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1、国家公共英语三级(健康与保健)练习试卷 1及答案与解析 Part A Directions: You will hear 10 short dialogues. For each dialogue, there is one question and four possible answers. Choose the correct answer A, B, C or D, and mark it in your test booklet. You will have 15 seconds to answer the question and you will hear each dialog

2、ue ONLY ONCE. 1 What can we conclude from the man s reply? ( A) He wants to have more sleep. ( B) His wife doesnt sleep well. ( C) Women need more sleep than men. ( D) He doesnt need as much sleep as his wife. 2 What will Jane do this evening? ( A) Go to New York. ( B) Visit her sister. ( C) See her

3、 mother. ( D) Go to the airport. 3 What s the probable relationship between the two speakers? ( A) Students. ( B) Student and supervisor. ( C) Coworkers. ( D) Husband and wife. 4 What does the woman suggest that they should do? ( A) Buy some ice-cream. ( B) Wait for the lights to be turned off. ( C)

4、 Go immediately to get their seats. ( D) Enjoy the play. Part B Directions: You will hear four dialogues or monologues. Before listening to each one, you will have 5 seconds to read each of the questions which accompany it. While listening, answer each question by choosing A, B, C or D. After listen

5、ing, you will have 10 seconds to check your answer to each question. You will hear each piece ONLY ONCE. 5 What does the doctor suggest the man should do? ( A) Lie in bed. ( B) Take some more medicine. ( C) Eat more. ( D) Drink lots of liquids. 6 What does the doctor say about aspirin? ( A) It will

6、do the man some harm. ( B) The man can take it when he feels achy. ( C) The man doesnt have to take it. ( D) The man can take at least four every day. 7 What do we learn from this dialogue? ( A) The man is seriously ill with a cold. ( B) The doctor doesn t take the man s disease seriously. ( C) The

7、man is going to have a few days off. ( D) The man hopes to get more effective medicine from the doctor. 国家公共英语三级(健康与保健)练习试卷 1答案与解析 Part A Directions: You will hear 10 short dialogues. For each dialogue, there is one question and four possible answers. Choose the correct answer A, B, C or D, and mark

8、 it in your test booklet. You will have 15 seconds to answer the question and you will hear each dialogue ONLY ONCE. 1 【听力原文】 W: Look here, darling. The paper says people tend to feel unwell if they sleep less than six hours a day. M: That may be true for you, but it certainly isn t true for me. 1 【

9、正确答案】 D 【知识模块】 健康与保健 2 【听力原文】 M: Are you doing anything special tonight, Jane? W: Oh, my mother is going to New York to visit my sister and I have to drive her to the airport. 2 【正确答案】 D 【知识模块】 健康与保健 3 【听力原文】 W: Hi, bow do you like this class? M: Oh, I really like it. W: Yeah, me too, so far. M: It

10、s a little bit hard. W: Yeah. I had the same teacher last year. She is a little tough. M: Oh, you did? Um. are her tests hard? W: Her tests aren t that bad if you keep up with the reading. 3 【正确答案】 A 【知识模块】 健康与保健 4 【听力原文】 M: Shall we take our seats now? We can always get some later. W: The lights ar

11、e about off, but Id like to buy some ice-cream before the play starts. 4 【正确答案】 A 【知识模块】 健康与保健 Part B Directions: You will hear four dialogues or monologues. Before listening to each one, you will have 5 seconds to read each of the questions which accompany it. While listening, answer each question

12、by choosing A, B, C or D. After listening, you will have 10 seconds to check your answer to each question. You will hear each piece ONLY ONCE. 5 【听力原文】 W: Well, there is not too much you can do about the flu, you know. The best thing you can do is to stay home. It s best to stay away from other peop

13、le, so why don t you take a couple of days off from work? M: Yes, I will. And do you think I should stay in bed and rest? W: Its not really necessary to go to bed. Just as long as you stay indoors and rest. You know, watch TV or read. M: I see. Nothing too active, huh? And is it a good idea to drink

14、 a lot? W: Yes, you need to drink lots of liquids. That ll help. Now you won t feel very hungry, but when you do eat, just eat a little. Don t have a big meal. That way it ll be easier to rest. M: OK. Are you going to give me a prescription? W: No, I m afraid there is really no medicine for the flu. You just have to rest and wait for it to go away. Medicine won t really do any good. 5 【正确答案】 D 【知识模块】 健康与保健 6 【正确答案】 C 【知识模块】 健康与保健 7 【正确答案】 C 【知识模块】 健康与保健


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