1、NFPA87 Recommended Practice for Fluid Heaters 2015 Edition NFPA, 1 Batterymarch Park, Quincy, MA 02169-7471 An International Codes and Standards Organization 1/14ISBN: 978-145590896-7 (Print)ISBN: 978-145590929-2 (PDF)IMPORTANT NOTICES AND DISCLAIMERS CONCERNING NFPASTANDARDS NOTICE AND DISCLAIMER O
2、F LIABILITY CONCERNING THE USE OF NFPA STANDARDSNFPAcodes, standards, recommended practices, and guides (“NFPA Standards”), of which the document contained herein is one, are developed through a consensus standards development process approved by the American National Standards Institute. This proce
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13、NING NFPASTANDARDS ADDITIONAL NOTICES AND DISCLAIMERSUpdating of NFPA Standards Users of NFPA codes, standards, recommended practices, and guides (“NFPA Standards”) should be aware that these documents may be superseded at any time by the issuance of new editions or may be amended from time to time
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27、nformation on NFPA procedures governing its codes and standards development process, including information on the procedures for requesting Formal Interpretations, for proposing Tentative Interim Amendments, and for proposing revisions to NFPA standards during regular revision cycles, should be sent
28、 to NFPA headquarters, addressed to the attention of the Secretary, Standards Council, NFPA, 1 Batterymarch Park, P.O. Box 9101, Quincy, MA 02269-9101; email: stds_adminnfpa.orgFor more information about NFPA, visit the NFPA website at www.nfpa.org. All NFPA codes and standards can be viewed at no c
29、ost at www.nfpa.org/freeaccess.Copyright 2014 National Fire Protection Association. All Rights Reserved.NFPA87Recommended Practice forFluid Heaters2015 EditionThis edition of NFPA 87, Recommended Practice for Fluid Heaters, was prepared by the Tech-nical Committee on Fluid Heaters. It was issued by
30、the Standards Council on April 29, 2014,with an effective date of May 19, 2014, and supersedes all previous editions.This edition of NFPA 87 was approved as an American National Standard on May 19, 2014.Origin and Development of NFPA 87The 2011 edition of NFPA 87 was the first edition of the documen
31、t. In 2006, the StandardsCouncil authorized the Technical Committee on Ovens and Furnaces to begin work on a newrecommended practice on process heaters. The task force formed by the committee to de-velop the recommended practice comprised members of the Technical Committee on Ovensand Furnaces (NFPA
32、 86, Standard forOvens and Furnaces) and fire safety professionals from thecommunity of fluid heater users and manufacturers.The need for NFPA to develop a document on fluid heaters became apparent over anumber of years as NFPA received requests for interpretation as to whether fluid heaters werecov
33、ered by any existing NFPA codes and standards. The Technical Committee on Boiler andCombustion Systems specifically excludes process heaters used in chemical and petroleummanufacture from coverage by NFPA 85, Boiler and Combustion Systems Hazards Code. NFPA 86does not exclude process heaters, but th
34、e Technical Committee on Ovens and Furnacesrecommended the development of a new document that recognizes that process heaters arefundamentally different from ovens and furnaces.NFPA 87 incorporates many safety recommendations that are consistent with require-ments in NFPA 86 and NFPA 85, especially
35、those related to hazards associated with the com-bustion of gaseous and liquid fuels. Additional recommendations have been added toNFPA 87 that address unique hazards associated with the combustible fluids being heated inthese systems (e.g., pressure containment, flow and temperature monitoring, and
36、 mitigationof accidental fluid releases).The 2015 edition of NFPA 87 includes several changes to Chapter 3 due to the addition ofdefinitions for burner management system (BMS) and emergency shutoff valve (ESOV) andother updates to definitions for consistency with NFPA 86. Changes to Chapter 6 intend
