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1、口译二级实务模拟试卷 19及答案与解析 一、 PART 1 English-Chinese Translation (50 points, 30 minutes) Interpret the following passages from English into Chinese. Start interpreting at the signal and stop it at the signal. You may take notes while you are listening. You will hear the passages only ONCE. Now lets begin.

2、1 I am thrilled to be here in Beijing with you tonight and am truly honored that there is such recognition for my achievements in this country. As an international athlete you get the opportunity to travel the world and to pursue your dreams of being the best at what you set out to be representing y

3、our country. In my experience “the spirit of friendship“ which we are all enjoying tonight is embodied in these international competitions. / I was 10 years old when it was announced that Sydney won the bid back in 1993. Seven years later I was competing in the greatest sporting event the world has

4、ever seen against the best in the world. The Olympic spirit is all about being in one place at one time as one people. Where your race, color or creed is irrelevant and you compete as equalsno other avenue in the world allows this level of friendship. / We showcase the best the world has to offer in

5、 sport and every athlete representing their country helps unite the world as one. The Olympic spirit is not something preserved for athletes. For me particularlyit is the hope and inspiration that it generates for young people in the world. / To have an Olympics in your own home city is an experienc

6、e which is almost impossible to put into words. It is about your pride for your country, welcoming the world as hosts and bringing so many foreign nations together in peaceful competition. It is truly a celebration of humanity. / I can look back now on the many friendships that I have been able to m

7、ake through sport and it is wonderful that we now live in an age where countries can compete together in friendly competition and all of us are enriched and better off for this experiencewin, lose or draw. / I am amazed at the exciting changes that are happening in China at present and have little d

8、oubt that Beijing 2008 Olympic Games will be an outstanding event. And regardless of whether I am still swimming or notI intend to be here. The thing as an athlete you remember above anything else when you fly to a foreign country to compete is the “people.“ At the Sydney Olympics it was the efforts

9、 of the volunteers and the public whose smiling faces gleamed with pride during the games that made the Olympic experience my fondest living memory. / The culture and the history of a foreign place also make a striking impression. China, with its 5000 years of continuous history and richness of cult

10、ural heritage will be an unforgettable experience for the athletes of the world when they visit here in the lead up to and during 2008. During my short stay in China I have had the great pleasure to visit your most significant sites including the Great Wall and the Forbidden City. I am truly humbled

11、 by these monuments that have stood the test of time. The scale, craftsmanship and beauty of the Forbidden City has left me awestruck particularly when you consider the challenges that must have existed when it was built. / The Olympics themselves have a heritage, which goes back over thousands of y

12、ears and of course were revived by Baron Pierre de Coubertin in modern times in Athens, 1896. I also wish to commend Beijing on its desire to stage a “Green Games“something Sydney also considered a high priority. For all athletes, the quality of the environment in which they compete is important. Ai

13、r quality and water quality can affect performances, and can assist an athlete to achieve his or her personal best. / At the Sydney 2000 Games, I greatly appreciated the efforts of the organizers to achieve high environmental standards. And I am pleased to advise that the Organizing Committee in Bei

14、jing is working to achieve even higher environmental standards. The many innovations and environmental programs that are being implemented in preparations for the Beijing 2008 Games will leave one of the most significant and lasting legacies for the country into its future. / (Excerpts from “The Aus

15、tralia-China Oration Series 2002“Olympic Gold Medalist Ian Thorpes speech) 2 That brings me to my final point, which is how do we help give the Climate Group the focus that it needs. I think one part of this is that you provide us with a lot of information, the detail, the examples, the living proof

16、, of what good environmental policy can achieve. That is one important part. / The second thing is, that we use, as our country, our position in every way we can to push this agenda at a senior level. Ive already said that for Britains chairmanship of the G8 next year, there should be two issues for

17、 us: one is Africa, the other is climate change. Now I think it is important that we take a clear case on climate change to the G8 next year. Im not saying it will always be easy, but its important that the case is made, and I think that will give a focus to the efforts that are being made by this g

18、roup and by others, not just in this country, but elsewhere in the world. / So I wanted to come and participate in the launch of The Climate Group for a very simple reason. When I first became Prime Minister, I obviously had a certain instinctive position about this issue and we as a political party

19、 coming into government had certain policies about it. But one of the first things I did, which is one of the advantages when you come into government, is that instead of having a small research group somewhere with people doing this as well as half a dozen other things, you can mobilise some of the

20、 best scientific minds and research that there is and I said, look, give me the facts. The interesting thing that came back to me was that the facts and the research indicated that this problem was, if anything, greater than I had realised / I dont think, as I said before, there is any bigger long-t

