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1、在职攻硕英语联考模拟试卷 97及答案与解析 Section A Dialogue Completion Directions: In this section, you will read 5 short incomplete dialogues between two speakers, each followed by four choices marked A, B, C, and D. Choose the answer that best suits the situation to complete the dialogue. Mark your answer on the ANS

2、WER SHEET with a single line through the center. 1 Speaker A: Hey, why dont we go out and do something tonight? I feel kind of bored. Speaker B: _ ( A) You shouldnt feel bored with so many assignments to finish. ( B) Would you like to go dancing with me? ( C) Sometimes I also feel bored staying at h

3、ome all day. ( D) I wish I could. But I really have to stay in and write to my parents. 2 Speaker A: Uh, I wonder if I could possibly use your phone. Speaker B: _ ( A) Oh, Im sorry, but it isnt working; its out of order. ( B) You are welcome. Its over there. ( C) Of course. Who are you going to call

4、? ( D) Yes, you can, But dont you see a public phone booth over there? 3 Speaker A: I think women are much better drivers than men. Speaker B: _ ( A) You are right. They drive slowly and this makes other drivers behind them very impatient. ( B) I certainly agree that men learn to drive more quickly

5、than men. ( C) Ill say. They dont get as impatient as men when they drive. ( D) Dont mention it. Men have a quicker response than women while driving. 4 Speaker A: I wish you wouldnt have your TV so loud. Speaker B: _ ( A) I think so too. I will follow your advice. ( B) Sorry! Were you trying to sle

6、ep? ( C) Yes, Im terribly sorry. I didnt mean to disturb your study. ( D) All right. I will turn it down. 5 Speaker A: The native American Craft Exhibit closed this afternoon. Speaker B: _ ( A) Oh, no! Ive wanted to see that for months. ( B) Well, why didnt you take me to see the exhibit before it c

7、losed? ( C) Thank you. When will there be such an exhibit again? ( D) If I were you, I would have gone to see it. Section B Dialogue Comprehension Directions: In this section, you will read 5 short conversations between a man and a woman. At the end of each conversation there is a question followed

8、by four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the best answer to the question from the four choices given and mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET with a single line through the center. 6 Man: How do most students find a job after they graduate? Woman: They usually look for a job by searching the wan

9、t ads in the newspaper. Question: What does the woman mean? ( A) Most students would like to work for a newspaper. ( B) Most students find a job by reading advertisements. ( C) Most students find it hard to get a job by reading advertisements. ( D) Most students dont want jobs advertised in the news

10、papers. 7 Man: Congratulations, Liming. You are the talk of the tongue and the pride of our class now. Woman: If you are referring to my winning the English Speech contest, I dont think its such a big deal. You know, Ive spent two summer vacations learning English in Canada. Question: What do we lea

11、rn bout Liming from the conversation? ( A) She doesnt want to talk about the contest. ( B) Shes modest about her success in the contest. ( C) Shes spent two years studying English in Canada. ( D) She is very proud of her success in the speech contest. 8 Woman: If the weather is this hot tomorrow, we

12、 may as well give up the idea of playing tennis in the afternoon. Man: Oh, I dont think itll last long. The weather forecast says it will cloud over by mid-afternoon. Question: What does the man mean? ( A) Weather forecasts are not reliable. ( B) Theyd better change their mind. ( C) The tennis game

13、wont last long. ( D) They shouldnt change their plan. 9 Woman: Have you heard about the plane crash yesterday? It caused 120 deaths. Im never at ease when taking a flight. Man: Though we often hear about air crashes and serious casualties, flying is still one of the safest ways to travel. Question:

14、What do we learn from this conversation? ( A) The man thinks travelling by air is quite safe. ( B) The woman never travels by plane. ( C) Both speakers feel nervous when flying. ( D) The speakers feel sad about the serious loss of life. 10 Man: Did you notice after almost 10 years in the United Stat

15、es, Mr. Lee still speaks English with such a strong accent. Woman: Yes, but he is proud of it. He says it is part of his identity. Question: What does the conversation tell us about Mr. Lee? ( A) His English is still poor after ten years in America. ( B) He doesnt like the way Americans speak. ( C)

16、He doesnt mind speaking English with an accent. ( D) He speaks English as if he were a native speaker. 一、 Part II Vocabulary and Structure (20 minutes, 10 points) Directions: There are 20 incomplete sentences in this section. For each sentence there are 4 choices marked A, B. C and D. Choose the one

17、 that best completes the sentence. Mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET with a single line through the center. 11 It was not discussed or proposed that I_invited to become Chairman. ( A) would be ( B) could be ( C) be ( D) was 12 He would have finished his university study but he_to quit and find a

18、job to support his family. ( A) had had ( B) has ( C) had ( D) would have 13 All that he had learned only made him feel how little he knew in comparison with_remained to be known. ( A) what was ( B) what ( C) which was ( D) that 14 I must try to make_as I can of this project which I have undertaken.

