BS PD ISO TS 13471-1-2017 Acoustics Temperature influence on tyre road noise measurement Correction for temperature when testing with the CPX method《声学 温度对轮胎 道路噪声测量的影响 采用CPX法测试时的温度.pdf

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BS PD ISO TS 13471-1-2017 Acoustics Temperature influence on tyre road noise measurement Correction for temperature when testing with the CPX method《声学 温度对轮胎 道路噪声测量的影响 采用CPX法测试时的温度.pdf_第1页
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BS PD ISO TS 13471-1-2017 Acoustics Temperature influence on tyre road noise measurement Correction for temperature when testing with the CPX method《声学 温度对轮胎 道路噪声测量的影响 采用CPX法测试时的温度.pdf_第2页
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BS PD ISO TS 13471-1-2017 Acoustics Temperature influence on tyre road noise measurement Correction for temperature when testing with the CPX method《声学 温度对轮胎 道路噪声测量的影响 采用CPX法测试时的温度.pdf_第3页
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BS PD ISO TS 13471-1-2017 Acoustics Temperature influence on tyre road noise measurement Correction for temperature when testing with the CPX method《声学 温度对轮胎 道路噪声测量的影响 采用CPX法测试时的温度.pdf_第4页
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BS PD ISO TS 13471-1-2017 Acoustics Temperature influence on tyre road noise measurement Correction for temperature when testing with the CPX method《声学 温度对轮胎 道路噪声测量的影响 采用CPX法测试时的温度.pdf_第5页
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1、Acoustics Temperature influence on tyre/road noise measurementPart 1: Correction for temperature when testing with the CPX methodPD ISO/TS 134711:2017BSI Standards PublicationWB11885_BSI_StandardCovs_2013_AW.indd 1 15/05/2013 15:06National forewordThis Published Document is the UK implementation of

2、ISO/TS 134711:2017.The UK participation in its preparation was entrusted by Technical Committee EH/1, Acoustics, to Subcommittee EH/1/2, Transport noise.A list of organizations represented on this subcommittee can be obtained on request to its secretary.This publication does not purport to include a

3、ll the necessary provisions of a contract. Users are responsible for its correct application. The British Standards Institution 2017 Published by BSI Standards Limited 2017ISBN 978 0 580 94680 6ICS 17.140.30; 43.020Compliance with a British Standard cannot confer immunity from legal obligations.This

4、 Published Document was published under the authority of the Standards Policy and Strategy Committee on 31 May 2017.Amendments/corrigenda issued since publicationDate Text affectedPUBLISHED DOCUMENTPD ISO/TS 134711:2017 ISO 2017Acoustics Temperature influence on tyre/road noise measurement Part : Co

5、rrection for temperature when testing with the CPX methodAcoustique Effet de la temprature sur les essais de bruit pneu/route Partie : Mode opratoire de correction sur les essais avec la mthode CPXTECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONISO/TS13471-1Reference numberISO/TS 134711:2017(E)First edition20170315PD ISO/TS

6、 134711:2017ISO/TS 13471-1:2017(E)ii ISO 2017 All rights reservedCOPYRIGHT PROTECTED DOCUMENT ISO 2017, Published in SwitzerlandAll rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, no part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized otherwise in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical,

7、including photocopying, or posting on the internet or an intranet, without prior written permission. Permission can be requested from either ISO at the address below or ISOs member body in the country of the requester.ISO copyright officeCh. de Blandonnet 8 CP 401CH1214 Vernier, Geneva, SwitzerlandT

8、el. +41 22 749 01 11Fax +41 22 749 09 47copyrightiso.orgwww.iso.orgPD ISO/TS 134711:2017ISO/TS 13471-1:2017(E)Foreword ivIntroduction v1 Scope . 12 Normative references 13 Terms and definitions . 13.1 Acoustics. 13.2 Tyres and road surfaces 23.3 Temperatures . 24 Principles of the correction procedu

9、res 35 Temperature measurement equipment . 46 Measurement methods 46.1 General . 46.2 Measurement of air temperature 56.3 Measurement of road surface temperature (optional) 56.4 Measurement of tyre temperature (optional) 57 Temperature range 57.1 General . 57.2 Temperature range within which the cor

10、rection procedure is valid . 58 Temperature correction procedure 68.1 Correction to CPX levels, LCPX68.2 Temperature coefficient 68.3 Spectral correction 89 Measurement uncertainty assessment according to ISO/IEC Guide 98-3 89.1 General . 89.2 Potential uncertainties . 89.3 Uncertainty estimation of

11、 temperature correction . 99.4 Sources of uncertainty 99.4.1 Temperature coefficients, t. 99.4.2 Road surface category, 99.4.3 Temperature measurements, T . 99.5 Estimation of uncertainties . 1010 Test report 10Annex A (informative) Discrete temperature coefficient .12Annex B (informative) Informati

