子 she liked them to come back and their fifth-grade dreams together可知,此时作 者刚刚上五年级。所以选择 C。 【小题 2】 A 形容词辨析。根据上文说自己在找教室的时候一个劲重复着老师和教室的名字,而且是第

29、一天来,所以可以推断作者此时心情很紧张( nervous)。 B伤心的; C.生气的; D.惊讶的。所以答案:选 A。 【小题 3】 D 名词短语辨析。因为刚到这个教室来上课,所以当作者走进教室时,都是陌生面孔,感到自己很不合适。 A.出毛病的,杂乱无章的; B心不在焉的; C.失控的; D不合适的,不在适当位置的。所以选择 D。 【小题 4】 B 名词辨析。根据下文 40个空后面提到 seat,所以选择 B、 pick your seat指 “选个座位 ”。 【小题 5】 C 形容词辨析。老师让我找个座位,所以要找个没人的空位。 A好的;B干净的; C空的; D漂亮的。所以选择 C。 【小题

30、 6】 A 连词辨析。 然而,我并没有感到与老师的亲近。空格在句末,所以要用副词。虽然四个选项都可以做连词, A尽管; B尽管; C如果; D当 时候,尽管。但是只有 though可以用作副词 “可是,虽然,然而 ”。所以答案:选 A。 【小题 7】 D 介词辨析。 “写在纸上 ”介词用 on,所以答案:选 D。 【小题 8】 B 形容词辨析。当她以前的( former)学生毕业后,她喜 欢让他们再回来 A 完美的; C慢的; D普通的。所以答案:选 B。 【小题 9】 C 动词辨析。结合上句 回来后分享( share)他们当年上五年级的梦想。 A腾出,省出; B带来; D处理。答案:选 C。

31、 【小题 10】 D 动词辨析。一个月以后,奶奶死于癌症。所以这时作者失去( lose)奶奶感到很伤心难过。 A 想; B 有; C 照料。此句考查到动名词做主语。 【小题 11】 A 动词辨析。因为伤心所以没有上学,自然就落下一些课。此处school指 “学业 ”,所以 miss some school指 “落课 ”。 A错过,思念; B忘记; C离开, leave school指 “毕业 ”; D缺少。所以答案:选 A。 【小题 12】 B 考查副词辨析。根据常识,在奶奶的葬礼上,作者应该是一直跪着的,头是低下的。所以此处指抬头看到老师 A look around 环顾四周; B look

32、 up抬头看; C look down低头看; D look out向外看。所以答案:选 B。 【小题 13】 D 动词辨析。老师握着( hold)我的手安慰我 A shake ones hand与某人握手; D hold ones hand握住某人的手。所以答案:选 D。 【小题 14】 C 名词辨析。根据 or前面的 pain(疼痛),所以与此并列可以选出suffering(痛苦,苦楚)。句意:老师安慰我说,奶奶得了癌症,去世了,其实是一种解脱,她不再那么痛苦了。 A高兴; B惊讶; C痛苦,受难; D失望。所以答案:选 C。 【小题 15】 A 代词辨析。句型 “It never occ

33、urred to me that” 指 “我从没有想到 ” 。 It做形式主语,代指 that引导的主语从句。句意:我从没有想到,这对奶奶来说更好。 【小题 16】 B 动词辨析。葬礼之后,妈妈交给( hand)我了一棵漂亮的常春藤。A掉下,落下; B 传递, 交给; C呈献,赠送; D提供。所以答案:选 B。 【小题 17】 A 动词辨析。常春藤上附着一张纸条,写着 表示纸条或信息等写着什么用 read,不用 write。 【小题 18】 C 动词辨析。看了老师留的便条,我感动地想哭( cry)。 【小题 19】 D 副词辨析。我现在上八年级了,但我依然( still)养着这棵常青藤。 A甚

34、至; B然而; C也。所以答案:选 D。 【小题 20】 B 动词辨析。我从没有想到一个老师会如此关爱( care)她的学生,现在我知道了。 A学会; C服务; D提供。所以答案:选择 B。 考点:考查记叙文 阅读理解 A recent study, published in last weeks Journal of the American Medical Association, offers a picture of how risky(冒险的 ) it is to get a lift from a teenage driver. Indeed, a 16-year-old driv