19、 ( A) as a logical survey ( B) such a logical survey ( C) the same logical survey ( D) as logical a survey 15 The microscope opened up to man another strange new world: a world of things too near and small for anyone_the scientist to know much about or do much about. ( A) besides ( B) apart from ( C

20、) but ( D) without 16 It looks like a terrible tiger but actually, _of pressed paper, it softens when damp and is washed away in a heavy rain. ( A) made ( B) having been made ( C) to be made ( D) being made 17 By the end of this century, the population of the world_, and so may the population of the

21、 small country. ( A) will be doubled ( B) may be double ( C) will have to be doubled ( D) may have been doubled 18 _divorce is often the only satisfactory solution for married couples who can no longer stand the sight of each other, it can have a shocking effect on their kids. ( A) Since ( B) While

22、( C) As ( D) Unless 19 I try to relax because I knew I would use up my oxygen the sooner_. ( A) the more excited I got ( B) I got excited more ( C) and more excited I got ( D) and I got more excited 20 The police accused him of setting fire to the building but he denied_in the area on the night of t

23、he fire. ( A) to be ( B) to have been ( C) having been ( D) be 21 The engine has more than 300_, made of a number of different materials. ( A) compositions ( B) compounds ( C) constitutions ( D) components 22 A_of the long report by the budget committee was submitted to the mayor for approval. ( A)

24、scratch ( B) scheme ( C) schedule ( D) sketch 23 The salesmans_annoyed the old lady, but finally she gave in. ( A) endurance ( B) assistance ( C) persistence ( D) resistance 24 _preparations were being made for the Prime Ministers official visit to the four universities. ( A) Wise ( B) Elaborate ( C

25、) Optional ( D) Neutral 25 I could just see a bike in the distance, but I couldnt_what color it was. ( A) make out ( B) make sense ( C) make way ( D) make for 26 _your poor record in school, we think you should study harder. ( A) In spite of ( B) In view of ( C) In charge of ( D) In case of 27 This

26、local evening paper has a_of twenty-five thousand. ( A) number ( B) contribution ( C) circulation ( D) celebration 28 Though_in New York, Dave had always preferred to live in a small town. ( A) grown ( B) raised ( C) developed ( D) entitled 29 Our research has focused on a drug which is so_as to be

27、able to change brain chemistry. ( A) powerful ( B) influential ( C) multiple ( D) energetic 30 We hadnt realized that there would be a power cut so we were astonished when the whole house was _ into darkness. ( A) dropped ( B) dived ( C) drowned ( D) plunged 二、 Part III Reading Comprehension (40 min

28、utes, 40 points) Directions: There are 4 passages in this part. Each of the passages is followed by 5 questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are 4 choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the best one and mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET with a single line through the center. 30

29、American consumers like convenience very much. During the last 50 years, there has been a dramatic increase in such labor-saving devices as automatic washing machines, clothes dryers, dishwashers, food processors, microwave ovens, garbage disposals and power lawn mowers. Today, all of these and many

30、 more, are found in a typical suburban home. These labor-saving devices are designed to reduce the time spent on housework. However, the time that Americans save is quickly spent on other activities. The American desire for convenience also created the concept of fast-food restaurants, found in ever

31、y city and almost every small town in the United States, and now exported all over the world. These fast-food restaurants, such as McDonalds and KFC, serve sandwiches, salads, fried chicken, seafood, and other food to hurried customers in five minutes or less, often at a drive-up window. There are a

32、lso a wide variety of restaurants that will deliver Chinese food, pizza, and other dishes to peoples homes in about a half-hour. In many areas there are “take-out taxis“ that will deliver food from the menus of 20 or 30 different restaurants for a small charge. For those who prefer to prepare their

