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_tractors this year as the year before.(A)as twice many(B) as many twice(C) twice as many(D)twice many as3 The International Law of the Sea Conference


1、tractors this year as the year before.(A)as twice many(B) as many twice(C) twice as many(D)twice many as3 The International Law of the Sea Conference is an attempt _major difference among countries with conflicting interests.(A)resolving(B) to resolve(C) having resolved(D)to have resolved4 _dog was the first animal to be domesticated is generally agreed upon by authorities in the field.(A)Until the(B) It was the(C) The(D)That the5 Neither Russia nor the United States _able t。

2、3.Senkaku Islands(分数:2.00)_4.Muslim Brotherhood(分数:2.00)_5.ISIL(分数:2.00)_6.venture capital(分数:2.00)_。

3、pite of2 Lover of towns_I am. I realize that I owe a debt to my early country life.(A)because(B) where(C) who(D)as3 She was trying_by the teacher in class.(A)avoiding questioning(B) avoiding to question(C) to avoid being questioned(D)to avoid questioning4 _, I must do another experiment.(A)Be it ever so late(B) It is ever so late(C) It be ever so late(D)So late it be ever5 He might have been killed_the arrival of the police.(A)except for(B) but for(C) with(D)for6 Hes_。

4、3.market access(分数:2.00)_4.disaster relief(分数:2.00)_5.insurance policy(分数:2.00)_6.deficit spending(分数:2.00)_。

5、 “You_borrow my notes provided you take care of them,“ I told my friend.(A)could(B) should(C) must(D)can3 Overpopulation poses a terrible threat to the human race. Yet it is probably_a threat to the human race than environmental destruction.(A)no more(B) not more(C) even more(D)much more4 Had Julie been more careful on the maths exam, she_much better results now.(A)would be getting(B) could have got(C) must get(D)would get5 Men differ from animals_they can think and speak.(A)。

6、oman was first conducting(D)the woman conducts first2 When_to dough and heated, carbon dioxide is released, causing the dough to rise.(A)is added baking powder(B) added baking powder is(C) is baking powder added(D)baking powder is added3 Bubbles, flaws, and other irregularities diffuse the light that passes through stained glass, _the glass sparkle.(A)which making(B) and making(C) making(D)to making4 Published in 1957, John Cheevers first novel, The Wapshot Chronicle, earned_。

7、ed2 At that time, this kind of cloth was hard to _ because the textile technology was not that advanced.(A)come up with(B) come through(C) come over(D)come by3 _ the action stopped did we have time to think what might have happened.(A)Only if(B) If only(C) Only when(D)When only4 _ the fact that he is an adult now, we should give him more freedom.(A)In consideration of(B) In comparison with(C) In light of(D)In contrast to5 _ of the tires on the motorcycle looks any better than。

8、as white(D)White has been as unpopular2 What the government should do urgently is to take actions to _ the economy.(A)brook(B) blush(C) brood(D)boost3 Windstorms have recently established a record which meteorologists hope will not be equaled for many years _.(A)that will come(B) to come(C) that are coming(D)coming4 We expect Mr. Smith will _ Class One when Miss White retires.(A)take to(B) take up(C) take off(D)take over5 Tom hardly seems middle-aged, _ old.(A)let alone(B) le。

9、3.Muslim Brotherhood(分数:2.00)_4.Trade Surplus(分数:2.00)_5.Prudent Monetary Policy(分数:2.00)_6.Mortality Rate(分数:2.00)_。

10、00)A.in diseaseB.that diseaseC.of diseaseD.about disease2.An underlying assumption of most market research is that people are continually _ financial decisions based on their desire for goods that give them the most satisfaction.(分数:1.00)A.makingB.and makeC.being madeD.having made3._ mammals have hair at some time in their lives, though in certain whales it is present only before birth.(分数:1.00)A.MostB.The mostC.Most of whichD.In most of the4.People in prehistoric times created paints。

11、tB.to have startedC.to be startingD.to have been starting2.“You _ borrow my notes provided you take care of them,“ I told my friend.(分数:1.00)A.couldB.shouldC.mustD.can3.Overpopulation poses a terrible threat to the human race. Yet it is probably _ a threat to the human race than environmental destruction.(分数:1.00)A.no moreB.not moreC.even moreD.much more4.Had Julie been more careful on the maths exam, she _ much better results now.(分数:1.00)A.would be gettingB.could have gotC.must 。

12、 conductB.the first woman conductorC.the woman was first conductingD.the woman conducts first2.When_to dough and heated, carbon dioxide is released, causing the dough to rise.(分数:2.00)A.is added baking powderB.added baking powder isC.is baking powder addedD.baking powder is added3.Bubbles, flaws, and other irregularities diffuse the light that passes through stained glass, _the glass sparkle.(分数:2.00)A.which makingB.and makingC.makingD.to making4.Published in 1957, John Cheever“s first。

13、que was introduced, the factory produced _tractors this year as the year before.(分数:2.00)A.as twice manyB.as many twiceC.twice as manyD.twice many as3.The International Law of the Sea Conference is an attempt _major difference among countries with conflicting interests.(分数:2.00)A.resolvingB.to resolveC.having resolvedD.to have resolved4._dog was the first animal to be domesticated is generally agreed upon by authorities in the field.(分数:2.00)A.Until theB.It was theC.TheD.That the5。

14、the sake ofB.because ofC.In case ofD.in spite of2.Lover of towns_I am. I realize that I owe a debt to my early country life.(分数:2.00)A.becauseB.whereC.whoD.as3.She was trying_by the teacher in class.(分数:2.00)A.avoiding questioningB.avoiding to questionC.to avoid being questionedD.to avoid questioning4._, I must do another experiment.(分数:2.00)A.Be it ever so lateB.It is ever so lateC.It be ever so lateD.So late it be ever5.He might have been killed_the arrival of the police.(分。


16、Unpopular as white has beenC.Unpopular has been as whiteD.White has been as unpopular2.What the government should do urgently is to take actions to _ the economy.(分数:1.00)A.brookB.blushC.broodD.boost3.Windstorms have recently established a record which meteorologists hope will not be equaled for many years _.(分数:1.00)A.that will comeB.to comeC.that are comingD.coming4.We expect Mr. Smith will _ Class One when Miss White retires.(分数:1.00)A.take toB.take upC.take offD.take over5.Tom。

17、ivedB.I had arrivedC.did I arrivedD.had I arrived2.At that time, this kind of cloth was hard to _ because the textile technology was not that advanced.(分数:1.00)A.come up withB.come throughC.come overD.come by3._ the action stopped did we have time to think what might have happened.(分数:1.00)A.Only ifB.If onlyC.Only whenD.When only4._ the fact that he is an adult now, we should give him more freedom.(分数:1.00)A.In consideration ofB.In comparison withC.In light ofD.In contrast to5._。

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