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1、BEC商务英语(高级)听力模拟试卷 54及答案与解析 一、 PART ONE 0 PROBLEMS FACING POTENTIAL EXPORTERS 1 In order to be successful, a firm must clearly_, objectives and potential problems. 2 If a company doesnt have some expertise and_, it may not be able to enter the first step. 3 Initial difficulties and_are often failed b

2、y the top management. 4 Compared with the domestic market, it is time-consuming and tiresome to establish a firm in a_. 5 The benefits would at last outweigh the investment, if a good foundation is laid for_. 6 The reason why_act more independently is that the overseas communications and transportat

3、ion is more difficult than their counterparts at home_. 7 It is not easy to account for a new foreign market, and foreign customers have a large part to rely on the_. 8 The difficulty for the new exporter is the neglect of the_at the time that the domestic market booms. 9 Many companies are reluctan

4、t to improve their products to meet the regulations of_of other countries. 10 If exporters expect distributing agents to have a better performance, they must locate _permanently in the local regions. 11 The distributor and the domestic counterparts should be treated_. 12 In general, _is needed for s

5、uccess in using the combination of marketing techniques. 二、 PART TWO 12 A I sent an invitation to a wrong company. B I gave confidential information accidentally to the competitors. C I make decisions all by myself without consulting others. D I brought the wrong paperwork. E Some advisors made poor

6、 recommendations. F The sales revenue is not satisfactory. G I miscalculated the money. H I made a fake accounting sheet. 13 _ 14 _ 15 _ 16 _ 17 _ 17 A Confirming the company before sending invitation. B A partnership abroad was formed. C Consulting the colleagues and making a back up plan. D Some p

7、roducts are rebranded. E Hope that the loss would soon be made up. F We should think out a new plan and an advertising campaign. G Bravely told the truth and quit. H Hope that the sales revenue will rise. 18 _ 19 _ 20 _ 21 _ 22 _ 三、 PART THREE 23 According to Sam, what was the purpose of his visit t

8、o Brazil and Chile? ( A) To present the findings and conclusions from a visit to Brazil and Chile. ( B) To investigate the potential for Sandozs formula powdered milk in Central and South American markets. ( C) To discover ways to penetrate the Central and South American markets. 24 What did Sam str

9、ess at the very beginning of his report? ( A) His findings were very tentative. ( B) He did a very small scale survey. ( C) He stressed that his visit was undertaken last week. 25 What did Sam discover during his visit? ( A) There was a great deal of interest in Sandozs products, especially in the s

10、tandard and range. ( B) Goods produced using Sandozs production lines would be very attractive to the population. ( C) The popularity of top quality imported and domestic products has been increasing. 26 Which obstacle was NOT mentioned in the conversation? ( A) The spending power of the ordinary pe

11、ople might not be strong enough. ( B) The laws in Central and South America might not permit them to do business there. ( C) The selling strategies might be different from what theyre applying now. 27 What was Graces objection in setting up joint ventures? ( A) She thought that legal advice should b

12、e sought after first consideration. ( B) She thought that setting up joint ventures should be a long-term project. ( C) She was worried that the profit margin in joint ventures might be too low. 28 What was the option Sam mentioned for gaining quick returns in a short time? ( A) The import-export ar

13、rangements. ( B) The licensing arrangements. ( C) The local sales and marketing. 29 Why did Sam mention Nests failure in Africa? ( A) Because he wanted to prove the importance of a thorough feasibility investigation before taking any of the recommended options. ( B) Because the main problem in Centr

14、al and South American markets is poor health conditions. ( C) Because he wanted to arrange another longer visit to Brazil or Chile early next year. 30 When will Grace meet with the Senior Management Group? ( A) Next December. ( B) The coming year. ( C) This December. BEC商务英语(高级)听力模拟试卷 54答案与解析 一、 PAR

15、T ONE 0 【听力原文】 Man: Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. Im honoured to have this opportunity to talk to you. My name is Tony Brown, and Im Chief Executive of the Marketing Research. Many firms fail because when they begin exporting they have not researched the target markets or developed an internat

16、ional marketing plan. To be successful, a firm must clearly define goals, objectives and potential problems. Secondly, it must develop a definitive plan to accomplish its objective, regardless of the problems involved. Unless the firm is fortunate enough to possess a staft with considerable expertis

17、e, it may not be able to take this crucial first step without qualified outside guidance. Often top management is not committed enough to overcome the initial difficulties and financial requirements of exporting. It can often take more time and effort to establish a firm in a foreign market than in

18、the domestic one. Although the early delays and costs involved in exporting may seem difficult to justify when compared to establish domestic trade, the exporter should take a more objective view of this process and carefully monitor international marketing efforts through these early difficulties.