12、on about road surface types .13Annex C (informative) Selection of temperature for normalization 15Bibliography .16 ISO 2017 All rights reserved iiiContents PagePD ISO/TS 134711:2017ISO/TS 13471-1:2017(E)ForewordISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of nat

13、ional standards bodies (ISO member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out through ISO technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been established has the right to be represented on that committee. Interna

14、tional organizations, governmental and nongovernmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work. ISO collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters of electrotechnical standardization.The procedures used to develop this document and those intende

15、d for its further maintenance are described in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 1. In particular the different approval criteria needed for the different types of ISO documents should be noted. This document was drafted in accordance with the editorial rules of the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2 (see

16、 is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of patent rights. ISO shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights. Details of any patent rights identified during the development of the document will

17、 be in the Introduction and/or on the ISO list of patent declarations received (see trade name used in this document is information given for the convenience of users and does not constitute an endorsement.For an explanation on the meaning of ISO specific terms and expressio

18、ns related to conformity assessment, as well as information about ISOs adherence to the World Trade Organization (WTO) principles in the Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) see the following URL: document was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 43 Acoustics, Subco

19、mmittee SC 1 Noise.A list of all the parts in the ISO/TS 13471 series can be found on the ISO website.iv ISO 2017 All rights reservedPD ISO/TS 134711:2017ISO/TS 13471-1:2017(E)IntroductionAir, tyre and road surface temperatures affect noise emission from the tyre/road interaction, as measured by mea

20、ns of, for example, the close-proximity (CPX) method specified in ISO 11819-2. This method allows the user to make measurements within a wide air temperature range (5 C to 35 C) which means that temperature influence on the results may be substantial.In the CPX method, one or two reference tyres may

21、 be used, as specified in ISO/TS 11819-3; consequently, the temperature corrections need to be valid for these reference tyres. Tyre properties like rubber hysteresis and tread rubber hardness are affected by temperature, but the latter may also affect road surface properties. Temperature effects on

22、 noise, therefore, depend on both the tyre and the road surface, the temperatures of which are affected by ambient air temperature. To make it more complicated, the temperature probably has different effects on different noise generation mechanisms. Ideally, and whenever possible, temperature correc

23、tions shall be tailored to the tested tyre/road combination.The approach to the temperature correction in this document is semigeneric, which means that under certain conditions a correction to noise for temperature is made common to a group of tyres or a group of road surfaces. This document makes

24、a distinction to the two reference tyres and to a few major road pavement categories. ISO 2017 All rights reserved vPD ISO/TS 134711:2017This page deliberately left blankAcoustics Temperature influence on tyre/road noise measurement Part : Correction for temperature when testing with the CPX method1

25、 ScopeThis document specifies procedures for determining the effect of temperature on tyre/road noise emission. Temperatures considered are tyre, road and ambient air temperatures. The noise emission for which this document is applicable is measured by means of ISO 118192, or similar methods such as

26、 the on-board sound intensity (OBSI) method specified in Reference 1.Measurement results obtained at a certain temperature, which may vary over a wide range, are normalized to a designated reference temperature (20 C) using a correction procedure specified in this document.2 Normative referencesThe

27、following documents are referred to in the text in such a way that some or all of their content constitutes requirements of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.IS

28、O 118192, Acoustics Measurement of the influence of road surfaces on traffic noise Part 2: The close-proximity methodISO/TS 118193, Acoustics Measurement of the influence of road surfaces on traffic noise Part 3: Reference tyresISO/IEC Guide 983, Uncertainty of measurement Part 3: Guide to the expre

29、ssion of uncertainty in measurement (GUM:1995)3 Terms and definitionsFor the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply.ISO and IEC maintain terminological databases for use in standardization at the following addresses: IEC Electropedia: available at http:/www.electropedia

30、.org/ ISO Online browsing platform: available at http:/ Acoustics3.1.1tyre/road noisenoise generated by the tyre/road interactionTECHNICAL SPECIFICATION ISO/TS 13471-1:2017(E) ISO 2017 All rights reserved 1PD ISO/TS 134711:2017ISO/TS 13471-1:2017(E)3.1.2CPX methodclose-proximity me

31、thodmeasurement procedure designed to evaluate the influence of road pavement characteristics on vehicle and traffic noise under conditions when tyre/road noise (3.1.1) dominates and power unit noise is not very importantNote 1 to entry: The method is specified in ISO 11819-2.Note 2 to entry: The me

