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ligious ceremony.(accord)3 The Cold War is over. The threat of nuclear_is virtually nonexistent.(destroy)4 By 1949, he had become so_in the eyes of th


1、ligious ceremony.accord3 The Cold War is over. The threat of nuclearis virtually nonexistent.destroy4 By 1949, he had be。

2、 of the Morally Superior in negotiations about the United States and Japan. They are an old and.M1venerable culture with。

3、laiming they could conduct a conversation in French was up to almost 10m in 2011 compared to the 2006 census, both categ。

4、 and just about anything we need to accomplish, as if it were a fight. Thinking of human interactions as battles is a me。

5、only to the creations of human mind. It is not merely a science of the rule and compass, it does not consist only in the。

6、u won t get there on timeyou set off right now by air.分数:2.00A.unlessB.evenC.in caseD.other than3.badly he had slept, he。

7、versation in French was up to almost 10m in 2011 compared to the 2006 census, both categories have declined slightly as 。

8、 to accomplish, as if it were a fight. Thinking of human interactions as battles is a metaphorical frame through which w。

9、n the global food market. Precipitous increases in the prices of staples like riceup more than a hundred and fifty perce。

10、 over leadership of the light against climate change; and how it can, get it right. A country with a presidential system。

11、ious Olympics, but now it appears to be something the Americans should get used to. You could find no better metaphor fo。

12、 human mind. It is not merely a science of the rule and compass, it does not consist only in the observation of just rul。

13、tiations about the United States and Japan. They are an old and.M1 venerable culture with wellestablished regulations fo。

14、 get there on timeyou set off right now by air. A unless B even C in case D other than 3 badly he had slept, he was alwa。

15、3.UNESCO分数:2.004.The US Senate分数:2.005.APEC分数:2.006.The Washington Post分数:2.00。

16、 新华社15 软实力16 中美战略经济对话17 上海合作组织18 珠江三角洲19 西气东输20 北京共识英译汉21 Reforming EducationThe great schools revolution Education rema。

17、ize same soul take trace track world worthy All three winners of this years Nobel Prize for Medicine are eminent scienti。

18、ashed pertinent sanity substitute relief worse partake custom advertisement alternative spring At the White House on New。

19、n will be grammatically and semantically appropriate. You can only use the words in the brackets ONCE. Write your answer。

20、l be grammatically and semantically appropriate. You can only use the words in the box ONCE. Write your answers on your 。

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