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1、2002 年河南专升本(英语)真题试卷及答案与解析一、Vocabulary and Structure1 What he said is worthy_note.(A)in(B) of(C) to(D)on2 The final examination will cover all_taught this term.(A)what has been(B) that has been(C) that was(D)which has been3 I hope you can visit my country soon, because_to show you some of the beautif

2、ul places near my home.(A)I like(B) I d like(C) I will like(D)I shall like4 It was not until she arrived in class_realized she had forgotten her book.(A)and she(B) when she(C) she(D)that she5 It was such a hot day that everyone_swimming in the river.(A)felt like(B) tended to(C) made for(D)turned out

3、6 I didn t know what to do but then an idea suddenly _to me.(A)happened(B) entered(C) occurred(D)hit7 It s time the dog_how to behave properly.(A)is learning(B) learns(C) learn(D)to learn8 Why dont you bring_his attention that you re too ill to go on working?(A)that to(B) this on(C) it to(D)one as9

4、Although he is talkative, he is_to tell us anything about his family.(A)willing(B) reluctant(C) alert(D)complacent10 When I asked what he liked to take, he said_.(A)he preferred beefsteak more than any other meat(B) he preferred beefsteak to any other meat(C) he preferred beefsteak better that any o

5、ther meat(D)he preferred beefsteak to any meat11 I m_of what he is going to do.(A)void(B) composed(C) ignorant(D)cautious12 We are aware that_, the situation will get worse.(A)if not dealing with carefully(B) if dealt not carefully with(C) if not carefully dealt with(D)if not carefully dealing with1

6、3 Under the dim light, she could only see the house number_.(A)instinctively(B) slightly(C) uneasily(D)vaguely14 Mr. Smith is too busy to spare any time, _Sunday afternoon.(A)only in(B) except for(C) unless on(D)except on15 I had a lot of trouble_the car_this morning.(A)to get, started(B) to get, st

7、arting(C) getting, started(D)getting, starting16 _the fact that I dont like my job, I must work very hard.(A)In spite of(B) Instead of(C) As to(D)In case of17 He stays_still eleven o clock every morning.(A)in bed(B) in a bed(C) in the bed(D)on the bed18 _, we missed our plane.(A)The train being late

8、(B) To be late(C) The train is being late(D)The train which is late19 The exam will be on the first half of the book. That means we 11 have to finish_.(A)fifteenth chapter(B) fifteen chapter(C) chapter fifteen(D)chapter fifteenth20 It is requested that the rent for the house_in advance.(A)will have

9、to be paid(B) has to be paid(C) should have to be paid(D)should be paid21 I didnt go to his party last night, because_, I changed my mind.(A)on a second thought(B) by second thoughts(C) on second thoughts(D)on the second thought22 We have all learned a lot from the_.(A)three month s training course(

10、B) three-month training course(C) three-month-training course(D)three-month s training course23 By the time you get to the Greenwich you_the most historic parts of London.(A)will be seeing(B) will see(C) are going to see(D)will have seen24 He is said_two trips to China in the last two years.(A)to be

11、 making(B) to make(C) to have made(D)to have been making25 Jack can never find his textbook, his tape, _.(A)calculator and homework(B) his calculator and homework.(C) calculator and his homework(D)his calculator and his homework26 Michael is home after a year in Germany. He looks just_ before.(A)sam

12、e like(B) as same as(C) the same(D)the same as27 The first three of the five chapters in the book_very easy, but the rest _difficult.(A)is, are(B) are, is(C) was, were(D)were, were28 _, he would have come to class.(A)If Mike is able to finish his homework(B) Would Mike be able to finish his homework

13、(C) If Mike could finish his homework(D)If Mike had been able to finish is homework29 You_me because I didn t say that.(A)must misunderstand(B) must be understanding(C) must have understood(D)had to misunderstand30 I d just as soon_those important papers with you.(A)that you won t take(B) your not t

14、aking(C) please dont you take(D)you didnt take30 Australias population passed 18 million for the first time in March this year.But as Australia grows, environment groups yesterday urged the government to develop a national population policy to avoid severe environmental degradation(恶化).Australian Bu

15、reau of Statistics(ABS)research shows the birth or arrival of 68, 700 new Australians in the year to March pushed the population to 18, 000, 500.Victoria s population increased by 23, 000 to 4. 5 million in the year to March. The ABS also forecast the population would reach 20 million by 2006 and 24

