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1、2016年大学生英语竞赛( NECCS) B类初赛真题试卷及答案与解析 Section A 1 Why does the woman do yoga? ( A) She aims to become more flexible. ( B) She does it to relax. ( C) She gets exercise and meditates. ( D) She tries to get less stressed. 2 What did the womans landlord do? ( A) He kept knocking on the womans door. ( B) H

2、e kicked the womans door open. ( C) He asked for the rent by threatening letter. ( D) He kicked the woman out. 3 What does the woman mean? ( A) She doesnt want to sleep over. ( B) She wants to go to bed early. ( C) She doesnt want to throw things away casually. ( D) She wants to be clear in her head

3、 the next morning. 4 Why doesnt the woman do a computer course? ( A) She doesnt think its necessary. ( B) She worries about the tuition. ( C) She thinks its too difficult for her. ( D) She doesnt like technology. 5 What do we know about the mans travel? ( A) He will live without basic comforts. ( B)

4、 He will travel to places of interest. ( C) He will travel to major cities. ( D) He will go climbing the whole year. Section B 6 Which one is correct about spending? ( A) Different from last year, spending in recent days didnt increase markedly. ( B) People hardly shop in stores nowadays. ( C) Shopp

5、ing online became the trend in the last two years. ( D) Spending online increase almost 10% compared with the same period in above years. 7 Whats said about the Black Friday Sales? ( A) Its almost the same with sales of other holidays. ( B) It should be looked at in isolation. ( C) Thursday openings

6、 changed its sale pattern. ( D) Theyre much higher than sales on the other days of the week. 8 Whats the relationship of holiday cluster and sales? ( A) Its a marketing plot to keep people consuming. ( B) Holidays have no influence on peoples consumption. ( C) Retailers stimulate consumption by TV a

7、dvertising. ( D) Sales on holidays dont reflect peoples consuming behavior. 9 How will the sale go on probably? ( A) It will probably continue to increase especially online. ( B) It will probably stay stable before Christmas. ( C) It will go down to the bottom after such a golden period. ( D) It wil

8、l be hard to keep on the current level before Christmas. 10 Why is it said that the economy is healthy with 20 million unemployed? ( A) Its not that big compared with the working population. ( B) The quantity of jobs added is bigger than 20 million. ( C) The unemployment ratio is quite low compared

9、with that of other countries. ( D) Its the lowest in the past 14 years. 11 Which one below is correct about employment-to-population ratio? ( A) It has been 60% for five years. ( B) Its one-seventh of the ratio pre-recession. ( C) It has been the lowest in recent 45 years. ( D) Its the same with tha

10、t of the early 1980s. 12 How is the quality of new jobs? ( A) 15% to 25% of adults are working in poverty level jobs. ( B) New jobs accelerate the development of the economy greatly. ( C) The quality of new jobs shows no improvement in wages. ( D) 75% of the new jobs are highly-paid ones. 13 Which o

11、ne below about health care is correct? ( A) Nurses are among the highly-paid in health care. ( B) Home health care are the lowest-paid in health care. ( C) Baby boom will lead to the growth in better jobs. ( D) Jobs in health care are analyzed because theyre the most promising ones. 14 What can he c

12、oncluded from the wage growth? ( A) The economy almost ceases. ( B) We need to be prepared for deflation. ( C) The economy is in a robust recovery. ( D) The economy is in recession. 15 Which one below best summarizes the conversation? ( A) Big growth in wage can be expected. ( B) The US employment r

13、atio is soaring. ( C) Low paying jobs boost US employment ratio. ( D) 200,000 jobs were added. Section C 16 Which one below is said to be even more severe about left-behind children? ( A) Threat to childrens safety. ( B) Damage to Chinas modernization. ( C) Damage to childrens psyche. ( D) Threat to

14、 childrens education. 17 Which one of the following is said in the news? ( A) Japan will provide all the comfort women in Korea with compensation. ( B) The deal hasnt been finally settled. ( C) The issue of wartime comfort women in China is about to be solved soon. ( D) Some former comfort women hav

15、e rejected the deal because they want more money. 18 Which one is correct about the news? ( A) The disaster is partly due to the rare weather phenomenon. ( B) Sailing on the disaster area of Yangtze River is banned. ( C) The captain abandoned the ship. ( D) The ship was actually slowing down when th

16、e incident occurred. 19 Whats said about Sarinah shopping mall? ( A) The first bombing was inside of it. ( B) Its far from the French embassy. ( C) Gunfire occurred before the bombing. ( D) Its still unsafe when the news was released. 20 Whats the main aim of Francois Hollandes declaration? ( A) To

