1、239.4 1-1997 . Printed Information on Spines ! Bethesda, Maryland, U.S.A. b478708 000349 STD. NISO 1997 b478908 0003479 T7b I About the National Information Standards Series NISO Standards are developed by the Standards Committees of the National Information Standards Organization. The development p
2、rocess is a strenuous one that includes a rigorous peer review of proposed standards open to each NISO Voting Member and any other interested party. Final approval of the standard involves verification by the American National Standards Institute that its requirements for due process, consensus, and
3、 other approval criteria have been met by NISO. Once verified and approved, NISO Standards also become American National Standards. The use of an ANSI/NISO Standard is voluntary. That is, the existence of this NISO Standard does not preclude anyone, whether or not that person has adopted the NISO St
4、andard, from manufacturing, marketing, purchasing, or using products, processes, or procedures that do not conform to the NISO Standard. However, the use of standards (those developed by NISO as well as other standards-developing organizations) has proven to be in the best interests of any industry
5、wishing to increase its effectiveness and efficiency in the areas of product development, manufacturing, and marketing and, therefore, such use is encouraged by ANSI, NISO, and all other standards-developing organizations. Each NISO Standard is reviewed at least once every five years to confirm that
6、 it remains viable and useful in its current environment. Comments for revision are welcome at any time from any interested party. Proposed changes to this NISO Standard or suggestions for new NISO Standards should be sent to the NISO office at 4733 Bethesda Avenue, Suite 300, Bethesda, MD 20814. Oc
7、casionally, questions may arise concerning the meaning or intent of specific sections of a NI90 Standard. Interpretations may be obtained by writing to the NISO office. This NISO Standard may be revised or withdrawn at any time. Purchasers may receive the most recent information on all NISO Standard
8、s by calling or writing: NISO Press Fulfillment Center P.O. Box 338 Oxon Hill, MD 20750-0338 U.S.A. U.S. and Canada 1-800-282-NISO (6476) Washington, DC area and outside the US.: 301-567-9522 Fax: 301-567-9553 STD-NISO Z37-41-ENGL 1777 I b478708 O003500 538 I ANSI/NISO 239.41 -1 997 (Revision of ANS
9、I/NISO 239.41-1990) Printed Information on Spines Abstract: Describes how to format information on the spines of printed bindings, covers, containers, or other protective enclosures. It describes both the kinds of information to be printed on spines and the order and placement of the information. An
10、 American National Standard Developed by the National Information Standards Organization Approved January 14, 1997 by the American National Standards Institute Published by the National Information Standards Organization Bethesda, Maryland NISO Press, Bethesda, Maryland, U.S.A. Published by NISO Pre
11、ss 4733 Bethesda Avenue, Suite 300 Bethesda, MD 20814 www.niso.org Copyright O1 998 by the National Information Standards Organization All rights reserved under International and Pan-American Copyright Conventions. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, el
12、ectronic or mechanical, including photocopy, recording, or any information storage or retrieval system, without prior permission in writing from the publisher. All inquiries should be addressed to NISO Press, 4733 Bethecda Avenue, Suite 300, Bethesda, MD 20814. Printed in the United States of Americ
13、a ISSN: 1041-5653 National Information Standard Series ISBN: 1-880124-32-7 This paper meets the requirements of ANWNISO 239.48-1992 (R 1997) Permanence of Paper. Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data National Information Standards Organization (U.S.) National Information Standards Organ
14、ization: approved January 14, 1997 by the American National Standards Institute. p. cm. - (National information standards series, ISSN 1041-5653) Printed information on spines: an American national standard/developed by the “ANSI/NISO 239.41 -1 997. I ISBN 1-880124-32-7 1. Book spines-Format-Standar
15、ds-United States. I. American National Standards Institute. II. Title. III. Series. 2270.U5N38 1998 98-37801 686-dc21 CIP STD-NISO Z37.9L-ENGL A777 b4708 0003502 300 m Contents Foreword V 1 . Introduction 1 1.1 Purpose . 1 1.2 Scope 1 2 . Referenced Standards 1 3 . Definitions 1 4 . Nature of Inform
16、ation on Spines 4 4.1 Bibliographic Information 4 4.1 . 1 Responsibility for the Work . 4 4.1.2 Title of the Work 4 4.1 2.1 Title in More Than One Language . 5 4.1.3 Numerical, Alphabetical, or Chronological Information . 5 4.1 . 4 Edition Information 5 4.2 Library Information 6 4.3 Publisher Inform
17、ation 6 5 . Arrangement of Information on Spine 7 5.1 Allocation of Space . 7 6 . Typographical Arrangement 7 6.1 General 7 6.2 Title Orientation 7 6.3 Form of Data Provided 8 Fig u res Figure 1 . Bibliographic information area on three different types of works . 5 Figure 2 . Library information are
