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1、现代金融业务(综合)模拟试卷 12及答案与解析 单句理解 ( A) Lending covenants now are often made at compound interest. ( B) Lending transactions now are often made at compound interest. ( C) Lending decisions now are often made at compound interest. ( D) Lending proposals now are often made at compound interest. ( A) Assumin

2、g inappropriately large financial risk can cause investors to lose sleep. ( B) Financial risk will not cause investors to lose sleep. ( C) Seeking to maximize profits appropriately can cause investors to lose sleep. ( D) No matter how much they earn, the investors will lose sleep. ( A) We are the cr

3、edit card holders. ( B) We are the bank who can encash the card. ( C) We are the credit card company. ( D) We stopped your card losing. ( A) A bank or insurance company issues an advance payment bond. ( B) A bank or insurance company issues a tender bond. ( C) A bank or insurance company issues a ma

4、intenance bond. ( D) A bank or insurance company issues a performance bond. ( A) There is a higher rate of interest on deposit account. ( B) There is a higher rate of interest on savings account. ( C) The rate of interest on deposit accounts is always much higher than that on savings accounts. ( D)

5、The rate of interest on deposit accounts is usually much lower than that on savings accounts. ( A) The financial reporting is to provide information for the investors and lenders only. ( B) The main aim of financial reporting is to offer information useful for decision-making. ( C) Investment and le

6、nding decisions can be made from the financial reporting. ( D) Investment and lending decisions can not be made from the financial reporting. ( A) The bank s foreign exchange department has to record the positions in the various currencies. ( B) The bank s foreign exchange department has to record t

7、he positions in the various currencies. ( C) The bank s foreign branches department has to record the various foreign currency liabilities. ( D) The bank s foreign branches department has to record the positions in the various currencies. ( A) The tax return is not shown in the income. ( B) The inco

8、me is not accurate in taxation. ( C) The tax should be returned according to the income. ( D) The tax return is not in accordance with the income that should be taxed. ( A) From an early date the banker have charged a commission for their services. ( B) From an early date the banker has an obligatio

9、n to serve the customers. ( C) From an early date the customers have charged a commission. ( D) From an early date the customer has an obligation to serve the banker. ( A) Banks may guarantee the buyer or the seller in documentary collection. ( B) Banks act as agents without responsibility of guaran

10、tee on either side. ( C) Banks offer bank guarantee to both the buyer and the seller in documentary collection. ( D) Banks are only responsible for the buyer in documentary collection. 对话理解 ( A) Interest rate of a foreign currency is much higher. ( B) There are risks of losing money sometimes to ope

11、n a foreign currency account. ( C) Foreign currencies exchange rates are relatively stable. ( D) It is advisable to open a foreign currency account. ( A) That she needs $200 to open an account. ( B) That savings accounts earn low interest. ( C) That she should not open an account. ( D) That $2,000 w

12、ill earn reasonable interest. ( A) Overdrafts. ( B) Mortgages. ( C) Personal loans. ( D) Letter of credit. ( A) The interest rate of savings account. ( B) The discounting rate for drafts. ( C) The rediscounting rate. ( D) The interest rate for loans. ( A) Accounting basis. ( B) Cash basis accounting

13、. ( C) Accounting control. ( D) The chart of accounts of a bank. ( A) Returning the cheque. ( B) Drawing the cheque in ink. ( C) Drawing the cheque in lead-pencil. ( D) Going to the paying bank. ( A) The payments of her draft. ( B) The collection of her draft. ( C) The exchange of some dollars. ( D)

14、 The opening of her account. ( A) Standard Chartered Bank, London is one of our correspondent banks. ( B) We can advise this L/C through Standard Chartered Bank, London. ( C) We will send the advice of the L/C directly to the beneficiary. ( D) Another bank will be chosen as the advising bank of this

15、 L/C ( A) Counter No. 12. ( B) Counter No. 6. ( C) Counter No. 15. ( D) Counter No. 16. ( A) A savings account. ( B) A fixed account. ( C) A check account. ( D) An automatic transfer account. 短文理解 ( A) Dealers in foreign exchange. ( B) Dealers in government bonds. ( C) Dealers in IPO. ( D) Dealers i