17、fight against extremist attacks. ( B) To stimulate the economy by lengthening working time. ( C) To boost economic growth and revive employment. ( D) To change the social model by calling off measures beneficial for workers. Section D 20 The rise and fall of vacations The rise Top vacation time: Aug

18、ust Paid vacation is a【 D1】 _. The appearance of the word “vacation“ : the middle of the nineteenth century. About vacation It is a reflection of what is happening in society in terms of work and【 D2】 _. People did not have vacation until【 D3】 _of the twentieth century. Prerequisites The【 D4】 _of wo

19、rk and the【 D5】 _. Industrial revolution transformed North America from an agricultural society into an【 D6】 _ one. Work was separated from life. A【 D7】 _appeared, who had money, free time, and a【 D8】 _. The fall Causes Work and life are mixed again because of【 D9】 _. People keep working while on va

20、cation to get more money and enhance themselves. Results More paid leave is offered while shorter but【 D10】 _ones are taken. 21 【 D1】 22 【 D2】 23 【 D3】 24 【 D4】 25 【 D5】 26 【 D6】 27 【 D7】 28 【 D8】 29 【 D9】 30 【 D10】 Section A 31 Because the government knows that many Mexicans will_the dangerous jour

21、ney no matter what it mandates, the guide also explains how to make the trip more safely. ( A) evade ( B) flee ( C) escape ( D) risk 32 After her death, Audrey Hepburn was_internationally as one of the favourite film actresses of all time, an icon to style, elegance, dignity and charity. ( A) mourne

22、d ( B) buried ( C) grieved ( D) saddened 33 Having been overseas for over a decade, Harriet was_by a feeling of homesickness. ( A) overwhelmed ( B) defeated ( C) tamed ( D) surrounded. 34 Here lions, wolves, and other wild animals roamed, but_what you would expect, they were as_as pet cats or dogs.

23、( A) similar to: obedient ( B) contrary to: docile ( C) in accordance with: stubborn ( D) in contrast to: obstinate 35 In 1993 , the charity Motivation was asked to_the desperate need for wheelchair in Cambodia, _thousands are disabled by landmines every year. ( A) assist: while ( B) settle: when (

24、C) address: where ( D) dispose: that 36 The region was extremely beautiful. _Gerard could not imagine spending the rest of his life there. ( A) Nonetheless ( B) Though ( C) Whereas ( D) However 37 Its this negative news_is one of the causes of stress, _can lead to serious illness. ( A) which: what (

25、 B) that: which ( C) which: that ( D) that: what 38 _have we finished reading one depressing story,_another appears that we cant do anything about. ( A) Only then: but ( B) No sooner: and ( C) Hardly: when ( D) Nowhere: while 39 Do the two brothers keep in touch? I remember they used to be very clos

26、e. Yes, they dobut not as much as before they were married. Their wives dont get along, so its a bit of a difficult situation, you know. Thats not good! _ Yes, they can sometimes. This problem is that theyre from different cultural backgrounds. ( A) Women are always jealous of others. ( B) They shou

27、ld tell their wives to be quiet. ( C) In-laws can be a problem sometimes. ( D) Family relationships are delicate. 40 Good afternoon, Davisons Plumbing. Can I help you? I like a plumber to take a look at my toilet, please. It seems to be blocked. Certainly. _Wait a moment. Well, youre in luck. His la

28、st appointment was called off, so he can fit you in at about 5 oclock. Great! Thanks very much for your help. ( A) And the plumber will sort out the cause of the problem. ( B) But the plumber is completely tied up with appointments all day. ( C) And the plumber will go ahead with the work. ( D) But

29、the plumber may not be able to make it there until this noon. Section B 41 As a literary figure, Stephen Dedalus appears in two novels by_. ( A) D.H. Lawrence ( B) John Galsworthy ( C) George Eliot ( D) James Joyce 42 The novel_told a story of a Nazi war criminal. In this novel Martin Amis set the n

30、arrative clock in reverse. ( A) Money, A Suicide Note ( B) Times Arrow ( C) London Fields ( D) Dead Bodies 43 The Chartist Movement took its name from_. ( A) The Agreement of the People ( B) The Bill of Rights ( C) The Peoples Charter ( D) The Great Charter 44 Oxford is on_. ( A) the Thames River (

31、B) the Clyde River ( C) the Severn River ( D) the Great Lakes 45 American president has the following power except_. ( A) appointing government officials ( B) commanding the armed forces ( C) making foreign policies ( D) interpreting the Constitution 一、 Part Cloze 45 One of the most prevalent charac

