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NISO Z39 82-2001 Title Pages for Conference Publications《会议出版物书名页》.pdf

1、Title Pages for Conference Publications Mesda, MaMand, USA www. n STD-NISO Z39.82-ENGL 2001 b1i78908 0003987 889 m About the National Information Standards Series NISO Standards are developed by the Standards Committees of the National Information Standards Organization. The development proc

2、ess is a strenuous one that includes a rigorous peer review of proposed standards open to each NISO Voting Member and any other interested party. Final approval of the standard involves verification by the American National Standards Institute that its requirements for due process, consensus, and ot

3、her approval criteria have been met by NISO. Once verified and approved, NISO Standards also become American National Standards. The use of an ANSI/NISO Standard is voluntary. That is, the existence of this NISO Standard does not preclude anyone, whether or not that person has adopted the NISO Stand

4、ard, from manufacturing, marketing, purchasing, or using products, processes, or procedures that do not conform to the NISO Standard. However, the use of standards (those developed by NISO as well as other standards-developingorganizations) has proven to be in the best interests of any industry wish

5、ing to increase its effectiveness and efficiency in the areas of product development, manufacturing, and marketing and, therefore, such use is encouraged by ANSI, NISO. and all other standardc-developing organizations. Each NISO Standard is reviewed at least once every five years to confirm that it

6、remains viable and useful in its current environment. Comments for revision are welcome at any time from any interested party. Proposed changes to this NISO Standard or suggestions for new NISO Standards should be sent to the NISO office at 4733 Bethecda Avenue, Suite 300, Bethesda, MD 20814. Occasi

7、onally, questions may arise concerning the meaning or intent of specific sections of a NISO Standard. Interpretations may be obtained by writing to the NISO office. This NISO Standard may be revised orwithdrawn at any time. Purchasers may receive the most recent information on all NISO Standards by

8、calling or writing: National Information Standards Organization 4733 Bethesda Avenue, Suite 300 Bethesda, MD 2081 4-5248 Telephone: 301-654-251 2 Fax: 301-654-1721 STDONIS0 Z37.82-ENGL 2001 B b478908 0003988 715 ANSI/NISO 239.82-200 1 Title Pages for Conference Publicatio

9、ns Abstract: Describes data elements that publishers, authors, and editors should use to create title pages or chief sources of information for conference publications in all subjects, languages, and formats. An American National Standard Developed by the National Information Standards Organization

10、Approved January 10, 2001 by the American National Standards Institute Published by the National Information Standards Organization Bethesda, Maryland NISO Press, Bethesda, Maryland, U.S.A. STD-NISO Z37-82-ENGL 2001 b1i78708 0003989 b5L Published by NISO Press 4733 Bethesda Avenue, Suite 300 Bethesd

11、a, MD 20814 Copyright 02001 by the National Information Standards Organization All rights reserved under International and Pan-American Copyright Conventions. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopy

12、, recording, or any information storage or retrieval system, without prior permission in writing from the publisher. All inquiries should be addressed to NISO Press, 4733 Bethesda Avenue, Suite 300, Bethesda, MD 20814. Printed in the United States of America ISSN: 1041-5653 National Information Stan

13、dard Series ISBN: 1-880124-42-4 This paper meets the requirements of ANSI/NISO 239.48-1 992 (R 1997) Permanence of Paper. Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data National Information Standards Organization Standard / developed by the National Information Standards Organization, approved b

14、y the American National Standards Institute. p. cm. - (National information standards series, ISSN Title pages for conference publications: an American national 1041-5653) “ANSI/NISO 239.82-2001 .“ ISBN 1-8801 24-42-4 (alk. paper) 1. Title pages-Standards-United States. 2. Conference proceedings-Sta

15、ndards-United States. I. American National Standards Institute. II. Title. III. Series. 2242. T6N38 2000 98-48987 686.2252421 CIP Contents Foreword V 1. Introduction 1 1.1 Purpose . 1 1 .2 Scope i 1.3 Application 1 2. Definitions 2 3. Elements of Information 2 3.1 Title . 3 3.2 Name of the Conferenc

16、e 4 3.3 Number of the Conference . 4 3.4 Place and Date of the Conference 4 3.5 Sponsoring Organizations . 5 3.6 Editors . 5 3.7 Series 6 3.8 Publisher, Place, and Date of Publication . 6 4. Named vs. Unnamed Conferences 6 Appendix 9 STD-NISO Z39.82-ENGL 2.001 bq78908 0003773 20T Poreword CThis fore

