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1、大学英语六级改革适用(听力)模拟试卷 118及答案与解析 Section A ( A) Like a manual worker. ( B) Like an elegant princess. ( C) Like a rich woman. ( D) Like a successful office lady. ( A) They are very expensive. ( B) They are of high quality. ( C) They look elegant. ( D) They are pretty. ( A) Exercise every day. ( B) Lose s

2、ome weight. ( C) Have a balanced diet. ( D) Join a health club. ( A) He moved into the mans house. ( B) He does not know how to be a guest. ( C) He enjoys living with the man. ( D) He gets along well with the man. ( A) Mike was arrested for robbing the shop. ( B) The man heard from Mike several days

3、 ago. ( C) When Mike was arrested, his hands were red. ( D) The woman does not show any pity for Mike. ( A) The man hung out with the new neighbors last night. ( B) The couple are cold-hearted. ( C) The wife looks very beautiful. ( D) The husband is an amateur football player. ( A) Philip is a Londo

4、n expert. ( B) Philip is offered to investigate London. ( C) Philip writes books about the Elizabeth Tower. ( D) The Elizabeth Tower is the most famous London landmark. ( A) It was opened in July, 2000. ( B) It links St. Pauls Cathedral and the Tate Modern Art Gallery. ( C) It was sponsored by Foste

5、r. ( D) Its appearance is gold. ( A) Excited. ( B) Confused. ( C) Hesitant. ( D) Sad. ( A) A student leader should both study well and deal with all situations independently. ( B) A student leader should focus on studying instead of other things. ( C) A student leader should apply most time to socia

6、l activities. ( D) A student leader should try anything that is interesting. ( A) He was convinced by the woman. ( B) He was encouraged by his parents. ( C) He was persuaded by the teachers. ( D) He was moved by his classmates. ( A) This January. ( B) This Saturday. ( C) Last Sunday. ( D) Last Satur

7、day. ( A) The contestants were undergraduates. ( B) It took place last Friday. ( C) Its topic was whether exams are good or bad. ( D) The woman attended the debate. ( A) They knew the answers beforehand. ( B) They were allowed to refer to textbooks. ( C) They cheated in the exam. ( D) They possessed

8、 good testing techniques. ( A) They may not show the students mastery of all the knowledge. ( B) They may give rise to unhealthy competition. ( C) They may make students too anxious to study well. ( D) They may not reveal the real problem with learning. Section B ( A) It is decisive to survival unde

9、r any circumstances. ( B) It is the key to survival under conditions of scarcity. ( C) It has positive influence on survival. ( D) It exerts negative influence on survival. ( A) They mature later sexually. ( B) They reproduce at a slow rate. ( C) They tend to age more slowly. ( D) They may die young

10、. ( A) Spending led by scarcity is foolish economically. ( B) The “live fast, die young“ strategy is always successful. ( C) The “marshmallow test“ proves the role of uncertainty in changing risk calculations. ( D) Implications on financial decisions are less profound than those for evolutionary dev

11、elopment. ( A) Previous studies focus on death rates, while the new study focuses on health policies. ( B) Previous studies focus on health policies, while the new study focuses on death rates. ( C) Previous studies focus on all ages, while the new study focuses on older ages. ( D) Previous studies

12、focus on older ages, while the new study focuses on all ages. ( A) Individual behavior and group behavior. ( B) Political and economic status. ( C) Education and income. ( D) Environment and medical treatment. ( A) Domestic violence. ( B) Drug overdoses. ( C) Highest diabetes rate. ( D) Higher calor

13、ic intake. ( A) The US is lagging behind other countries in terms of health and life expectancy. ( B) The Americans are aging at a fast speed. ( C) The Americans are dying due to uncertain factors. ( D) The Americans are suffering from illnesses and injury at unnecessary rates. ( A) He is a New Zeal

14、and businessman. ( B) He is a zoo keeper. ( C) He is an expert on birds keeping. ( D) He is a government official. ( A) People living in New Zealand have the highest cat ownership rate in the world. ( B) 28% of the households in New Zealand have two cats or more. ( C) Cats are trained to prey on bir

