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1、雅思(阅读)模拟试卷 25及答案与解析 一、 Reading Module (60 minutes) 0 The Genuine Article A Many business books assume that potential leaders are a blank canvas onto which must be hurled a particular set of habits and characteristics in order to form the perfect chief executive of the future. Others assume that to b

2、ecome a better boss executives need do no more than ape other corporate high-flyers or draw inspiration from leaders in other walks of life. In this vein, for example, there is the Jack Welch model and the Richard Branson model. B Military commanders are a favourite military metaphors still abound i

3、n the corporate world and Napoleon and:Alexander feature frequently. Alexanders record on globalisation, however, is the more appealing in the current business climate. Failure to make it in Moscow and being off shored on St Helena are not to be found on the CVs of potential business leaders of toda

4、y. C Rob Goffee and Gareth Jones, two British academics, eschew the notion that effective bosses can be constructed piecemeal. Their implicit message is that bosses are born, or at least made before they delve into books on management. Rather than suggesting that high-quality leaders can be construc

5、ted from what they dismiss as an “amalgam of traits“, they stress that there are “no universal leadership characteristics“. The talent that the pair thinks most Vital is “authenticity“. D After 25 years spent observing well-regarded chief executives and good managers further down the ladder, the aut

6、hors conclude that authors who are true to characteristics they already possess make the best bosses. Their message to the aspiring high-flyer is “be yourself“, have a lot of self-knowledge and be comfortable with who you are. Identikit executives hiding behind the latest management fad, ambitious r

7、ole players, time-servers and office politicians may manage to creep to the top. However, Messrs Jones and Goffee insist that those they seek to lead will soon find them out. Authenticity cannot be faked, they say, and a little eccentricity wont hurt either. The authors approvingly cite Mr Bransons

8、casual style and endearing difference from the norm that his followers appreciate. E Displaying other differences, foibles or even shortcomings, they say, adds to the authenticity, and they give examples of the kinds of differences that bosses should exude. When CEO of Unilever, Niall FitzGerald gav

9、e free vent to his Irishness; Franz Humers passion was on display for all to see at Roche; and the BBC revelled in Greg Dykes “blokeishness“. The authors do concede that there are techniques which can improve leadership. Some characteristics work better than others, so play these up. However, they w

10、arn against phoney sincerity, and (perhaps surprisingly) they advocate displays of weakness. Mr Dyke had a notoriously bad temper; Alain Levy of PolyGram could be blunt and emotional. Appear human and your leadership will seem more attractive. F The authors go on to make some fairly obvious points t

11、hat the truly authentic and self-aware could probably work out for themselves: be conscious of how well you read situations (and try to get better); conform (but not too much); get close to your underlings (but not too close); and communicate authentically too. Are you better on e-mail or face-to-fa

12、ce? They cite Mr Welchs use of experiences from his boyhood in his communiqus as a way of conveying authenticity. They suggest trying a little humour which is surely not a good idea if you are not authentically funny. G It is a shame that the British authors offer many more examples from Europe than

13、 they do from America. The reader is left wondering whether revealing eccentricities in a land where conformity is more highly prized (and weaknesses where capitalism is reddest in tooth and claw) would meet with less success. Wal-Mart, Microsoft and other hugely successful American companies have b

14、een led by rather unexceptional people with little sense of humour. H Readers looking for detailed and specific advice on being a good manager may feel that the authors message is a little too vague. Managers who are unpleasant by nature may also want to try another approach. That said, “be yourself

15、“ is doubtless good advice for anyone yearning to lead hundreds and thousands of employees. Or indeed anyone merely wishing to lead a happy life. 1 Questions 1-4 The text has 8 paragraphs (A-H). Which paragraph contains each of the following pieces of in formation? 1 People who try to be good manage

16、rs simply by following the latest books advice will be seen as they really are by those they manage. 2 A brief comparison of Overall European and American business styles. 3 Ideas that conventional books suggest to those who wish to be business leaders. 4 How childhood experiences can help business

17、leaders. 5 Questions 5-8 Complete the following sentences using NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS from the text. 5 Goffey and Jones do not believe business leaders are created by putting personal qualities on a _. 6 The surprising thing that Goffey and Jones recommend is occasionally showing _. 7 Really _ pe

