1、MicropublishingProduct InformationAbstract: Content guidelines are given for advertising materials used to describemicropublications intended for long-term retention and use.ANSI/NISO Z39.26-1997(R2002) ISSN: 1041-5653(Revision of ANSI Z39.26-1981)An American National StandardDeveloped by theNationa
2、l Information Standards OrganizationApproved June 6, 1997 by theAmerican National Standards InstituteBethesda, Maryland, U.S.A.P r e s sAbout the National Information Standards SeriesNISO Standards are developed by the Standards Committees of the National Information StandardsOrganization. The devel
3、opment process is a strenuous one that includes a rigorous peer review ofproposed standards open to each NISO Voting Member and any other interested party. Final approvalof a standard involves verification by the American National Standards Institute that its requirementsfor due process, consensus,
4、and other approval criteria have been met by NISO. Once verified andapproved, NISO Standards also become American National Standards.The use of an ANSI/NISO Standard is voluntary. That is, the existence of a NISO Standard does notpreclude anyone, whether or not that person has adopted that NISO Stan
5、dard, from manufacturing,marketing, purchasing, or using products, processes, or procedures that do not conform to it. However,the use of standards (those developed by NISO as well as other standards-developing organizations) hasproven to be in the best interests of any industry wishing to increase
6、its effectiveness and efficiency inthe areas of product development, manufacturing, and marketing and, therefore, such use is encour-aged by ANSI, NISO, and all other standards-developing organizations.Each NISO Standard is reviewed at least once every five years to confirm that it remains viable an
7、duseful in its current environment. Comments for revision are welcome from any interested party.Proposed changes to this NISO Standard and suggestions for new NISO Standards should be sent to theNISO office at 4733 Bethesda Avenue, Suite 300, Bethesda, MD 20814.Occasionally, questions may arise conc
8、erning the meaning of specific sections of a NISO Standard.Interpretations can be obtained by writing to the NISO office.This NISO Standard may be revised or withdrawn at any time. Purchasers may receive currentinformation on all NISO Standards by calling or writing:NISO Press4733 Bethesda Avenue, S
9、uite 300Bethesda, MD 20814-2548T. 301-654-2512. F. 301-654-1721email: NISOHQNISO.ORGhttp:/www.niso.orgPublished byNISO Press4733 Bethesda Avenue, Suite 300Bethesda, MD 20814Copyright 1997 by the National Information Standards OrganizationAll rights reserved under International and Pan-American Copyr
10、ight Conventions. No part of this bookmay be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, includingphotocopy, recording, or any information storage or retrieval system, without prior permission inwriting from the publisher. All inquiries should be addressed to NIS
11、O Press, 4733 Bethesda Avenue,Bethesda, MD 20814.Printed in the United States of AmericaISSN: 1041-5653 National Information Standards seriesISBN: 1-880124-38-6This paper meets the requirements of ANSI/NISO Z39.48-1992 (Permanence of Paper).Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication DataNational
12、Information Standards Organization (U.S.)Micropublishing produst information: an American national standard / developed by the National InformationStandards Organization: approved June 6,1997 by the American National Standards Institutep . cm.-(National information standards series, ISSN 1041-5653);
13、ANSI/NISO Z39.9-1992)“(Revision of ANSI Z39.9-1979).“Includes bibliographic references.ISBN 1-880124-12-21. International Standard Serial Numbers-Standards-United States.I. American National Standards Institute. II. Title. III. Series.Z695.7.N34 1995025.3432dc20 95-41630CIPANSI/NISO Z39.26-1997Conte
14、ntsForeword v1. Scope 12. Data Elements and Product Guarantees 12.1 Data Elements: Micropublication 12.1.1 Bibliographic Description . 12.1.2 Pricing. 12.1.3 Availability. 12.1.4 Microform Specifications 22.1.5 Product Derivation . 22.1.6 Availability in Other Formats . 22.1.7 Scope and Size of Coll
15、ection, Introductory Material 22.1.8 Finding Aids 22.2 Data Elements: Original Material Appearing in the Micropublication 22.2.1 Description of Individual Monograph, Serial, or Other Bibliographical Unit . 22.2.2 Description of Collection Monographs, Serials, Newspapers, or OtherBibliographic Units.