21、erm question facing the global community. This group will be one part of a set of relationships and groups and a movement worldwide to make sure that we treat the issue with the seriousness that it deserves. One thing for sure is this, if you talk to any group of young people in our country or anywh

22、ere else today, they realise its importance. They want us to act upon it, they know sometimes it will involve difficult decisions, but the cost of not acting in this case is so overwhelmingly greater than any short-term cost of action, that we have to act and we have to act now. / So Im delighted to

23、 be with you all this morning and I wish you the very best of luck with The Climate Group, I think its a very, very important initiative. I am delighted to see so many people from different parts of the world that are here today. This is an issue that will carry on dominating our agenda but hopefull

24、y with your help, it will dominate the agenda of the global community in the years to come. / (Excerpts from UK Prime Ministers speech on climate change delivered on April 27, 2004) 二、 PART 2 Chinese-English Translation (50 points, 30 minutes) Interpret the following passages from Chinese into Engli

25、sh. Start interpreting at the signal and stop it at the signal. You may take notes while you are listening. You will hear the passages only ONCE. Now lets begin. 3 针对当前的形势,农业部要求各级畜牧兽医行政管理部门一定要按照全国防治高致病性禽流感指挥部的总体部署,总结前段防治工作的经验教训,将防治工作做得更加深入。 /各地要继续保持高度戒备,做到思想不麻痹,领导不削弱,工作不松懈,确保机构的继续有效运转,确保各项防治措施的落实,确保

26、出现疫情后具有足够的快速反应能力。同时,针对我国动物防疫体系的薄弱环节,我们将着手建立动物防疫工作的长效机制,全面提高我国动物疫病控制能力 / 在不放松防治工作的同时 ,当前比较紧迫的是,要抓住有利时机,促进国内消费,帮助消费者和生产者树立信心,帮助农户和企业尽快恢复生产,促进家禽业发展,努力减少疫情带来的损失。 /2月份,国务院出台了扶持家禽生产的 8项措施,受到广大家禽生产者、加工者的热,烈欢迎,目前各地正在加紧贯彻落实。在此基础上,我们还将对重点种禽场特别是因禽流感疫情受损严重种禽场的建设加以支持,切实稳定种禽生产能力。 /积极引导家禽业转变生产方式,鼓励发展养殖小区,推行标准化、规范化

27、生产,改善防疫条件。 / 只要我们统筹兼顾,坚持一手抓动物疫病防治,一手抓 发展生产,就一定能最大限度地降低这次疫情带来的损失,最大限度地维护农村经济和农民收入的稳定增长,保护人民群众的身体健康 / (节选自农业部禽流感防治工作新闻发言人贾幼陵于 2004年 3月 16日在记者招待会上的讲话 “中国防治高致病性禽流感取得阶段性成果 ”) 4 当今是法行天下的时代。国运之兴盛,政治之昌明,社会之稳定,经济之发展,民族之团结,文化之繁荣,人民之安居乐业,都离不开法律之维系和法律之保障。中国也不例外。 一个国家采取什么样的治国方略,关系着国家的前途和命运。 20世纪末 ,拥有十二亿人口的中国向全世界

28、宣示了它的治国方略 依法治国,并在此道路上迈出了坚实的步伐:一个适应社会主义市场经济的法律体系正在发育成熟;一个转变政府职能、严格依法行政的变革正在有序进行;一场围绕公正与效率的司法体制改革正在不断深化;一项把法律交给亿万人民的宏大社会工程正在深入持久地进行。 诸位知道,实现经济发展,宪法是最重要最根本的法律保障。新中国成立初期,对农业、手工业和资本主义工商业完成社会主义改造后,公有制成了主要所有制模式,私有经济没有合法的地位;计划经济成了主要的经济体制模式,企业自身 没有经营的自主权;按劳分配成了主要的分配模式,公民没有按劳分配收入外的其他收入。在这种经济制度下,中国的经济发展非常缓慢。 1

29、978年,中国开始实行改革开放。 1988年,中国对现行宪法进行第一次修正,确认了私有经济的合法地位; 1993年,中国对现行宪法又进行了修正,明确国家实行社会主义市场经济。宪法的变革,促进了公有经济和私有经济的共同发展,促进了国家综合国力的增强和人民生活的改善,给中国的政治、经济、社会生活带来了深刻变革。 口译二级实务模拟试卷 19答案与解析 一、 PART 1 English-Chinese Translation (50 points, 30 minutes) Interpret the following passages from English into Chinese. Star

