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NFPA 326-2015 Standard for the Safeguarding of Tanks and Containers for Entry Cleaning or Repair (Effective Date 12 1 2014).pdf

1、Copyright 2014 National Fire ProtectionAssociation.All Rights Reserved.NFPA326Standard for theSafeguarding of Tanks and Containers for Entry, Cleaning, or Repair2015 EditionThis edition of NFPA 326, Standard for the Safeguarding of Tanks and Containers for Entry,Cleaning, or Repair, was prepared by

2、the Technical Committee on Tank Leakage and RepairSafeguards. It was issued by the Standards Council on November 11, 2014, with an effectivedate of December 1, 2014, and supersedes all previous editions.This edition of NFPA326 wasapproved as anAmerican National Standard on December 1, 2014.Origin an

3、d Development of NFPA 326The text of this standard was originally intended as amendments to NFPA 327, StandardProcedures for Cleaning or Safeguarding Small Tanks and Containers Without Entry, and would haveexpandedthescopeofNFPA327tothosesituationsinwhichtankcleaningorrepairrequiredthat personnel ga

4、in entry to the tank. Recognizing the likely conflict that would result, theTechnical Committee on Tank Leakage and Repair Safeguards decided that a separate stan-dard would be desirable.An initial draft of NFPA326, based on the existing text of NFPA327,was developed by a task group of the committee

5、 in January 1990.The draft was revised severaltimes over the following two years, during which time appropriate changes were also made tothe text of NFPA327.The text of the first edition of NFPA326 was adopted in 1993.In May 1999, NFPA 326 was revised to provide safe requirements for the entry, clea

6、ning,andrepairoftanksandcontainersandtoprovideassistancetothefireserviceindeterminingthe professional qualifications necessary to perform atmospheric testing of confined spaces,with the goal of issuing hot work permits.Also, all parts of NFPA327 related to this standardwere incorporated into NFPA 32

7、6. Consequently, NFPA 327 was withdrawn as an NFPA stan-dard in May 1999.The 2005 edition of NFPA326 was the result of a major rewrite to comply with the Manualof Style for NFPA Technical Committee Documents. In addition, numerous changes were made toensure that NFPA 326 correlated with other consen

8、sus and industry standards and the U.S.government rules and regulations. The intent of the changes was to ensure that NFPA 326reflected current technology and practices.The 2010 edition of NFPA326 was amended to ensure that all referenced documents arecorrectly listed as pertains to title and editio

9、n date.In the 2015 edition of NFPA 326, referenced publications have been updated to currentedition dates. In addition, definitions have been revised to better describe the terminologyused in the Standard and, where appropriate, are the preferred definitions found in otherNFPApublications. The commi

10、ttee has revised the requirements for testing to maintain safeconditions of the atmosphere within tanks during the course of work such as entry, cleaning,and repair. References to safety data sheets have been updated in accordance with the U.S.Department of Labor, Occupational Safety, and HealthAdmi

11、nistration (OSHA) Hazard Com-munication Standard. Numbering of equations has also been revised to conform to the NFPAManual of Style for NFPATechnical Committee Documents.3261NFPAand National Fire ProtectionAssociation are registered trademarks of the National Fire ProtectionAssociation, Quincy, Mas

12、sachusetts 02169.Technical Committee on Tank Leakage and Repair SafeguardsJames R. Rocco, ChairSage Risk Solutions, LLC, OH ERep. Petroleum Underground Storage Tank Release Compensation BoardJohn H. Bagnall, Burns tanks, bunkers, or compartments on ships or barges or inashipyard;gasplantequipmentorg

13、asdistributionsystemsfornatural or manufactured gas; or compressed or liquefied gascylinders.1.1.3* This standard shall not apply to hot tapping.1.1.4* This standard shall not apply to the entry of a tank orcontainer that contains an inert atmosphere.1.2 Purpose.1.2.1 The purpose of this standard sh

14、all be to provide mini-mum procedures for the following:(1) The safe opening, entry, and cleaning of a tank or con-tainer that contains or has contained flammable, combus-tible, or other hazardous substance vapors, liquids, orsolid residues(2) The safe removal of flammable, combustible, or other haz

15、-ardous substance vapors, liquids, or solid residues fromtanks or containers and the safeguarding of these vessels forentry, cleaning, or repair1.2.2 The purpose of this standard shall also be to provideminimum procedures that permit repair, hot work, or otheroperations that have the potential to cr

16、eate a fire, an explo-sion, or another hazard.1.3 Application. The requirements provided in this standardfor safeguarding a tank or container are described in the logi-cal order in which work is typically conducted.1.4 Retroactivity.Theprovisionsofthisstandardreflectacon-sensus of what is necessary

17、to provide an acceptable degree ofprotection from the hazards addressed in this standard at thetime the standard was issued.1.4.1 Unlessotherwisespecified,theprovisionsofthisstan-dard shall not apply to facilities, equipment, structures, orinstallations that existed or were approved for construction