16、n government uses funds for its raw materials labor, and recovers funds, hopefully in excess of the a-mount. The raw materials purchased are funds instead of steel, clothing, or groceries. As in non-financial business a band management s basic objective should be to maximize the value of the owner s

17、 investment in the bank. Useful information on the appropriate tradeoffs between made and risks taken is obtained from relatively efficient markets for most publicly held banks. The management of smaller banks seeks to achieve the highest returns for the risk level deemed appropriate by the sharehol

18、ders. 58 The recovery of funds of a commercial bank is ideally managed on a parallel with its expenditure. ( A) Right ( B) Wrong ( C) Doesnt say 59 A commercial bank should try its best to increase the profits of its creditor and ownership sources. ( A) Right ( B) Wrong ( C) Doesnt say 60 Relatively

19、 efficient market can usually provide information on the credit worthiness of a commercial bank. ( A) Right ( B) Wrong ( C) Doesnt say 四、阅读理解 60 Fractional reserve banking is the practice of keeping only a traction of deposits in the form of reserves. Depository institutions(commercial banks, saving

20、s and loan associations, mutual savings banks, and credit unions)are able to do this because only a small fraction of their depositors is expected to turn up during any given day or week to withdraw their deposits. The bulk of deposits is invested in financial assets, from which the depository insti

21、tutions earn most of their income. Those income-earning financial assets range from bills, notes, and bonds issued by private corporations and by the federal, state, and municipal governments to mortgage loans for housing. Each type of financial institution has a different type of portfolio of asset

22、s, which reflects their area of special expertise in managing financial assets. To demonstrate how depository institutions create money under the present system of fractional reserve banking, hypothetical example of a commercial bank, Southwest National Bank, will be used. It is assumed that federal

23、 regulations require Southwest National Bank to hold a percentage of its deposits in the form of cash reserves. This is the reserve requirement. The reserves may be held in the form of currency and coin on the premises, a form of reserves called vault cash, or they may be held in a deposit at a regi

24、onal Federal Reserve Bank. Assume that the Southwest National Bank management, taking into account the reserve requirement and the projected amount of withdrawals arid deposits, decides to keep 20 percent of its deposits in rescues. 61 Why do the depository institutions have the fractional reserve b

25、anking? ( A) Because they can keep a large amount of deposits from their depositors in the form of reserves. ( B) Because most of their depositors would withdraw their deposits. ( C) Because only a small fraction of their depositors would deposit money during a day or week. ( D) Because they can mee

26、t the need of withdrawing of their depositors and make investments in other financial assets. 62 What is the main source of income of the depository institutions? ( A) Different types of portfolio. ( B) Bills, notes and bonds. ( C) Deposits invested in financial assets. ( D) Large amount of assets.

27、63 How can we know the management of financial assets? ( A) From the assets area of special expertise. ( B) From the portfolio of the assets. ( C) From the scale of the assets. ( D) From the reserve banks. 64 In what form are the reserves required to he held? ( A) In the form of currency and coin on

28、 the premises. ( B) In the form of vault cash. ( C) In a deposit at a regional Federal Reserve Bank. ( D) All of the above. 65 What is the reserve requirement? ( A) The requirement for cash reserves. ( B) The requirement for deposits in cash. ( C) The percentage of a bank s deposits in the form of c

29、ash reserves. ( D) The requirement of a bank to deposit a percentage of money. 65 Term loans are designed to fund long-and-medium-term business investments, such as the purchase of equipment or the construction of physical facilities, covering a period longer than one year. Usually the borrowing fir

30、m applies for a lump-sum loan based on the budgeted cost of its proposed project and then pledges to meet the scheduled repayment in a series of installments(often payments are made every quarter or even monthly). Thus, term loans look to the flow of future earnings of the business firm to amortize

31、and retire the credit. The schedule of installment payments is usually structured with the borrower s normal cycle of cash inflows and outflows firmly in mind. For example, there may be blind spots built into the repayment schedule, so there will be no installment payments due at those times of the

32、year when the customer is short of cash. However, these payment must be made up later, when cash is more abundant. Some term loan agreements do not call for repayment of loan principal until the end of the loan period, for example, in a bullet loan , only interest is paid periodically, with the full

33、 principal due when the loan matures. Term loans normally are secured by fixed assets(e. g. premises, equipment, furniture and fixtures)owned by the borrower and may carry either a fixed or floating interest rate. That rate normally is higher than on short-term business loans, due to the greater ris