30、t interpreting at the signal and stop it at the signal. You may take notes while you are listening. You will hear the passages only ONCE. Now lets begin. 1 【正确答案】 今晚有机会与诸位相聚在北京我感到非常激动,我所取得的成绩能在中国得到如此广泛的认可,尤其令我感到荣幸。作为一名国际运动员,你有机会走遍世界,实现你代表祖国争当第一的梦想。我认为今晚我们正在享有的 “友谊精神 ”在国际竞赛中得到了充分的体现。 / 1993年当悉尼获得奥运会举

31、办权时我只有 10岁。 7年后,我在那场最伟大的体育盛事中与世界上最优秀的选手同台竞技奥林匹克的精神就在于:全世界人民在同一时间同一地点合而为一。不分种族,肤色和信仰,大家在一起平等竞赛,世 界上没有其他途径能建立如此水平的友谊。 / 我们展示世界体育运动的最佳风采。所有代表自己国家的运动员将世界凝聚在一起。奥林匹克精神并非只属于运动员。在我看来奥运精神为青年人带来了希望和激励。 / 在自己的祖国召开这一盛会,这种体验是无法用语言来形容的。你为自己的祖国感到骄傲,以东道主的身份欢迎五湖四海的宾朋,让世界各国汇聚到和平的竞赛中。这无疑是全人类的庆典。 / 回首往事,我发现自己已通过体育结交了许许

32、多多的朋友。让人高兴的是我们生活在一个能够友好竞争的时代。无论赢得比赛,还是输掉 比赛,或是打成平手,我们通过参与而丰富和提高了自己。 / 我为中国正在发生的令人振奋的变化感到震撼。 2008年北京奥运会无疑将是一个杰出的盛会。无论我那时是否还在游泳,我都打算到北京来。作为一名运动员,当你来到另外一个国家参赛时,最难忘的就是这个国家的人民。在悉尼奥运会期间,志愿者和广大群众付出的努力和他们自豪的微笑是我奥运经历中最美好的记忆。 / 另一个国家不同的文化和历史同样可以给人留下难以忘怀的印象。从现在起直至2008年奥运会期间,中国 5000年源远流长的历史和丰富的文化遗产必将给来 华访问的世界各国

33、的运动员留下难忘的印象。 / 我在这次短暂的访问中有幸游览了你们国家最著名的两个地方 长城和故宫在这些历经时间考验的人类奇迹面前我感到自己是那样的渺小。故宫无论从规模还是从建造工艺上都令人叹为观止,尤其是当你想到建造这些宫殿时所面临的种种挑战。 / 奥林匹克运动由来已久,其历史可追溯到几千年前。而 1896年在雅典奥运会上易爵 ?皮埃尔 ?顾拜旦又使其得以振兴。我尤其要赞扬北京力争举办一届 “绿色奥运 ”的决心。这也正是悉尼奥运套首要考虑的问题。对运动员来讲,环境的质量对竞赛非常重要 。空气和水的质量可以对运动员的表现产生影响,好的环境质量有助于运动员创造最好成绩。 / 我非常感激悉尼 200

34、0年奥运会的组织者为使参赛者获得良好的环境而付出的努力。我很高兴地告诉大家北京奥组委正在努力创造更好的环境。北京在 2008年奥运会的准备过程中实行的重大创新和环保措施一定会使中国长期受益。 / (节选自奥运会冠军 “飞鱼 ”伊恩 ?索普在 2002年澳中演讲系列中的演讲 ) 【知识模块】 体育 2 【正确答案】 最后我想探讨一下如何帮助气候集团获得它所需要的关注。我想,一种做法 就是请各位为我们提供大量的信息、详情、范例和实例来证明良好的环境政策能取得什么样的成就,这是很重要的一方面。 / 另一方面就像英国所做的,各国应利用各自的影响尽其所能把气候变化问题提到高层的议事日程上来。我已说过,明

35、年英国作为八国集团轮值主席国将着重关注两个问题,即非洲问题和气候变化问题。现在我认为我们应当就气候变化问题向明年的八国集团提交议案,这是非常重要的。我并不是说这总是件容易的事,但重要的是要就此提出议案。我认为这会使气候集团和其他组织所作的努力不仅在这个国家,而且在世界范围内得到关注。 / 我来参加气候集团成立大会的原因很简单。在我刚刚当选首相的时候,我显然对气候变化问题有一个本能的定位,作为政府的执政党,我们对此制定了相关一些政策。但是我所做的第一件事就是利用我进入政府的有利条件,调动最优秀的科学家和顶尖的科研成果,让他们告诉我事实的真相,而不是利用那些同时兼顾若干其他事情的人员组成一个研究小

