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1、北京英语水平考试( BETS)二级听力模拟试卷 4及答案与解析 一、 PART 1 1 Where will the woman go first after work? 2 What can festival visitors see every day? 3 What souvenir will the boys mother bring? 4 What time is the womans hair appointment?5 Wheres the TV guide? 6 What does the man decide to take Tracy? 7 Which sport has

2、the man just started? 二、 PART 2 8 The main reason for Angelas trip was to ( A) make money for her business. ( B) make money for other people. ( C) have an exciting adventure. 9 What does Angela say about her life now? ( A) She feels much older. ( B) She likes to be active and busy. ( C) She is lonel

3、y without her children. 10 When Angela had flying lessons ( A) her course lasted five months. ( B) her husband took lessons as well. ( C) she got to know her teacher well. 11 During the trip, Angela and her teacher ( A) did very little sightseeing. ( B) carried all the water they needed. ( C) had en

4、gine problems several times. 12 What did Angela enjoy most about the trip? ( A) flying at night ( B) walking in the desert ( C) watching the changes in the scenery 13 What did Angela miss most while she was away? ( A) modern bathrooms ( B) regular exercise ( C) interesting entertainment 三、 PART 3 14

5、 You will hear a radio programme giving you information about the city of Glasgow. For each question, fill in the missing information in the numbered space. GLASGOW Arrival by car City centre car parks are (14) _ leave car at hotel. Discovering Glasgow tour bus Departs from George (15) _ every 30 mi

6、nutes. Buy tickets from (16) _ Walking Go to Welcome Centre or information free (17) _ available. Places to visit Glasgow Cathedral built in fifteenth century. Merchant City area shops selling (18) _ and clothes. Byres Road student area. Botanic Gardens glasshouses close at (19) _ 四、 PART 4 20 Look

7、at the six sentences for this part. You will hear a conversation between a girl, Lisa, and a boy, Ben, about holidays. Decide if each sentence is correct or incorrect. 20 Lisa thinks you can enjoy a holiday without spending a lot. ( A)正确 ( B)错误 21 Ben has arranged to go on a seaside holiday. ( A)正确

8、( B)错误 22 Lisa thinks a walking holiday is healthy. ( A)正确 ( B)错误 23 Ben thinks the weather in Scotland will be fine. ( A)正确 ( B)错误 24 Lisa enjoys walking in hot weather. ( A)正确 ( B)错误 25 Lisa prefers staying in hotels. ( A)正确 ( B)错误 北京英语水平考试( BETS)二级听力模拟试卷 4答案与解析 一、 PART 1 1 【听力原文】 One. Where will

9、the woman go first after work? Man: Are you and Sarah going straight to the restaurant from work tonight? Woman: Actually, Im leaving work early because I need to do some shopping in the market, and Im going to meet Sarah after that outside the cinema. She doesnt know where the restaurant is, you se

10、e. Youre praying tennis after work, arent you? Man: Yes. So Ill see you at the restaurant. 1 【正确答案】 B 2 【听力原文】 Two. What can festival visitors see every day? Woman: The Arts Centre in London is holding a festival of Irish culture from the 4th to 12th of April. An exhibition of paintings is open dail

11、y and on some weekday evenings the Theatre has special events including plays and films. At the weekend, concerts of Irish music will take place in the Town Hall. 2 【 正确答案】 B 3 【听力原文】 Three. What souvenir will the boys mother bring? Woman: What colour T-shirt shall I bring you from New York, Fred? B

12、oy: Id prefer black but . actually a baseball cap would be a good idea. Woman: Mmm. Or what about another model car for your collection? I could get you a New York taxi. Boy: Great. I really liked the sports car you bought me last time. 3 【正确答案】 C 4 【听力原文】 Four. What time is the womans hair appointm

13、ent? Woman 1: Id like to make an appointment to have my hair cut please. This Friday or Saturday in the morning if you can manage it. Woman 2: Let me see . we can do Friday at 10:00 or 11:30, then on Saturday theres 9.30 or 12 oclock. Woman 1: Ill take the earlier one on Saturday please. 4 【正确答案】 A

14、5 【听力原文】 Five. Wheres the TV guide? Woman: Have you seen the TV guide? Boy: Isnt it on top of the television? I had it when I was watching the film last night. Woman: I expect you left it by your chair then. Here it is under the cushion where nobody can find it. You should put it back in its place b

15、y the telephone. Then wed all know where it is. 5 【正确答案】 C 6 【听力原文】 Six. What does the man decide to take Tracy? Man: Im going to see Tracy in hospital, but I cant think of what to take her. People always take flowers . Woman: . so shell have lots already for sure. I always think its nice to have so

16、mething to read myself, but as Tracys got her walkman with her, what about something to listen to? Man: What a good idea. Its better than taking sweets, certainly, because I know shes on a special diet while she is in hospital. 6 【正确答案】 B 7 【听力原文】 Seven. Which sport has the man just started? Woman:

17、Hi, how was your holiday? Man: Great, really good windsurfing and sailing you know how much I enjoy them. And horse-riding . I really want to go again now Ive tried it. And the swimming pool was wonderful too much warmer than the one I usually swim in. Holidays are just too short! 7 【正确答案】 C 二、 PART