16、 22.3 Guarantees and Replacement Policy 32.3.1 Statement of Guarantees Attached to the Sale of the Microform Product 32.3.2 Replacement Policy 33. Reference Works, Resources, and Glossary of Acronyms. 33.1 American National Standards . 33.2 Technical Reports . 43.3 General References 43.4 Sources fo
17、r Publications 43.5 Glossary of Acronyms . 5ANSI/NISO Z39.26-1997Page ivANSI/NISO Z39.26-1997Page vForeword(This foreword is not part of the American National Standard Micropublishing Product Information,ANSI/NISO Z39.26-1997. It is included for information only.)ANSI/NISO Z39.26 was originally issu
18、ed in 1975under the title Advertising of Micropublications.A few years later, from 1977 to 1979, the Micro-form Publishing Committee of the American Li-brary Association Resources and Technical Ser-vices Division appointed the Ad Hoc Subcom-mittee on Monitoring of Microform Advertisingto study obser
19、vance of the new standard. Thestudy entailed encouraging publishers of micro-form material to observe the new standard, wherepractical, in their advertising literature. The sub-committee found that the standard was well re-ceived and was widely used by micropublishers.In 1981, Z39.26 was revised to
20、require that anadvertisement for a micropublication specify thestandards that were followed.This 1997 revision carries a new title, Micro-publishing Product Information, which reflectsthe broad range of descriptive materials pro-duced by micropublishers. It includes new sec-tions listing data elemen
21、ts for product derivation,scope and size of collection, and finding aids, andexpands the section on guarantees and replace-ment policy. The reference section has been up-dated and expanded to include technical reports,sources of publications, and a glossary of acro-nyms.This standard was processed a
22、nd approvedfor submittal to ANSI by the National Informa-tion Standards Organization. It was balloted bythe NISO Voting Members January 17, 1997through March 31, 1997. It will next be reviewedin 2002.Suggestions for improving this standard arewelcome. They should be sent to the NationalInformation S
23、tandards Organization, 4733Bethesda Avenue, Suite 300, Bethesda, MD 20814.NISO approval of this standard does not neces-sarily imply that all Voting Members voted for itsapproval.At the time it approved this standard, NISOhad the following Voting Members:3MRichard W. LindahlRobert L. Dreger (Alt)Ger
24、ald G. Marsolek (Alt)American Association of Law LibrariesAndrew LaurenceAmerican Chemical SocietyRobert S. Tannehill, Jr.Leon R. Blauvelt (Alt)American Library AssociationCarlen RuschoffAmerican Society for Information SciencesKurt KoppAmerican Society of IndexersMarie KascusCharlotte Skuster (Alt)
25、American Theological Library AssociationMyron B. ChaceAmeritech Library ServicesJohn KolmanAmoco CorporationRandy R. ReddemannApple Computer, Inc.Janet VratnyRita Brennan (Alt)Armed Forces Medical LibraryDiane ZehnpfennigBeth Knapke (Alt)Art Libraries Society of North AmericaThomas E. YoungPenney De
26、Pas (Alt)Association of Information and Dissemination CentersBruce H. KieselAssociation of Information and Image ManagementMarilyn WrightAssociation of Jewish LibrariesPearl BergerDavid Gilner (Alt)Association of Research LibrariesDuane E. WebsterBell LaboratoriesM.E. BrennanCARL CorporationWard Sha
27、wCollege Center for Library AutomationJ. Richard MadausAnn Armbrister (Alt)Data Research Associates, Inc.Michael J. MellingerCarl Grant (Alt)NISO Voting MembersANSI/NISO Z39.26-1997Page viData Research Users Group, Inc.Beth F. AndersonEBSCO Information ServicesSandra H. HurdMary Beth Vanderpoorten (
28、Alt)Elsevier Science IncorporatedJohn ManciaNorman Paskin (Alt)The Faxon CompanyAlan NordmanFollettD. Jeffrey BlumenthalMichael Marchuck (Alt)Gaylord Information SystemsJames EnglishWilliam Schickling (Alt)GCA Research InstituteChrisopher ZienerNorman Scharpf (Alt)Geac Computers, Inc.B.J. MitchellIB
29、MTryg AgerIndiana Cooperative Library Services AuthorityMillard JohnsonJanice Cox (Alt)Information Access CompanyDelores MeglioVictoria Gray (Alt)Innovative Interfaces, Inc.Gerald M. KlineSandra Westall (Alt)Knight-Ridder Information, Inc.Richard BoulderstoneDavid Loy (Alt)Lexis/NexisPeter RyallLibr
30、ary Binding InstituteSally GrauerLibrary of CongressWinston TabbSally H. McCallum (Alt)Medical Library AssociationHope BartonCarla J. Funk (Alt)MINITEXCecelia BooneWilliam DeJohn (Alt)Motion Picture Association of AmericaBill BakerBill Billick (Alt)Music Library AssociationLenore CoralGeraldine Ostr
31、ove (Alt)National Agricultural LibraryPamela Q. J. AndreGary K. McCone (Alt)National Archives and Records AdministrationAlan CalmesNational Federation of Abstracting and InformationServicesJohn SchneppNational Library of MedicineLois Ann ColaianniOCLC, Inc.Donald J. MuccinoOHIONETMichael P. ButlerGr
32、eg Pronevitz (Alt)OhioLINKDavid BarberOHIONETMichael P. ButlerGreg Pronevitz (Alt)PALINETJames E. RushReadmore Academic ServicesSandra J. GurshmanAmira Aaron (Alt)The Research Libraries Group, Inc.Wayne DavisonKathy Bales (Alt)R. R. BowkerAlbert SimmondsR. R. Donnelley elements in italics are op-tio
