
_2.Section A_A.Poor management of the hospital.B.The health hazard at her work place.C.Decisions made by the head technician.D.The outdated medical te


1、2.Section AA.Poor management of the hospital.B.The health hazard at her work place.C.Decisions made by the head technici。

2、2.Section A分数:20.00High street shops use a variety of means to attract shoppers, such as striking window displays, huge 。

3、2.Section C分数:10.00I have worked with so many people over the years that have made me wonder how on earth they can work 。

4、2.Section AA.He has booked a tour with the agent.B.His nephew wants to book a tour with the agentC.He wants to have some。

5、2.Section BA.He was born in New England.B.He once worked for Harvard University.C.He was Edward Thomas friend.D.He wasnt。

6、2.Section AA.To register for a distancelearning course.B.To sign for an employment contract.C.To do a meaningful experim。

7、2.Section A分数:8.00A.Hosting a television show.B.Reviewing a new biography.C.Interviewing a movie star.D.Discussing teena。

8、2.Section AA.To tour the most famous sights of interest in China.B.To investigate the computer market in China.C.To nego。

9、2.Section AA.Studying with a partner.B.Preparing snacks.C.Playing cards.D.Learning how to design bridges.A.Watch her par。

10、2.Section C分数:10.00About the time that schools and others quite reasonably became interested in seeing to it that all ch。

11、2.Section AA.An interpreter.B.A foreign language teacher.C.A tour guide.D.A journalist.A.Its boring.B.Its not wellpaid.C。

12、2.Section AA.All students pay the same amount per year.B.Students choose how many meals a week they will pay for.C.Stude。

13、2.Section AA.An accountant of a computer firm.B.A director of a sales department.C.A sales clerk at a shopping center.D。

14、2.Section AA.17.B.4.C.19D.60A.The rescue operation was carried out in Wales.B.The cause of the fire has been determined。

15、2.Section AA.Two US passenger planes have crashed.B.The accident occurred in an unknown island.C.There were six people i。

16、2.Section AA.62.B.64.C.60.D.Unknown.A.The betteroff.B.Financial institutions.C.Ordinary people.D.Government.A.Give teach。

17、2.Section AA.Meat canning, a tradition in American church groups.B.American church groups canning food for those in need。

18、art, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled On Constellations Craze following the outline given belo。

19、rections: In our modern society, more and more people are suffering from psychological disease because of heavy pressure。

20、2.Section C分数:10.00When young women were found to make only 82 percent of what their male peers do just one year out of 。

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