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1、Business & Strategic Planning,Business & Strategic Planning,A step by step guide to developing and writing a business plan,Business & Strategic Planning,What is a Business Plan?,A business plan isA written statement describing your organisation, why it is needed, what organisational activities, serv

2、ices, facilities and programmes are proposed, how these will be managed, what outcomes and achievements will be made and how these will be financed; in particular it will show where the money will be sourced from and how and when it will be spent. It should also include information about your organi

3、sation, its aims, objectives, history and the organisations ability to delivery the work/activities. It is a means of demonstrating that you know what you are doing and can be trusted with the money you are asking for.,Business & Strategic Planning,Why do we need a Business Plan?,INTERNAL REASONS,Bu

4、siness & Strategic Planning,Before you get started,Developing a business plan should be a dynamic and creative process, give those involved the opportunity to take a step back and reflect, review the progress made and develop a new sense of purpose and direction. WhenIt is important to consider the

5、timing of developing your business plan- ensure the organisation undertakes the process at an appropriate time and schedules it into calendar- as they say if you fail to plan, you plan to fail! Effective Time Management and Support Managing the time effectively and supporting individuals and tasks w

6、ill help keep things on track during the process reducing the likelihood of things getting dragged out, people gain a real understanding of what is involved in its development and tasks are completed.,Business & Strategic Planning,Before you get started,Clarify consultation areasIt is also important

7、 to think about who should be involved in the process before you embark on developing a business plan for the organisation. You will need to work out what areas are open for consultation, those people both within and outside your organisation who could contribute and communicate the decision making

8、processes clearly, which aids in managing peoples expectations. Who to consult withConsulting with a wide range of staff, volunteers, groups and organisations, both internal and external to the organisation, can help with various aspects of the business plan including reviewing where you are now, id

9、eas for future work and what factors may impact on the success of proposed ideas.,Business & Strategic Planning,Who can we consult with?,Staff Volunteers Local Schools Centre Users Local groups Local Parish/Town Council Local Churches Childrens Centre,Local District/Borough Council Local businesses

10、County Council Health organisations, local PCT Police Sheltered accommodation Housing associations,Some examples,Business & Strategic Planning,Key Steps to devising your Business Plan,1. Clarifying the vision and the values of the organisation2. Review the organisations current position3. Identify I

11、deas- explore assumptions, strategic opportunities and direction4. Agree the strategic direction5. Identifying the resources required and the organisations capacity to deliver6. Produce the Business Plan Document7. Implement the Business Plan,Business & Strategic Planning,Step 1: What are our Missio

12、n, Vision and Values?,Mission and Vision statements are two different things although they are closely linked and may overlap. A mission statement concisely describes the organisations key purpose and primary objectives- what the organisation is in operation to do. The unifying, localised statement

13、should answer 3 questions from your communities (as your customers) perspective;- What you do - How you do it - Who you do it for,Business & Strategic Planning,Tips on developing your Mission Statement,1. Begin with thinking about the role your organisation plays 2. Ensure you take time writing the

14、Mission Statement. Its a challenging but vital task- it needs to be both positive and inspirational! 3. On separate lists write down: What you do and how well you do it, the people involved in and participating with your organisation, your community- who are they, how you help people and your organi

15、sations values, beliefs and philosophy. 5. Pick out the most important points 6. Gain input from other people 7. Select your most important words and combine in one sentence or put your most important sentences together in one short paragraph youll then have a Mission Statement!,Community,improve qu

16、ality of life,sense of place,Empower,supporting,Inclusive,Business & Strategic Planning,Vision and Values,VisionA vision statement is the long-term change the organisation would ideally like to see if its work is successful. It should set out your ideal destination- where your organisation wants to

17、be. It should be challenging, innovative and forward-looking. The vision should be motivating and enable staff, volunteers and others to see how their effort contributes to an overall inspirational purpose. Values The beliefs of an organisation, the expression of what it represents and how it will c

18、onduct itself. Values are the heart of an organisations being. Values underpin policies, objectives, procedures and strategies as they provide an anchor and a reference point for all things that take place.,Business & Strategic Planning,Some mission, values and vision examples,Community Action Hamps

19、hires Mission Statement;“To strengthen and promote voluntary and community action”Community Action Hampshires Values;To remain an independent advocate for the voluntary and community sector in Hampshire To conduct ourselves in an open and transparent way To be responsible to the needs and views of o

20、ur members To value the diversity of the voluntary and community sector Youthnets Vision statement;“Youthnets vision is of an inclusive and equitable society that values children and young people and actively enables and celebrates their contribution to this.“,Business & Strategic Planning,Step 2: R

21、eviewing your organisations current position,Review and evaluation areas for your organisation to consider,Business & Strategic Planning,Where are we now?,In order to develop a realistic and effective business plan that takes the organisation into the future it is important that a review of the orga

22、nisation as it stands now is undertaken. Youll need to consider where you are now, what you do and how you do it, how did you get to this point, what has gone well and what hasnt, who do you serve? These are just some of the questions you will need to explore and answer. To help you analyse your org

23、anisation, recognise trends, identify what is happening both within and outside the organisation that impacts on the work that you do and get a true picture of where you are there are a number of reflection and reviewing tools you can use, you can use one or all of them, whatever suits your organisa

24、tion,Reflection & Reviewing Tools,Business & Strategic Planning,Reflection and Reviewing tools SWOT Analysis,The SWOT analysis looks at your organisations Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats. Think about what these are and record them down, perhaps in a table. By doing this you will be

25、able to pull out what you do well and can build on, what needs to be improved and developed. It will also identify the opportunities the organisation may be able to capitalise on and identify obstacles and barriers that may get in the way of developing the opportunities. In turn this will aid you to

