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1、2010-2011甘肃天水一中学第 5次模拟考试英语试卷与答案 单项选择 * 从 A、 B、 C、 D四个选项中,找出其画线部分与所给单词的画线部分读音相同的选项。 1 spare A. fear B. earn C. pear D. beard 2 breathe A. mouthful B. thought C. athlete D. within 3 practiced A. recognized B. watched C. whispered D. worried 4 foot A. goose B. proof C. look D. blood 5 many A marry B ma

2、chine C anything D fancy 答案: 【小题 1】 . C 【小题 1】 .D 【小题 1】 .B 【小题 1】 .C 【小题 1】 .C 【小题 1】 故选 C 【小题 1】 故选 D 【小题 1】 watch /w t/故选 B 【小题 1】 C 【小题 1】 故选 C When she was in trouble, I did what I could to help her _ my help, she wrote me a letter of thanks A In honor of B In case of C In terms of D In return

3、for 答案: D Just as the famous man _it, “Anything one man can imagine, other men can make_real.” A says, it B put, / C says, / D put, them 答案: B Della turned all of her pockets inside out only to find $ 1.87 _buy Jim a present for Christmas A with what to B with that she can C in which to D with which

4、 to 答案: D It is what you do rather than what you say _ matters A that B what C which D this 答案: A This research has attracted wide _ coverage and has featured on BBC televisions Tomorrows World. A message B information C media D data 答案: D Not until he left his home _ to know how important the famil

5、y was for him. A did he begin B had he began C he began D he had began 答案: A How long have you been going to in Tanggou Senior Middle School ? More than two years. So it will be less than one year _you graduate from this school. A when B that C before D since 答案: C To all the famous artists surprise

6、 the unknown womans two _paintings are also on show in the art exhibition A little blue oil B blue little oil C oil blue little D little oil, blue 答案: A Don t be joking. It s time to_your business. A set out B take up C go on D get down 答案: A The warmth of _ coat will mostly be determined by _ soft

7、of cloth used. A the; a B a; the C /; the D a; a 答案: B I am amazed at someone so rich _ difficulty in paying what he owes you. A as to have B who has no C that he has no D having 答案: D You were not listening ; what troubled you I my coming math exam A am thinking about B was thinking about C had tho

8、ught about D will think about 答案: B After the bell rings, which indicates the ending of the exam, you_stay where you are until all your papers are collected A shall B would C will D can 答案: A When _questions in class, one should answer them as clearly as possible A asking B to ask C to be asked D as

9、ked 答案: D Jim went to answer the phone. _, Harry started to prepare lunch. A However B Nevertheless C Besides D Meanwhile 答案: D 完型填空 How to Be Polite at a Dinner Party Its not polite to arrive at a dinner more than 15 to 20 minutes late. The host or hostess usually waits for all the 21 to arrive bef

10、ore serving the meal. If someone is late, the food may be spoiled(变味 ), and 22 may the host or hostess spirits If you have to be 23 , call and tell them to start 24 you Its even worse to be early! The host or hostess will probably not be 25 If you are early, drive or walk around the block a few time

11、s, or just sit in your car until the right time Though its often 26 to arrive at a party on time, on the other hand,the host or hostess 27 guests to arrive and leave between certain times, so you can 28 at any time between the times he or she gives you Its nice to bring an empty stomach, but its eve

12、n nicer to bring 29 present The present should not cost a lot, or you might make the host or hostess 30 Flowers,wine, or a box of candy will be fine 31 bring money as a present In an introduction, the 32 of a name is: (1)the given name; (2)the family name In other 33 , the given name comes 34 . Its

13、important not only to learn and remember 35 ,but to repeat them often in conversation After the introduction, we usually call friends by their 36 names Older people may want you to call them by their titles and family names, such as “Mrs. Smith”, “Mr. Johnosn”, “Dr .Brown”. A maiden(闺女 )name is a 37

14、 family name at birth. In the United States and Canada,after a woman 38 , she takes the family name of her 39 in place of her maiden name It is now becoming common, however, for women to 40 their maiden names after they get married, 【小题 1】 . A guests B visitors C customs D passengers 【小题 2】 . A or B

15、 so C but D yet 【小题 3】 . A tired B hungry C 1ate D early 【小题 4】 . A without B for C with D after 【小题 5】 . A awake B ready C up D friendly 【小题 6】 . A useless B impossible C unable D important 【小题 7】 A forces B invites C begs D orders 【小题 8】 . A play B fly C arrive D start 【小题 9】 . A a big B a small C