17、word is not part of the American National Standard for Title Pages for Conference Publications, ANSI/NISO 239.82-2001. It is included for information only.) Because conference proceedings are important in research and scholarly communica- tion, it is important to be able to locate the published proc

18、eedings of a particular confer- ence. However, it is often difficult to retrieve these works because title pages or chief sources of information contain insufficient information to identify a particular confer- ence, or the information is not clearly delineated in its layout. The title page, title f

19、rame, or title screen of a given work is the established standard chief source of information used to catalog a book, serial, electronic resource, etc. For this reason, it is critical that this information be clear, precise and complete. Those who prepare and publish conference proceedings presently

20、 follow a variety of practices in the composition of the title page or chief source of information. Frequently, the result is confusion due to the omission of important details. The problem manifests itself in all subject areas, but it is particularly acute in science and technology, and across disc

21、i- plines where currency and accuracy of information are vital. Adopting standard practices in the layout of a title page or chief source of information will contribute greatly to improved access to publications emanating from conferences. This standard is intended to help preparers of title pages a

22、nd chief sources of informa- tion to present all the details necessary for cataloging in a form that will facilitate retrieval. These requirements apply to conference proceedings in any medium. This standard was processed and approved for submittal to ANSI by the National Information Standards Organ

23、ization. It was balloted by the NISO Voting Members April 1 O, 2000 - May 24, 2000. It will next be reviewed in 2006. Suggestions for improv- ing this standard are welcome. They should be sent to the National Information Stan- dards Organization, 4733 Bethesda Avenue, Suite 300, Bethesda, MD 20814.

24、NISO approval of this standard does not imply that all Voting Members voted for its approval. At the time it approved this standard, NISO had the following Voting Members: NISO Voting Members 3M Jerry Kare1 Carolyn Egeberg (Alt) Academic Press Anthony Ross Bradford Terry (Alt) ALS Martin Sach Tony O

25、Brien (Alt) American Association of Law Libraries Robert L. Oakley Mary Alice Baish (Alt) American Chemical Society Roben S. Tannehill. Jr. American Library Association Paul J. Weiss American Medical Association James A. Skowrenski Vanessa Hayden (Ait) American Society for Information Science Kurt W

26、. Kopp American Society of Indexers Charlotte Skuster Marie Kascus (Alt) American Theological Library Association Myron Chace ARMA International Diane Carlisle (continued) Page v STD-NISO Z37-82-ENGL 2001 H b478708 0003792 l4b = ANSI/NISO 239.82-2001 FOREWORD NISO Voting Members fcontinuedl Art Libr

27、aries Society of North America David L. Austin Association for information and Image Management Betsy A. Fanning Association of Information and Bruce H. Kiesel Association of Jewish Libraries Pearl Berger Elizabeth Vernon (Alt) Association of Research Libraries Duane E. Webster Julia Blixrud (Alt) B

28、aker this may be a title page, cover, screen, frame, etc. Computer file. A file (data and/or programs) encoded for manipulation by computer. Conference, A meeting of individuals or representatives of various corporate bodies or of a single body for the purpose of presenting, discussing, and/or actin

29、g on topics of common interest. A meeting of the membership of a corporate body. Conferences may be one-time events or may be recurring events. Conferences may be considered to be “named“ or “unnamed,“ depending on how they are presented on publications (see Section 4 below). Other terms are used sy

30、nonymously for conference, e.g., colloquium, institute, meeting, symposium, workshop, and foreign language equivalents. Corporate body. An organization or group of persons identified by a particular name that acts, or may act, as an entity. Corporate bodies include conferences. Serial. A publication

31、 in any medium issued in successive parts bearing numeric or chronological designations and intended to be continued indefinitely. Serials include periodicals, newspapers, annuals (reports, yearbooks, etc.); also the journals, memoirs, proceedings, transactions, etc., of societies. Series. A group o

32、f separate items related to one another by the fact that each item bears, in addition to its own title proper, a collective title applying to the group as a whole. The individual items may or may not be numbered. Sponsor or sponsoring organization. A corporate body responsible for planning, organizi

33、ng, or arranging for a conference to be held. Typically, its involvement goes beyond financial underwriting; its members may be responsible for setting the confer- ence program or agenda, determining speakers and participants, organizing the confer- ence, or preparing the proceedings for publication