16、 million by 2033.Australia reached its first million in 1858.While immigration was responsible for a large part of the population booms in the past, over the last five years new born made up 68 percent of the 1 million increase in population.Australia has one of the lower population growth rates in

17、the region, with New Zealand growing at 1.4 percent. Indonesia at 1. 7 percent and PNG at 2 percent, ABS spokesman Mr. John Paice said.Australians for an Ecologically Sustainable Population: a group of 560 academics, scientists and public, yesterday urged the government to develop a sustainable popu

18、lation strategy to avoid further land and water degradation.National ALP president Barry Jones last year chaired a parliamentary inquiry into what population levels Australia could reach without risking serious pollution and degradation problems.Many of the opinions to the inquiry suggested a popula

19、tion limit of 17-23 million. The government was expected to respond to the Jones report by July, but did not.CSIRO research scientist Dr. Doug Cocks agreed the government needed to develop a population policy.“With population size(inAustralia)doubling every 40 to 50 years, we would need another coup

20、le of Melbournes and Sydneys by 2050, “Dr. Cocks said.Notes:ABS:澳大利亚统计局 PNG:巴布亚新几内亚ALP:澳大利亚工党 CSIRO:联邦科学与工业研究组织31 As population grows, environment experts may be concerned about all the following except_.(A)water resources(B) food supplying(C) housing(D)radioactive pollution32 From the passage we ma

21、y infer that_.(A)Victoria s population growth rate was higher than the average rate(B) In the year to March, the new arrivals were more than new borns in Victoria(C) Five years ago, new borns were more than new arrivals in Victoria(D)Victoria s population always grew faster than that of any other st

22、ate.33 Australia s population growth rate is_.(A)higher than 2 percent(B) higher than 1.4 percent but lower than 1. 7 percent(C) higher than 1.7 percent but lower than 2 percent(D)lower than 1.4 percent34 According to the ABS forecast, by the year of 2006 Australia s is population will increase _.(A

23、)20 million(B) 2 million(C) 4 million(D)24 million35 Which of the following statements is true? _.(A)Australia is planning to build another Melbourne and Sydney(B) The Australian government has paid great attention to the public opinion about population control(C) The Australian government has devel

24、oped a successful population policy(D)At present, the environmental problems in Australia are not very serious yet35 Learn More in Five Days Than Some Managers Learn in Forty WeeksInterpersonal Skills for Senior ManagersPeople management skills are the most important skills a manager can develop. Wh

25、at differentiates the leader from a manager that the leader has acquitted not just the technical and strategic skills but has the interpersonal skills to make things happen.No doubt on your way up through the ranks, you have come across managers whowhile they may be very good at other aspects of the

26、ir jobare decidedly lacking in interpersonal skills. And you know, as they have been told, that their future will be affected greatly by this lack of human skills.This problemis totally devoted to developing those managerial skills in people on their way to the top. It covers motivating, assessing,

27、rewarding, leading and developing people. Very simple models of interpersonal relationships are used to focus attention on understanding one s own behavior, its impact on others, understanding the goals of others and integrating a group into a winning team.Professor John Hunt, Program Director, deli

28、berately limits the number of people on this program to guarantee personal attention between tutors and participants. To match the content precisely to your needs, we ask you to do some pre-course work which includes a survey of those who work with you. This data is linked to our own large databank

29、on how effective managers operate. We then work with you to develop your own specific goals as a manager.36 How long is the course program? _.(A)Five days(B) Ten weeks(C) Forty weeks(D)Not mentioned37 The course is intended for managers who_.(A)want to strengthen their leadership(B) want to improve

30、their strategic and technical skills(C) lack managerial skills in general(D)lack human management skills38 Some managers will not be promoted simply because_.(A)they are lacking in management strategies(B) they are not good at interpersonal skills(C) they cannot improve their technical skills(D)they

31、 cannot go up through the ranks39 What is not true of a leader ? _.(A)He understands the impact of his own behavior(B) He understands the goals of other people(C) He focuses his attention on other people s behavior(D)He knows how to motivate people40 According to the last paragraph, which of the fol

32、lowing is true? _.(A)Tutors will make a survey of the participants(B) The participants will finish a survey as a course project(C) The number of participants is restricted(D)Effective managers will present lectures for participants40 Very high waves are destructive when they strike the land. Fortuna