33、nal. General categories and any additionalexplanatory text are likewise in regular type.2.1 Data Elements: Micropublication2.1.1 Bibliographic Description2.1.1.1 Title of micropublication, including sub-title and series title, if any. Author(s) / editor(s). Name, address, phone, fax, a
34、nd e-mail orother electronic address of micropub-lisher. Specify if different from market-ing agency. Place of micropublication (if differentfrom Pricing2.1.2.1 General statement of pricing policy. Discount price(s) for prepublication pur-chase, including prepublication
35、cutoffdate. Prices of individual titles. Discount price(s) for purchasing all or por-tions of collections (as in and,below). Description of time payment plan.2.1.3 Availability2.1.3.1 Actual or scheduled publication date(s). Schedule of availability dates
36、(segmentby segment) for collections offered insegments. Availability of individual units or por-tions of collections.2.1.4 Microform Specifications2.1.4.1 Size and type of microform(s). Specify if105mm microfiche (cut sheet), 35mm reelfilm, 16mm open reel or cartridge film, etc. High c
37、ontrast, continuous tone, or colorfilm; if color, specify type. Range of reduction ratios, with frameformat for fiche. Polarity (positive or negative). Film type (silver, diazo, vesicular). Film base (type and thickness). Specifications to which the microformwas pr
38、oduced (see Section 3 for a list ofrelevant standards and reference works).ANSI/NISO Z39.26-1997Page Date of original filming. Permanent location of camera master. Note if material was reformatted as part of acooperative effort or project. Location(s) of original mate
39、rial used tocreate the micropublication (if known).2.1.5 Product Derivation2.1.5.1 Derivation of the micropublication.Specify if created from a different size ortype of film (e.g., 35mm duplicated from16mm) or from digital files. Repackaged product derivation. Origi-nal micropublisher and pub
40、licationdate(s), if product being offered was cre-ated by another micropublisher.2.1.6 Availability in Other Formats2.1.6.1 Note if the collection or portions of thecollection are available in printed formor as digital files.2.1.7 Scope and Size of Collection,Introductory Material2.1.7.1 Scope and p
41、otential usefulness of thecollection. Size of the collection, described in asmuch detail as possible (pages, volumes,titles, microform units, etc.). Qualifications of the writers of signedintroductory material.2.1.8 Finding Aids2.1.8.1 Detailed description of external andinternal findi
42、ng aids provided, includ-ing indexes, bibliographies, etc. Specifywhether printed guides are included withthe collection or must be purchased sepa-rately. Location of online bibliographic records(e.g., OCLC, RLIN, etc.) for specifictitles or collection as a whole.2.2 Data Elements: Original M
43、aterialAppearing in the Micropublication2.2.1 Description of individual monograph,serial, or other bibliographic unit2.2.1.1 Author(s), editor(s), compiler(s), etc. or acombination thereof. Title and subtitle of monograph or serial;complete masthead (banner) title of news-paper. Previo
44、us, successive, and variant titles. Place of original publication; city, state,and county name for newspapers. Original publisher. Date of original publication or copyrightdate (for monograph); range of volumenumbers, inclusive dates (for serial,newspaper). Edition statem
45、ent, if revised edition. Frequency of publication of serial or newspa-per. Pagination, or number of volumes (if morethan one). Translation information, including originaltitle, language, and translator(s). Conference information (place and date ofmeetings, sponsors, etc
46、.). Intended audience, including use restrictions.Indicate whether the original materials wereconsidered proprietary or confidential. Identifying numbers available, such as stan-dard publication numbers (ISBN, ISSN,STRN), bibliographic utility record num-bers (e.g., OCLC, RLIN), etc.
47、2.2.2 Description of collection ofmonographs, serials, newspapers orother bibliographic units2.2.2.1 Enumeration and description of indi-vidual titles (as in elements or indication that a cata-log is available. Enumeration of missing titles, volumes,sections, issues, e
48、tc., with an indicationof potential availability at a later date. Citation of each bibliography on which thecollection is based.ANSI/NISO Z39.26-1997Page Indication of any titles, volumes filmed usingreproductions (photocopies, photostats, etc.)instead of original copies.2.3 Guarante
49、es and Replacement Policy2.3.1 Statement of guarantees attached tothe sale of the microform product2.3.1.1 Guarantee of product content, quality,and legibility. Guarantee of product availability, securepacking, and safe shipment.2.3.2 Replacement Policy2.3.2.1 General statement of replacement policy. Policy regarding replacement of defec-tive portions (e.g., individual reels) ofthe micropublication. Availability of replacement reels if subse-quently damaged during use. Source of replacement reels, if different frommicropublisher.3. Reference Works, Resource
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