CIE 47-1979 Road Lighting for Wet Conditions (E)《潮湿情况用道路照明(E)》.pdf

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2、 LA CIE COPYRIGHT International Commission on IlluminationLicensed by Information Handling ServicesCIE 47 79 I 9006145 0001954 OTB m -1- PREFACE This report has been prepared by CIE Technical Committee TC-4.6 Road Lighting. It has been approved by the majority of the Technical Committees and is reco

3、mmended for study and application. This report is not an Officially Agreed CIE Recommendation approved by the National Committees of the Member Countries of the CIE. It should be noted that any recommendations in this report are advisory and not mandatory. The latest CIE Proceedings or CIE Bulletin

4、should be consulted regarding the current status of this report and possible subsequent amendments. Ce rapport a t prpar par le Comit Technique TC-4.6 Eclairage des Voies Publiques de la CIE. I1 a 6th approuv par la majorit du Comit Technique et il est recommand pour tude et application. Ce rapport

5、nest pas une Recommandation Officielle de la CIE, approuve par les Comits Nationaux des Pays Membres de la CIE. Il doit tre not que toute recommandation y figurant est donne titre de conseil et non dobligation. En ce qui concerne la situation prsente de ce rapport et dventuelles modifications, il fa

6、ut consulter le plus rcent Compte Rendu de Session ou Bulletin de la CIE. Dieser Bericht wurde vom Technischen Komitee TC-4.6 Strassen- beleuchtung der CIE ausgearbeitet. Er wurde durch die Mehrheit des Technischen Komitees gebilligt und wird zum Studium und zur Anwendung empfohlen. Dieser Bericht i

7、st keine offiziell anerkannte CIE-Empfehlung, der die Nationalen Komitees der Mitgliedslander der CIE zugestimmt haben. Es sei darauf hingewiesen, dass jede Empfehlung in diesem Bericht als Anleitung dient und nicht verbind- lich ist. Was den gegenwrtigen Status dieses Berichtes und mgliche Nachfolg

8、e-Ausgaben angeht, ziehe man die neuesten CIE-Tagungsberichte oder das CIE-Bulletin zu Rate. COPYRIGHT International Commission on IlluminationLicensed by Information Handling Services CIE 47 79 9006145 0001955 T34 -2- COMPOSITION OF TC-4.6 A.J. Fisher, Chairman J.B. de Boer, Coordinator F. Behal H.

9、-H. Bjg5rset M. Bonomo M.J.F. Dempster M.V. Gaudel P. Gergely M.A. Gudjohnsen P. Hautala K.O. Hedman O. Hinojosa G. Ionita W. Kebschull A. Ketvirtis A.M. Marsden D. Murgaski K. Narisada M.A. Ostrovsky A. Peczynska A. Pereira Marques H. Prochazka W. Riemenschneider A. Romero de Tejada M. Sand F. Sart

10、eel D.A. Schreuder R. Schwab K. Smotchevski K. Sorensen COhPOSITION OF DRAFTING SUBCOMMITTEE K. Sqhensen, Chaiman A. Augdal J. Cobb 1Y. Kebschull P. Massart J. Vermeulen Australia Netherlands Czecho-Slovakia Norway Italy South Africa France Hungary Iceland Finland Sweden Chile Romania Germany FR Can

11、ada Great Britain Jugoslavia Japan U.S.S.R. Poland Portugal Austria Switzerland Spa in Israel Belgium Net her 1 ands U.S.A. Bulgaria Denmark Denmark Norway Great Britain Germany FR Belgium Nether1 ands COPYRIGHT International Commission on IlluminationLicensed by Information Handling ServicesSUMMARY

12、 The use of the luminance distribution on the dry road surface as a criterion of the quality of road lighting of traffic routes has gained acceptance in a number of countries. However, in rainy climates a road surface is moist or wet for a substantial part of the dark hours, during which time the li

13、ght- ing quality is reduced. The aim of this report is to give information which facilitates the inclu- sion of the wet condition in the design of road lighting installations. The information, on one hand covers most aspects of road lighting for wet condi- tions, but, on the other hand, is mainly in

14、 the form of a collection of ex- perience. The information on the procurement of road reflection data in particular cannot be considered to be final, as research is still in progress and as a more comprehensive report on road reflection properties is planned by the CIE. RESUME Lutilisation de la dis

15、tribution de la luminance sur la surface de la chaus- se comme un critre de la qualit dclairage des artres de circulation sest impose dans plusieurs pays. Par un temps pluvieux, cependant, la sur- face de la chausse est humide ou mouille pendant une partie importante des heures noires, pendant lesqu

16、elles la qualitg lumineuse est rduite. Le but de ce rapport cest de donner des informations qui facilitent linclu- sion des conditims mouilles dans le dessin dinstallations dclairage de voies publiques. Dune part, linformation couvre presque tous les aspects de lclairage dans les conditions mouilles

