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NISO Z39 76-1996 Data Elements for Binding Library Materials《图书馆资料装订的数据标准》.pdf

1、ANSI/NISO Z39.76-1996 ISSN: 1041-5653Data Elements for BindingLibrary MaterialsAbstract: This standard identifies and defines 288 data elements used in thebinding process for library materials. It presents this information in a structuredorder chart and an alphabetical data dictionary.Bethesda, Mary

2、land, U.S.A.An American National StandardDeveloped by theNational Information Standards OrganizationApproved August 26, 1996 by theAmerican National Standards InstituteP r e s sAbout the National Information Standards SeriesNISO Standards are developed by the Standards Committees of the National Inf

3、ormationStandards Organization. The development process is a strenuous one that includes a rigorous peerreview of proposed standards open to each NISO Voting Member and any other interested party.Final approval of a standard involves verification by the American National Standards Institutethat its

4、requirements for due process, consensus, and other approval criteria have been met byNISO. Once verified and approved, NISO Standards also become American National Standards.The use of an ANSI/NISO Standard is voluntary. That is, the existence of this NISO Standard doesnot preclude anyone, whether o

5、r not that person has adopted the NISO Standard, frommanufacturing, marketing, purchasing, or using products, processes, or procedures that do notconform to the NISO Standard. However, the use of standards (those developed by NISO as wellas other standards-developing organizations) has proven to be

6、in the best interest of any industrywishing to increase its effectiveness and efficiency in the areas of product development,manufacturing, and marketing and, therefore, such use is encouraged by ANSI, NISO, and allother standards-developing organizations.Each NISO Standard is reviewed at least once

7、 every five years to confirm that it remains viable anduseful in its current environment. Comments for revision are welcome at any time from anyinterested party. Proposed changes to this NISO Standard or suggestions for new NISO Standardsshould be sent to the NISO office at 4733 Bethesda Avenue, Sui

8、te 300, Bethesda, MD 20814.Occasionally, questions may arise concerning the meaning or intent of specific sections of a NISOStandard. Interpretations may be obtained by writing to the NISO office.This NISO Standard may be revised or withdrawn at any time. Purchasers may receive the mostrecent inform

9、ation on all NISO Standards by calling or writing:NISO Press Fulfillment CenterP.O. Box 338Oxon Hill, MD 20750-0338 U.S.A.U.S. and Canada 1-800-282-NISO (6476)Washington, DC area and outside the U.S.: 301-567-9522Fax: 301-567-9553Published byNISO Press4733 Bethesda AvenueBethesda, MD 20814Copyright

10、1997 by the National Information Standards OrganizationAll rights reserved under International and Pan-American Copyright Conventions. No part of this bookmay be reproduced or transmitted in any form by any means, electronic or mechanical, includingphotocopy, recording, or any information storage an

11、d retrieval system, without prior permission inwriting from the publisher. All inquiries should be addressed to NISO Press, 4733 Bethesda Avenue,Bethesda, Maryland 20814.Printed in the United States of AmericaISSN: 1041-5653 National Information Standards seriesISBN: 1-880124-29-7This paper meets th

12、e requirements of ANSI/NISO Z39.48-1992 (Permanence of Paper).Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication DataNational Information Standards Organization (U.S.)Data elements for binding library materials : an American national standard/developed by the National Information Standards Organization.p

13、. cm. (National information standards series, ISSN 1041-5653)“ANSI/NISO Z39.76-1996”“Approved August 26, 1996 by the American National Standard Institute.”ISBN 1-880124-29-7 (alk. paper)1. Bindery recordsData processingStandardsUnited States.I. American National Standards Institute. II. Title. III.

14、Series.Z700.N38 1996025.7dc20 96-43632CIPPage iiiContentsForeword . iv1. Introduction 11.1 Purpose 11.2 Scope . 12. Referenced Standards 13. Definitions . 14. Structured Order Chart . 35. Data Dictionary 7ANSI/NISO Z39.76-1996Page ivForeword(This foreword is not part of the American National Standar

15、d Data Elements for Binding Library Materials,ANSI/NISO Z39.76-1996. It is included for information only.)This standard provides a structured order chartand a data dictionary for data relating to bindingof library materials. It defines the data elementsthat can be communicated between an automatedli

16、brary system and a bindery vendors automatedsystem. This standard does not define the imple-mentation (format) for the communication of bind-ery data.The impetus to develop this standard beganwith a subcommittee of the Automated VendorsIndustry Advisory Committee (AVIAC), whichprepared a draft of th

17、is standard. The proposeddraft standard was then submitted to NISO witha recommendation that it be developed as anANSI/NISO standard. The Working Group onCommunication of Binding Information com-pleted the development work.This standard was processed and approved forsubmittal to ANSI by the National