34、k exposure to the bank from such loans. Certainly the probability of default or other adverse changes in the borrower s position is greater over the course of a long-term loan. 66 Term loans can be used to fund_. ( A) the purchase of inventory ( B) the purchase of equipment covering a period over on

35、e year ( C) the purchase of building materials ( D) securities dealers to purchase new securities 67 Usually the borrowing firm of term loans promises to repay_. ( A) the principal and interest until the end of the loan period ( B) the principal and interest at the end of the loan period ( C) the lo

36、an in a series of installments ( D) at any time when cash is more abundant 68 Repayment of the term loan relies on_. ( A) the net inflow of future funds of the assets financed ( B) the net outflow of the future funds of the assets financed ( C) the total assets of the borrowing firm ( D) the total l

37、iabilities of the borrowing firm 69 Which of the following can secure a term loan? ( A) Securities. ( B) Land and building. ( C) Accounts receivable. ( D) Inventory. 70 The best Headline of this passage would be_. ( A) Loans Provided by Banks ( B) Long-term Project Loans ( C) Credit Financing ( D) T

38、erm for Loans 70 Security is required on loans for several reasons. One of the most common is probably the borrowers financial weakness. Such weakness may be indicated by several factors, including heavy obligations to creditors, poor management, and insufficient income. Borrowers in this financial

39、condition can strengthen their credit by pledging certain assets. Having a secured loan may also be a psychological advantage for a bank. As long as the borrower has greater equity in the pledged assets than does the bank and the bank is in a preferred position and can foreclose in the event the loa

40、n a-greement is broken, the borrower has a strong incentive to repay the obligation. The length of a loan also has a bearing on whether it will be secured. As the term of the loan lengthens, the risk of non-repayment increases. Loans for purchasing real estate are nearly always secured, especially i

41、f the funds are borrowed for long periods of time, because of risk of non-repayment. Unsecured loans are based more exclusively on the borrower s integrity and financial condition, expected future income, and past record of repayment. Contrary to popular belief, the largest loans and the greatest do

42、llar volume of loans made by some banks are often granted on an unsecured basis. The largest commercial borrowers are able to borrow on an unsecured basis. Some companies are considered by banks to be prime borrowers, and in many cases they receive the most favorable interest rate. Such companies ha

43、ve competent management, products and services that are well accepted in the marketable, relatively stable profits, and a strong financial condition. They provide their banks with financial statements from which it is relatively easy to determine their financial condition and keep track of their pro

44、gress. Business firms are not the only ones who borrow on an unsecured basismany individuals enjoy this privilege. Persons who own their homes, have a steady job which they have held for years, and have a record of prompt payment both at the bank and at retail stores are commonly in a position to bo

45、rrow on an unsecured basis. An applicant s ability and willingness to pay are projected into various situations. 71 According to the passage, which of the following about the borrower s financial weakness is false? ( A) Past record of repayment. ( B) Low profitability. ( C) Poor management. ( D) Hea

46、vy obligations to creditors. 72 Security is required on loans so that_. ( A) the lending bank can enjoy higher interest receipts from the loan ( B) the borrower is more willing to pay back the money ( C) the funds borrowed will be repaid within a shorter period of time ( D) more prime borrowers are

47、attracted 73 According to the passage, unsecured loans are granted on the basis of_. ( A) the borrower s financial condition ( B) the guarantor s financial condition ( C) the guarantor s past record of repayment ( D) the borrower s pledged assets 74 Banks will usually grant unsecured loans to_. ( A)

48、 individuals with steady job held for years ( B) individuals with a good credit record ( C) large commercial companies with a strong financial condition ( D) all of the above 75 Which of the following statements is true? ( A) Loans for buying houses are always secured in order to reduce the risk of

49、nonpayment. ( B) Companies are more likely to borrow on all unsecured basis than individuals. ( C) The largest loans advanced by banks are always secured loans. ( D) Borrowers are more willing to repay the money if the loans are made on an unsecured basis. 五、写作 76 Normally a financial market consists of foreign exchange market, money market, bond market and equity market. The last two markets usually fall into the category of securities market or capital market. 77 The main task of a bank s foreign exchange department is to


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