ANSI ASME PTC 22-2014 Performance Test Code on Gas Turbines.pdf

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1、Gas TurbinesPerformance Test CodesAN AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARDASME PTC 22-2014(Revision of ASME PTC 22-2005)ASME PTC 22-2014(Revision of ASME PTC 22-2005)Gas TurbinesPerformance Test CodesAN AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARDTwo Park Avenue New York, NY 10016 USADate of Issuance: December 31, 2014This Code

2、 will be revised when the Society approves the issuance of a new edition.ASME issues written replies to inquiries concerning interpretations of technical aspects of this Code.Interpretations are published on the Committee Web page and under certain actions of

3、 the ASME PTC Committee may be published as Cases. Cases arepublished on the ASME Web site under the PTC Committee Page at asthey are issued.Errata to codes and standards may be posted on the ASME Web site under the Committee Pages toprovide corrections to incorrectly publis

4、hed items, or to correct typographical or grammatical errorsin codes and standards. Such errata shall be used on the date posted.The PTC Committee Page can be found at There is an option availableto automatically receive an e-mail notification when errata are posted to a pa

5、rticular code or standard.This option can be found on the appropriate Committee Page after selecting “Errata” in the “PublicationInformation” section.ASME is the registered trademark of The American Society of Mechanical Engineers.This code or standard was developed under procedures accredited as me

6、eting the criteria for American NationalStandards. The Standards Committee that approved the code or standard was balanced to assure that individuals fromcompetent and concerned interests have had an opportunity to participate. The proposed code or standard was madeavailable for public review and co

7、mment that provides an opportunity for additional public input from industry, academia,regulatory agencies, and the public-at-large.ASME does not “approve,” “rate,” or “endorse” any item, construction, proprietary device, or activity.ASME does not take any position with respect to the validity of an

8、y patent rights asserted in connection with anyitems mentioned in this document, and does not undertake to insure anyone utilizing a standard against liability forinfringement of any applicable letters patent, nor assumes any such liability. Users of a code or standard are expresslyadvised that dete

9、rmination of the validity of any such patent rights, and the risk of infringement of such rights, isentirely their own responsibility.Participation by federal agency representative(s) or person(s) affiliated with industry is not to be interpreted asgovernment or industry endorsement of this code or

10、standard.ASME accepts responsibility for only those interpretations of this document issued in accordance with the establishedASME procedures and policies, which precludes the issuance of interpretations by individuals.No part of this document may be reproduced in any form,in an electronic retrieval

11、 system or otherwise,without the prior written permission of the publisher.The American Society of Mechanical EngineersTwo Park Avenue, New York, NY 10016-5990Copyright 2014 byTHE AMERICAN SOCIETY OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERSAll rights reservedPrinted in U.S.A.CONTENTSNotice . vForeword viCommittee Roste

12、r . viiCorrespondence With the PTC Committee viiiSection 1 Object and Scope 11-1 Object 11-2 Scope 11-3 Test Uncertainty 11-4 Other Requirements and References . 2Section 2 Definitions and Descriptions of Terms . 32-1 General 32-2 Definitions . 3Section 3 Guiding Principles . 73-1 Agreements 73-2 Pr

13、eparations for Test 103-3 Conduct of Test . 113-4 Test Records 123-5 Test Validity 123-6 Uncertainty . 13Section 4 Instruments and Methods of Measurement 154-1 General Requirements 154-2 Pressure Measurement 194-3 Temperature Measurement 224-4 Gas Fuel Heat Input 264-5 Liquid Fuel Heat Input . 294-6

14、 Electrical Generation Measurement 314-7 Mechanical Power Measurement 364-8 Speed Measurement 364-9 Humidity Measurement . 364-10 Heat Losses 374-11 Other Measurements 37Section 5 Computation of Results. 395-1 Electrical Power Calculations 395-2 Mechanical Power Output Calculation . 415-3 Heat Rate

15、Calculations 415-4 Correction of Test Results Fundamental Performance Equations . 445-5 Application of Correction Factors . 465-6 Degradation 48Section 6 Report of Results 496-1 General Requirements 496-2 Summary . 496-3 Test Description 496-4 Test Equipment . 496-5 Calculations and Results 496-6 Ap

16、pendices . 49iiiSection 7 Test Uncertainty . 507-1 Introduction 507-2 Understanding Test Uncertainty . 507-3 Unit Output and Thermal Efficiency . 537-4 Comparative Testing Uncertainty 617-5 Uncertainty of Flow Calculation From Heat Balance . 62Figures3-1.5.1-1 Generic Test Boundaries 94-2.3.8-1 Five

