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1、1Module 4 语法.用所给词的适当形式填空1Most of the waste metal can_(put) to use again.2Electricity_(discover) two thousand years ago.3This part of the seabed_(explore) many times.4Much useful information about these planets_(collect) since 1971.5Outer space_(not explore) by people before 1957.6Much parking space

2、in cities_(save) by using small cars.7The first railway in the world_(design) in the last century.8Computer science_(teach) now almost in all universities and institutes.9Five units of this textbook_(study) by the end of last month.10In this school English_(teach) through TV.答案1be put 2.was discover

3、ed 3.has been explored4has been collected 5.hadnt been explored6will be saved/has been saved/is saved7was designed 8.is being taught9had been studied 10.is taught/is being taught.将下列句子改为被动句1In the late 1970s,the students revived the tradition._2Today,people in Venice celebrate carnival for five days

4、 in February._3The government will build more roads to solve the problem of traffic jams._4The government has taken active measures to protect the rare animals._5People were hunting the wolves everywhere last year._答案1In the late 1970s,the tradition was revived by the students.2Today,carnival is cel

5、ebrated by people in Venice for five days in February.3More roads will be built to solve the problem of traffic jams by the government.4Active measures have been taken by the government to protect the rare animals.5The wolves were being hunted everywhere last year.单句改错1The window hasnt cleaned for w

6、eeks._22Good medicine is tasted bitter._3If I invited,I will surely go to his birthday party._4I was always made work overtime._5Your handwriting should be paid special attention._答案1hasnt 后加 been 2.is tastedtastes3第一个 I后加 am 4.made 后加 to 5.句末加上 to.用括号中单词的适当时态和语态填空I dont know what it is. No matter 1

7、. _ I go to a post office and no matter where the post office is, I always find 2. _(me) standing in line behind someone who has a lot of business to do. One day, I had to buy a couple of stamps, but I had to wait behind an old lady who spent fifteen minutes 3. _ (finish) a form that a child could d

8、o in one minute. 4. _(feel) that I could not stand 5. _(wait) in such a line any longer, I decided to join another one. It seemed twice as 6._ as the first line. but at least it was moving. It turned out to be the worst choice I had ever made. As soon as I 7. _(lose)my place in the first line, the o

9、ne I joined slowed to a stop. I had no choice 8. _ to wait behind a schoolboy who was spending half 9. _ hour choosing a new set of postcards. At last it was my turn. I nearly jumped for joy. Then the clerk behind the counter, a middleaged fat guy, stood up, pushed forward a printed sign saying “Pos

10、ition Closed” and 10. _(say) without a smile, “Sorry, going to lunch.”答案1. when 2. myself 3. finishing 4. Feeling5. waiting 6. long 7. had lost 8. but9. an 10. said.完形填空Three years ago I went on a book tour for The Energy Bus.I drove thousands of miles and_1_30 cities.My wife and kids_2_me for part

11、of the trip.But I also spent many days driving_3_At one point on the journey I looked in the rearview mirror (后视镜)Then I_4_I had all the things on my bus that I didnt need.“Why did I travel with all these bags of_5_things for so long?” I wondered.I believe we all can say the same about our life_6_We

12、 hold on to bags that_7_weigh us down.For some they are the bags of_8_For others,they are the bags of distrust,selfdoubt,mistakes,fear,_9_and pain.We are often imprisoned(束缚) by our_10_thoughts and emotional baggage.They affect our work,our life and our relationships.3Just_11_I looked in the rearvie

13、w mirror of my bus,you can look in the rearview mirror of your_12_and know which bags need to be_13_Then you can do what I did.I didnt want to drive with heavy bags.I wanted to_14_light.So I put the bags_15_the bus.You can do the same.As author Max Lucado says, “You can throw away the burdens you we

14、re never meant to_16_ ”I remember the_17_when I throw the bags away from my bus.I was somewhere past Phoenix driving through the desert.I found a big trash can and put the bags where they_18_I got back in the bus with the past behind me and a road_19_daylight ahead.A big smile came upon my face.I wa

15、s now free to_20_the ride.I hope youll do the same.1A.developed BmovedCwalked Dvisited2A.wanted BjoinedCsurprised Dwelcomed3A.alone BhappilyCtiredly Dsilently4A.admitted BtoldCexplained Drealized5A.strange BuselessCexpensive Dugly6A.activity BdreamCchange Djourney7A.only BsometimesChardly Dnever8A.h

16、appiness BhopeCpast Dfuture9A.excitement BconfidenceCjoy Danger10A.normal BnegativeCinteresting Dgreat11A.as BwhenChow Dwhere12A.story BworkClife Dcar13A.thought of Blooked afterCcared for Dleft behind14A.travel BwonderCfly Dbreathe15A.in BoffCabove Dunder16A.touch BspreadCcarry Dforget17A.result Bc

17、auseCchance Dmoment418A.belonged BrolledCdisappeared Dburnt19A.lack of Bshort ofCinstead of Dfull of20A.consider BenjoyCwatch Dremember答案与解析1D 逻辑推理题。根据前文 I drove thousands of miles 得知作者开车行驶了成千上万英里, “到过”了 30个城市。2B 逻辑推理题。join sb. 加入某人(的行列)。这里是指在这次旅行的部分时间里,作者的妻子与孩子是和他在一起的,故选 B。3A 逻辑推理题。alone 单独;happily