32、asurements are made using microphones located close to one or more test tyres which are mounted on a special test vehicle.3.1.3CPX levelclose-proximity levelLCPXtimeaveraged Aweighted sound pressure level (SPL) of the tyre/road noise (3.1.1) as determined by the CPX method (3.1.2), either broadband

33、or spectral bands, as requiredNote 1 to entry: The CPX level is expressed in decibels. In order to provide more information, additional suffixes are used; see ISO 118192where the CPX method is described.3.2 Tyres and road surfaces3.2.1reference tyretest tyre specified for the purpose of representing

34、 certain features in tyre/road sound emission, designed and constructed for use in the CPX method (3.1.2) with specified and reproducible standard propertiesNote 1 to entry: The reference tyres are specified in ISO/TS 11819- surfacesurface courseupper course of the pavement, which is in c

35、ontact with the tyresNote 1 to entry: Various main types of road surfaces are described in Annex B.3.3 Temperatures3.3.1air temperatureambient air temperaturetemperature of the air surrounding the tyres under test, but measured in such a way that the sensor is exposed to the airflow and protected fr

36、om direct solar radiationNote 1 to entry: The air temperature is expressed in degree Celsius.3.3.2road temperatureroad surface temperaturestatic temperature of the part of the road that is in contact with the tyre(s) rolling on the road, where static means that it is the temperature that changes onl

37、y with pavement convection, sun radiation and meteorological conditionsNote 1 to entry: The road temperature is expressed in degree Celsius.2 ISO 2017 All rights reservedPD ISO/TS 134711:2017ISO/TS 13471-1:2017(E)3.3.3tyre temperaturegeneral term for the temperature of the reference tyre (3.2.1), wh

38、ich influences noise emissionNote 1 to entry: The tyre temperature is expressed in degree Celsius.Note 2 to entry: Tyre temperature varies substantially between different parts of the tyre, as well as with the tyre operating conditions. In this document, distinction is not made between these differe

39、nt parts, but the tyre is seen as a unit with a temperature that influences noise emission in a particular way.3.3.4tyre tread temperaturetemperature of the surface of the tread of the reference tyre (3.2.1)Note 1 to entry: The tyre tread temperature is expressed in degree Celsius.Note 2 to entry: I

40、n this document, this is considered the temperature of the centre onethird of the tread width.3.3.5reference temperatureTrefair temperature (3.3.1) of 20,0 C representing a hypothetical, ideal measurement case, to which actual measurements are normalizedNote 1 to entry: The reference temperature is

41、expressed in degree Celsius.3.3.6temperature correction termCT,tterm used for correcting the CPX level (3.1.3) for temperature T for tyre tNote 1 to entry: The temperature correction term is expressed in decibels.3.3.7temperature coefficientMissing image: D:/PAYLOAD/Filestore/Work-flows and Output/B

42、S-ISO XML Body Final/2017-05-08 coefficient used for correcting the CPX level (3.1.3) for the effect of temperature for tyre tNote 1 to entry: The temperature coefficient is expressed in decibels per degree Celsius.4 Principles of the correction proceduresThe general effect of temperature is an incr

43、ease in sound levels with colder temperatures and a decrease in sound levels with warmer temperatures. Based on the empirically determined relationship between tyre/road noise and ambient air temperature, the aim is to normalize all CPX noise measurements to a reference temperature, from the actual

44、air temperature during the measurement, within a temperature range where the relationship is reasonably linear.The reference condition has been determined to be a hypothetical measurement of noise at an air temperature of 20,0 C. The relationship between noise and temperature has been determined fro

45、m a compilation of several published investigations, with distinction between the two reference tyres specified in ISO/TS 11819-3, and with speed as an influential factor. It has been found that the relationship depends on the main type of road surface, and somewhat different relationships are, ISO

46、2017 All rights reserved 3PD ISO/TS 134711:2017ISO/TS 13471-1:2017(E)therefore, necessary to apply based on the road surface type, and to some extent the condition of the surface (porosity).2In this way, measured overall Aweighted levels as well as spectral levels, corrected for the difference betwe

47、en actually measured temperature and the reference temperature using formulae given in this document, are normalized to a common reference condition where air temperature would be 20 C.In general, it is advised that measurements be made as close as possible to the reference temperature, in order to

48、avoid large corrections. In cases when one wants to compare, for example, a beforeafter measurement of some type, the lowest uncertainties will result if such beforeafter measurements are made at similar temperatures; in particular, if temperatures during measurements are relatively far from the ref

49、erence temperature.When using a semigeneric correction procedure, it shall be accepted that the use of an average temperature coefficient for tyres considered in this document, with a distinction between a few major road pavement categories, will lead to some over and underestimations of temperature corrections for individual pavements. However, the errors of such imperfect corrections are more than balanced by the correction itself as it normalizes the results to a common and comparable

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