15、ds in New Zealand. ( D) Most cats are kept inside all day long. ( A) Moving all the cats to other parts of the world. ( B) Keeping cats inside 24 hours a day. ( C) Keeping ferocious animals to kill cats. ( D) Using certain drugs to keep cats inside. Section C 25 Architects and designers have utilize

16、d 3D printing technology as part of their work for many years, but it is only now that an architect has come forward with a design for an actual,【 B1】 _residence using that same technology. Dutch architect Janjaap Ruijssenaars of Universe Architects has designed a residence in collaboration with【 B2

17、】 _and artist Rinus Roelofs that they hope to begin construction on using a 3D printer by 2014. The design for the building, the Landscape House, has been getting as much【 B3】_as the mode by which the designers plan to produce it. Based on【 B4】 _a Moebius Strip a single length of any material that f

18、orms a continuous loop with just one side the Landscape House takes the form of a【 B5】 _but continuous loop in which the floor becomes the ceiling which becomes the floor. Ruijssenaars began working with Rinus Roelofs at the start of 2012 on the project. They【 B6】 _ using 3D printing technology beca

19、use of the【 B7】 _of their design for the Landscape House. Roelofs had already been collaborating with the designer behind the 3D printer they plan on creating the house with, Italian robotics expert Enrico Dini. Dini, who refers to himself as a “stone alchemist,“ designed the D-Shape printer, which

20、he hopes will 【 B8】 _the world of construction to present a new【 B9】 _to look at things. The machine uses a stereolithography 3D printing process that uses sand and an inorganic binder to【 B10】 _ full-size, sandstone based objects. “By simply pressing the enter key on the keypad we intend to give th

21、e architect the possibility to make buildings directly, without intermediaries(媒介 )who can add interpretation and realization mistakes,“ proclaims the D-Shape website. 26 【 B1】 27 【 B2】 28 【 B3】 29 【 B4】 30 【 B5】 31 【 B6】 32 【 B7】 33 【 B8】 34 【 B9】 35 【 B10】 大学英语六级改革适用(听力)模拟试卷 118答案与解析 Section A 1 【

22、听力原文】 M: Hey, did you notice the hostess of the party? Look at her jewelry. She must be really loaded. W: No way. Her husband is rich. He buys her anything she wants. Q: What is the hostess dressed like? 1 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 生活交际类,语义理解题。男士说派对女主人浑身珠光宝气,应该是非常有钱。女士说那是因为她丈夫有钱,她要什么,她丈夫就给她买什么。由此可知,女主人的穿着打扮像一

23、位贵妇。 【知识模块】 听力 2 【听力原文】 W: Dick, what do you think of these window displays? I have never seen such terrific window displays. M: Theyre wonderful. Oh, look at this clothing store for children. The clothes are very cute and colorful. Q: What does the man think of the clothes for children? 2 【正确答案】 D

24、【试题解析】 生活交际类,事实细节题。女士认 为商店橱窗里的展品非常漂亮。男士也认为它们很棒,并说这家店的童装很漂亮,而且颜色鲜艳。由此可知,男士认为这些童装非常漂亮。 【知识模块】 听力 3 【听力原文】 W: Look at those girls there. How could they all get in such tiptop shape? M: They exercised over and over. Exercise is a key, so I have decided to make a change. Im going to exercise every single

25、 day. Q: What does the man decide to do? 3 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 医疗健康类,行动计划题。女士问那些女孩是如何保持那么好的身材的。男士说那是因为她们坚持锻炼,锻炼非常重要,所以他决定以后每天锻炼。 【知识模块】 听力 4 【听力原文】 W: What happened to you? You look really tired. M: My lazy brother dropped in from the United States. I tried being a good host, but if you give him an inch