16、 a good D an expensive 【小题 10】 . A pleased B satisfied C interested D uneasy 【小题 11】 . A Never B Always C Do D Be sure to 【小题 12】 . A spelling B calling C order D pronunciation 【小题 13】 . A words B 1etters C idioms D sentences 【小题 14】 . A 1ast B first C finally D in the middle 【小题 15】 . A expressions

17、 B appearances C names D addresses 【小题 16】 . A given B family C middle D pen 【小题 17】 . A ge ntlemans B boys C womans D mans 【小题 18】 . A works B marries C bears D dies 【小题 19】 . A husband B mother C father D sister 【小题 20】 . A stop B give up C keep D find 答案: 【小题 1】 .A 【小题 1】 .B 【小题 1】 .C 【小题 1】 .A 【

18、小题 1】 .B 【小题 1】 .D 【小题 1】 .B 【小题 1】 .D 【小题 1】 .B 【小题 1】 .D 【小题 1】 .A 【小题 1】 .C 【小题 1】 .A 【小题 1】 .B 【小题 1】 .C 【小题 1】 .A 【小题 1】 .C 【小题 1】 .B 【小题 1】 .A 【小题 1】 .C 阅读理解 Destiny and Personal Responsibility One important variable affecting communication across cultures is destiny(命运)and personal responsibi

19、lity. This refers to the degree to which we feel ourselves the masters of our lives, contrary to the degree to which we see ourselves as subject to things outside our control. Another way to look at this is to ask how much we see ourselves able to change and act, to choose the course of our lives an

20、d relationships. Some have drawn a parallel between the personal responsibility in North American settings and the view itself. The North American view is vast, with large spaces of unpopulated land. The frontier attitude of “King” of the wilderness, and the expansiveness of the land reaching huge d

21、istances, may relate to generally high levels of confidence in the ability to shape and choose our destinies. In this expansive land, many children grow up with a heroic sense of life, where ideas are big, and hope springs forever. When they experience temporary failures, they encouraged to redouble

22、 their efforts, to “try, try again.” Action, efficiency(效 率) , and achievement are valued and expected. Free will is respected in laws and enforced by courts. Now consider places in the world with much smaller land, whose history re flects wars and tough struggles: Northern Ireland, Mexico, Israel,

23、Palestine. In these places, destinys role is more important in human life. In Mexico, there is a history of hard life, fighting over land, and loss of homes. Mexicans are more likely to see struggles as part of their life and unavoidable. Their passive attitude is expr4essed in their way of respondi

24、ng to failure or accident by saying “no mode” (“no way” or “tough lick”), meaning that the failure was destined. This variable is important to understanding cultural conflict. If someone believing in free will crosses paths with someone more passive, miscommunication is likely. The first person may

25、expect action and accountability. Failing to see it, he may conclude that the second is lazy, not cooperative, or dishonest. The second person will expect respect for the natural order of thins. Failing to see it, he may conclude that the first is forcible, rude, or big headed in his ideas of what c

26、an be accomplished or changed. 【小题 1】 . The author thinks that ones character is partly determined by . A physical senses B general attitude C financial background D geographic characteristics 【小题 2】 . According to the passage, Mexicans would think that Americans are . A impractical B dishonest C am

27、bitious D hesitant 【小题 3】 . The underlined word “subject” in Paragraph 1 probably means . A a topic of a discussion B a branch of knowledge C a person being experimented on D a person under the power of others. 【小题 4】 . The author would probably agree that . A vast land may lead to a more controllab

28、le desire B heroic sense of life roots deeply in a small country C living in limited space contributes to an accepting attitude D fighting over land may help people gain high levels of confidence 答案: 【小题 1】 D 【小题 1】 A 【小题 1】 D 【小题 1】 C On Christmas morning, I went to the Cockhedge Mall. People there

29、 were all busy buying their last minute requirements. I needed to buy a birthday card for my son-in-law whose birthday is the 29th of December. Picking up a few more things as well as my cared I went to join the line for the express checkout which was for people who only had a few items in a basket

30、and not a trolley load. This line was next to the Customer Service desk. Seemingly waiting quite a long time, I was jogged out of my thoughts by a voice behind me making comments on the things I bought. It was so funny when I realized that she was describing the contents of my basket. The owner of t

31、he voice was a very pretty young lady. I said to her that I was going to buy a box of Christmas cookies but the only ones left were not to my liking. The lady told me that just opposite Cockhedge in Superdrug they had lots of cookies. I said, “Im not going to bother now. I had enough of shops and Im