19、If a good foundation is laid for export businesses, the benefits derived should eventually outweigh the investment. Another problem area is in the selection of the foreign distributor. The complications involved in overseas communications and transportation require international distributors to act

20、with greater independence than their domestic counterparts. Also, since a new exporters trademarks and reputation are usually unknown in the foreign market, foreign customers may buy on the strength of the distributing agents reputation. A firm should therefore conduct a thorough evaluation of the d

21、istributors facilities, the personnel handling its account, and the management methods employed. Another common difficulty for the new exporter is the neglect of the export market once the domestic one booms: too many companies only concentrate on exporting when there is a recession. Others may refu

22、se to modify products to meet the regulations of cultural preferences of other countries. Local safety regulations cannot be ignored by exporters. If necessary modifications are not made at the factory, the distributor must make them, usually at a greater cost and probably not as satisfactorily. It

23、should also be noted that the resulting smaller profit margin makes the account less attractive. If exporters expect distributing agents to actively promote their accounts, they must be trained, and their performance continually monitored. This requires a company marketing executive to be located pe

24、rmanently in the distributors geographical region. It is therefore advisable for new exporters to concentrate their efforts in a few geographical areas until there is sufficient business to support a company representative. The distributor should also be treated on an equal basis with domestic count

25、erparts. For example, special discount offers, sales incentive programmes and special credit terms should be available. Considering a joint-venture or licensing agreement is another option for new exporters. However, many companies still dismiss international marketing as unviable. There are a numbe

26、r of reasons for this. There may be import restrictions in the target market, the company may lack sufficient financial resources, or its product line may be too limited. Yet, many products that can compete on a national basis can be successful in the majority of world markets. In general, all that

27、is needed for success is flexibility in using the proper combinations of marketing techniques. 1 【正确答案】 DEFINE GOALS 【试题解析】 从录音原文中可知,一个公司要取得成功,就必须明确自己的目标,思考面临的潜在困难。 2 【正确答案】 QUALIFIED OUTSIDE GUIDANCE 【试题解析】 从录音原文中可知,如果一个公司没有专业的人员,也没有合格的外部指导,那么它不可能迈出其成功的第一步。 3 【正确答案】 FINANCIAL REQUIREMENTS 【试题解析】 从录

28、音原文中可知,通常情况下,高层管理者没有负起足够的责任去摆脱出口最初面 临的困境,克服资金需求方面的困难。 4 【正确答案】 FOREIGN MARKET 【试题解析】 从录音原文中可知,通常情况下,在国外建立公司比在国内建立公司需要花费更多的时间和精力。 5 【正确答案】 EXPORT BUSINESSES 【试题解析】 从录音原文中可知,如果出口企业奠定了良好的基础,最终获得的收益将大于最初的投入。 6 【正确答案】 INTERNATIONAL DISTRIBUTORS 【试题解析】 从录音原文中可知,海外通信和交通方面所面临的困难使得国 际销售商比国内销售商拥有更大的独立性。 7 【正确

29、答案】 DISTRIBUTING AGENTS REPUTATION 【试题解析】 从录音原文中可知,在国外市场,一个新的出口公司的商标通常不为人熟知,名气不大,所以外国的消费者可能依靠经销商的知名度来购买产品。 8 【正确答案】 EXPORT MARKET 【试题解析】 从录音原文中可知,新出口商所面临的另一个普遍的问题是在国内市场繁荣的时候容易忽视出口市场,也就是国际市场。 9 【正确答案】 CULTURAL PREFERENCES 【试题解析】 从录音原文中可知,其他出口公司不愿意为了迎合其他国家的文化偏好而去改进其产品。 10 【正确答案】 (A)MARKETING EXECUTIVE

30、 【试题解析】 从录音原文中可知,这就需要一家公司在销售商所在地区永久配备一名营销经理。 11 【正确答案】 EQUALLY 【试题解析】 从录音原文中可知,海外的经销商应得到和国内经销商同等的待遇,就是受到同样的重视。 12 【正确答案】 FLEXIBILITY 【试题解析】 从录音原文中可知,总 的来说,成功所需要的是能够灵活运用营销技巧。 二、 PART TWO 12 【听力原文】 Man: I organise a contracting project, and secretly hire some working staff from other companies, in the

31、 hope of sparing some costs. One day, the contractor told me halfway through that it couldnt be done before the deadline because he was terribly sick. He said that he at least needed another two more weeks to recover. Or I should look for another group of staff so as to minimise the loss. This contr

32、actors staff had to be paid for longer. I did not tell my boss about the problem in case he would be angry with me. And I took a chance that the contractor would be better soon. I think I should be more cautious next time and do not make any decisions all by myself or at least consult with my collea