17、, mais dautre part, linformation est principalement donne sous forme dune collection dexpriences. Linforniation,en particulier sur la procuration de caractristiques sur la rflexion de la route, ne doit pas Stre considre come tant finale, puisque la recherche est toujours en progrs et quun rapport pl

18、us comprhensif sur les propriets de la rflexion de la route est plan tre fait par la CIE. COPYRIGHT International Commission on IlluminationLicensed by Information Handling Services CIE 47 79 9006145 0003957 807 -4- ZUSAMMENFASSUNG Die Anwendung der Leuchtdichte auf der Oberflche der trockenen Stras

19、se als ein Kriterium der Qualitt der Strassenbeleuchtung fr Verkehrsstrassen ist in einer Reihe von Lndern angenommen worden. In regnerischen Klimaten ist die Strassenoberflche aber feucht oder nass in einem erheblichen Teil der dunklen Stunden, whrend welcher Periode die Beleuchtungsqualitt re- duz

20、iert ist. Der Zweck dieses Berichtes besteht darin, Ausknfte zu erteilen, die die Einschliessung der nassen Bedingung in der Auslegung der Strassen- Beleuchtungsinstallationen erleichtern. Die Ausknfte umfassen einerseits die meisten Aspekte der Strassenbeleuchtung fr nasse Bedingungen, anderer- sei

21、ts basieren sie hauptschlich auf gesmelten Erfahrungen. Die Ausknfte besonders ber die Beschaffung der Daten der Strassenreflexion sind nicht als endgltig zu betrachten, da die Forschung noch Fortschritte macht, und da ein umfassenderer Bericht ber die Wirkung der Strassenre- flexion von der CIE gep

22、lant ist. COPYRIGHT International Commission on IlluminationLicensed by Information Handling Services CIE 47 79 9006345 0001958 743 -5- TABLE OF CONTENTS Page 1. INTRODUCTION . 8 2. PROCUREMENT OF Rom REFLECTION DATA 10 2.1 General remarks 10 2.2 Definition of the wet condition 12 2.2.2 2.3 2.3.1 2.

23、3.2 2.3.3 Definition of the wet condition 17 . Description of road reflection properties 17 General remarks . 17 - The CIE description method . proeerties of wet road sameles . 18 - - Recent developnents in the descriQtion of reflection - - - 19 - - Background . 19 Choice of descript

24、ion system . 19 2.4 A unified description method of road reflection proper- 2.4.1 2.4.2 2.4.3 2.5 ties in dry and wet conditions (provisional) . 24 General remarks 24 Definition of the characteristics 24 25 - . The use of the description method . - Classification of road reflection properties in dry

25、 and wet conditions (tx-ovisionai) . 26 2.5.1 2.5.2 2.5.3 Introductory remarks . 20 - - Outline of a unified classification for road reflection . COPYRIGHT International Commission on IlluminationLicensed by Information Handling Services CIE 47 79 9006345 0001959 b6T 2.6. -6- Page Relationshim betwe

26、en the comDosition of the road surface and the reflection properties 36 Reflection data 36 -_- 2.6.1 Q0-dry, lightness of the surface . 36 2.6.2 Cernent concretes . 36 - - . Asphaltic surfaces . 36 3. THE INFLUENCE OF ROAD REFLECTION PROPERTIES ON INSTALLATION ECONOMY AND PERFORMANCE

27、 49 3.1 The lightness of the surface, QO . 49 3.2 The degree of specularity of the dry surface . 49 3.3 The degree of specularity of the wet surface . 50 4. DESIGN VALUES OF LIGHTING PARAMETERS IN THE WET CONDITION . 52 4.1 Introductory remarks . 52 4.2 Proposal for a design method . 52 4.3 The road

28、 surface . 53 5. EWLES AND FEATURES OF ROAD LIGHTING INSTALLATIONS FOR DRY AND ET CONDITIONS .o.o. 55 5.1 Introductory remarks . 55 5.2 Choice of examples . 55 5.3 ; . . . . . . , . . . 58 5.4 5.5 Documentation of the examples . 60 Discussion of the examples . 60 COPYRIGHT International Commission o

29、n IlluminationLicensed by Information Handling Services CIE 47 79 9006345 0002960 3TL M 5.5.1 5.5.2 5.5.3 5.5.4 5.6 5.7 -7- Page Reflectance tables for the dry condition . 60 The single-sided arrangement . 60 . - - - - The opposite arrangement . 63 -_-_- - - Th-ceral twig-gnganm;t_ . 63 Validity of