17、-Way Manifold for Differential Pressure (DP) Instruments 204-2.3.9-1 Differential Pressure (DP) Correction for Flow on Nonhorizontal Lines . 214-3.2.1-1 Four-Wire RTDs 224-3.2.1-2 Three-Wire RTDs . 224-4.2-1 Generic Gas Fuel Test Boundary 274-5.2-1 Generic Liquid Fuel Test Boundary 304-6.2.1-1 Two-M

18、eter Metering System for Use on Three-Wire Delta ConnectedPower Systems . 324-6.2.1-2 Two-Meter Metering System for Use on Three-Wire Wye ConnectedPower Systems . 324-6.2.2-1 Three-Meter Metering System for Use on Four-Wire Power Systems 337-2.1.1-1 Illustration of Measurement Errors 517-2.4-1 Test

19、Uncertainty Diagram . 52Tables2-2.1-1 Symbols 52-2.1-2 Subscripts 63-1.5.2-1 Required Measurements 93-3.5-1 Maximum Permissible Variations in Operating Conditions . 124-1.2.1-1 Maximum Allowable Measurement Uncertainties 155-3.1.1-1 Typical Values for Unit Conversion Factor, N1, Using Common Units o

20、fMeasure 425-3.1.3-1 Typical Values for Unit Conversion Factor, N2, Using Common Units ofMeasure 435-4-1 Summary of Additive Correction Factors for Power FundamentalPerformance Equation 455-4-2 Summary of Correction Factors in All Fundamental PerformanceEquations 457-3.1-1 Step 1: Code Limit Uncerta

21、inty (Example) . 547-3.1-2 Step 2: Pretest Uncertainty Calculation (Example) 557-3.1-3 Step 3: Post-test Uncertainty Calculation (Example) 567- Heat Input Uncertainty for Mass Flow Meter 607-3.3.3-1 Heat Input Uncertainties for Liquid Fuel 607-4.3-1 Comparative Test Example 627-5.4-1 Exhaus

22、t Flow Uncertainty . 637-5.6-1 Exhaust Energy Uncertainty . 64Mandatory AppendixI Determination of Gas Turbine Exhaust Energy, Flow, and Temperature . 65Nonmandatory AppendicesA Sample Calculations 88B PTC Uncertainty Estimates From ASTM Repeatability and ReproducibilityData . 96C References 99ivNOT

23、ICEAll Performance Test Codes must adhere to the requirements of ASME PTC 1, GeneralInstructions. The following information is based on that document and is included here foremphasis and for the convenience of the user of the Code. It is expected that the Code user isfully cognizant of Sections 1 an

24、d 3 of ASME PTC 1 and has read them prior to applying thisCode.ASME Performance Test Codes provide test procedures that yield results of the highest levelof accuracy consistent with the best engineering knowledge and practice currently available.They were developed by balanced committees representin

25、g all concerned interests and specifyprocedures, instrumentation, equipment-operating requirements, calculation methods, and uncer-tainty analysis.When tests are run in accordance with a Code, the test results themselves, without adjustmentfor uncertainty, yield the best available indication of the

26、actual performance of the tested equip-ment. ASME Performance Test Codes do not specify means to compare those results to contractualguarantees. Therefore, it is recommended that the parties to a commercial test agree before startingthe test and preferably before signing the contract on the method t

27、o be used for comparing thetest results to the contractual guarantees. It is beyond the scope of any Code to determine orinterpret how such comparisons shall be made.vFOREWORDThe original Performance Test Codes Committee No. 22 was established in 1945 to develop atest code on Gas Turbine Power Plant

28、s. This initial Code was published in 1953. Subsequentversions of the Code were published in 1966 and 1985, each time incorporating latest practicesin accordance with the directives of PTC 1, General Instructions.The 1997 version addressed for the first time the issue of measurement uncertainty, and

29、 alsorecognized the significant advances in gas turbine and instrumentation technologies.The efforts on the 2005 version began during the publication period of the 1997 Code. Itsobjectives were to develop procedures for comparative (back-to-back, or before and after) testingand for determining exhau

30、st flow and energy for heat recovery applications. The 2005 versionincorporated these procedures, as well as updated calculations in many areas to reduce theuncertainty of the results.Work on the current edition began in 2007. The key objectives of this revision were to correcterrors and omissions,

31、provide harmonization with other codes and standards, and provide clarifi-cation to the intent of the Code as a result of industry feedback and interpretations to the2005 version. Some of the most significant changes included incorporating the methodology fordetermination of gas turbine exhaust ener

32、gy, flow, and temperature into mandatory sections anda mandatory appendix when these performance results are part of the object of the Code. Similarly,when comparative performance is a test goal, the requirements and guidelines for comparativetesting are included in mandatory sections of the Code. A

33、s a result of advances in instrumentation,Section 4 was revised to include additional flow metering technology. Section 7 on Test Uncertaintywas revised to provide compliance with the methodology for determination of uncertainty usedin the revised PTC 19.1, Test Uncertainty and incorporate the most