32、 going home.” The assistant from the Customer Service came across at this time saying “If there is anyone in the line with a few items in their basket, none of which needed to be weighed, I will check out their groceries at the desk.” Because I had the sprouts which needed to be weighted, the young

33、lady accepted the offer and walked away waving goodbye. Eventually my turn came at the checkout. I was walking away when I met my new friend once again who handed me a beautiful box of Christmas cookies. With a big hug she said “Hope you have a lovely Christmas.” She had been into Superdrug to buy m

34、e the cookies while I was still queuing in Cockhedge. What a generosity to a stranger! I was so surprised you could have knocked me down with a feather. My Good Samaritan would never know what a joyful Christmas day I had with my family. Telling them this story, as we ate around the table, kept ever

35、yone spellbound. 【小题 1】 . The underlined word “spellbound” in the last paragraph probably means . A interested B disappointed C astonished D frightened 【小题 2】 . Which of the following could be the best title of the story A A Piece of Lucky Feather B A Surprise Christmas Gift C The Boring Shopping Ex

36、perience D The Unforgettable Big Hug 【小题 3】 . How does the writer feel about the pretty young lady A Worried. B Satisfied. C Grateful D Proud. 【小题 4】 . What can we learn from the story A Nobody is sure what will happen the next moment. B A simple action can bring other people happiness. C Being pati

37、ent will decrease the waiting time. D Life without hope and faith is a full thing. 答案: 【小题 1】 .A 【小题 1】 .B 【小题 1】 .C 【小题 1】 .B In this age of Internet chat, videogames and reality television, there is no shortage of mindless activities to keep a child occupied Yet, despite the competition, my 8-year

38、-old daughter Rebecca wants to spend her leisure time writing short stories She wants to enter one of her stories into a writing contest, a competition she won la st year As a writer I know about winning contests, and about losing them I know what it is like to work hard on a story only to receive a

39、 rejection slip form the publishers. I also know the pressures of trying to live up to a reputation created by previous victories What if she doesnt win the contest again Thats the strange thing about being a parent So many of our own past scars and dashed hopes can surface A revelation (启示) came la

40、st week when I asked her, Dont you want to win again No, she replied, I just want to tell the story of an angel (天使) going to first grade.” I had just spent weeks correcting her stories as she naturally told them Telling myself that I was merely an experienced writer guiding the young writer across

41、the hall, I offered suggestions for characters, conflicts (冲突) and endings for her tales The story about a fearful angel starting first grade was quickly guided” by me into the tale of a little girl with a wild imagination taking her first music lesson I had turned her contest into my contest withou

42、t even realizing it Staying back and giving kids space to grow is not as easy as it looks Because I know very little about farm animals who use tools or angels who go to first grade, I had to accept the fact that I was co-opting (借用) my daughters experience While stepping back was difficult for me,

43、it was certainly a good first step that I will quickly follow with more steps, putting myself far enough away to give her room but close enough to help when asked All the while I will be reminding myself that children need room to experiment, grow and find their own voices 【小题 1】 . What do we learn

44、from the first paragraph A Children do find lots of fun in many mindless activities B Rebecca is much too busy to enjoy her leisure time C Rebecca draws on a lot of online materials for her writing D A lot of recreations compete for childrens time nowadays 【小题 2】 . What did the author say about her

45、own writing experience A She didnt quite live up to her reputation as a writer B Her way to success was full of pains and frustrations C She was constantly under the pressures of writing more D Most her stories had been rejected by publishers 【小题 3】 . The author took great efforts to correct her dau

46、ghters stories because _ A She believed she had the knowledge and experience to offer guidance B she didnt want to disappoint her daughter who needed her help so much C she wanted to help her daughter realize her dream of becoming a writer D she was afraid her daughters imagination might run wild wh

47、ile writing 【小题 4】 . Whats the authors advice for parents A A writing career, though attractive, is not for every child to pursue B Children should be allowed freedom to grow through experience C Parents should keep an eye on the activities their kids engage in D Children should be given every chanc

48、e to voice their opinions 答案: 【小题 1】 .D 【小题 1】 .B 【小题 1】 .A 【小题 1】 . B Another food which is closely associated with Americans is apple pie Apple pie is often served hot with a spoon of ice cream or a slice of cheese at the end of the biggest meal of the daydinner, and it is a favorite dessert throughout the nation.If a person is typical of Americans, we can say, He is as American as apple pie It is true that the app


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