18、 快乐地;tiredly 疲惫地;silently 沉默地。根据 but 转折的语境,前文指作者的妻子和孩子和他一起旅行,可知有时候是作者一个人“单独”旅行。4D 逻辑推理题。作者通过看后视镜, “意识到”车上很多东西其实都是他不需要的。5B 词汇复现题。useless 无用的;strange 奇怪的;expensive 昂贵的;ugly 丑陋的。根据前文 Then I_4_I had all the things on my bus that I didnt need.既然这些东西是作者不需要的,那么也就是“没用的” 。6D 逻辑推理题。根据前文,作者描述了一次开车旅行,作者联想到了人生的“

19、旅程”。7A 逻辑推理题。这里是指人生旅程中那些没用的包裹,它们“只会”增加我们的负担。8C 词汇复现题。这里是指有些人沉浸在“过去”里,使过去成为了无用的负担。根据末段的 with the past behind me 也可知应选 C。9D 逻辑推理题。根据 distrust,selfdoubt,mistakes,fear 等可知应选 D,表示一些消极的东西。10B 逻辑推理题。根据前面的 the bags of distrust,selfdoubt,mistakes,fear,_9_and pain.可知这里是指那些“消极的”思想和情感。11A 逻辑推理题。这里是指“像”作者通过后视镜看自

20、己所带的东西一样,我们也应该看看人生旅程中的后视镜。12C 词汇复现题。根据前文 I believe we all can say the same about our life_6_可知,我们也应该看看“人生”旅程中的后视镜。13D 词语辨析题。leave behind 丢弃;think of 想起,考虑;look after 照顾;care for 喜欢,照料。根据前文,我在旅行中把不需要的东西扔掉了,同样,通过看人生旅程中的后视镜,我们可以知道哪些包裹是需要被“丢弃”的。14A 逻辑推理题。根据 I didnt want to drive with heavy bags可知,作者想“旅行

21、”时更轻便一点。15B 逻辑推理题。根据前文 I wanted to_14_light.作者想旅行时更轻便一点,所以把那些没用的包裹扔下了车,故选 B。16C 逻辑推理题。carry 扛着;touch 触摸;spread 伸展;forget 忘记。这里是指人生中我们没必要“扛着”的负担。17D 逻辑推理题。这里是指扔掉东西的“时候” 。后面 when 引导了一个定语从句。518A 逻辑推理题。belong 属于。那些东西是没用的,相当于是垃圾,那么垃圾应该被放在它们属于的地方。19D 词语辨析题。full of 充满;lack of 缺乏;short of 缺少;instead of 代替。卸

22、掉了负担,那么前面的路就是“充满”阳光的路。20B 逻辑推理题。enjoy 享受;consider 考虑;watch 观察;remember 记住。没有了负担,作者能更好地“享受”旅行。.阅读理解A plane powered by the sun will attempt an unprecedented(空前的) flight around the world next month,the projects founders said,seeking to prove that flying is possible without using fossil fuel.Solar Impul

23、se 2 is set to take off from Abu Dhabi and stay in India,Myanmar and China before crossing the Pacific Ocean and flying across the United States and southern Europe to arrive back in Abu Dhabi.On its fivemonth journey of 35,000 km,the engines will be powered only by solar energy.The two Swiss pilots

24、 will take turns at the controls in the tiny cabin for five consecutive(连续不断的) days and nights in the air.“Miracles can be achieved with renewable(可再生的,可持续的) such as solar power.We want to show we can fly day and night in an aircraft without a drop of fuel, ” Bertrand Piccard,one of the pilots and t

25、he projects cofounder,told reporters.The plane,which has the weight of a family car (2,300 kg) and a wingspan equal to that of the largest passenger airliners,will take off in late February and return by late July.Its journey will span approximately 25 flight days at speeds between 50 and 100 km per

26、 hour.Feasibility(可行的) studies,design and construction have taken 12 years,said Andre Borschberg,the second pilot and cofounder.“It is not the first solar airplane,however it is the first able to cross oceans and continents, ” he said.“It is simply the unknown.It is a question of technical reliabili

27、ty,of human weather and it is the challenge of discovery.If something goes wrong,they will build another aircraft and continue the journey.Theres a will in humankind to make a better world and find solutions to climate change.”Companies involved in the project include Bayer AG,Solvay,ABB,Schindler,O

28、mega and Abu Dhabis Masdar.1After Solar Impulse 2 flies across the United States,_Ait will fly to ChinaBit will stay in IndiaCit will go to southern EuropeDit will return to Abu Dhabi directly2What can we infer from the fourth paragraph?ABertrand Piccard feels calm.BBertrand Piccard feels optimistic

29、.CBertrand Piccard feels concerned.DBertrand Piccard feels relieved.63Solar Impulse 2 will return to Abu Dhabi_Ain early May Bin late MayCin early June Din late July4We can learn from what Piccarad said_Athe flight is full of challengeBhe has made the worst preparationCthey are sure to start buildin

30、g another aircraft soonDhe cares more of climate rather than his fame答案与解析本文是说明文。介绍了一款太阳能飞机即将开始历时五个月的跨洋飞行,这是人类历史上第一次不用燃料的环球飞行。这次飞行能否成功,我们拭目以待。1C 细节理解题。根据第二段中的flying across the United States and southern Europe to arrive back in Abu Dhabi.可知,飞机先飞越美国,然后是南欧。2B 推理判断题。根据第四段中的 Miracles can be achieved wit

31、h renewable such as solar power.We want to show we can fly day and night in an aircraft without a drop of fuel 可知,他很乐观。3D 细节理解题。根据第五段中的 will take off in late February and return by late July可知, “七月末返回” 。4A 推理判断题。根据倒数第二段中的 It is a question of technical reliability,of human weather and it is the challenge of discovery.判断“这次飞行充满挑战”


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