18、a on three different types of works 6 Figure 3 . Publisher information area on three different types of works 6 Figure 4 . Arrangement of spine information on three different types of works 7 Figure 5 . Four styles of title orientation 8 STD-NISO Z37-4L-ENGL L797 b478708 0003503 247 M t oreword (Thi
19、s foreword is not part of the American National Standard for Printed Information on Spines, ANSI/NISO 239.41-1997. It is included for information only.) This standard was first issued in 1979 as the American National Standard for Book Spine Formats. The first approved revision in 1990 took into acco
20、unt that publishers and producers of informational materials were issuing a variety of publications, in addition to books that require spine titles: microforms, electronic media such as computer disks, CD-ROMs, videotape, etc. This new revision includes additional illustrations to explain the applic
21、ation of the standard to nonbook media. NISO extends its thanks to Norma Hendrickson, Library of Congress, Special Materials Cataloging Division, for assisting in the preparation of this standard. This standard was processed and approved for submittal to ANSI by the National Information Standards Or
22、ganization. It was balloted by the NISO Voting Members August 15, 1996 - November 15, 1996. It will next be reviewed in 2001. Suggestions for improving this standard are welcome. They should be sent to the National Information Standards Organization, 4733 Bethesda Avenue, Suite 300, Bethesda, MD 208
23、14. NISO approval of this standard does not necessarily imply that all Voting Members voted for its approval. At the time it approved this standard, NISO had the following Voting Members: NISO Voting Members 3M Richard W. Lindahl Robert L. Dreger (Alt) Gerald G. Marsolek (Alt) American Association o
24、f Law Libraries Andrew Laurence American Chemical Society Robert S. Tannehill, Jr. Leon R. Blauvelt (Ait) American Library Association Carlen Ruschoff American Society for Information Science Kurt Kopp American Society of Indexers Marie Kascus American Theological Library Association Myron B. Chace
25、Ameritech Library Services John Kolman Amoco Corporation Randy R. Reddemann Apple Computer, l,nc. Janet Vratny Rita Brennan (Alti Armed Forces Medical Library Diane Zehnpfennig Art Libraries Society of North America Thomas E. Young Penney DePas (Ait) Association of Information and Dissemination Bruc
26、e H. Kiesel Association of Information and Image Marilyn Wright Association of Jewish Libraries Pearl Berger David Gilner (Alt) Association of Research Libraries Duane E. Webster Bell Laboratories M.E. Brennan CARL Corporation Ward Shaw College Center for Library Automation J. Richard Madaus Ann Arm
27、brister (Alt) Data Research Associates, Inc. Michael J. Mellinger Carl Grant (Alt) Data Research Users Group, Inc. Beth F. Anderson Centers Management (continued Page v STD-NISO Z39*iL-ENGL 1997 a b478908 0003504 Lb3 FOREWORD ANSI/NISO 239.41-1997 NISO Voting Members (continued) EBSCO Information Se
28、rvices Sandra H. Hurd Mary Beth Vanderpoorten (Alt1 Elsevier Science Incorporated John Mancia Norman Paskin (Alt) The Faxon Company Alan Nordman Folien D. Jeffrey Blumenthal Michael Marchuck (Ait) Gayiord Information Systems James English William Schickiing (Ait) GCA Research institute Christopher Z
29、iener Norman Scharpf (Alt) Geac Computers, inc. B.J. Mitchell IBM Tryg Ager IEEE Anthony Ferrar0 indiana Cooperative Library Services Authority Millard Johnson Janice Cox (Ait) Information Access Company Delores Meglio Victoria Gray (Alt) innovative interfaces, inc. Gerald M. Kline Knight-Ridder Inf
30、ormation, inc. Richard Bouiderctone David Loy (Alt) Lexis/Nexis Peter Ryal1 Library Binding Institute Sally Grauer Library of Congress Winston Tabb Sally H. McCailum (Alt) Medical Library Association Hope Barton Carla J. Funk (Alt) Mi N ITEX Cecelia Boone William DeJohn (Alt) Music Library Associati
31、on Lenore Coral Geraldine Ostrove (Alt) Nationai Agricultural Library Pamela O. J. Andre Gary K. McCone (Alt) Nat ion al Arc hives and Records Ad ministration Alan Calmes National Federation of Abstracting and John Schnepp National Library of Medicine Lois Ann Colaianni OCLC, inc. Donald J. Muccino
32、OHIONET Michael P. Butler Greg Pronevitz (Alt) OhioLiNK David Barber PALI N ET James E. Rush Readmore Academic Services Sandra J. Gurshman Amira Aaron (Alt) The Research Libraries Group, Inc. Wayne Davison Kathy Bales (Alt) R. R. Bowker Albert Simmonds R. R. Donneiiey the title unique to each single
33、 volume in a multivolume set; or, for a serial work, the title unique to a single issue! Parallel Title. The titiesl not selected as a distinguishing title for works that carry titles in more than one language! Subordinate Title (Subtitle). A temi or phrase following a distinguishing title that is s