34、current engineering analysisand experience.This Code was approved and adopted as an American National Standard on June 9, 2014.viASME PTC COMMITTEEPerformance Test Codes(The following is the roster of the Committee at the time of approval of this Code.)STANDARDS COMMITTEE OFFICERSP. G. Albert, Chair

35、J. W. Milton, Vice ChairJ. H. Karian, SecretarySTANDARDS COMMITTEE PERSONNELP. G. Albert, ConsultantR. P. Allen, ConsultantJ. M. Burns, Burns EngineeringW. C. Campbell, True North Consulting, LLCM. J. Dooley, Alstom PowerG. J. Gerber, ConsultantP. M. Gerhart, University of EvansvilleR. E. Henry, Sar

36、gent however, they shouldnot contain proprietary names or information.Requests that are not in this format may be rewritten in the appropriate format by the Committeeprior to being answered, which may inadvertently change the intent of the original request.ASME procedures provide for reconsideration

37、 of any interpretation when or if additionalinformation that might affect an interpretation is available. Further, persons aggrieved by aninterpretation may appeal to the cognizant ASME Committee or Subcommittee. ASME does not“approve,” “certify,” “rate,” or “endorse” any item, construction, proprie

38、tary device, or activity.Attending Committee Meetings. The PTC Standards Committee and PTC Committees regularlyhold meetings and/or telephone conferences that are open to the public. Persons wishing toattend any meeting and/or telephone conference should contact the Secretary of the PTCCommittee. Fu

39、ture Committee meeting dates and locations can be found on the Committee Pageat PTC 22-2014GAS TURBINESSection 1Object and Scope1-1 OBJECTThis Test Code provides directions and rules for con-duct and report of results of thermal performance testsfor open cycle gas t

40、urbine power plants and gas turbineengines, hereafter referred to as gas turbines. The object isto determine the thermal performance of the gas turbinewhen operating at test conditions, and correcting thesetest results to Specified Reference Conditions. This Codeprovides explicit procedures for the

41、determination ofthe following performance results:(a) corrected power(b) corrected heat rate (efficiency)(c) corrected exhaust flow(d) corrected exhaust energy(e) corrected exhaust temperatureTests may be designed to satisfy different goals,including absolute performance and comparativeperformance.I

42、t is the intent of the Code to provide results withthe highest level of accuracy consistent with the bestengineering knowledge and practice in the gas turbineindustry. In planning the test, an uncertainty analysismust demonstrate that the proposed instrumentationand measurement techniques meet the r

43、equirements ofthe Code.1-2 SCOPEThis Code provides for the testing of gas turbinessupplied with gaseous or liquid fuels (or solid fuelsconverted to liquid or gas prior to entrance to the gasturbine). Tests of gas turbines with emission controland/or power augmentation devices, such as injectionfluid

44、s and inlet-conditioning, are included. It may beapplied to gas turbines in combined cycle plants or withother heat recovery systems.This Code provides for comparative (back-to-back)tests designed to verify performance differentials of thegas turbine, primarily for testing before and after modifi-ca

45、tions, uprates, or overhauls. Improvements to achieveadditional performance may include application of1advanced gas path components, modification of com-bustion system, control scheme changes, increased massflow, and changes to the inlet and exhaust systems ofthe gas turbine.The Code does not apply

46、to the following:(a) gas turbines where useful output is other thanpower to drive a generator or other load device.(b) environmental compliance testing for gasturbines for stack emissions and sound levels. Proce-dures developed by regulatory agencies, ANSI, otherASME PTC Committees, or other equival

47、ent standard,are available to govern the conduct of such testing.(c) overall plant power and thermal efficiency of gasturbine combined cycle and cogeneration facilities. Referto ASME PTC 46 or equivalent standard.(d) absolute or comparative performance of specificcomponents of the gas turbine.(e) pe

48、rformance of auxiliary systems of the gas tur-bine power plant, such as inlet cooling devices, fuel gasbooster compressors, etc.(f) operational demonstration tests and reliabilitytesting.(g) itemized performance changes that are the resultof multiple actions, such as modifications, repairs, orcleani

49、ngs (i.e., compressor, inlet air filtration systems,etc.).1-3 TEST UNCERTAINTY1-3.1 Absolute Performance Test UncertaintyFor absolute performance tests, this Code establishesa limit for the uncertainty of each required measurement(parameter or variable), and also limits the variation ofthe critical parameters during the test. The test uncer-tainty is then calculated in accordance with the proce-dures defined herein and by ASME PTC 19.1. Theprocedures include establishing a Code Limit test uncer-tainty. Both pre- and post-test uncertainty calculationsare required.Users of this Code shal

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