26、, hell take a mile. Q: What can we learn about the mans brother? 4 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 生活交际类,语义理解题。女士问男士为何看上去如此疲惫。男士回答说因为他一个非常懒惰的弟弟从美国来看他。他试着好好招待弟弟,但弟弟有点得寸进尺。由此可知,男士的弟弟不知 道如何做客。 【知识模块】 听力 5 【听力原文】 M: I havent seen Mike for ages. It is said that he was arrested for shoplifting at Nelsons. W: Yeah, Ive he

27、ard of it. The shopowner caught him red-handed. It serves him right. Q: What can be inferred from the conversation? 5 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 生活交际类,语义理解题。男士说他很久没见到 Mike了,听说他因为在 Nelsons行窃时被捕。女士表示也听说了, Mike被店主逮个正着,这是他咎由自取。由此可知,女士对 Mike没有表示同情。 【知识模块】 听力 6 【听力原文】 W: Ive heard a young couple has moved here. What

28、 are the new neighbors like? M: Well, I came across them last night. Theyre really nice people. The woman is a beauty for sure and the man is a professional football player. Q: What can we know about the new neighbors? 6 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 生活交际类,事实细节题。女士听说搬来一对年轻夫妇,向男士询问新邻居是什么样子的。男士说他昨晚正好碰见这对夫妇,他们人都很好,妻

29、子非常漂亮,丈夫是职业足 球运动员。 【知识模块】 听力 7 【听力原文】 M: I have just heard that the BBC spoke with London expert Philip about the Elizabeth Tower and hes gone out to investigate it. W: Yeah, Philip is also an author. He is sent to investigate one of the most famous London landmarks. Q: What can be inferred from the

30、 conversation? 7 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 旅行交通类,事实细节题。男士听说 BBC和伦敦专家 Philip讨论过伊丽莎白塔,并且 Philip已经前往调研该塔。女士补充说 Philip还是一位作家,他被派去调研伦敦著名的地标之一。由此可知, Philip是一名伦敦专家。 【知识模块】 听力 8 【听力原文】 M: In June 2000, London saw the opening of its first pedestrian-only bridge, the Millennium Bridge, between St. Pauls Cathedral and t

31、he Tate Modern Art Gallery. W: Yes, it was designed by the architect Foster, and has a very sleek, silvery appearance. Q: What does the man say about the bridge? 8 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 生活交际类,事实细节题,男士说 2000年 6月,伦敦第一座行人桥 “千禧桥 ”正式开通,它连接了圣保罗大教堂和泰特现代艺术馆。女士说该桥由建筑师 Foster设计,外表光滑如银。 【知识模块】 听力 9 【听力原文】 W: Hello,

32、Jack! Congratulations on your becoming a student leader! M: Thank you! But you know,(9)when I was first told that I had been nominated for one of the three candidates for the chairman of the Students Union, I hesitated for a long time. W: Why? M: I used to think, and I still think, a college student

33、 should apply most of his time and energy to studying instead of plunging into a social whirl. W: Im afraid I dont agree with you on that.(10)The youth of today should not only study well and gain high marks, we should also be able to deal with all kinds of situations successfully, and all by oursel

34、ves. Being a student leader, you can get a lot of exercise on that. Didnt you change your mind? Of course, you did. M: I was originally going to give up joining in the campaign because I had dedicated a lot of time and energy to public affairs in my class.(11)Later, however, the teacher in charge of

35、 my class and some of the other teachers in the college management concerning students affairs had several talks with me. W: Oh really? What did they say then? M: Just as you said,(11)they advised me not to lose the opportunity to train my abilities in organization and social work. They said that a

36、college student shouldnt get concerned only about his study, and he should also pay attention to the improvement of his competency in some other respects. 9. How did the man respond to his nomination at first? 10. What is the womans opinion about being a student leader? 11. Why did the man change hi