30、the conclusions for high pressure sodium lamps 65 Validity of the conclusions for low pressure sodium lamps 66 6. PROCEDURES, WHEN DESIGNING AN INSTALLATION FOR DRY AND WET CON- DITIONS 67 6.1 General remarks 67 6.2 Conditions . 67 6.3 Initial evaluation . 69 6.4 Computations . 70 REFERENCES . 74 AP

31、PENDIX A Polar diagrams . 75 APPENDIX B Documentation of examples of road lighting installations . 78 APPENDIX C Method of simulating rainfall on a -. road sample . 92 COPYRIGHT International Commission on IlluminationLicensed by Information Handling ServicesCIE 47 77 9006345 OOOL7bL 238 -8- 1. INTR

32、ODCTION In CIE miblication No. 12 it is explained that the bright the road by a single lantern has the shape of a letter T. becomes moist or wet, its reflection properties change in patch formed on When a surface two respects. The “head“ of the T-shaped patch becomes weaker, while the “tail“ becomes

33、 stronger and longer. When such changes occur, the juxtaposition of the bright patches in a road lighting installation will form a luminance pattern on the road with reduced unifonnity. Mostly the overall uniformity decreases greatly, while the long- itudinal uniformity is less affected. The extent

34、to which the road reflection properties are affected depends upon the road surface itself and upon the weather. The magnitude of the conse- quent change in the luminance pattern on the road depends upon the road lighting installation, its geometry and the lantern luminous intensity dis- tribution. I

35、n the extreme situation of a very specular wet surface, however, the lumi- nance uniformities will always be poor. The roadwill be dark, except for longish, glaring reflections from the lanterns and also from headlights of opposing cars, traffic signals, windows and any other light sources in the vi

36、cinity of the road. The reduction in luminance uniformity and the additional glare, which is often accompanied by a reduction in road friction and glare from scattering of light from the wet windscreen, constitutes a dangerous situation in night- time driving. Therefore, efforts should be undertaken

37、 to maintain the performance of the lighting installation in wet weather, to the extent it is possible, both practically and economically. In accordance with sound economical principles these efforts should be geared to the frequency of moist and wet weather, i.e. according to the local climatic con

38、dition. There are two lines of action in maintaining road lighting performance in wet weather. Firstly, to employ road surfaces with a more coarse texture, whose reflection properties are less sensitive to wetting. Secondly, to design the installation for a wet condition of the road surface, in addi

39、tion COPYRIGHT International Commission on IlluminationLicensed by Information Handling Servicesto the dry condition, thus securing control of the performance of the in- stallation for a range of reflection properties. It is realized that the coordination between the road surface and the lighting in

40、stallation might present severe difficulties. The necessary cooperation between the road engineer and the lighting engineer is not traditional and, further, the road and the lighting installation often be- long to different authorities or they are financed by different funds. However, the lighting e

41、ngineer should undertake the mission of influencing the choice of road surfaces, since a truly satisfactory result for wet con- ditions cannot be obtained, unless the road surface has acceptable reflec- tion properties. n the other hand, it is possible in most cases to improve the performance of the

42、 lighting installation in wet weather, without sacrificing the per- formance in dry weather. If the economy of the installation is considered, mny things can be taking both situations into consideration in the planning stage. It should be realized also that taking both the dry and the wet co

43、ndition into consideration leads to a decrease in the sensitivity of installation performance to variations in road reflection properties caused by wear and age. This, it is believed, makes the luminance concept more reliable and thus more fitting as a basis for the design of road lighting installat

44、ions. As will be clear from the content of this report the “wet condition of a road surface“ is a rather difficult matter to describe. Considerable research has been carried out so far with this aim. This has resulted in a system for describing the characteristics of the wet road surface,as given in

45、 this re- port, applicable to road lighting design. Research, however, is still going on in this field, which may lead to improvements in the simplification of design procedures. Considerable time will certainly be involved before such research can be considered to be finalised. As, furthermore, the

46、 wet condition of the road occurs during a considerable part of the dark hours in many countries, guidance on the design of lighting installations for the wet road cannot wait for the ultimate results of investigations on the reflection properties of the wet road surface and has therefore been given

47、 on the basis of the considerable amount of knowledge presently available. COPYRIGHT International Commission on IlluminationLicensed by Information Handling ServicesCIE 47 79 9006345 0003963 O00 - 10 - 2. PROCUREMENT OF ROAD REFLECTION DATA 2.1 General remarks The planning of road lighting for wet

48、conditions presumes that two r-tables, one for the dry and one for a certain wet condition of the road surface, are available. The two r-tables define on one hand the range of reflection properties, which is to be taken into account in the planning of the light- ing installation and, on the other hand, they are a model of the reflection properties of the road surface. For technical and economical reasons the range of reflection properties de- fined by the two r-tables cannot cover all reflection properties attained by the road surface at any time and in any weather situat


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