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1、2014 年重庆大学英语翻译基础真题试卷及答案与解析英译汉1 ASEAN2 NASA3 UNESCO4 QFII5 federal reserve system6 fiscal year7 consulate general8 karst topography9 Shakespearean sonnet10 tariff wall11 tsunami warning system12 the brain trust13 warehouse-type supermarket14 federal government shutdown15 trade deficit汉译英16 劳教17 小康社会1

2、8 转基因食品19 退耕还林20 山寨手机21 水土流失22 面子工程23 三农问题24 人肉搜索25 购置资产26 时尚达人27 易经28 保障性住房29 城市热岛效应30 驴友英译汉31 THE case of Private Bradley Manning, convicted this week by a military court of leaking secrets to the WikiLeaks website and now facing up to 136 years in jail, looks as if it might be the high-water mark

3、 of Americas zealous security culture. It certainly ought to be. After the attacks of September 11th 2001, George Bush tipped the balance too far from liberty towards security, and it has stayed there under Barack Obama.As Mr Manning awaits his sentence, Edward Snowden, a contractor for the American

4、 intelligence services, was reported on August 1st to have gone to Russia, where he has been offered a years temporary asylum. He had set out to shed light on the warrantless warehousing by the National Security Agency(NSA)of private data belonging to millions of American citizens, possibly in breac

5、h of the Patriot Act and the Fourth Amendment. His revelations continued this week. Meanwhile the Obama administration has seized journalists telephone records and pursued leakers with a legal sledgehammer.Neither Mr. Snowden nor Mr. Manning is a perfect ambassador for a more liberal approach. Both

6、broke the law by revealing secrets they were under oath to keep. Americas spying agencies cannot function if their employees squawkand, when “mass leaking“ has become politically fashionable and technically feasible, deterrents are needed. Mr. Mannings public-interest defence is especially thin: he

7、leaked over 700,000 files with little judgment about what harm or good this would do. Mr. Snowdens initial disclosure was selective, but his flight to Hong Kong and Russia was damaging, and he has ended up disclosing secrets about how America spies on China. America is right to want to put him on tr

8、ial, like Mr. Manning.But both men also show how America still leans too far towards security over liberty. Every intelligence service will impinge on individual libertiesand Americas has succeeded in its main job: to prevent attacks. But every democracy also needs to keep those impingements in chec

9、k and to hold its spies to account. Of all the worlds democracies, the one that should best understand this tension is the United States. Its constitution rests on the notion that the people in charge are fallible. As Mr. Manning waits to hear the judges sentence, it is time to remember that.汉译英32 大

10、力推动自主创新。中央财政用于科技的投入五年累计 8 729 亿元,年均增长超过 18。全社会研究与试验发展经费支出占国内生产总值的比重由 2007 年的14提高到 2012 年的 197,企业研发活动支出占比超过 74。出台深化科技体制改革加快国家创新体系建设的意见。深入实施国家技术创新工程和知识创新工程,扎实推进国家科技重大专项,新建一批国家工程中心、重点实验室和企业技术中心。加强基础研究和前沿探索,突破一批关键核心技术,填补了多项重大产品和装备的空白。深入实施人才强国战略。以高层次、高技能人才为重点,加强各类人才队伍建设,专业技术人才、高技能人才分别增加 860 万人和 880 万人,留学

11、回国人员达到 54万人。大力加强文化建设。覆盖城乡的公共文化设施网络体系初步建成,博物馆、图书馆、文化馆(站) 实现免费开放。国有经营性文化单位转企改制任务基本完成,公益性文化事业单位内部机制改革不断深化。哲学社会科学、新闻出版、广播影视、文学艺术等更加繁荣,文化产业快速发展。文物保护、非物质文化遗产保护和传承取得重要进展。对外文化交流更加活跃。全民健身和竞技体育取得新成绩。33 天快黄昏时落了一阵雪子,不久就停了。天气真冷,在寒气中一切都仿佛结了冰。便是空气,也像快要冻结的样子。我包定的那一只小船,在天空大把撒着雪子时已泊了岸。从桃源县沿河而上这已是第五个夜晚。看情形晚上还会有风有雪,故船泊

12、岸边时便从各处挑选好地方。沿岸除了某一处有片沙沮宜于泊船以外,其余地方全是黛色如屋的大岩石。石头既然那么大,船又那么小,我们都希望寻觅得到一个能作小船风雪屏障,同时要上岸又还方便的处所。凡是可以泊船的地方早已被当地渔船占去了。结果这只小船,还是不能不同许多大小船只一样,在正当泊船处插了篙子,把当作锚头用的石碇抛到沙上去,尽那行将来到的风雪,摊派到这只船上。2014 年重庆大学英语翻译基础真题试卷答案与解析英译汉1 【正确答案】 东南亚国家联盟2 【正确答案】 美国国家航空航天局3 【正确答案】 联合国教科文组织4 【正确答案】 合格境外机构投资者5 【正确答案】 联邦储备系统6 【正确答案】