18、 InformationStandards Organization. It was balloted by theNISO Voting Members February 1, 1995 - May 1,1995. It will next be reviewed in 2001. Suggestionsfor improving this standard are welcome. Theyshould be sent to the National Information Stan-dards Organization, 4733 Bethesda Avenue, Suite300, B

19、ethesda, MD 20814. NISO appoval of thisstandard does not necessarily imply that all Vot-ing Members voted for its approval. At the time itapproved this standard, NISO had the followingVoting Members:NISO Voting MembersAmerican Association of Law LibrariesAndrew LaurenceAmerican Chemical SocietyRober

20、t S. Tannehill, Jr.Leon R. Blauvelt (Alt)American Library AssociationMyron B. ChaceGlenn Patton (Alt)American Society for Information ScienceMark H. NeedlemanAmerican Society of IndexersPatricia S. KuhrMarie Kascus (Alt)American Theological Library AssociationMyron B. ChaceApple Computer, Inc.Janet

21、VratnyRita Brennan (Alt)Art Libraries Society of North AmericaJulie MellbyPenney DePas (Alt)Association of Information and Dissemination CentersBruce H. KieselAssociation for Information and Image ManagementJudy KilpatrickAssociation of Jewish LibrariesBella Hass WeinbergPearl Berger (Alt)The Associ

22、ation for Recorded Sound CollectionsGarrett BowlesAssociation of Research LibrariesDuane WebsterAT2. An alphabetic data dictionary that names anddefines each data element that may be used inthe binding process.1.2 ScopeThis standard attempts to provide for all dataelements that may be contained in a

23、ny bindingfile. However, not all data elements must be usedin any given transaction.2. Referenced StandardsANSI X3.30-1985 (R1991), Representation for Cal-endar Date and Ordinal Date for InformationInterchangeANSI X3.43-1986 (R1992), Representations of LocalTime of Day for Information InterchangeANS

24、I X.12, Series on electronic data interchange, 1992ANSI/NISO Z39.2-1994, Information InterchangeFormatANSI/NISO Z39.43-1993, Standard Address Num-ber (SAN) for the Publishing IndustryANSI/NISO Z39.56-1996, Serial Item and Contri-bution Identifier (SICI)ISO 4217:1990, Codes for the representation ofc

25、urrencies and fundsUSMARC Format for Holding Data, Format forHolding Data: Includes Guidelines for ContentDesignation. Washington, DC: Library of Con-gress, 1989.3. DefinitionsData dictionaryAn alphabetical list of the fol-lowing data elements, giving for each:tag in structure chart (see tag definit

26、ion).need level (see definition below).repeatability (see definition below).subelements (see definition below). List ofsubelements of this data element, if any.subelements ofData structure in which thiselement resides, if any.format, if defined (see definition below).permissible values, if defined,

27、with meaningsof each value (see definition below).examplesExamples of values this data ele-ment may take. Only the lowest levelsubelements of a data structure have examples.explanationDefinition, usage guidelines, andpossible situations in which this data elementmight be used.Data elementA defined u

28、nit of information. Adata element may be a data structure containingsubelements, or it may be a subelement of a datastructure.Data element nameA natural language labelthat identifies a data element.Data structureA higher level data element thatincludes subelements.DatesDate information that follows

29、the ANSIX3.30-1985 standard; for example, the date Octo-ber 15, 1995 is represented as 15101995.FormatSpecific rules defining the structure of adata element. Only the lowest level subelement ofa data structure has a format. Formats may beAlphanumeric (fixed or variable length characterdata) or Numer

30、ic (fixed or variable length numericcharacter data), or may refer to other standardformats.Need levelWhether a system shall support thisdata element. Note that the need level does notindicate whether an implementation shall providea value for this element, but rather that the systemmust make the ele

31、ment available for the imple-mentation to use. The need level is a guideline forsystem designers, not for libraries using a system.The two need levels are:RequiredThis data element shall be sup-ported.OptionalThis data element may be sup-ported.ANSI/NISO Z39.76-1996Page 2Permissible valuesThe specif

32、ic values that maybe assigned to a data element, if defined. Only thelowest level subelement of a data structure willcarry a value.RepeatabilityWhether or not a data elementmay be repeated within the structure in which itresides. (A data element may be Repeatable or NotRepeatable.)Split pointsA reve

33、rse slash between data ele-ments to indicate where data strings are to bebroken and printed on multiple lines. Multiplereverse slashes may be used between data ele-ments to indicate blank line(s).Structure nameThe data element name for adata structure.DEFINITIONS ANSI/NISO Z39.76-1996Structured orde

34、r chartA presentation of datastructures and subelements that illustrates thehierarchical relationships among data elements.SubelementA data element that is a subdivi-sion of another data element.TagA numeric label used to identify an associ-ated data element. The “tag in structure chart”section of t