18、or installation prior to the effective date of the standard.Where specified, the provisions of this standard shall beretroactive.1.4.2 In those cases where the authority having jurisdictiondetermines that the existing situation presents an unaccept-able degree of risk, the authority having jurisdict

19、ion shall bepermitted to apply retroactively any portions of this standarddeemed appropriate.1.4.3 The retroactive requirements of this standard shall bepermitted to be modified if their application clearly would beimpractical in the judgment of the authority having jurisdic-tion, and only where it

20、is clearly evident that a reasonabledegree of safety is provided.1.5 Equivalency. Nothing in this standard is intended to pre-vent the use of systems, methods, or devices of equivalent orsuperior quality, strength, fire resistance, effectiveness, dura-bility, and safety over those prescribed by this

21、 standard.1.5.1 Technical documentation shall be submitted to the au-thority having jurisdiction to demonstrate equivalency.1.5.2 Thesystem,method,ordeviceshallbeapprovedfortheintended purpose by the authority having jurisdiction.1.6 Units.1.6.1 Metric units of measurement in this standard are inacc

22、ordance with the modernized metric system known as theInternational System of Units (SI).1.6.2 If a value for measurement as provided in this standardisfollowedbyanequivalentvalueinotherunits,thefirststatedvalue is the requirement.Agiven equivalent value might be anapproximation.1.7 Enforcement Requ

23、irements. (Reserved)Chapter 2 Referenced Publications2.1 General. The documents or portions thereof listed in thischapter are referenced within this standard and shall be con-sidered part of the requirements of this document.2.2 NFPA Publications. National Fire Protection Association,1 Batterymarch

24、Park, Quincy, MA02169-7471.NFPA 30, Flammable and Combustible Liquids Code, 2015edition.NFPA 70, National Electrical Code, 2014 edition.3264 SAFEGUARDING OF TANKS AND CONTAINERS FOR ENTRY, CLEANING, OR REPAIR2015 Edition2.3 Other Publications.2.3.1 ACGIH Publications. American Conference of Gov-ernm

25、ental Industrial Hygienists, 1330 Kemper Meadow Drive,Cincinnati, OH 45240-1634.ACGIH, Threshold Limit Values for Chemical Substances andPhysical Agents and Biological Exposure Indices, 2013 edition.2.3.2 ANSI Publications. American National Standards Insti-tute, Inc., 25 West 43rd Street, 4th floor

26、, New York, NY 10036.ANSI Z117.1, Safety Requirements for Confined Spaces, 2009edition.2.3.3 API Publications. American Petroleum Institute, 1220L Street, NW, Washington, DC 20005-4070.API Standard 2015, Requirements for Safe Entry and Cleaningof Petroleum Storage Tanks, 6th edition, 2001.API Recomm

27、ended Practice 2016, Guidelines and Proceduresfor Entering and Cleaning Petroleum Storage Tanks, 1st edition,2001 (Reaffirmed May 2006).APIStandard2217A,Guidelines forSafeWork in Inert ConfinedSpaces in the Petroleum and Petrochemical Industries, 4th edition,2009.2.3.4 ASTM Publications. ASTM Intern

28、ational, 100 BarrHarbor Drive, P.O. Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA19428-2959.ASTM D 5/D5M, Standard Test Method for Penetration of Bitu-minous Materials, 2013 edition.ASTM D 323, Standard Test Method for Vapor Pressure of Petro-leum Products (Reid Method), 2008 edition.ASTM D 4359, Standard Test Me

29、thod for Determining Whether aMaterial is a Liquid or a Solid, 2012.2.3.5 U.S. Government Publications. U.S. Government Print-ing Office, Washington, DC 20402.NIOSH Criteria for a Recommended Standard for Working inConfined Spaces, 1979.NIOSH Pocket Guide to Chemical Hazards, 2007 edition.2.3.6 Merr

30、iam-Websters Collegiate Dictionary, 11th edition,Merriam-Webster, Inc., Springfield, MA, 2003.2.4 References for Extracts in Mandatory Sections.NFPA 30, Flammable and Combustible Liquids Code, 2015edition.NFPA 77, Recommended Practice on Static Electricity, 2014edition.NFPA329, Recommended Practice

31、for Handling Releases of Flam-mable and Combustible Liquids and Gases, 2015 edition.NFPA 921, Guide for Fire and Explosion Investigations, 2014edition.NFPA1451, Standard for a Fire Service Vehicle Operations Train-ing Program, 2013 edition.Chapter 3 Definitions3.1 General. The definitions contained

32、in this chapter shallapply to the terms used in this standard. Where terms are notdefined in this chapter or within another chapter, they shallbe defined using their ordinarily accepted meanings withinthe context in which they are used. Merriam-Websters CollegiateDictionary, 11th edition, shall be t

33、he source for the ordinarilyaccepted meaning.3.2 NFPA Official Definitions.3.2.1* Approved. Acceptable to the authority having juris-diction.3.2.2* Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ). An organization,office, or individual responsible for enforcing the require-ments of a code or standard, or for app