36、组。于是我得到了一个令人关注的反馈:事实和研究结果显示气候变化问题比我意识到的要严重得多。 / 正如我曾经说过的,我认为气候变化是当今国际社会所面临的最严峻、最长期的挑战。气候集团将成 为全球一系列有关组织、各种关系和运动的一部分,从而确保我们以应有的严肃性来对待这一问题。有一点可以肯定的是,今天,如果你向我们国家或是任何地方的任何青年团体谈起这个问题,他们都已经意识到了这个问题的重要性。他们希望我们能够采取相应的措施,他们知道有的时候我们需要做出艰难的抉择,但不行动的代价要远比采取任何行动所付出的短期代价高得多。所以我们必须采取行动,而且就在现在。 / 我很高兴今天上午能和你们聚集在此,希望

37、气候集团一切顺利。我认为这是一个非常非常重要的倡议。我非常高兴看到这么多来自世界各地的人们 今天汇集在这里。气候变化将成为我国的主要议程,但我希望,在你们各位的帮助下,该议题将在今后的几年里在整个国际社会的议程上占居重要位置。 / (节选自英国首相于 2004年 4月 27日就环境变化所做的讲话 ) 【知识模块】 环境保护 二、 PART 2 Chinese-English Translation (50 points, 30 minutes) Interpret the following passages from Chinese into English. Start interpret

38、ing at the signal and stop it at the signal. You may take notes while you are listening. You will hear the passages only ONCE. Now lets begin. 3 【正确答案】 In light of the current situation, Ministry of Agriculture calls on the competent animal husbandry and veterinary authorities to follow up with the

39、plans of the National HPAI Prevention and Control Headquarters and sum up the experience they have obtained in past few weeks so as to further intensify the work for combating the epidemic. / Local agencies must keep vigilance and avoid lax in mind, action and leadership so as to keep their function

40、s running smoothly, make sure all measures are in place and there will be quick response once the epidemic occurs again. Moreover. as there are weaknesses in the existing system, an effective and long-term epizootic prevention mechanism is to be developed in order to enhance the overall control capa

41、city across the country. / While intensifying the efforts in prevention and control, the current pressing issue is to take the opportunity to stimulate consumption. We will help producers and consumers to establish confidence, help farmers and enterprises to resume their production and business so a

42、s to minimize the losses. / In February, the State Council released 8 measures to beef up the poultry industry, which has won the hearty approval of producers and processors. Now. the measures are being implemented. In addition, support will be given to the key breeding stock farms, with those suffe

43、ring gravest loss in particular, so as to stabilize the breeding capacity. / Efforts will also be made to guide the poultry industry to alter farming patterns by encouraging the establishment of special poultry farming zones, standardize the poultry farming and improve the conditions for disease con

44、trol. / So long as we make overall plans and take all factors into consideration while pursuing the intensified work of animal disease control and prevention on the one hand, and strengthening production on the other, we will surely minimize the losses, greatly safeguard the stable growth for rural

45、economy and for farmers income and protect consumers health. / (Excerpts from “China Has Achieved Initial Stage Success of HPAI Control“, a speech made by Jia Youling, MOA Spokesman for HPAI Control on March 16,2004) 【知识模块】 卫生与健康 4 【正确答案】 Todays world is based on rule of law. The prosperity of a nat

46、ion, the flourishing of its political life, the stability of its society, the development of its economy, the unity of its ethnic communities, the thriving of its culture and the well-being and happiness of its people, all hinge on the maintenance of law and order and the integrity of the legal syst

47、em. China is no exception. What a nation adopts for its national strategy will have a lot to do with its future and destiny. Towards the end of 20th century, China, a country of 1.2 billion people, made it clear to the world that it would run the country in accordance with law, and has since taken s

48、olid steps forward along this path. A system of laws that meets the needs of the socialist market economy is taking shape. A reform that transforms the functions of government and makes administration more strictly law-based is under way in an orderly fashion. A judicial restructuring that aims to e

49、nsure greater justice and efficiency is deepening steadily. And a grand social campaign that educates the hundreds of millions in the importance of the law is proceeding into greater depth. As you know, the constitution of a country is the most important and most fundamental legal guarantee for its economic development. In the early years of New China, public ownership emerged as the dominant form of ownership after the socialist transformation of agriculture, handcraft and capitalist industry and commerce, and


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