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1、雅思(口语)模拟试卷 24及答案与解析 一、 Speaking Module (10-15 minutes) 1 The examiner asks the candidate about him/herself, his/her home, work or studies and other familiar topics. EXAMPLE Studies What are you studying? Where are you studying? Why did you choose this college/school/university? What do you like abou

2、t studying at this college/school/university? Restaurants Do you often go to restaurants? What kinds of restaurants are near your home? What do you think of fast food restaurants? How good is the service in restaurants where you live? Do you prefer restaurant food or “home cooking“? Shopping Do you

3、enjoy shopping? Do you usually do your shopping at one place or several different places? What kinds of shops are there near your home? 2 Tell me about a form of transport that you enjoy using. You should say: what the form of transport is and how often you use it its advantages and disadvantages ho

4、w much other people use it and why and explain why you enjoy using it so much. You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to think about what youre going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish. 3 Discussion topic: Transport Example Questions: W

5、hich types of transport do you think are better for short journeys and which are better for long ones? Is flying a common form of transport in your country? How do people in your country usually travel when they go on holiday? Do you think that the use of cars should be limited by law? In what ways

6、do modem transportation methods make our lives easier? 雅思(口语)模拟试卷 24答案与解析 一、 Speaking Module (10-15 minutes) 1 【正确答案】 Studies I study engineering. Ive been interested in technical things ever since I was a kid, so it was natural for me to choose this subject. Im in my third and final year now. I stu

7、dy at Kings University. Its not a particularly big or famous university, but it is very good in certain subject areas, such as mine. I chose it because it had a good reputation and is not too expensive. I didnt want to have large debts when I finished my course. I heard about the university for the

8、first time when a speaker from there came to my school to give an introductory speech about it. Im really glad that I came here. As well as the good level of education provided here, the campus is very quiet and green-its on the edge of the city. The university has forged strong links with local eng

9、ineering companies, so I get plenty of opportunity to use the things that I learn in a practical environment. The other students here are very friendly and we often organise parties on the campus. One reason for his is that, although there are bars and clubs in the city, there is no transport back t

10、o the university late in the evenings. Restaurants Yes, I do. I enjoy going out for a meal with friends or family. I can cook but I cant cook a wide range of food, so going to a restaurant is a good way to taste food from around the globe. I usually go to a restaurant once or twice a week, depending

11、 on how much time I have. Theres an Italian restaurant on the main road near my home. Thats the nearest one. Its OK. Within about 15 minutes walk of my home there ale several better restaurants-another Italian one, an Indonesian one and a French one. Theres also a fast food place, but I dont go ther

12、e very often! Theyre certainly clean and convenient, but Im not sure about the quality of the food there. I dont think that its as unhealthy as many people claim, but its certainly not very healthy. I go about once a month-usually for lunch if I have a lot of work and need something quick. Generally

13、, the service is very good and I dont have to wait very long to be served or for the food to arrive. The wait staff are attentive and friendly. The owners of the restaurants have clearly trained them well. I was in a restaurant last week and one of the staff made a mistake with my order. He was very

14、 apologetic. I definitely prefer home cooking, but restaurants offer a greater variety of dishes. Restaurant food in my area tends to be very filling-sometimes I can hardly move after eating! Shopping I dont mind shopping, but its not my favourite activity. I dont like big crowds of people pushing,

15、so I avoid sales and shopping on Saturdays. I like looking at all the latest products and fashions. When I go shopping, I usually spend some time comparing the prices of different brands. I shop for food at a local supermarket, but I occasionally buy a few items at a small shop. I shop for other thi

16、ngs, such as clothes, at a variety of places. My street only has houses, but there are many shops on the main road nearby. Lets see-theres a bookshop, a shoe shop, a supermarket, a chemists, a newsagents and a travel agents. There are others, but I cant remember them now. The bookshop is quite big a

17、nd has an excellent variety of books. The shoe shop is good for womens shoes, but not for mens. The chemists is very useful because it is open 24 hours, although you have to ring a bell for service between 7 p.m. and 8 a.m. Having a travel agent nearby is convenient, but I can usually find better pr

18、ices online. 2 【正确答案】 I like travelling by train best of all. I like watching the countryside go by or reading a book on the train. Last year, I went around Europe by train and had a fantastic time. Trains are usually less cramped than buses and you can stand up and walk around if you like. However,

19、 hey are more expensive-at 1east in my country. I only travel by train a few times a month now. Most weekends, I take a trip into the countryside. Travelling by train is very popular in my country. Some people use it when they go on trips, but most people use it to go to and from work each day. In c

20、ities in my country, train stations can be found near most city centres, which can make it quicker to take a train to work than to go by car or by bus. 3 【正确答案】 I think that a bicycle is an excellent way to travel a short distance. It doesnt cause pollution and helps keep the cyclist fit. Its main d

21、isadvantage is that it is not very good in bad weather-especially heavy rain or snow or when there is ice on the streets. As far as long journeys are concerned, I think that flying is best. Its very fast and quite comfortable. There are sometimes delays at airports, but, even taking these into accou

22、nt, travelling a long distance by air is faster. Yes, it island it is becoming increasingly common as more and more people take holidays further away from home. Air travel is also becoming cheaper as airlines compete with each other for customers. New routes are opening up, too. If they are going ab

23、road, then they usually fly. If they are holidaying in my country, they usually take the train. Some take buses, but these are not as reliable as the trains and it is also difficult to take a lot of luggage with you on a bus. When people are going on holiday, they usually want to get to their destin

24、ation as soon as possible so that they can spend more time there. Definitely. I think that this can be done in several different ways. I think that my country could copy some of the ideas used in Singapore. We could make cars more expensive and make them more expensive to run. This could be done by

25、increasing taxes. Then the money raised could go into improving public transport. Another possibility is to ban cars from city centres. Most traffic jams are in city centres, especially when people are going to or from work in the rush hours. This would reduce pollution in the city centres and also

26、reduce the number of car accidents. Well, we are able to visit more places, travel much faster and in more comfort today than ever before. This mobility has allowed our economies to develop faster and allow us to buy things from other countries at low prices. There are downsides, however. As I mentioned in my previous answer, in some places and at certain times there can be too much traffic and this can cause delays.


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