1、Lessons Learned Entry: 1079Lesson Info:a71 Lesson Number: 1079a71 Lesson Date: 1998-02-01a71 Submitting Organization: HQa71 Submitted by: David M. LengyelSubject: Space Shuttle Program/External Tank (ET)/Super Light Weight Tank (SLWT) Description of Driving Event: Increased Space Shuttle Main Engine
2、 (SSME) Power Setting for Intact AbortsLesson(s) Learned: The design requirements for the SLWT include operating with a maximum Space Shuttle Main Engine (SSME) power of only 106%, even at abort conditions. The Space Shuttle program has approved a baseline plan to examine the possibility of certifyi
3、ng the Space Shuttle for intact aborts at a 109% SSME power setting.Recommendation(s): NASA should complete its evaluation of a 109% power setting for intact aborts as soon as practicable and reevaluate the ability of the SLWT to accommodate this higher power setting.Evidence of Recurrence Control E
4、ffectiveness: NASA concurs with the ASAP recommendation. Specific evaluations with regards to orbiter and SLWT have already been completed or are near completion. The Block II Space Shuttle main engine (SSME) certification program will provide the capability for intact abort at 109 percent power lev
5、el. This certification program is planned to be complete by October 1, 1998. A change request to baseline the 109 percent intact abort loads and thermal environments shall be released by the end of 1998 following completion of Block II SSME 109 percent certification.Documents Related to Lesson: Prov
6、ided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-N/AMission Directorate(s): a71 Space Operationsa71 Exploration SystemsAdditional Key Phrase(s): a71 Aerospace Safety Advisory Panela71 Cryogenic Systemsa71 Ground Operationsa71 Parts Materials & Processesa7
7、1 Policy & Planninga71 Pressure Vesselsa71 Risk Management/Assessmenta71 Safety & Mission Assurancea71 Test & VerificationAdditional Info: Approval Info: a71 Approval Date: 2002-01-07a71 Approval Name: Bill Loewya71 Approval Organization: HQa71 Approval Phone Number: 202-358-0528Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-
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