1、Lessons Learned Entry: 1112Lesson Info:a71 Lesson Number: 1112a71 Lesson Date: 1999-02-01a71 Submitting Organization: HQa71 Submitted by: David M. LengyelSubject: International Space Station (ISS) Program/Workforce/Training Description of Driving Event: Joint Training for Backup ISS CrewmembersLesso
2、n(s) Learned: In the event that a primary crewmember is unable to fly on an assigned ISS mission, current plans call for substituting a crewmember from a backup crew. Backup crewmembers do not, however, train extensively with the primary crew.Recommendation(s): If backup crewmembers are to be substi
3、tuted individually to the primary crew, then those crews should conduct some meaningful degree of joint training.Evidence of Recurrence Control Effectiveness: NASA concurs with the recommendation. Clearly, crews that are going to be flying together need to spend time together on the ground. Our curr
4、ent training process includes numerous training sessions where the backup crew is in attendance with the prime crew. And while there are not specific simulator sessions with joint or mixed crews, more importantly, the Expedition 1 and 3 crews do spend quite a bit of time together (as do the Expediti
5、on 2 crew and their backups, Expedition 4). The current policy of the organization is that backup crews can be substituted for the prime crew right up until launch. However, the decision will be made on a case-by-case basis whether one person or the entire crew is changed out. Our current plan does
6、make provision for the former to occur.Documents Related to Lesson: Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-N/AMission Directorate(s): a71 Space Operationsa71 Exploration SystemsAdditional Key Phrase(s): a71 Aerospace Safety Advisory Panela71 Policy & PlanningAdditional Info: Approval Info: a71 Approval Date: 2002-02-12a71 Approval Name: Bill Loewya71 Approval Organization: HQa71 Approval Phone Number: 202-358-0528Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-
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