18、ople probably dont need to read Goffey and Jones book to discover many of their ideas about what makes a good business leader. 8 The article suggests that authenticity is good advice for people who want _ as well as for potential business leaders. 9 Questions 9-13 Do the following statements agree w

19、ith the information given in the text? Write TRUE if the information in the text agrees with the statement. Write FALSE if the information in the text contradicts the statement. Write NOT GIVEN if there is no information on this. 9 Alexander is currently more fashionable as a model for business lead

20、ers than Napoleon. 10 Goffee and Jones believe that business leaders should act naturally. 11 A good business leader should be very friendly with the people working under him/ her. 12 The writer thinks that using humour is not always a good idea. 13 The examples given in the article prove that busin

21、ess leaders in Europe and in America need different characteristics. 13 Trouble in Paradise Valley A On one side of the argument there are eagles, wolves and orchids; on the other side there are endless heavy lorries and burgeoning economic growth. Welcome to Europes new environmental battleground T

22、he conflict is coming to a head for the first time in a pristine valley in north-east Poland, crammed with spectacular wildlife, which has been earmarked as the route for a badly-needed motorway to the Baltic states. The clash of priorities has bitterly divided public opinion in Poland itself and ha

23、s now set the country on collision course with the European Union. Yet the struggle to save the Rospuda valley is only the first of many conflicts likely to arise between economic development in the new EU member nations of central and eastern Europe, and their wildlife heritage. B Species which hav

24、e long been rare or extinct in western European countries, such as lynx, elk, wolf and beaver, along with scores of uncommon bird species, from eagles to corncrakes, still have substantial populations in the ten central and eastern European nations which have recently joined the EU. In Poland and th

25、e other member states which joined in 2004 (the Creek Republic, Slovakia, Slovenia, Hungary and the three Baltic countries of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania), as well as in Bulgaria and Romania, which joined this year, two remarkable habitats in particular act as giant wildlife reservoirs for Europe

26、as a whole. One is the vast extent of ancient forests, some of which are still primeval meaning they have never been cut down and replanted and the other is the great range of wetlands in river valleys, flood plains and deltas. C The Rospuda valley combines both. The Rospuda river flows through the

27、ancient Augastow Forest near Polands border with Lithuania, one of the mast pristine forest regions in all of Europe; and the rivers course is bracketed by a peat bog wkieh is astonishingly rich in mammals, rare birds, plants and insects. In environmental terms, the valley is a jewel Yet it sits squ

28、arely astride the route for one of Europes most ambitious road schemes, the so-called Vm Baltica expressway from Warsaw to Heisinki, which will pass through the Baltic states. The section of the new road which is intended to be the bypass for the small town of Augustow, where two routes from Warsaw

29、join, is planned to go right through the valleys heart. D Environmentalists contend that the road will irreparably damage the valley, and insist an alternative route, further to the west, must be used; the Polish government, riding a wave of new prosperity with annual economic growth running at six

30、per cent, and desperate to upgrade its transport links with its neighbours as quickly as possible, insists that the Rospuda route is the right one, wildlife or no wildlife. The people of Augustow, who are sick of the unending procession of heavy lorries through their town, heartily agree. E A survey

31、 carried out by the Polish Bird Protection Society, Otop, has found that within 750 metres each side of the centreline of the proposed expressway as it passes through the valley, no fewer than 20 species of birds are breeding which are specifically protected, as rare or threatened, under European la

32、w. They represent a British birdwatchers dream, ranging from the white-tailed, short-toed and lesser-spotted eagles, through the black grouse and the capercaillie, to the corncrake, the crane and the great snipe. There is much more. Among a profusion of rare wildflowers, there are 20 orchid species

33、in the valley, including the last colony in Poland of the musk orchid Herminium monorchls, and mammals which are resident or pass through the forest and the marsh include lynx, wolf, elk, wild boar, otter and beaver. F The Polish centre-left national daily newspaper, Gazeta Wyborcza, has taken up th

