1、NFPA 1091 Standard for Traffic Control Incident Management Personnel Professional Qualifications 2015 Edition NFPA , 1 Batterymarch Park, Quincy, MA 02169-7471, USA An International Codes and Standards Organization 1/14 ISBN: 978-145591064-9 (Print) ISBN: 978-145591110-3 (PDF) IMPORTANT NOTICES AND
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13、ed regarding the document.1/14 IMPORTANT NOTICES AND DISCLAIMERS CONCERNING NFPA STANDARDS ADDITIONAL NOTICES AND DISCLAIMERS Updating of NFPA Standards Users of NFPA codes, standards, recommended practices, and guides (“NFPA Standards”) should be aware that these documents may be superseded at any
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27、All questions or other communications relating to NFPA Standards and all requests for information on NFPA procedures governing its codes and standards development process, including information on the procedures for requesting Formal Interpretations, for proposing Tentative Interim Amendments, and f
28、or proposing revisions to NFPA standards during regular revision cycles, should be sent to NFPA headquarters, addressed to the attention of the Secretary, Standards Council, NFPA, 1 Batterymarch Park, P.O. Box 9101, Quincy, MA 02269-9101; email: stds_adminnfpa.org For more information about NFPA, vi
29、sit the NFPA website at www.nfpa.org. All NFPA codes and standards can be viewed at no cost at www.nfpa.org/freeaccess.Copyright2014NationalFireProtectionAssociation .AllRightsReserved. NFPA 1091 Standardfor TrafficControlIncidentManagementPersonnel ProfessionalQualifications 2015Edition This editio
30、n of NFPA1091, Standard forTraffic Control Incident Management Personnel Profes- sional Qualifications, was prepared by the Technical Committee on Traffic Control Incident ManagementProfessionalQualifications,andreleasedbytheCorrelatingCommitteeonPro- fessional Qualifications. It was issued by the S
31、tandards Council on November 11, 2014, with aneffectivedateofDecember1,2014. ThiseditionofNFPA1091wasapprovedasanAmericanNationalStandardonDecember 1,2014. OriginandDevelopmentofNFPA1091 In 1972, the Joint Council of National Fire Service Organizations (JCNFSO) created the NationalProfessionalQualif
32、icationsBoardfortheFireService(NPQB)tofacilitatethedevel- opmentofnationallyapplicableperformancestandardsforuniformedfireservicepersonnel. On December 14, 1972, the Board established four technical committees to develop those standards, using the National Fire ProtectionAssociation (NFPA) standards
33、-making system. The initial committees addressed the following jobs: fire fighter, fire officer, fire service in- structor,andfireinspectorandinvestigator. The original concept of the professional qualifications standards, as directed by the JCNFSOandtheNPQB,wastodevelopaninterrelatedsetofperformanc
34、estandardsspecifi- callyforthefireservice.Thevariouslevelsofachievementinthestandardsweretobuildupon eachotherwithinastrictlydefinedcareerladder.Inthelate1980s,revisionsofthestandards recognizedthatthedocumentsshouldstandontheirownmeritintermsofjobperformance requirements for a given field. The stri
35、ct career ladder concept was revised to allow civilian entryintomanyofthefields,exceptfortheprogressionfromfirefightertofireofficer.These revisionsfacilitatedtheuseofthedocumentsbyotherthantheuniformedfireservices. In the mid 1990s, all of the Pro-Qual standards were converted to the JPR format to b
36、e consistent with each other. Each JPR consists of the task to be performed; the tools, equip- ment, or materials that must be provided to complete the task; evaluation parameters and performance outcomes; and lists of the requisite knowledge and skills one must have to be abletoperformthetasks. The
37、intentoftheTechnicalCommitteewastodevelopclearandconciseJPRsthatcanbe usedtodeterminethatanindividual,whenmeasuredtothestandard,possessestheskillsand knowledgetoperformajobrelatedtotheparticularstandard. TheStandardonTrafficControlIncidentManagementPersonnelProfessionalQualifica- tionswasdevelopedin
