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1、大学英语四级(2013 年 12 月考试改革适用)模拟试卷 181(无答案)一、Part I Writing1 For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic “ If you want to understand today, you have to search yesterday. “ Write your essay on Answer Sheet 1. You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words.

2、Section A(A)Many of them are peasants.(B) Many of them have no shelters.(C) Thev dont like had weather.(D)Thev cannot adapt to cold weather.(A)About hall ot a million people.(B) More than one million people.(C) About 250 thousand people.(D)About 750 thousand people.(A)She wants to rebuild the most d

3、evastated area in her town.(B) She wants to relocate people who suffering most from the flood.(C) She wants to fix the banks of the Mundau River first.(D)She wants to prevent the flood from happening again.(A)Their friends and relatives are badly hurt in the flood.(B) Their friends and relatives are

4、 suffering from starving.(C) Some of their friends and relatives are missing.(D)All of their friends and relatives are died.(A)They eat part of entire insects.(B) They have the culture of eating entire insects.(C) They may accept to eat insects protein powder.(D)They eat dishes made of insects for p

5、rotein.(A)Insects are rich in Vitamin 3.(B) Insects are as delicious as fish.(C) Eating insects is good for the heart.(D)Eating insects will help you to grow taller.(A)To protect the environment.(B) To help to produce more grains.(C) To ensure there is no food shortage.(D)To eliminate hunger and pov

6、erty.Section B(A)He was out for business.(B) He was having a trip.(C) He was still working.(D)He was cooking seafood.(A)To invite him to visit her house.(B) To invite him to travel with her.(C) To complain her work to him.(D)To ask him for some advice.(A)It is on a hillside.(B) It is a little noisy.

7、(C) It has rooms of various sizes.(D)It has a beautiful sea view.(A)It is convenient.(B) It is very busy and noisy.(C) It has rooms of standard size.(D)It has a subway station nearby.(A)For his writing course.(B) For making money.(C) For recreation.(D)For the diploma.(A)He has no creativity.(B) He l

8、acks imagination.(C) He is not a born writer.(D)He dislikes writing.(A)He went out for a walk.(B) He went to see a movie.(C) He did work of other courses.(D)He asked the professor for advice.(A)She wants to buy some jewelry.(B) She wants to relax herself.(C) She is going there for her story.(D)She i

9、s going there to see a friend.Section C(A)Good labor relations.(B) Good working conditions.(C) Satisfying wages and benefits.(D)Recognition and responsibility.(A)Give workers responsibilities.(B) Make the jobs less boring.(C) Give workers a higher salary.(D)Organize recreational activities.(A)They c

10、an motivate most of the workers.(B) They can only motivate a few workers.(C) They cannot motivate workers.(D)They may discourage workers.(A)People all over the world enjoy feeding birds.(B) Prepared bird food is rarely seen in shops and markets.(C) Feeding birds is not popular among Asian countries.

11、(D)People usually dont want to identify birds accurately.(A)Diseases may spread among birds at the same place.(B) Droppings of other birds may be poisonous.(C) Birds will fight for food and they will get hurt.(D)Birds will lose the ability to find food by themselves.(A)Birds will not have enough foo

12、d to survive the winter.(B) There are too many birds living in the same place.(C) Birds reiving on feeders for food may die.(D)Hungry birds may be tempted and caught.(A)Coal plants.(B) Wind power.(C) Hydroelectric plant.(D)Solar power.(A)It is being built in the desert of Morocco.(B) It costs about

13、77 million.(C) Its capacity is 160 megawatts.(D)It is the largest power plant globally.(A)To express gratitude to the sun for its energy.(B) To show the importance of solar energy.(C) To raise awareness of the public.(D)To appeal the public to save energy.(A)Because solar energy is abundant in Moroc

14、co.(B) Because Morocco has a great demand for energy.(C) Because Morocco has a severe air pollution.(D)Because extra energy can be exported to Europe.Section A26 If you were to tape-record one of David Lettermans comedy routines, memorize it word for word, and stand up before your friends to recite

15、it, would you get the same【C1 】_Letterman does? Not very likely. And why not? Because you would not【C2 】_the jokes as Letterman does. Of course, the jokes are basically funny. But David Letterman brings something extra to the jokeshis manner of presentation, his vocal inflections, his【 C3】_timed pau