18、 2 8 【听力原文】 Man: And today Im talking to Angela Morgan. Angela, what made you decide to fly round the world in a helicopter? Woman: People often ask me why I decided to do it but Im surprised they dont ask Why did you wait so long? because Im 57 now! Im sorry I didnt do it years ago, because it was

19、such a wonderful experience. But the main purpose for going was to collect 500,000 for sick children by getting different companies to pay us money for each kilometre that we flew. Man: And now everyone calls you the flying grandmother! Woman: Yes, the thing about growing older is that you dont feel

20、 any different inside, so you have to do as much as you can while you can. Im healthy, and my own children are grown up, so I was free to go. Man: And what about preparing for the trip? Woman: Well, it took five months to plan. I was going to go with my husband, but he couldnt take time off work. In

21、stead I made the trip with my flying teacher who became a great friend while she was teaching me to fly three years ago. I passed my flying test after two weeks; found it quite easy. Man: And what was the trip like? Woman: It was really exciting flying over so many different countries. The only thin

22、g was that we werent able to spend much time sightseeing because we only stopped to get water and to camp. We took very little with us, but we did have tents and cooking things to use at night. We had to spend two days in Thailand because of an engine problem, but that was the longest we spent anywh

23、ere. Fortunately nothing else went wrong, so we just kept on going after that. Man: What did you enjoy most about the trip? Woman: The most wonderful thing about flying was seeing the differences in the countryside as we flew across 26 countries in 97 days. We flew over oceans and close to mountains

24、; sometimes it was quite frightening, but we didnt travel when it was dark. We spent several nights camping in the desert and the sky was just full of stars. I made a video of the trip; youll see it in a minute. Man: Was there anything that you missed while you were away? Woman: Well, to my surprise

25、 I didnt miss going to work or going out to restaurants or films. The most difficult thing was sitting still all the time; I normally play tennis and swim several times a week, so I started to feel very unfit. I missed hot water and proper showers sometimes too, but not as much as I thought I would!

26、 8 【正确答案】 B 9 【正确答案】 B 10 【正确答案】 C 11 【正确答案】 A 12 【正确答案】 C 13 【正确答案】 B 三、 PART 3 14 【听力原文】 Man: Well, good morning. This weeks programme is about the city of Glasgow. Were going to give you some ideas of what you can see and do if you visit for a weekend. Glasgow is Britains third largest city, and

27、Scotlands biggest. It is well worth a visit. If you arrive by car, the motorway will take you into the city centre. Dont park in one of the city centre car parks however, as they are expensive. Its better to leave your car at your hotel or somewhere away from the centre, and take the bus. Glasgow is

28、 a large city and there is an excellent public transport system. A good idea is to catch a “Discovering Glasgow“ tour bus which leaves George Square every half hour. You can get off anywhere and catch the next bus to continue your trip. The tour costs 5 and tickets are available from the bus driver.

29、 If you want to walk around the city centre, then its best to start at the Welcome Centre on St Vincent Place. You can get information about opening times and entrance fees of places to visit and take a free map to help you with your sightseeing. Dont miss the fifteenth century cathedral, which has

30、particularly beautiful windows. Further on is the Merchant City area, where there are cafes and lots of small, fashionable shops which sell jewellery and clothes. Byres Road is popular with university students and you can find a lot of bargains in the shops around there. The Botanic Gardens are also

31、 worth a visit. The gardens are open until sunset, and the glasshouses from ten oclock until a quarter to five. These contain a wide variety of beautiful plants and flowers. The gardens are also a good place to have a picnic. Well . 14 【正确答案 】 expensive / not cheap 15 【正确答案】 Square / Sq 16 【正确答案】 (t

32、he) (bus) driver(s) 17 【正确答案】 map(s) 18 【正确答案】 jewellery 19 【正确答案】 a quarter to five / four forty(-)five / 16:45 / 4:45 四、 PART 4 20 【听力原文】 Girl: Hi, Ben! Only one more week at college, and then the summer holidays begin. Great, isnt it! Boy: I dont know. It might get a bit boring. I dont think Ive

33、got enough money to go anywhere nice for a holiday this year. Girl: It would be nice to have lots of money to spend but a good holiday doesnt have to be expensive! Boy: Oh yes it does! The best holiday I ever had was a few years ago when I went to Greece. I want to fly off somewhere hot, and lie on

34、the beach and go swimming. Girl: Yes, well, I cant afford to do that, either. Boy: So what are you doing this summer? Girl: Im going on a walking holiday in Scotland with some friends. We went last year, and we really enjoyed it. We walked all day and spent the nights in Youth Hostels. Why dont you

35、come with us? Were going for two weeks. It wont cost much, and youll come home feeling really relaxed and fit. Boy: Im not sure. Walking all day sounds like hard work to me. And surely youre not hoping for lots of sunshine in Scotland? Girl: It did rain a bit last year, but most of the time it was s

36、unny. Anyway, its not good walking in the heat. You have to stop all the time to rest and have drinks. Boy: Well, I like the sun, and I like to stay in comfortable hotels, not Youth Hostels! Girl: But they are comfortable. Theyre basic, and the foods often not very good, but theyre very clean and cheap. In fact I prefer them to hotels because the people are always so friendly. Boy: Maybe. Look Lisa, thanks a lot for asking me, but I think Ill just stay home and get bored! 20 【正确答案】 A 21 【正确答案】 B 22 【正确答案】 A 23 【正确答案】 B 24 【正确答案】 B 25 【正确答案】 B


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