34、. Title frame. A frame in microfilm, microfiche, or other similar media containing written or printed material not part of the subject content of the item. Title page. The page at the beginning of an item bearing the title proper and usually, though not necessarily, the statement of responsibility a

35、nd data relating to publication. Title proper. The chief name of an item, including any alternative title. Title screen. In the case of a computer file, video, motion picture or slide set, a display of data that includes the title proper and usually, though not necessarily, the statement of responsi

36、bility and the data relating to publication. - 3. Elements of Information Include on the title page or chief source of information all the basic elements of infor- mation needed to identify and describe the conference publication. Some elements always apply and are mandatory for inclusion on every c

37、onference publication; others apply if appropriate to a particular conference. In the following list of elements, ele- ments that are mandatory for every publication are followed by (MI. Their corresponding subsection number is also indicated. Definitions primarily from the Glossary section of Anglo

38、-American Cataloguing Rules. 2nd ed.; 1998 revision. Chicago: American Library Association, 1998. Page 2 STD-NISO Z37-82-ENGL 2001 = b478708 0003997 728 ANSI/NISO 239.82-2001 ELEMENTS OF INFORMATION Title (M) . 3.1 Name of the conference (MI 3.2 Number of the conference . 3.3 Place and date of the c

39、onference (M) . . 3.4 Sponsoring organizations 3.5 Editors . 3.6 Series 3.7 Publisher, place, and date of publication (MI . 3.8 Make information on the title page or chief source of information consistent with information on other parts of the item, e.g., the cover, spine, verso of the title page. F

40、or ongoing conferences, present recurring elements consistently so that the relationship of a publication to earlier and later publications from the same conference is clear. In addition, for conference publications issued as serials, make information, e.g., name of the conference, title of the seri

41、al, consistent from issue to issue. Limit information on a title page or chief source of information, as far as possible, to the elements described in this section. Present layout, typography, and wording that make it easy to identify these elements. Occasionally, graphic devices, logos, or color de

42、signs are used as part of a title page or chief source of information. When any of these are introduced into a layout, take care not to obscure the elements of information with a predominant layout design. 3.1 Title (M) Titles may be of various sorts, e.g., specific or distinctive, general or generi

43、c, thematic or slogan-like, topical or subject oriented. They may appear in other places in the preliminary sections of a publication. Include a clearly indicated title on the title page or chief source of information. For better identification, distinctive or subject oriented titles are encouraged.

44、 - Examples: Culture keepers Networking in the humanities Viral safety and evaluation of viral clearance from biopharmaceutical products Byte of life Selected papers from the Great Basin Anthropological Conference White collar crime 1990 White collar crime 1991 (Title on two successive issues of a s

45、erial) Proceedings of the Fortieth Annual Institute on Oil and Gas Law and Taxation Proceedings of the Forty-First Annual Institute on Oil and Gas Law and Taxation (Title on two successive issues of a serial) Page 3 STD-NISO Z39-82-ENGL 2001 b478908 0003778 bb4 ELEMENTS OF INFORMATION ANSI/NISO 239.

46、82-2001 3.2 Name of the Conference (MI Include the name of the conference. If the conference is ongoing, in general, give the name in the same form on succeeding publications. In instances in which it is important to change the name of the conference, include former names and variant forms of the na

47、me, such as abbreviations and acronyms. Including additional information allows for better identification of the conference from which the publication emanates. (See Section 4 below for further discussion of the name of a conference and the importance of the name.) Examples: The HEA Title Il-B Insti

48、tute on Continuing Education Program Planning for Library Staffs in Eleventh Annual IEEE Conference on Computational Complexity (Formerly: Structure in Complexity Theory Conference) 1996 AMIA Annual Fall Symposium Formerly SCAMC Science Information Systems Interoperability Conference, SISIC ACAI. Am

49、erican College of Allergy “Volume 1 “ and “Volume 2“ given on the title pages of each volume, respectively.) Second Maya Ceramic Conference (Published in two physical volumes; “Part 1 “ and “Part 2“ given on the title pages of each volume, respectively.) 3.4 Place and Date of the Conference (M) Include the place where the conference was held, and specify its inclusive dates. To aid in better identification of the conference, information on place should include city, state Page 4 STD-NISO Z39-82-ENGL 2001 m bLi78908 0003997 5T0 W ANSI/NISO 239.82-2001 ELEMENTS OF INFORMATION (or c

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