35、er with three or more passengers is three times as likely to have a deadly accident as a teenager driving alone, while the risk of death for drivers between 30 and 59 decreases with each additional passenger. The authors also found that the death rates for teenage drivers increased sharply after 10

36、p.m., and especially after midnight. With passengers in the car, the driver was even more likely to die in a late-night accident. Robert Foss, a scientist at the University of North Carolina Highway Safety Research Center, says the higher death rates for teenage drivers have less to do with “really

37、stupid behavior” than with just a lack of driving experience. “The basic issue,” he says, “is that adults who are responsible for issuing licenses fail to recognize how complex and skilled a task driving is.” Both he and the author of the study believe that the way to mitigate (使 缓解 )the problem is

38、to have states set up so-called graduated licensing systems, in which getting a license is a multistage process. A graduated license requires that a teenager first prove himself capable of driving in the presence of an adult, followed by a period of driving with night or passenger limits, before gra

39、duating to full driving licenses. Graduated licensing systems have reduced teenage driver crashes, according to recent studies. About half of the states now have some sort of graduated licensing system in place, but only 10 of those states have limits on passengers. California is the strictest, with

40、 a new driver under 20 forbidden to carry any passenger (without the presence of an adult over 25) for the first six months. 【小题 1】 Which of the following situations can we infer is most dangerous according to the passage A A teenager driving after midnight with passengers in the car. B Adults givin

41、g a lift to teenagers on the highway after 10 p.m. C Adults driving with three or more teenage passengers late at night. D A teenager getting a lift from a stranger on the highway at midnight. 【小题 2】 According to Robert Foss, the high death rate of teenage drivers is mainly because of _. A their fre

42、quent driving at night B their improper ways of driving C their driving with passengers D their lack of driving experience 【小题 3】 According to Paragraph 3, which of the following statements is TRUE A The licensing departments are partly responsible for teenagers driving accidents. B Driving is too c

43、omplex a skill for teenagers to learn. C Teenagers should be forbidden to apply to take driving lessons. D Teenagers should spend more time learning to drive. 【小题 4】 A suggested measure to be taken to reduce teenagers driving accidents is that_. A driving in the presence of an adult should be made a

44、 rule B the licensing system should be improved C they should not be allowed to drive after 10 p.m. D they should be forbidden to take on passengers 答案: 【小题 1】 A 【小题 2】 D 【小题 3】 A 【小题 4】 B 试题分析:文章大意:调查研究表明青少年驾车死亡率高于成年人。本文还提出了解决此问题的相应措施。 【小题 1】 A 推理判断题。根据第二段句子 increased sharply after 10 p.m., and esp

45、ecially after midnight. With passengers in the car, the driver was even more likely to die in a late-night accident.可以推断出,青 少年午夜之后驾车载人是最危险的时候。所以答案:选 A。 【小题 2】 D细节理解题。 根据第三段句子 the higher death rates for teenage drivers have less to do with “really stupid behavior” than with just a lack of driving exp

46、erience可知,青少年司机的高死亡率与 “驾驶经验缺失 ”的关系比 “做傻事 ”更大。关键要理解 less表否定。所以答案:选 D。 【小题 3】 A 正误判断题。根据第三段最后 的句子 “The basic issue,” he says, “is that adults who are responsible for issuing licenses fail to recognize how complex and skilled a task driving is.”可以判断, Robert Foss强调指出,根本问题是,负责发放驾照的成年人没能认识到驾驶汽车非常复杂且技术性很强。

47、所以他们对青少年司机的车祸问题负有责任。因此答案:选 A。 【小题 4】 B 细节理解题。文章的第四五两段 讲的都是驾照发放系统的改进问题,对于 A、 C、 D所说的几条建议,在最后两段介绍的建议中都只字未提。所以答案:选 B。 考点:考查调查研究类阅读 Eight days for just¥ 12, 000 Departs: MayOctober 2007 Includes: Return flights from 6 Chinas airports to Naples Return airport to hotel transport Seven nightsaccommodation

48、at the 3-star Hotel Nice Breakfast The service of guides Government taxes Join us for a wonderful holiday in one of the Europes most wonderful-Naples in Italy if you want to have a nice time in a beautiful small quiet place The ancient Romans called the city“happy land”with attractive coastline, colorful towns, splendid views and the warm Mediterranean Sea Your best choice for a truly memorable holiday! Choos


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