32、teristics of nature is that it is so versatile. This can be seen in the many different forms of stone. Stone can be smooth, round and cool. It can be sharp, jagged, and【 C1】 w_. It can be tiny particles that are swept dancing into the air by a soft【 C2】 br_, or a solid wall that withstands the force

33、 of a tornado. It can be dark and somber or as colorful as a rainbow. It can even flash with streaks of【 C3】 _(glitter)gold and silver. It can keep forever the secrets of the past, making them objects of beauty【 C4】 _the form of fossils. Human beings, versatile themselves, have observed the differen

34、t ways nature affects stone. They appreciate stone for its beauty in its natural【 C5】 sta_. At the same time, they have developed【 C6】 _(art)uses for stone, including sculpture, architecture, pottery, and sand painting. The Greeks and Romans were particularly【 C7】 fo_of sculpture. Using stone, and e

35、specially marble, they chiseled scenes to commemorate battles, honor great leaders, and glorify the human form. Every generation has used stone to create beautiful buildings, often cathedrals, temples, and churches, and each used it in a different way to show the styles and techniques of the times.

36、For example, the cathedrals built in the late Middle Ages were of the “Gothic“ style,【 C8】 _means they had pointed arches, tall slender pillars, and delicate stone tracery. Pottery is one of the earliest forms of art. It is also one of the most flexible because,【 C9】 _(like)stonemasons who are restr

37、icted by the size and shape of the stone with which they are working, potters can mold their clay into any form they desire. The usual products, however, are bowls and rounded shapes which are particularly easy to make from clay. Sand painting is usually【 C10】 asso_with Native American people. They

38、created designs by allowing dyed sand to sift through their fingers as they moved their arms. 46 【 C1】 47 【 C2】 48 【 C3】 49 【 C4】 50 【 C5】 51 【 C6】 52 【 C7】 53 【 C8】 54 【 C9】 55 【 C10】 Section A 55 Friday 11 March 2011 started like any other day on Twitter. A celebrity story was trending that mornin

39、g, along with business news about Google, when suddenly, at 12:46 a. m. , thousands of tweets started coming out of Tokyo. Something big had happened in the area, and Twitter was first to report it: a massive earthquake had hit Japan, followed by a huge tsunami. Eyewitness testimo-nies from cities r

40、ocked by the quake flooded the web, and then as the tsunami swept the coastline, people scrambled up bridges and buildings and posted footage on YouTube and Facebook. The camera work was shaky, but the content was compellingtheir world was falling apart, yet they continued to film. Over the last few

41、 years, big news stories, such as the Japanese earthquake in 2011 and Hurricane Sandy in 2012 have been reported mainly by ordinary individuals. It was citizen journalists armed with smartphones who brought these stories to the world. Mobile technology has enabled people at the scene of the event to

42、 post videos, photos and commentaries more quickly than paid journalists. The landscape of reporting and of deciding what is newsworthy has changed: news organizations and their reporters no longer set the agenda. The content of the news has changed too, as stories told by citizen journalists are of

43、ten more personal and have more emotional appeal. Unlike investigative journalism, these blog posts and tweets seldom include background information or give a broad overview. People havent got time to collect and scrutinize facts or explore the bigger picture. But in other ways, citizen journalism s

44、upports investigative journalism. It is now easier for ordinary people to expose corruption and cover-ups in government and private companies. In Africa, a virtual noticeboard called Mimiboard helps people to report rigged elections and human rights abuses. These noticeboards create pressure for cha

45、nge and reform, and sometimes they workcorrupt government officials have changed their working conditions. But because of the risks involved, Mimiboard relies on anonymous posts, and anonymous publishing comes with its own set of challenges: it makes it very difficult to verify information. The free

46、dom to publish whatever we want is exciting and empowering, but there are serious ethical implications. Unlike traditional journalism, citizen journalism is largely unregulated, with little or no accountabilitythere is no one to check the facts or trace sources. People can spread rumours or anonymou

47、sly post a defamatory article and get away with it. Because posts are rarely checked and verified, citizen journalism is more vulnerable to scams and can help to spread false information. Citizen journalism is still finding its way. Yet, despite the challenges, this new way of reporting news has had

48、 a largely positive and democratizing effect. Armed with our smartphones, we are now telling our own stories, controlling our own destinies and creating impact and change around the world. “The choice we face,“ says Clay Shirky, professor in new media at New York University, “ isnt whether or not th

49、is is the media environment we want to operate in. This is the environment weve got. The question we all face now is How can we make the best use of this media? “ Questions 56 to 60Mark each statement as either true(T)or false(F)according to the passage. 56 People first learned about the 2011 Japanese earthquake from clear, st


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