34、e cause of saving Rospuda, and has given away green lapel ribbons for supporters to wear. An electronic petition on its website, to shift the road to an alternative route, has attracted 150,000 signatures, and last month, when it was thought the first tree-cutters were about to move in, a group of g

35、reen activists from all over Poland set up a camp in the snowy forest and climbed into the trees to stop them. Not everyone agrees with them. Two weeks ago last Sunday, several hundred people from Augustow, encouraged by local politicians, came out to confront the greens, shouting: “Ecologists, murd

36、erers!“ They distributed wooden crosses which they said represented the children knocked down and killed by the heavy lorries passing through the town. A heavy police presence was necessary to stop an ugly clash turning violent. G Now the conflict has intensified still further, and moved on to an in

37、ternational level The European Commission in Brussels is taking up the case, trod the Polish government is finding that EU membership carries duties as well as benefits. Polands membership of the European Union is giving the country an economic boost it has already received $14 billion in EU funding

38、 but it is its EU membership which means the government may have to think again about Rospuda. For when the country acceded in 2004, it was obliged under EU law to declare some of its best wildlife sites as protected areas in the EUs Europe-wide Natura 2000 network. H Rospada is one of these, part o

39、f the Augustow primeval forest special protection area (SPA), declared under the EUs 1979 wild birds directive. This lays down that if a development is likely to harm a protected site, alternatives have to be explored. Polish environmentalists have complained to Brussels that this has not been prope

40、rly done with Rospuda, nor has it been done in four more SPAs that the Vut Baltica is likely to damage. The EU environment commissioner, Stavros Dimas, has accepted their argument, and asked the Polish government to refrain from pushing the road through the valley or face prosecution in the European

41、 Court of Justice. Last week, Poland delivered its answer to Brussels, which, although it has not yet been published, is credibly rumoured to have been negative. It is hard not to feel some sympathy for the Poles, who have been pushed around by stronger nations throughout their history; many Polish

42、politicians feel this is happening with the EU now, and resent it strongly. Also, it is hard not to sympathise with the citizens of Augustow who have to live with an ever-increasing procession of heavy lorries. 14 Questions 14-17 The text has 8 paragraphs (A-H). Which paragraph does each of the foll

43、owing headings best fit? 14 Habitats in new EU countries. 15 Birds, flowers, mammals. 16 Special forest prime location. 17 Emotional issue. 18 Questions 18-22 According to the text, FIVE of the following statements are true. Write the corresponding letters in answer boxes 18 to 22 in any order. A. T

44、he fight over the Rospuda valley is the biggest wildlife issue in Europe. B. Primeval forests have not been destroyed by people. C. The Via Baltica has almost been completed. D. The Polish government is emphasising policies that aid transport links. E. There are no musk orchids outside Poland. F. A

45、recent protest almost became violent. G. Several Polish wildlife sites are protected under the Natura scheme. H. Via Baltica may damage other protected areas. 23 Questions 23-26 According to the information given in the text, choose the correct answer or answers from the choices given. 23 The road i

46、s causing tensions, or is expected to cause tensions, between ( A) different groups of Polish citizens. ( B) Poland and the EU. ( C) two groups of residents in Augustow. 24 The Rospuda valley is special because it has ( A) forests. ( B) wetlands. ( C) peat bogs. 25 People who are against the road ha

47、ve ( A) climbed trees to prevent them being cut down. ( B) signed a petition. ( C) called their opponents “murderers“. 26 Polish politicians ( A) do not want many areas of wildlife to be protected. ( B) want the EU to pay for the new road. ( C) think the EU is telling them what to do. 26 The Magneti

48、c Attraction of Physics Its amazing what you can do with a few paperclips and margarine tubs, says Richard West, head of science and physics at St Peters school in Wolverhampton. A group of his students has been taking part in the annual “paperclip challenge“ at Leicester University, part of the sch

49、ools attempts to get pupils interested in physics. These extend to an after-school animal club for year 7s, with a posse of rats, rabbits and geckos to look after. Elforts to “sell physics very hard“ to the younger pupils has paid off, and this year the school has a record forty students studying AS-level physics, and helping to make the science results the best of any subject in the school. “Success breeds success,“ West explains. “Wed like more girls doing physics, but we are proud of what w

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