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1、国家公共英语(二级)口试模拟试卷 13及答案与解析 一、考生个人情况介绍 1 二、考生相互问答 2 题目 1 口试教师: Candidate B, you want to go to a lecture, but you don t know anything about it. Ask Candidate A to tell you. Use the words on this card to help you.(将 Card IB 递给考生 B) Card 1B 请用英语提问以了解下列信息: 讲座 题目 演讲者 时间 地点 Candidate A, here is something ab

2、out the lecture. Answer Candidate B s questions, using the information on this card. (将 Card 1A 递给考生 A) Card lA 请根据下列信息回答问题: 讲座 如何学好英语 Prof Smith 周五晚上 7点 教学楼礼堂 题目 2 口试教师: Candidate A, you are interested in the Chinese Spring Festival and want to know something about it. Ask Candidate B to tell you.

3、Use the words on the card to help you. (将 Card 2A 递给考生 A) Card 2A 请用英语提问以了解下列信息: 过春节 时间 特征 庆祝方式 热闹程度 Candidate B , Candidate A wants to know something about Chinese Spring Festival. Answer him using the information on this card, (将 Card 2B 递给考生 B) Card 2B 请根据下列信息回答问题: 过春节 每年的农历正月初一 中国人固有的节日,家家户户都团圆过

4、节 放鞭炮、吃饺子 非常热闹、精彩节目 三、继续性问答 3 1.Do you often take a subway? 2.How do you get to your school? 3.What do you think of Beijing s traffic condition? 4.What are the advantages and disadvantages of taking subway? 1.Do you like watching movies? 2.Which movie do you like best? 3.What do you think of watchin

5、g movies? 4.Have you ever been to theater? 国家公共英语(二级)口试模拟试卷 13答案与解析 一、考生个人 情况介绍 1 【正确答案】 A + B:Good afternoon. A:I am Xu Hai. B:I am Yang Liu. A:I am from Henan. B:I am from Beijing. For adult candidates: I work at the Hai Mao Company. No. I am not satisfied with my salary. It is very beautiful and

6、I like it very much. Yes, I married 2 years ago and now I have a baby. For teenagers at school: I am in Haidian District Experimental Primary School. I am in Grade 4 now. I like history best because it is very interesting. I want to be a teacher in the future. 二、考生相互问答 2 【正确 答案】 第二节 题目 1 B:Do you kn

7、ow the news of a lecture? What s the topic? A:Yes.I do.It s a lecture about how to learn English well. B:Who is the speaker? A:It is said that Professor Smith will give this lecture. B:What time is it going to be held? A:It is going to be held from 7 o clock on Friday evening. B:And where is it to b

8、e held? A:It seems to be in the hall of our school. 题目 2 B:When do the Chinese people celebrate Spring Festival? A:It is celebrated on the first day of lunar year. B:Can you tell me something about its characters? A:The festival is a traditional holiday and every family get together to celebrate. B:

9、How do the Chinese people celebrate Spring Festival? A:The Chinese celebrate the holiday by using firecrackers,eating dumplings. B:Any idea about how exciting Spring Festival is? A:The festival is very exciting, and we will get excellent programs on TV. Further questions 三、继续性问答 3 【正确答案】 1. Yes.I of

10、ten take subway to Xidan. 2. I usually go to school by bike. 3. It is very terrible. I dont like Beijing s traffic. 4. It is fast and won t be trapped.It is expensive. 1. Yes. I like watching movies very much. 2. I like The Rainbow best. It is very romantic and interesting. 3. We can learn a lot from the movies but we can not watch too much. 4. Yes. I have been there with my parents but most of the time I go there with my friends.


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