1、Lessons Learned Entry: 1830Lesson Info:a71 Lesson Number: 1830a71 Submitting Organization: KSCa71 Submitted by: lisa stephanya71 POC Name: Lisa Stephanya71 POC Email: lisa.a.stephanynasa.gova71 POC Phone: 321-867-7928Subject: Kennedy Space Center Awards Ceremony Abstract: Twice a year, the Human Res
2、ources Development a71 Honorees and directors were unsure of the actual date, time, and place of ceremony a71 Behind the scenes employees were flustered when some employee did not show up for awards a71 Award boxes were in poor organizational order making the task of organizing the boxes for the cer
3、emony too time consuming a71 The task of moving awards from KSC to Visitors Center was cumbersome a71 Some audience members were blocked from the ceremony a71 Honorees were confused where to go after receiving award and exiting the theater Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking p
4、ermitted without license from IHS-,-,-a71 Not enough volunteers at the box pick up table during and after the ceremony a71 Not all A/V equipment worked at ceremony a71 Line for security was too long for guests to make it through in a timely manner a71 Some volunteers were no shows for day of ceremon
5、y a71 People were seeking medical attention a71 Honorees sat out of order a71 Front Lobby was too crowded a71 Doors too heavy to open a71 VIP Contractors and Directors were confused where to sit a71 Director and Center Director had to keep moving over for photos a71 People were unable to see in food
6、 area Lesson(s) Learned: Develop a pre-ceremony and during the ceremony communication process. Coordinate logistical details with volunteers and contractorsRecommendation(s): a71 Pack boxes in descending order a71 No wrapping in between awards a71 Keep the boxes and send them separately to employees
7、 after the ceremony a71 Have awards shipped directly to the ceremony location a71 Final dry run night, mark seats that have view blocked. a71 Add a volunteer station outside theater to direct honorees to box pick up table a71 Volunteer three people to work box tables a71 Schedule ceremony in Outlook
8、 for honorees and directors a71 Have three advance dry runs, with one final dry fun a71 Complete all A/V issues at first dry run a71 Additional public affairs support at earlier dry-runs a71 Provide Delaware North (Contractor for the Visitors Center) with a list of all volunteers names to pass throu
9、gh security a71 Microphone test morning of ceremony at each podium a71 Quick dry run of all A/V equipment by 7:30 a.m. including singer for National Anthem a71 Have at least two security entrances a71 Have additional volunteers to pinch hit for no- shows a71 Have paramedic at ceremony in case of eme
10、rgencies a71 Have seat verifications a71 Have volunteers sit at each row with seating lists, instructions ,and flash lights a71 Have entrance on both north and south side a71 Open doors promptly at 7:45 for 8:30 ceremony a71 Have wedges at doors a71 Have headset for person behind screen to receive n
11、ow show names Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-a71 Give a cue from the script reader to the person behind scenes a71 Have rows C and C marked off for VIP contractors and Directors only a71 Place tape on floor for them to stand on a71 H
12、ave area that is well lit for reception Evidence of Recurrence Control Effectiveness: N/ADocuments Related to Lesson: Click here to download document. Mission Directorate(s): N/AAdditional Key Phrase(s): N/A Additional Info: Approval Info: a71 Approval Date: 2008-06-27a71 Approval Name: mbella71 Approval Organization: HQProvided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-
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