33、food at home, American grocery stores are full of convenience foods that are packaged and ready to cook or even precooked. Like microwave ovens and dishwashers, fast-food and take-out restaurants are convenient because they save the American consumer time that would otherwise be spent fixing meals o

34、r cleaning up. More than half of all the women in the United States are currently employed. This includes mothers with children under the age of 18. More than half the women with little children under the age of six hold jobs. Sixty-eight percent of the women who have school-age children are employe

35、d. Families with working mothers need all the time-savers they can get. Thus, the conveniences that Americans desire reflect not so much a leisurely lifestyle as a busy lifestyle in which even minutes of time are too valuable to be wasted. Alexis de Tocqueville was one of the first to see in this a

36、curious paradox (自相矛盾 ) in the American character. He observed that Americans were so busy working to acquire comforts and conveniences that they were unable to relax and to enjoy leisure time when they had it. Today, many Americans have what one medical doctor has called “the hurry sickness“. 31 Th

37、e increase in labor-saving devices in the last 50 years reflected_. ( A) a shortage of labor force in America ( B) peoples need to reduce the time spent on housework ( C) Americans interest in doing housework ( D) the quick change of American family life 32 Americans like fast food and take-out rest

38、aurants because_. ( A) they are cheap ( B) they offer nutritious and tasty food ( C) they provide superior service ( D) they are convenient 33 It is implied in the passage that_. ( A) fast food is not as nutritious as home-cooked food ( B) fast food restaurants are more popular than take-out restaur

39、ants in the U. S. ( C) most of the cooking at home is done by women ( D) more men than women prefer eating convenient food 34 The conveniences that Americans desire reflect_. ( A) a leisurely lifestyle ( B) a busy lifestyle ( C) a wasteful habit ( D) a lazy character 35 “The curious paradox in the A

40、merican character“ (Last Para. ) means that_. ( A) Americans were so busy working to acquire comforts and conveniences that they were unable to relax and to enjoy leisure time when they had it ( B) Americans love comforts and conveniences very much, yet they dont know how to get them ( C) Americans

41、value time very much, yet they are too wasteful of material things ( D) Americans know its unhealthy to eat fast food, but they just cant resist it 35 The idea of building “New Towns“ to absorb growth is frequently considered a cure-all for urban problems. It is wrongly assumed that if new residents

42、 can be diverted from existing centers, the present urban situation at least will get no worse. It is further and equally wrongly assumed that since European New Towns have been financially and socially successful, we can expect the same sorts of results in the United States. Present planning, think

43、ing, and legislation will not produce the kinds of New Town that have been successful abroad. It will multiply suburbs or encourage developments in areas where land is cheap and construction profitable rather than where New Towns are genuinely needed. Such ill-considered projects not only will fail

44、to relieve pressures on existing cities but will, in fact, tend to weaken those cities further by drawing away high-income citizens and increasing the concentration of low-income groups that are unable to provide tax income. The remaining taxpayers, accordingly, will face increasing burdens, and ind

45、ustry and commerce will seek escape. Unfortunately, this mechanism is already at work in some metropolitan areas. The promoters of New Towns so far in the United States have been developers, builders, and financial institutions. The main interest of these promoters is economic gain. Furthermore, fed

46、eral regulations designed to promote the New Town idea do not consider social needs as the European New Town plans do. In fact, our regulations specify virtually all the ingredients of the typical suburban community, with a bit of political rhetoric (修辞 ) thrown in. A workable American New Town form

47、ula should be established as firmly here as the national formula was in Britain. All possible social and governmental innovations as well as financial factors should be thoroughly considered and accommodated (容纳 ) in this policy. Its objectives should be clearly stated, and both incentives and penal

48、ties should be provided to ensure that the objectives are pursued. If such a policy is developed, then the New Town approach can play an important role in alleviating Americas urban problems. 36 The writer thinks that the idea of building “New Towns“ in the U. S. _. ( A) will help to solve the prese

49、nt urban situation ( B) will produce the same sorts of results as does in Europe ( C) will by no means alleviate the urban problems ( D) will prevent the present urban situation from getting worse 37 Which of the following is not a side effect caused by building new towns? ( A) Industry and commerce will move away from metropolitan area. ( B) The present cities tax income will be reduced because hi


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