16、ses, his facial expressions, his gestures. All these are part of a(n) 【C4】_delivery.No one expects your speech class to transform you into a multimillion-dollar talk show host. Still, this example demonstrates how important delivery can be to any public speaking situation. Even a mediocre speech wil

17、l be more effective if it is presented well,【C5】_a wonderfully written speech can be ruined by【C6 】_delivery.This does not mean dazzling delivery will turn a mindless string of nonsense into a triumphant oration. You cannot make a good speech【C7】_having something to say. But having something to say

18、is not enough. You must also know how to say it.Speech delivery is an art. not a science. What works for one speaker may【C8】_for another. And what succeeds with todays audience may not with tomorrows. You cannot become a skilled speaker just by following a set of rules in a textbook. In the【C9】_ran,

19、 there is no【C10】_for experience. But take heart!A)deliver B)expert C)fail D)longE)perfectly F)poor G)recite H)responseI)short J)substitute K)therefore L)whereasM)with N)without O)use27 【C1 】28 【C2 】29 【C3 】30 【C4 】31 【C5 】32 【C6 】33 【C7 】34 【C8 】35 【C9 】36 【C10 】Section B36 Top 10 Ways to Improve Y

20、our Communication SkillsA)Effective communication is one of the most important life skills we can learnyet one we dont usually put a lot of effort into. Whether you want to have better conversations in your social life or get your ideas across better at work, here are some essential tips for learnin

21、g to communicate more effectively.B)Listen, Really ListenThe best thing you can do to improve your communication skills is to learn to really listento pay attention and let the other person talk without interrupting. Its hard work, we know, but “A good conversation is a bunch oi words elegantly conn

22、ected with listening. “ Then, even if your communication styles dont match, at least youre both working off the same page. And hopefully the other person will be attentively listening to you too.C)Up Your EmpathyCommunication is a two-way street. If you practice taking the opposing viewpoint, you ca

23、n reduce the difficulty and anxiety that sometimes arises when trying to truly communicate with others.(For example, knowing what your significant other really means when she says shes too tired to talk.)Developing empathy helps you better understand even the unspoken parts of your communication wit

24、h others, and helps you respond more effectively.D)Be Brief Yet SpecificTheres actually a BRIEF acronym-Background, Reason, Information, End, Follow-upto help you keep your emails short without leaving anything out. Its a good policy for both written and verbal eom-munication.(Ive always felt that m

25、y job as a writer was to clearly get the point across and then get off the page as soon as possible. Just two more items on this list!)Clear and concise are two of the 7 Cs of communication, along with concrete, correct, coherent, complete, and courteous.E)Tailor Your Message to Your AudienceThe bes

26、t communicators adjust how they talk based on whom theyre speaking to: youd probably use a different style oi communication with co-workers or your boss compared to when youre speaking with your significant other, kids, or elders. Always try to keep the other persons perspective in mind when you try

27、 to get your message across. F)Put Away the DistractionsIts pretty rude to use your phone while someones talking to you or youre supposed to be hanging out with them. Maybe we cant get rid of all our distractions or put away technology completely, but just taking the time to look up could vastly imp

28、rove our communication with each other. G)Ask Questions and Repeat the Other PersonLets face it, weve all drifted off when someone else was talking or misheard the other person. Asking questions and repeating the other persons last few words shows youre interested in what they say, keeps you on your

29、 toes, and helps clarify points that could be misunderstood(e. g. “So to recap, youre going to buy the tickets for Saturday?“). H)It also helps for small talk and to fill in awkward silences. Instead of trying to stir up conversation on mundane topics like the weather, ask the other person questions

30、(e. g. “Got any plans for the summery“ or “What are you reading lately?“)and engage in their answers. Its more important to be interested than to be interesting. I)Tell a StoryStories are powerful. They activate our brains, make presentations suck less, make us more persuasive, and can even help us

31、ace interviews. Learn the secrets of becoming a phenomenal storyteller with these rules from Pixar or by simply using the word “but“ more to structure your narrative. Everyones got at least one great story in them. J)Have a Script for Small Talk and Other OccasionsSmall talk is an art that not many