37、s mind? 9 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 事实细节题。本题问的是男士对他被提名的最初反应。男士说当他最初得知被提名为三位学生会主席候选人之一时,他犹豫了很久。 【知识模块】 听力 10 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 推理判断题。本题问的是女士对作为一名学生干部的看法。女士说如今的年轻人不仅要成绩好,还要能够独立处理各种问题。由此可知,女士认为学生干部应该学习好,并能独立处理各种问题。 【知识模块】 听力 11 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 原因目的题。本题问的是男士改变 想法的原因。男士说老师们建议他不要错过锻炼自己组织和社会工作能力的机会。由此可知,男士改变初衷的原因是他被老师

38、们说服了。 【知识模块】 听力 12 【听力原文】 W: Have you passed your exam? M: Yes,(12)I passed it just this January. What about you? W: I have no idea. I took it last Saturday. Do you think exams are the best way to test or find out students real learning ability? M: No, I dont think so.(13)I attended an English debat

39、e by the graduate students of our college just last weekend. Their topic was whether examinations are good or bad. W: Really? Im sorry I missed it. What are their opinions about it? Tell me quickly and briefly their viewpoints please. M: OK, let me say something about the negative side. The first co

40、ntestant of this side said that a students learning ability cannot be shown merely from test papers. What the paper shows is too partial about his learning, not the whole situation. W: Thats exactly true.(14)For example, a student might be good at doing a closed test, but we cannot deny that he poss

41、esses good testing techniques as well. Students of that kind can very often generate the right answers by guessing, imaging or even by taking a risk! No wonder quite a few students whose mastery of the knowledge is far from good passed the test unexpectedly! M: Yes, thats what the first contestant s

42、aid.(15)The second contestant of the negative side said that exams are in fact anxiety-makers. With too much tension and worry, students are leading an irregular life. W: Yes, I quite understand that. I often see some students with poor learning ability struggle first bravely and then desperately un

43、til they lose heart completely. 12. When did the man pass the exam? 13. What can we know about the English debate? 14. According to the woman, why did students who do not master the knowledge pass the exam? 15. What negative side of exams did the second contestant mention? 12 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 事实细节题。本

44、题问的是男士通过考试的时间。对话开头女士问男士是否通过了考试,男士回答说他在今年一月份就通过了考试。 【知识模块】 听力 13 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 事实细节题。本题问的是这场英语辩论赛的相关信息。男士说他上周末参加了校研究生的一场辩论赛,辩题是考试到底是好还是坏。 【知识模块】 听力 14 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 原因目的题。本题问的是女士认为有些知识掌握不好的学生能通过考试的原因。女士举了一个例子,有学生可能擅长闭卷考试,不可否认他掌握了较好的应试技巧。 【知识模块】 听力 15 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 事实细节题。本题问的是反方二辩提到的考试的负面影响。在对话后

45、半部分中,男士说反方的二辩提到考试会使人焦虑,过度紧张和担忧使学生无法正常生活。 【知识模块】 听力 Section B 16 【听力原文】 Will economic uncertainty make you save more or spend more? The answer may depend on your childhood experience, a new study suggests. The researchers suggest that while spending led by scarcity seems foolish economically, it may

46、reflect a deeper evolutionary survival strategy.(16)In biology, focusing on short-term gains can be the key to survival under conditions of scarcity.(17)Previous studies have shown that when facing an uncertain environment where the risk of early death is high, organisms ranging from rats to humans

47、tend to mature earlier sexually, reproduce at a younger age and even show signs of aging more rapidly. This “live fast, die young“ strategy can be successful under such conditions: “Spending“ your energy rapidly when you arent likely to have much time to do so will pay off in the form of leaving off

48、spring more often than not waiting will.(18)Studies involving human subjects also support the role of uncertainty in changing risk calculations. In the well-known “marshmallow test“ where children have to choose between one treat now or two treats later their decisions are influenced by how reliable

49、 the delivery of previous rewards was by the researchers. While the implications on financial decisions may not seem as profound as those for evolutionary development, the scientists say their results may lead to deeper understanding of why people seem to get caught in a cycle of poverty. If those who have experienced social hardships are more inclined to take bigger economic gambles, then an environment in which financial organizations are ever-ready with loans, at high interest rates, can prove ruinous for the borr


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