33、tely, this seldom happens. One reason is that out at sea, waves moving in one direction almost always run into waves moving in a different direction. The two sets of waves tend to cancel each other out. Another reason is that water is shallower near the shore. As a wave gets closer to land, the shal

34、low bottom helps reduce its strength.But the power of waves striking the shore can still be very great. During a winter gale, waves sometimes strike the shore with the force of 6, 000 pounds for each square foot. That means a wave, 25 feet high and 500 feet long it face, may strike the shore with a

35、force of 75 million pounds.Yet the waves, no matter how big or how violent, affect only the surface of the sea. During the most raging storms, the water a hundred fathoms(600 feet)beneath the surface is just as calm as a day without a breath of wind.41 According to the passage, destruction caused by

36、 high waves occurs_.(A)regularly(B) rarely(C) always(D)predictably42 We know from this passage that out at sea, when waves going in opposite directions meet, their force_.(A)causes great damage(B) is liable to lessen(C) extends to the ocean floor(D)increase rapidly43 It s clear from the passage that

37、 coastal depth_.(A)is the only factor influencing the strength of high waves(B) influences the power of high waves(C) has no influence upon the strength of very high waves(D)is irrelevant to the question of the power of high waves44 From the second paragraph of the passage we know that the power of

38、very high waves striking the shore is_.(A)constant(B) equalized(C) variable(D)perpetual45 From your reading of the passage, which of the following is true? _.(A)At a depth of 1200 feet the effects of a violent surface storm are frightful(B) A submarine commander navigating his vessel at a depth of 7

39、00 feet will not be affected by a raging surface storm(C) A typhoon 500 miles out at sea can stir up the ocean floor(D)If high waves can strike the shore with a horizontal force of 75 million pounds, the vertical force of such waves can have an even greater effect upon the floor45 Generations of Ame

40、ricans have been brought up to believe that a good breakfast is one of life s essentials. Eating breakfast at the start of the day, we have all been told, is as necessary as putting gasoline in the family car before starting a trip.But for many people the thought of foods the first thing in the morn

41、ing is by no means a pleasure. So despite on the efforts, they still take no breakfast. Between 1997 and 1983 , the latest years for which figures are available, the number of people who didn t have breakfast increased by 33 percentfrom 8. 8 million to 11.7 millionaccording to the Chicagobased Marke

42、t Research Corporation of America.For those who feel pain or guilt about not eating breakfast, however, there is some good news. Several studies in the last few years indicate that, for adults especially, there may be nothing wrong with omitting breakfast. “Going without breakfast does not affect pe

43、rformance, “ Said Arnold E. Bender , the former professor of nutrition at Queen Elizabeth College in London, “ nor does giving people breakfast improve performance. “Scientific evidence linking breakfast to better health or better performance is surprisingly inadequate and most of the recent work in

44、volves children, not adults. “The literature, “ says one researcher, Dr. Ernesto Poillit at the University of Texas, “ is poor. “46 The passage is mainly concerned with_.(A)a study of the Chicagobased Market Research Corporation(B) one of life s essentials(C) latest figures of people who dont eat br

45、eakfast(D)breakfast and human health47 For those who do not take breakfast, the good news is that_.(A)several studies have been done in the past few years(B) not eating breakfast does no harm to one s health(C) adults have especially made studies in this field(D)eating little in the morning may be g

46、ood for health48 In the third paragraph “nor does giving people breakfast improve performance, “means_.(A)anyone without breakfast does improve his performance(B) not giving people breakfast improves performance(C) people having breakfast do improve their performance(D)having breakfast does not impr

47、ove performance, either49 The word “literature“ in the last sentence refers to_.(A)stories about breakfast(B) written works on a particular subject(C) any printed materials(D)the modern novels of America50 What is implied but NOT stated by the author is that_.(A)not eating breakfast might affect the

48、 health of children(B) breakfast does not affect performance(C) Professor Bender once taught college courses in nutrition in London(D)people who don t eat breakfast have increased50 In everyday usage “hot“means “having a lot of heat“. Many people think that “cold“is something completely separated from heat. But this is not true, “cold“ simply means “having very little heat. “Your life depends on heat. In fact, every living thing depends on it. Without heat, every living thing would be frozen to death. All living things get their heat from the sun, which provides the conditions in w


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