34、ubordinate to and can be grammatically and intellectually separated from it without loss of meaning. It completes and qualifies the title or makes it more eplicit. Page 3 BI B LI O G RAPH I C I N FO R M AT1 O N ANSI/NISO 239.41-1997 Title (orientation). The arrangement of letters, numerals, or other
35、 characters used on a spine. Descending-Spine Title. A title whose characters are placed along the length of the spine so the title is readable when the work is lying flat. Edge Title. On a publication that has no spine, a title whose characters are placed along the length of the left edge of the fr
36、ont cover so that the title is readable when the work is lying flat. Pillar-Spine Title. A title whose characters descend, one character to a line, along the spine, so the title is readable from top to bottom when the work is standing upright. Transverse-Spine Title. A title whose characters are pla
37、ced one beside the other at right angles to the long edge of the spine so the title is readable when the work is standing upright. Work. Any recorded information, regardless of its physical form or characteristics. This includes, but is not limited to, the following: written matter, whether handwrit
38、ten, printed, or typed; painted, drawn, or engraved matter: sound recordings; printed photo- graphs and exposed or printed film (still or motion picture); and reproduction of the foregoing by whatever pro ces. 4. Nature of Information on Spines 4.1 Bibliographic Information Bibliographic information
39、 includes the title of the work; any identifying numerical, alphabetical, or chronological information; and any identifying edition information. Figure 1 shows the spine area designated for this information. 4.1.1 Responsibility for the Work Namek) of the principal entities responsible for the work,
40、 for example, author(s), editor(s), composer(s), performing artist(s1, or compiler(s) should be provided in this area. Normally only one type of entity (either author, or editor, or compiler) need be given unless the particular title requires more identification. 4.1.2 Title of the Work As full a ve
41、rsion as possible of the form of title chosen should appear on the spine, amplified by a subtitle or other forms of title, if necessary for identification. In multipart works, all the parts may have, in addition to the collective-level title, a separate title specific to the particular volume or par
42、t (a monographic-level title) printed on the spine. ANSI 239.29-1 977. Bibliographic References. Page 4 STD-NISO Z39.4L-ENGL 1777 I b478708 0003510 487 I ANSI/N IS0 239.41-1 997 BIBLIOGRAPHIC INFORMATION The form of title on the spine should, when possible, match the primary source of title informat
43、ion, for example: Work book film or videocassette sound recording computer software Match title on spine to: title page title frame label introduction screen Bibliographic Information Area Book Computer Software Videocassette Bibliographic Information Area- Bibliographic information Area, Figure 1.
44、Bibliographic information area on three different types of works Title in More Than One Language When the title appears in more than one language, the title by which the publisher or producer intends the work to be known or cited should be placed first or chosen as the only form for the spin
45、e. 4.1.3 Numerical, Alphabetical, or Chronological Information When data that place a work in a larger bibliographic context are needed for identifica- tion and differentiation of the specific items title, the data are also recorded on the spine. Examples of this type of information are: number or n
46、ame for series, volume, or part; and year, season, or month. 4.1.4 Edition Information When an indication of the edition of the work is needed for the identification and differentiation of the title of a work, edition information should also be recorded on the spine. The edition statement should be
47、consistent with the form used in the work (see 4.1.2). Page 5 STD-NISO 239-41-ENGL 1797 bY78908 00351L 313 m LIBRARY INFORMATION ANS I/N IS0 239.4 1 - 1 997 4.2 Library Information Library information includes call number, logo, or other library-specific information, whether handwritten, added by a
48、label, barcoded. or embossed as part of the binding process, etc. Figure 2 shows the spine area designated for library information. I Book Computer Software Videocassette Library Information Area Libray Information Area, Library Information Area I Figure 2. Library information area on three differen
49、t types of works 4.3 Publisher Information Publicher information includes name, logo, publisher catalog number, and other pub- lisher-specific information. Figure 3 shows the spine area designated for publisher information. I Book Computer Software Videocassette Publisher Publisher information Information Area Area Publisher Information Area - - Figure 3. Publisher information area on three different types of works (Note: The ISBN does not appear on the spine. ANSI/NISO 239.21, Book Numbering, specifies the location and printing of ISBNs as the foot of the outs
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