33、gues and the boss. Whatever I do, I should have a back-up plan in order to make sure of the sustainability of the project. Woman: I used to work in an import-export company as a sales manager. My jobs were to contact the customers and liaise them regularly to see if there were cooperative opportunit

34、ies. Besides, I launched a permanent forum in the weekends and created more opportunities for the boss from different corporations to exchange views with each other and enhanced the relationships. But one time, during the preparations before a meeting, accidentally, I sent, instead of the invitation

35、 cards, the companys clients materials to all the bosses. My corporation exposed a great loss. The corporation made a comprehensive survey about the incident, but no one was identified. My boss was furious, so were our clients. All I wanted was to hide away until it all blew over. But, I felt so gui

36、lty that I bravely told them the truth and I quit. Man: Im an accountant working for Sharon Investment Corp, Ltd. I just graduated from university and then directly came to this company. I think I am very lucky, you know, especially, in times of this bad economic situation. Lots of people are losing

37、 their jobs every day. The people here are very friendly and easy-going. Except one thing, one day, the manager came to me and asked me to do a favour for him. Recently, our corporation has launched a new product and put a lot of money in the project. The manager has promised the Board a large profi

38、t. But on the contrary, the sales this month are devastating. So the manager asked me if I could help to make a fake balance sheet. He is a good guy and helps me a lot. He ensured me that the sales would turn out to be good in two months. I didnt turn him down and pray to God that the products would

39、 grab the market sooner. Woman: I used to work as an sales staff in Derek Corp, Ltd. My job was to contact clients, order deals and negotiate with the customers. Since 4 months ago I came here, I redoubled my efforts and really contributed a lot to the company. But one time, I made a huge mistake. I

40、t happened because Id calculated how much we should charge a customer for some goods we were going to export on a regular basis, and I forget to charge the agents commission, which was a lot of money. By the time I realised the loss, it was too late. So, later, I tried to increase the price of the c

41、ommodities and didnt tell my boss in the hope that it would soon make up the loss. And it made me realise that doing business is no small task. Man: Well, now its all over, I can only hope weve learnt the right lessons from the experience. This time I really get an idea about the importance of commu

42、nication skills seriouslyI used to think its no more difficult, but when youve seen the damage misunderstanding has causedI am a secretary of Leeds Corp, Ltd. There is a large deal with Orland Company. My boss wanted me to draft an invitation card to the boss of the Orland Company. According to his

43、requirement, I sent the invitation card, but to the wrong place. So the meeting was a disaster. And the boss of the Orland Company thought if such a small mistakes could happen, what about a 10 million project? So, the deal was over. The boss didnt blame me. But I am extremely guilty of the mistake

44、that I have made. I should have confirmed the company again even I have sent the invitation. 13 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 从 I think I should be more cautious next time and do not make any decisions all by myself or at least consult with my colleagues and the boss. 可知,自己擅做主张,没有和同事或老板商量。 14 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 从 ac

45、cidentally, I sent, instead of the invit ation cards, the companys clients materials to all the bosses. 可知,无意间把公司秘密的客户资料发送给了竞争对手公司。 15 【正确答案】 H 【试题解析】 从 So the manager asked me if I can help to make a fake balance sheet. 可知,我做了假账。 16 【正确答案】 G 【试题解析】 从 because Id calculated how much w e should charge

46、 a customer for some goods we were going to export on a regular basis, and I forget to charge the agents commission, which was a lot of money. 可知,在计算价格时候出了错误。 17 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 从 I sent the invitation card, but to the wrong place. 可知, 我把邀请信错寄给其他公司。 18 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 从 I think I should be more caut

47、ions next time and do not make any decisions all by myself or at least consult with my colleagues and the boss. 和 I should have a backup plan in order to make sure the sustainability of the project. 可知,下次应更小心,遇事不擅自做主,至少和同事、老板商量一下,或者自己有一个备选方案。 19 【正确答案】 G 【试题解析】 从 I felt so guilty that I bravely told

48、 them the truth and I quit.可知,我说出了真相并提出辞职。 20 【正确答案】 H 【试题解析】 从 pray to God that the products would grab the market sooner可知,祈祷希望产品销 售收入增加。 21 【正确答案】 E 【试题解析】 从 So, later, I tried to increase the price of the commodities and didnt tell my boss in the hope that it would soon make up the loss. 可知,希望不久

49、能弥补损失。 22 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 从 I should have confirmed the company again even I have sent the invitation.可知,下次,在发邀请信之前先确认公司。 三、 PART THREE 23 【听力原文】 F : OK, Sam, I just had a chance to quickly go over your report on your recent visit to Brazil and Chile, and the potential for eventual penetration of the Central and South American markets. However, that being said, it might be a good idea for you to lay out the main


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