26、 identify what the organisation as a whole can do to overcome these challenges.,Business & Strategic Planning,PESTLE analysis,A PESTLE analysis explores and identifies the external environment factors that surround your organisation which have an impact on the business what you do or want to do.,Com

27、munity Association,Political,Economical,Social,Technological,Legal,Environmental,Business & Strategic Planning,7S Model,This tool is frequently adopted to assess and monitor changes within the organisations internal situation. The 7S model is based on the theory that, for an organisation to perform

28、effectively, the 7 elements need to be aligned and mutually supporting. Use the model to review the organisation under each element to see if you can identify any elements that need to be realigned to improve performance.,Business & Strategic Planning,Step 3: Identify Ideas- Explore assumptions, str

29、ategic opportunities & direction,After reviewing and understanding your organisations current position, activities, services, structure, strengths, weaknesses, opportunities etc as well as your community needs and external impacts and trends it is now time to use this information and think about wha

30、t, as an organisation, you would like to do in the future. Gain ideas from all stakeholders and exploreWhat areas of work will you continue to deliver and why? Explore why you deliver the work you do. Should you continue to deliver this work? Look into the areas of work that the organisation current

31、ly delivers which are important to the community, effective and are in line with your mission, values and vision for the future. You may then wish to prioritise areas of work in relation to those that are significant to achieving your aims, meet community need and are financially viable.,Business &

32、Strategic Planning,Identifying ideas and strategic choices ,What new areas of work do you need to develop and move into and why?Ask and work out, based on your review and need information, what services, activities, events or programmes should the organisation establish and deliver. Again you may wi

33、sh explore in depth why the organisation should move into the new areas of work and prioritise them in relation to achieving your agreed mission, vision and values, organisational capacity and financial viability. Other ideas can be identified by exploring What partnerships, networks and forums do y

34、ou need to participate in and why? What do you need to develop internally to improve your performance? What areas of work are you not going to deliver or move into and why?,Business & Strategic Planning,What are your assumptions?,A business plan should outline clearly and define its core assumptions

35、 as those stakeholders (including funders) reading it may wish to understand the assumptions upon which the rest of the plan is based. Assumptions need to be credible, openly discussed and frequently reviewed. The danger of delivering services, activities, programmes and events where an assumption n

36、o longer applies is common place. It may be helpful to identify elements that may challenge or conflict with the assumption and to test out how secure and concrete the assumption is.Examples of assumptions could include; The numbers of young people attending the youth club will stay the same over th

37、e next three years Local government grant to our organisation will decrease by 8% a year Other community centres and halls in the area will continue to charge a similar fee for their facilities as we do We will need to recruit more volunteers to help run our services and activities.,Business & Strat

38、egic Planning,Step 4: Agree the strategic direction,Having a clear strategic direction with which the trustees and staff are highly engaged is a critical factor in building a sustainably successful organisation. Strategic direction is about establishing your strategic goals/aims and methods you will

39、 use to achieve them. It implies a definition of intent, (what should the organisation achieve and why) as well as identification of the key means of achieving it, the main effort. Agreeing the strategic direction and aims involves constant referral to the mission statement, values and vision for th

40、e organisation. The process will encompass a continual movement between generating opportunities, forming priorities and working within the resources the organisation has and will have to utilise.,Business & Strategic Planning,Setting your strategic direction,It is important to set strategic aims th

41、at: specify a clear direction; focus on intended outcomes; interlink with other aims; are realistic and achievable; In order to have a plan that is fluid, concise, well planned and has a clear direction it is important to restrict the number of strategic aims you devise (ideally no more than 6 or 7)

42、. Developing a future strategy usually involves making challenging decisions. You may have to decide to discontinue an area of work, reduce resources for a project or not develop a staff members proposal all of which will most likely cause conflict and anxiety. It is just as vital you consider the a

43、reas of work you will not be delivering as to those areas you will.,Business & Strategic Planning,Step 5: Identifying resources required & the organisations capacity to deliver,Before finalising the organisations priorities, areas of work and programmes of activity you wish to deliver within the bus

44、iness plans timeframe, it is vital you work out if you can realistically achieve them. Youll need to ask yourself, explore and answer some questions including; Do we have the finances to deliver all of our intended work streams? How much will it cost to deliver our activities, projects, services etc

45、? Do we have enough members of staff and volunteers to run and manage the work? What facilities and equipment will we need? Do we have the appropriate policies, procedures and systems in place?,Business & Strategic Planning,Financial Resources,Business & Strategic Planning,Financial information in a

46、 business plan?,In an increasingly tough market place a voluntary organisation needs to demonstrate in a business plan that; It is financially viable has considered its financial policy and expected income and expenditure in an articulate and realistic manner Made realistic predictions about the org

47、anisations financial future Has calculated its services, activities and programmes costs using accurate figures and taken a full cost recovery approach with contingency plans attached Has consistent and reliable financial management policies and procedures,Business & Strategic Planning,Financial pos

48、ition,A good starting point is to look at reviewing your current financial position- Where do you gain income and what do you spend your money on? Is this likely to continue in future years? How much do we rely on particular income streams? Can we predict what financial trends will occur in the next

49、 3,5 and 10 years time? What can we do to secure these income streams? Where else can we gain income?,Business & Strategic Planning,Where could we gain income from?,Grants from local authorities Sponsorship Contracts and service level agreements Grants from trusts, other funding bodies and companies Hire of facilities and resources,Membership Income from sale of services/goods Management fees Legacies Fundraising Profit from trading arms,Business & Strategic Planning,How much money will we need to meet our strategic objectives?,


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