38、responsetoarecognizedneedforsafeoperationsintheareaoftraffic control incident management. Roadway-related incidents constitute one of first responder traffic control personnels greatest health and safety concerns. Fire fighters, police officers, fire police, EMS personnel, department of public works
39、 personnel, towing and recovery in- dustry, transportation, and others who respond to roadway incidents across the country are subjecttoanincreasingamountofdangeroussituations.TheTechnicalCommitteeofexperts onthesubjectoftrafficcontrolincidentmanagementandhighwaysafetydevelopedthisfirst editionofNFP
40、A1091. 10911 NFPAandNationalFireProtectionAssociationareregisteredtrademarksoftheNationalFireProtectionAssociation,Quincy,Massachusetts02169.CorrelatingCommitteeonProfessionalQualifications WilliamE.Peterson, Chair Kissimmee,FLM Rep.InternationalFireServiceTrainingAssociation GreggA.Cleveland, LaCro
41、sseFireDepartment,WIU Rep.NFPAFireServiceSection GordonDescutner, AlaskaDPSFireStandardsCouncil, AKU Rep.AlaskaFireStandardsCouncil DouglasP.Forsman, FairfieldBayFireDepartment, ARL ScottM.Gorgon, NorthLasVegasFireDepartment, NVL Rep.InternationalAssociationofFireFighters R.KirkHankins, FireConsulti
42、ng&CaseReview International,Inc.,MOU Rep.InternationalAssociationofArsonInvestigators, Inc. TonyaL.Hoover, CALFIRE,OfficeoftheStateFire Marshal,CAU Rep.InternationalAssociationofFireChiefs JamesF.Jaracz, FireCodeGuy,INSE AlanE.Joos, LouisianaStateUniversity,LASE Rep.NorthAmericanFireTrainingDirector
43、s JerroldPrendergast, SpringfieldFireDepartment,MA L WillieG.Shelton, VirginiaDepartmentofFirePrograms, VAE Rep.NationalBoardonFireServiceProfessional Qualifications PhilipC.Stittleburg, LaFargeFireDepartment,WIL Rep.NationalVolunteerFireCouncil TracieM.Young-Brungard, PennsylvaniaOfficeofthe StateF
44、ireCommissioner,PAE Rep.InternationalFireServiceAccreditationCongress Alternates ThomasAurnhammer, LosPinosFireDistrict,COU (Alt.toR.K.Hankins) WayneBailey, NorthCarolinaFire&Rescue Commission,NCE (Alt.toT.M.Young-Brungard) DavidW.Lewis, MarylandCoordinationandAnalysis Center,MDL (Alt.toP.C.Stittleb
45、urg) FrederickW.Piechota,Jr., NationalBoardonFireService ProfessionalQualifications,MAE (Alt.toW.G.Shelton) Nonvoting StephenP.Austin, CumberlandValleyVolunteer FiremensAssociation,DEL Rep.TConTrafficControlIncidentManagement ProfessionalQualifications ErnestJ.Grant, NorthCarolinaJayceeBurnCenter, N
46、CU Rep.TConPublicFireEducatorProfessional Qualifications EdwardM.Hawthorne, ShellOilCompany,TXU Rep.TConIndustrialFireBrigadesProfessional Qualifications RonaldL.Hopkins, TRACEFireProtection&Safety Consultant,Ltd.,KYSE JacklynKilby-Richards, TownofGrotonEmergency Dispatch,CTU Rep.TConPublicSafetyTel
47、ecommunicator ProfessionalQualifications RandyJ.Krause, PortofSeattleFireDepartment,WAE Rep.TConFireServiceOccupationalSafetyand Health F.PatrickMarlatt, MarylandFireandRescueInstitute, MDSE Rep.TConFireFighterProfessionalQualifications MichaelS.Mayers, HiltonHeadIslandFireRescue, SCU Rep.TConRescue
48、TechnicianProfessional Qualifications GregoryG.Noll, Hildebrand&NollAssociatesInc., PASE Rep.TConHazardousMaterialsResponsePersonnel LawrenceL.Preston, MarylandFireandRescueInstitute, MDE Rep.TConFireOfficerProfessionalQualifications JimStumpf, OrganizationalQualityAssociates,IDSE Rep.TConWildfireSu
49、ppressionProfessional Qualifications R.PaulValentine, NexusEngineering,ILM Rep.TConFireMarshalProfessionalQualifications GeorgeA.Wendt, TravelersInsuranceCompany,NJI Rep.TConFireInvestigatorProfessional Qualifications StephenWilde, CertifiedFleetServices,Inc.,ILU Rep.TConEmergencyVehicleMechanicTechnicians ProfessionalQualifications ThomasMcGowan,NFPAStaffLiaison This list represents the membership at the time the Committee was balloted on the final text of this edition. Since that time, changes in the membership
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