13、财政年度7 【正确答案】 总领事馆8 【正确答案】 喀斯特地形9 【正确答案】 莎士比亚式十四行诗10 【正确答案】 关税壁垒11 【正确答案】 海啸警报系统12 【正确答案】 智囊团13 【正确答案】 仓储式超市14 【正确答案】 联邦政府关闭15 【正确答案】 贸易逆差汉译英16 【正确答案】 reeducation through labor17 【正确答案】 a moderately prosperous society18 【正确答案】 genetically modified food19 【正确答案】 return the grain plots to forestry20 【正

14、确答案】 emulational mobile phone21 【正确答案】 water loss and soil erosion22 【正确答案】 vanity project23 【正确答案】 issues of agriculture,farmer and rural area24 【正确答案】 cyber manhunt25 【正确答案】 acquisition of assets26 【正确答案】 fashion insider27 【正确答案】 The Book of Changes28 【正确答案】 indemnificatory housing29 【正确答案】 urban

15、heat island effect30 【正确答案】 tour pal英译汉31 【正确答案】 在曼宁等待宣判的时候,有报道称美国情报机构的一个承包商雇员爱德华? 斯诺登已于 8 月 1 日去了俄罗斯,获得了一年的临时避难许可。据他披露,美国国家安全局未经允许而存储了上千万美国公民的个人数据,这一行为涉嫌违背了爱国者法案和第四修正案。他本周还将披露更多事实。同时,奥巴马政府已经获取了几名记者的电话记录并运用法律武器对泄密者展开了追击。斯诺登和曼宁都不是走更加自由道路的典范。二人都违反了法律,泄露了曾经发誓要保守的秘密。如果雇员们可以你一言我一语的话,美国的情报机关就无法发挥功效了,若“ 大规

16、模泄密”在政治上流行,在技术上可行,那么就需要一些威慑力了。曼宁对公共利益的保护意识是最微弱的:他泄露了超过 70 万份资料,而丝毫没有权衡孰轻孰重。斯诺登最初倒是有选择性地披露信息,但他去了香港和俄罗斯就具有破坏性了,而且他最后还泄露了美国监视中国的秘密。美国想要控告他是情有可原的,就像曼宁一样。但两起事件都表明美国太注重安全和轻视自由。每个情报机关都会侵犯到个人的自由,而且美国成功履行了自己的职责:防止了袭击。但每个民主国家都要对这种侵犯行径有所控制,并承担相应的责任。在所有民主制国家中,美国最应该明白这一点。美国宪法建立的基础就是掌权的人很容易会犯错。在曼宁等待法庭宣判的时候,美国当局也

17、需要铭记这一点。汉译英32 【正确答案】 We vigorously promoted innovation. The central government spent 872. 9 billion yuan to develop science and technology in the past five years, with an average annual increase of over 18%. Chinas R&D spending accounted for 1. 97% of GDP in 2012, up from 1.4% in 2007, and over 74%

18、of this spending was made by companies. The Guidelines on Deepening Reform of the Management System for Science and Technology and Accelerating Development of a National Innovation System were adopted. We carried out a national technology innovation project and a knowledge innovation project, made s

19、olid progress in implementing major national R&D projects, and set up a number of national engineering centers, key laboratories and enterprise technology centers. We boosted basic research and research in frontier areas, made breakthroughs in a number of core and key technologies, and filled in gap

20、s in many important products and equipment.We implemented the strategy for making China strong through training competent personnel. We trained more personnel of all types, with the focus on high-level and highly skilled personnel. As a result, the number of personnel with special expertise and high

21、ly skilled personnel increased by 8.6 million and 8. 8 million respectively. A total of 540, 000 overseas students returned.We put greater effort into developing the cultural sector. Network of public cultural facilities covering both urban and rural areas is taking shape, and all museums, libraries

22、 and cultural centers in China are open to the public free of charge. We basically transformed state-owned for-profit cultural institutions into business enterprises, and deepened reform of internal operating mechanisms of non-profit cultural institutions. Philosophy and the social sciences, the pre

23、ss and publishing, radio, television and film, and literature and art are flourishing, and cultural industries developed rapidly. We made major progress in protecting cultural relics and preserving and passing on intangible cultural heritage. Cultural exchanges with other countries increased. New pr

24、ogress was made in nationwide fitness activities and competitive sports.33 【正确答案】 Towards the dusk, it snowed for the moment while it soon stopped. It was so cold, all seemed to have been icy in the glacial air, even the air as if being about to be frozen. The boat I had hired has been at anchor at

25、the bank when a flurry of snow fell. This has been the fifth night since I went upstream from Taoyuan County. As it looked as if there would also be a blizzard in the night, a suitable place at the bank has been chosen to anchor the boat. Except for a sandy place at the bank suitable for berth, the

26、big black rocks, the size of houses, were scattered over other places. With the large rocks and small boat, we hoped to find a shelter from the wind in a place where we can go ashore. Wherever the boat can moor has been occupied by the local fishing boats. So, we can not fasten the pole of our boat in the way the same as other vessels, large and small, nor can we drop the rock which served as an anchor on to the sand, thus leaving the boat exposed to the coming blizzard.


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