37、ed tomake the document consistent with NFPA 86 include ESOV requirements, emergency isola-tion valves, and overpressure protection. The Committee added procedures for placingequipment into service based on purging practices in NFPA 54 and the new NFPA 56. TheCommittee added a requirement prohibiting
38、 manifolding vent lines from different pressurelevels based on NFPA 85. As a result of introducing definitions for BMS and combustionsafeguard, the Committee modified requirements for logic systems for both BMS logic andPLC systems. The Committee completely revised requirements for Class F heaters i
39、nChapter 9 and added new content for Chapters 10 and 11 on Class G and H heaters,respectively.871NFPA and National Fire Protection Association are registered trademarks of the National Fire Protection Association, Quincy, Massachusetts 02169.Technical Committee on Fluid HeatersAlgirdas Underys, Chai
40、rA. Finkl ovens and furnaces (which are covered by NFPA 86); fired heaters in petroleum refineries and petrochemicalfacilities (which are covered by API Standards and Recommended Practices); units that heat air for occupi-able space or comfort; and LP-gas vaporizers designed and installed in accorda
41、nce with NFPA 58 andNFPA 59.872 FLUID HEATERS2015 EditionContentsChapter 1 Administration . 8741.1 Scope 8741.2 Purpose 8741.3 Application . 8741.4 Retroactivity 8741.5 Equivalency . 8741.6 Units and Formulas . 874Chapter 2 Referenced Publications 8752.1 General 8752.2 NFPA Publications 8752.3 Other
42、 Publications 8752.4 References for Extracts inRecommendation Sections . 875Chapter 3 Definitions 8753.1 General 8753.2 NFPA Official Definitions . 8753.3 General Definitions . 876Chapter 4 General 8774.1 Approvals, Plans, and Specifications 8774.2 Safety Labeling 8784.3 Thermal Fluids and Process F
43、luids 878Chapter 5 Location and Construction 8785.1 Location . 8785.2 Fluid Heater Design 8795.3 Explosion Mitigation . 8795.4 Ventilation and Exhaust System . 87105.5 Mountings and Auxiliary Equipment . 87105.6 Heating Elements and Insulation . 87105.7 Heat Baffles and Reflectors . 8710Chapter 6 He
44、ating Systems . 87116.1 General 87116.2 Fuel GasFired Units . 87116.3 Liquid FuelFired Units . 87136.4 Oxygen Enhanced FuelFired Units . 87156.5 Flue Product Venting . 87156.6 Electrically Heated Units 8715Chapter 7 Commissioning, Operations,Maintenance, Inspection,and Testing . 87157.1 Scope 87157.
45、2 Commissioning 87157.3 Training . 87157.4 Operations 87167.5 Inspection, Testing, and Maintenance . 87167.6 Record Retention . 87177.7 Procedures . 8717Chapter 8 Heating System Safety Equipmentand Application 87178.1 Scope 87178.2 General 87178.3 Burner Management System Logic . 87178.4 Programmabl
46、e Logic ControllerSystems 87188.5 Safety Control Application forFuel-Fired Heating Systems . 87188.6 Combustion Air Safety Devices . 87198.7 Safety Shutoff Valves (Fuel Gas orLiquid Fuel) 87198.8 Fuel Pressure Switches (Gas or LiquidFuel) . 87198.9 Combustion Safeguards (FlameSupervision) 87208.10 L
47、iquid Fuel Atomization (Other thanMechanical Atomization) . 87208.11 Liquid Fuel Temperature Limit Devices . 87208.12 Multiple Fuel Systems 87208.13 AirFuel Gas Mixing Machines 87208.14 Ignition of Main Burners Fuel Gas orLiquid Fuel . 87208.15 Stack Excess Temperature LimitInterlock 87208.16 Fluid
48、Excess Temperature LimitInterlock 87208.17 Electrical Heating Systems 8721Chapter 9 Class F Heaters 87219.1 General 87219.2 Auxiliary Equipment . 87219.3 Safety Devices for Class F Heaters . 8723Chapter 10 Class G Heaters 872310.1 General 872310.2 Auxiliary Equipment . 872310.3 Safety Devices for Cl
49、ass G Heaters 8724Chapter 11 Class H Heaters 872511.1 General 872511.2 Auxiliary Equipment . 872511.3 Safety Devices for Class H Heaters 8726Chapter 12 Fire Protection . 872612.1 General 872612.2 Types of Fire Protection Systems 872712.3 Inspection, Testing, and Maintenanceof Fire Protection Equipment 8727Annex A Explanatory Material . 8727Annex B Example Maintenance Checklist 8740Annex C Steam Extinguishing Systems 8741Annex D Informational References 8742Index . 8744873CONTENTS2015 Edition
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