34、roving equipment,materials, an installation, or a procedure.3.2.3 Shall. Indicates a mandatory requirement.3.2.4 Should. Indicates a recommendation or that which isadvised but not required.3.2.5 Standard. AnNFPAStandard,themaintextofwhichcon-tainsonlymandatoryprovisionsusingtheword“shall”toindicater

35、equirements and that is in a form generally suitable for manda-tory reference by another standard or code or for adoption intolaw. Nonmandatory provisions are not to be considered a part ofthe requirements of a standard and shall be located in an appen-dix, annex, footnote, informational note, or ot

36、her means as per-mitted in the NFPA Manuals of Style. When used in a genericsense, such as in the phrase “standards development process” or“standardsdevelopmentactivities,”theterm“standards”includesall NFPAStandards, including Codes, Standards, RecommendedPractices, and Guides.3.3 General Definition

37、s.3.3.1 Adjacent Spaces. Those spaces in all directions fromsubject space, including points of contact, internal and exter-nal, such as decks, sumps, floating roofs, secondary contain-ment areas, interstitial spaces, under floors, supports, tanktops, and bulkheads.3.3.2 Attendant. Aterm used to desc

38、ribe U.S. federally regu-lated industrial workers who are qualified to be stationed out-side one or more confined spaces, who monitor authorizedentrants, and who perform all of the following duties: (1) re-mainoutsidetheconfinedspaceduringentryoperationsuntilrelieved by another attendant, (2) summon

39、 rescue and otherneeded resources as soon as the attendant determines thatauthorizedentrantsmightneedassistancetoescapefromcon-fined space hazards, (3) perform nonentry rescues as speci-fied by the rescue procedure listed on the permit.3.3.3 Bonding. For the purpose of controlling static electrichaz

40、ards, the process of connecting two or more conductiveobjects together by means of a conductor so that they are atthe same electrical potential, but not necessarily at the samepotential as the earth. 77, 20143.3.4 Combustible Gas Indicator. An instrument that samplesair to indicate whether there are

41、 combustible vapors or gasespresent and can also indicate the percentage of the lower ex-plosive limit of the vapor or gas mixture.3.3.5* Combustible Liquid. Any liquid that has a closed-cupflash point at or above 37.8C (100F), as determined by thetest procedures and apparatus set forth in Section 4

42、.4 ofNFPA30.3.3.6 Confined Space. For purposes of tank entry, cleaning,or repair, any tank that meets all three of the following re-quirements: (1) is large enough and so configured that a per-son can enter and perform assigned work, (2) has limited orrestrictedmeansforentryorexit,(3)isnotdesignedor

43、meant3265DEFINITIONS2015 Editionto be continuously occupied. (See also 3.3.20, Permit RequiredConfined Space, and 3.3.18, Nonconfined Space.)3.3.7 Container. For purposes of tank entry, cleaning, or re-pair, a vessel intended to contain an accumulation of hazard-ous substances that is too small for

44、human entry or has a ca-pacity that can be effectively and safely cleaned withouthuman entry.3.3.8 Degassing. The process of collecting, oxidizing, ortreating vapors and gases expelled from a tank or vessel toprevent or reduce the amount of organic volatile compoundsreleased into the atmosphere duri

45、ng vapor- and gas-freeingoperations. API 2015,* Flammable Liquid. Any liquid that has a closed-cupflash point below 37.8C (100F), as determined by the testprocedures and apparatus set forth in Section 4.4 of NFPA 30and a Reid vapor pressure .that does not exceed an absolutepressure of 27

46、6 kPa (40 psi) at 37.8C (100F), as determinedby ASTM D 323, Standard Test Method for Vapor Pressure of Petro-leum Products (Reid Method).3.3.10 Flammable Vapor. For purposes of tank entry, clean-ing, or repair, any substance that exists in the gaseous state atnormal atmospheric temperature and press

47、ure and that is ca-pable of being ignited and burned when mixed with theproper proportions of air, oxygen, or other oxidizer.3.3.11 Hazardous Substance. Asubstance, including combus-tible and flammable liquids and flammable gases, that is ca-pable of creating harm to people, the environment, or prop

48、-erty due to the dangers that can arise from, but not limited to,toxicity, reactivity, ignitibility, or corrosivity.3.3.12 Hot Tapping. The technique of welding and drillingonin-servicetanksorcontainersthatcontainflammable,com-bustible, or other hazardous substances.3.3.13 Hot Work. Any work that is

49、 a source of ignition, in-cluding open flames, cutting and welding, sparking of electri-cal equipment, grinding, buffing, drilling, chipping, sawing,or other operations that create hot metal sparks or surfacesfrom friction or impact.3.3.14 Inert Gas. For purposes of tank entry, cleaning, or re-pair, a gas that is nonflammable, chemically inactive, noncon-taminating for the use intended, and oxygen-deficient to theextent required.3.3.15 Inerting. A technique by which the atmosphere in atank or container is rendered nonignitible or nonreactive bythe addition of an inert ga

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