32、people have mastered. For the inevitable, awkward silences with people you hardly know, it helps to have a plan. The FORD(family, occupation, recreation dreams)method might help you come up with topics to discuss, and you can also turn small talk into conversation by sharing information that could h

33、elp you and the other person find common ground. Hey, all that small talk could make you happier in the long run. K)Get Rid of Unnecessary Conversation FillersUms and ahs do little to improve your speech or every day conversations. Cut them out to be more persuasive and feel or appear more confident

34、. One way is to start keeping track of when you say words like “urn“ or “ah“. You could also try taking your hands out of your pockets or simply relaxing and pausing before you speak. Those silences seem more awkward to you than they do to others, trust us. L)Watch Your Body LanguageYou tell your pa

35、rtner youre open to discussion but your arms are crossed: say youre listening but havent looked up from your phone yet. Our non-verbal and non-written cues often reveal more than we think they do. Whether its how your make eye contact or how yon hold yourself during a video interview . dont forget t

36、hat youre constantly communicating even when youre not saying a word. One strange way to tap into your body for belter communication? Think about your toes. Or adopt a power pose if you need to boost your confidence before a big talk. Or learn how to read other peoples body language so that you can

37、respond appropriately.37 Applying more twists in your story will make it more attractive.38 Asking questions and being involved in the answers is better than talking about cliches.39 Being attentive to what others say is a good policy to carry out a good conversation.40 Despite the importance, effec

38、tive communication skills havent received its due attention.41 It is highly recommended to adapt your style and communication strategies to the people you are talking to.42 It would be easy to get “absent-minded“ when others dominate the conversation.43 Its impolite to talk on the phone when youre i

39、nteracting with others.44 Sharing another persons feelings and emotions facilitates communication.45 Small talk can be used to ease communication and make it easier for strangers to find common ground.46 Sometimes your body language tells more than what your lips say.Section C46 The United States of

40、 America is often seen as a nation in which the pursuit of happiness is not a dream but a reality. The sad truth is that although portrayed as an unusually easy life, life in America is as much of a struggle as in any other nation.For example, higher level education for Americans does not come easy.

41、 Although there are scholarships, grants and loans available, if the student fails to meet the criteria he is left with only personal resources to draw from. This takes him into a life with not only a school schedule follow but perhaps, also, a work schedule and family life. These are often the diff

42、iculties that are not portrayed through the TV and movies. These are also the difficulties which many believe they will not encounter by attending an American college.In the second place, there is financial security. Many limes what is portrayed of life in America is a life where “money“ is no objec

43、t. The fallacy in this is that, in spite of the comparatively higher wages available, the cost of living is also higher. Even though it may seem like one is making more money, just as much is spent in surviving. Each person has their own personal struggle and money is an object for the majority of t

44、he people.Thirdly is the belief that in American way of life, everyone has a good job. With the increasing advancements in technology . a well-paying job for those currently in the work force is getting harder to find.Those who have not been exposed to computers and other new methods of communicatio

45、n are finding this to be true. As it stands now, the job market is requiring at least a two-year degree from college, in order to make enough to live comfortably. Even then good paying jobs are not easy to find, as it is sometimes believed because of the portrayal of life in America.47 According to

46、the passage, life in America is_.(A)easy(B) happy(C) struggling(D)dreamlike48 If the students in America fail to get scholarships, grants and loans, they have to_.(A)turn to local authorities for help(B) apply for reduction and exemption of fees(C) seek for social donation or fund(D)depend on themse

47、lves49 The majority of American people pursue money as an object because_.(A)they have to meet higher expenditure with more money(B) making money in America is much easier(C) they want to enjoy a luxurious life(D)they believe that money can buy everything50 In America, you seem to have a larger oppo

48、rtunity in finding a good job if you _.(A)had less than two years life in college.(B) has a physical strength(C) have a good command of computers and communication means(D)are a good talker51 Which of the following topic concerning American life is stated in detail?(A)Employment.(B) College life.(C)

49、 Computer development.(D)TV and movies.51 “You need an apartment alone even if its over a garage“, declared Helen Gurley Brown in her 1962 bestseller Sex and the Single Girl. To Brown, the benefits of solo living were innumerable: it afforded the space to cultivate the self furnish the mind, work late and so on. Young women should enjoy their best years without a husband, she advised, as this not only laid the foundation for stronger marriages but also gave them


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