35、he data dictionary is the numeric refer-ence to the location in the structured order chart.Unit of measureA metric measure, centimeters,used to indicate distance.ValueThe actual data that is supplied for a dataelement. Only the lowest level subelements of adata structure carry a value. Some data ele

36、mentshave a defined set of permissible values.Page 34. Structured order chartANSI/NISO Z39.76-1996 STRUCTURED ORDER CHART01 Customer Information01.01 Customer account or identificationnumber01.02 Name of library01.03 Name of library representative(s)01.04 Name of library accounting/billingagency02 C

37、ustomer address02.01 Pick-up address02.01.01 Address line02.01.02 City02.01.03 County or parish02.01.04 State or province02.01.05 ZIP or postal code02.01.06 Country02.02 Ship-to address02.02.01 Address line02.02.02 City02.02.03 County or parish02.02.04 State or province02.02.05 ZIP or postal code02.

38、02.06 Country02.03 Bill-to address02.03.01 Address line02.03.02 City02.03.03 County or parish02.03.04 State or province02.03.05 ZIP or postal code02.03.06 Country02.04 Telephone02.05 Fax phone02.06 Electronic mail address02.06.01 Electronic mail service02.06.02 Electronic address02.07 Standard Addre

39、ss Number (SAN)02.08 Customer contact name03 Binder information03.01 Binder account or identificationnumber03.02 Binder name03.03 Name of binder representative(s)04 Binder address04.01 Paper mail address04.01.01 Address line04.01.02 City04.01.03 County or parish04.01.04 State or province04.01.05 ZIP

40、 or postal code04.01.06 Country04.02 Telephone04.03 Fax phone04.04 Electronic mail address04.04.01 Electronic mail service04.04.02 Electronic address04.05 Standard Address Number (SAN)04.06 Binder contact name05 Shipment/lot/batch/jobinformation05.01 Shipment number/binding lot05.02 Count informatio

41、n05.02.01 Total number of items05.02.02 Number of unbound items sent bylibrary05.02.03 Number of unbound items receivedby binder05.02.04 Number of unbound items re-turned by binder05.02.05 Number of unbound items receivedby library05.02.06 Number of bound items returnedby binder05.02.07 Number of bo

42、und items receivedby library05.02.08 Number of corrections returned bylibrary05.02.09 Number of corrections received bybinder05.02.10 Number of corrections returned bybinder05.02.11 Number of corrections received bylibrary05.02.12 Number of cartons sent by library05.02.13 Number of cartons received

43、bybinder05.02.14 Number of cartons returned bybinder05.02.15 Number of cartons received bylibrary05.03 Materials count information05.03.01 Number of unbound items sent bylibrarydetails05.03.01.01 Number of unbound monographssent by library05.03.01.02 Number of unbound newspaperssent by library05.03.

44、01.03 Number of unbound periodicalssent by library05.03.01.04 Number of unbound serials sent bylibrary05.03.01.05 Number of unbound theses/dissertations sent by library05.03.01.06 Number of unbound other-itemssent by libraryTag Elements and Subelements Tag Elements and SubelementsPage 405.03.01.07 T

45、otal number of unbound itemssent by library05.03.02 Number of unbound items receivedby binder details05.03.02.01 Number of unbound monographsreceived by binder05.03.02.02 Number of unbound newspapersreceived by binder05.03.02.03 Number of unbound periodicalsreceived by binder05.03.02.04 Number of un

46、bound serials re-ceived by binder05.03.02.05 Number of unbound theses/dissertations received by binder05.03.02.06 Number of unbound other-itemsreceived by binder05.03.02.07 Total number of unbound itemsreceived by binder05.03.03 Number of unbound items re-turned by binderdetails05.03.03.01 Number of

47、 unbound monographsreturned by binder05.03.03.02 Number of unbound newspapersreturned by binder05.03.03.03 Number of unbound periodicalsreturned by binder05.03.03.04 Number of unbound serials re-turned by binder05.03.03.05 Number of unbound theses/dissertations returned by binder05.03.03.06 Number o

48、f unbound other-itemsreturned by binder05.03.03.07 Total number of unbound itemsreturned by binder05.03.04 Number of unbound items receivedby librarydetails05.03.04.01 Number of unbound monographsreceived by library05.03.04.02 Number of unbound newspapersreceived by library05.03.04.03 Number of unbo

49、und periodicalsreceived by library05.03.04.04 Number of unbound serials re-ceived by library05.03.04.05 Number of unbound theses/dissertations received by library05.03.04.06 Number of unbound other-itemsreceived by library05.03.04.07 Total number of unbound itemsreceived by library05.03.05 Number of bound items returnedby binderdetails05.03.05.01 Number of bound monographsreturned by binderSTRUCTURED ORDER CHART ANSI/NISO Z39.76-199605.03.05.02 Number of bound newspapersreturned by binder05.03.05.03 Number of bound periodicalsreturned by binder05.03.05.04 Numb

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