1、NFPA77 Recommended Practice on Static Electricity 2014 Edition NFPA, 1 Batterymarch Park, Quincy, MA 02169-7471 An International Codes and Standards Organization IMPORTANT NOTICES AND DISCLAIMERS CONCERNING NFPADOCUMENTSNOTICE AND DISCLAIMER OF LIABILITY CONCERNING THE USE OF NFPA DOCUMENTSNFPAcodes
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28、Standards Council, NFPA, 1 Batterymarch Park, P.O. Box 9101, Quincy, MA 02269-9101; email: stds_adminnfpa.orgFor more information about NFPA, visit the NFPA website at www.nfpa.org.12/11Copyright 2013 National Fire Protection Association. All Rights Reserved.NFPA77Recommended Practice onStatic Elect
29、ricity2014 EditionThis edition of NFPA 77, Recommended Practice on Static Electricity, was prepared by theTechnical Committee on Static Electricity. It was issued by the Standards Council on May 28,2013, with an effective date of June 17, 2013, and supersedes all previous editions.This edition of NF
30、PA 77 was approved as an American National Standard on June 17, 2013.Origin and Development of NFPA 77An NFPA project addressing static electricity was initiated in 1936, and a progress reportwas presented to the NFPA in 1937. A tentative edition of NFPA 77 was adopted in 1941. Thistentative edition
31、 was further revised and officially adopted by the NFPA in 1946. Revisionswere adopted in 1950, 1961, 1966, 1972, 1977, 1982, 1988, 1993, 2000, and 2007.The 2000 edition of NFPA 77 presented a totally revised overview of the subject of staticelectricity and its hazards, including the current level o
32、f understanding of static electricityand considerable new information explaining the fundamental aspects of the phenomenonand recommendations for evaluating and controlling potential hazards. Also included weresections addressing specific hazards of flammable gases and vapors and combustible dusts,s
33、ections on specific industrial processes and operations, a database of relevant properties ofnumerous commercially significant materials, a glossary of terms, and diagrams that showedacceptable methods of bonding and grounding.The 2007 edition of NFPA 77 included the following amendments:(1) Numerou
34、s editorial changes to comply with the Manual of Style for NFPATechnical Commit-tee Documents(2) Text that allowed use of self-checking bonding clamps and bond wires that continuouslymonitor the resistance to ground and verify that resistance is maintained within accept-able levels(3) Cautionary sta
35、tements regarding the use of appropriate instruments based on the elec-trical classification of the area in which the instruments will be used(4) Cautionary statements regarding the use of high-voltage static neutralizers in electricallyclassified areas and the use of such static neutralizers as ind
36、uctive neutralizers whende-energized or upon failure(5) Correction of errorsThis edition of NFPA 77 includes the following amendments:(1) The entire document has been reorganized into a more logical arrangement and somelarge chapters have been divided into several smaller chapters that are focused o
37、n asingle topic.(2) Many definitions previously located in Annex H, Glossary of Terms, have been moved toChapter 2, because the defined terms are used numerous times in the body of the text.(3) The discussion in Chapter 5 of the mechanisms of static electric charging and discharg-ing of same has bee
38、n revised for clarity.(4) Information on the hazards of switch loading has been added to Chapter 9.(5) The recommendations for filling storage tanks have been rewritten.(6) The recommendations for flexible intermediate bulk containers have been rewritten.(7) The recommendations for web processes hav
39、e been rewritten.771NFPA and National Fire Protection Association are registered trademarks of the National Fire Protection Association, Quincy, Massachusetts 02169.Technical Committee on Static ElectricityCharles G. Noll, ChairXiPro Technologies LLC, PA SEPeter R. Apostoluk, Greif Inc., OH MLaurenc
40、e G. Britton, Process Safety Consultant,WV SEVahid Ebadat, Chilworth Technology Inc., NJ SEStephen L. Fowler, Fowler Associates, Inc., SC SERobert L. Gravell, E. I. duPont de Nemours Section 2: Method forDetermining the Electrical Resistivity of Dust in Layers, Interna-tional Electrotechnical Commis
41、sion, Brussels, 1996.CENELEC TR 50504, Electrostatics Code of Practice for theAvoidance of Hazards Due to Static Electricity, 2003.2.3.5 Elsevier Publications. Elsevier NV, Radarweg 29, Am-sterdam 1043, Netherlands.Britton, L. G. and Smith, J. A., “Static Hazards of the VAST,”Journal of Loss Prevent
42、ion in the Process Industries, Vol. 25, pp. 309328, 2012.2.3.6 IEC Publications. International Electrotechnical Com-mission, 3, rue de Varemb, P.O. Box 131, CH-1211 Geneva 20,Switzerland.IEC 61241-2-3, Electrical apparatus for use in the presence ofcombustible dust Part 2: Test methods Section 3: Me
43、thod fordetermining minimum ignition energy of dust/air mixtures, 1994.IEC 61340-4-4, Electrostatics Part 44: Standard test methodsfor specific applications Electrostatic classification of flexible inter-mediate bulk containers (FIBC), 2005.2.3.7 IME Publications. Institute of Makers of Explosives,1
44、120 Nineteenth Street, NW, Suite 310, Washington, DC20036-3605.Safety Library Publication No. 3, Suggested Code of Regula-tions for the Manufacture, Transportation, Storage, Sale, Possession,and Use of Explosive Materials, 2009.Safety Library Publication No. 17, Safety in the Transporta-tion, Storag
45、e, Handling, and Use of Explosive Materials, 2011.2.3.8 JIS Publications. Japan Industrial Standards, 1-3-1 Ka-sumigaseki, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-8901, Japan.JIS B 9915, Measuring Methods forDust Resistivity (with ParallelElectrodes), Japan Industrial Standards, Tokyo, 1989.2.3.9 U.S. Department of D
46、efense Publications. U.S. Gov-ernment Printing Office, Washington, DC 20402.Standard 4145.26M, Contractors Safety Manual for Ammuni-tion and Explosives.Standard 6055.9, Ammunition and Explosive Safety Standards.2.3.10 Other Publications.BS 5958, Code of Practice for Control of Undesirable Static Ele
47、c-tricity, Part 1, General Considerations, British Standards Insti-tution, London, 1991.Glor, M., Electrostatic Hazards in Powder Handling, ResearchStudies Press, Ltd., Letchworth, Hertfordshire, England, 1988.International Safety Guide for Oil Tankers and Terminals (IS-GOTT), 4th Edition, Witherby
48、and Co., Ltd., London, 5th edi-tion, 2006.Merriam-Websters Collegiate Dictionary, 11th edition, Merriam-Webster, Inc., Springfield, MA, 2003.Pratt, T. H., Electrostatic Ignitions of Fires and Explosions, Bur-goyne, Inc., Marietta, GA, 1997.Walmsley, H. L., “Avoidance of Electrostatic Hazards in theP
49、etroleum Industry,” Journal of Electrostatics, Vol. 27, No. 1 andNo. 2, Elsevier, New York, 1992.2.4 References for Extracts in Recommendations Sections.NFPA 30, Flammable and Combustible Liquids Code, 2012edition.NFPA 654, Standard for the Prevention of Fire and Dust Explo-sions from the Manufacturing, Processing, and Handling of Combus-tible Particulate Solids, 2013 edition.Chapter 3 Definitions3.1 General. The definitions contained in this chapter applyto the terms used in this recommended practice. Where termsare not defined in this chapter or within
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