1、_ SAE Technical Standards Board Rules SURYLGHWKDW7KLVUHSRUWLVSXEOLVKHGE6$(WRDGYDQFHWKHVWDWHRIWHFKQLFDODQGHQJLQHHULQJVFLHQFHV7KHXVHRIWKLVUHport is entirely voluntary, and its applicability and suitability for any particular use, including any patent infringement arisinJWKHUHIURPLVWKHVROHUHVSRQVLELOLW
2、RIWKHXVHU SAE reviews each technical report at least every five years at which time it may be revised, reaffirmed, stabilized, or cancelled. SAE invites your written comments and suggestions. Copyright 2014 SAE International All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored
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4、il: CustomerServicesae.org SAE WEB ADDRESS: http:/www.sae.org SAE values your input. To provide feedback on this Technical Report, please visit http:/www.sae.org/technical/standards/J1004_201402 SURFACE VEHICLE INFORMATION REPORT J1004 FEB2014 Issued 1975-02 Revised 2014-02 Superseding J1004 AUG2004
5、 Glossary of Engine Cooling System Terms RATIONALE This document has been revised to include additional terms and to add units of measure where needed. 1. SCOPE The objective of this glossary is to establish uniform definitions of parts and terminology for engine cooling systems. Components included
6、 are all those through which engine coolant is circulated: water pump, engine oil cooler, transmission and other coolant-oil coolers, charge air coolers, core engine, thermostat, radiator, external coolant tanks, and lines connecting them. 2. REFERENCES 2.1 Applicable Documents The following publica
7、tions form a part of this specification to the extent specified herein. Unless otherwise indicated, the latest issue of SAE publications shall apply. 2.1.1 SAE Publications Available from SAE International, 400 Commonwealth Drive, Warrendale, PA 15096-0001, Tel: 877-606-7323 (inside USA and Canada)
8、or 724-776-4970 (outside USA), www.sae.org. SAE J151 Pressure Relief for Cooling System SAE J164 Radiator Caps and Filler Necks SAE J631 Radiator Nomenclature SAE J814 Engine Coolants for Internal Combustion Engines SAE J1393 Heavy Duty Vehicle Test Code SAE J1436 Requirements for Engine Cooling Sys
9、tem Filling, Deaeration, and Drawdown Tests SAE INTERNATIONAL J1004 Revised FEB2014 Page 2 of 11 SAE J1468 Oil Cooler Application Testing and Nomenclature SAE J1726 Charge Air Cooler Internal Cleanliness, Leakage, and Nomenclature SAE J2914 Exhaust Gas Recirculation (EGR) Cooler Nomenclature and App
10、lication 3. DEFINITIONS 3.1 AERATION The entrainment of gas (air, combustion gas, or both) in the coolant. 3.2 AFTERBOIL Boiling of the coolant after engine shutdown. It is caused by an engineVORFDOPHWDOVXUIDFHKHDWIOXLQWRWKHFRRODQWUHVXOWLQJLQVXSHUKHDWHGFRRODQWIRUWKHJLYHQFRRODQWVORFDOFRQFHQWUDWLRQDQG
11、SUHVVXUH 3.3 AFTERBOIL VOLUME The quantity of coolant forced from the engine by afterboil. This may or may not be displaced from the system depending upon the system design, coolant level, or both. 3.4 AIR-TO-BOIL (ATB) TEMPERATURE The ambient air temperature C or F at which the coolant at the radia
12、tor inlet reaches its boiling point. The coolant boiling point is a function of the absolute pressure and the characteristics of the coolant. However, the term is also quite commonly used without consideration for the absolute pressure or the coolant characteristics. In the case of an open radiator
13、at sea level pressure with water as coolant, a boiling point of 100 C (212 F) is assumed. 3.4.1 Air-to-Boil Temperature = Boiling temperature of the system coolant - highest coolant temperature during specified test + ambient temperature. 3.5 AIR RECIRCULATION - FAN The recycling of air already disc
14、harged by the fan. 3.6 AIR RECIRCULATION - RADIATOR The recycling of hot air already passed through the radiator, usually caused by engine enclosure pressure. 3.7 AMBIENT CAPABILITY Similar to ATB, but refers to an air ambient temperature at which any of the fluids being cooled exceed their design t
15、emperature limits under a specified operating cycle. For example, if four fluids are being cooled, the ambient temperature at which the first fluid reaches its design limit determines the ambient capability of the entire system. 3.8 AMBIENT TEMPERATURE The environmental air temperature C or F in whi
16、ch a unit is operating. In general, the temperature is measured in the shade (no solar radiation) and represents the air temperature for engine cooling system performance measurement purposes. Air entering the radiator will usually be above ambient temperature due to the heat gained passing by hot s
17、urfaces on its way to the core or from recirculation. SAE INTERNATIONAL J1004 Revised FEB2014 Page 3 of 11 3.9 APPROACH TEMPERATURE DIFFERENTIAL The temperature difference between hot-side fluid (coolant, oil, or charge air), and cold-side fluid (air or coolant) entering the heat exchanger. This is
18、a quantity indicating the temperature potential driving heat transfer in data supplied by the heat exchanger supplier along with the heat transfer capacity of the heat exchanger. 3.9.1 6XSSOLHUGDWDXVXDOOFRPHVLQWKHIRUPT 8 $ T; where TLVKHDWWUDQVIHUUHGN:RU%WXPLQ U is overall heat transfer coefficient
19、kW/m2/OC or Btu/min/ft2/OF A is the effective core area m2or ft2 T is temperature difference C or F expressed as either entering temperature difference or temperature potential (common definition for radiator performance). 3.10 AUXILIARY TANK A separate tank in the cooling system provided to perform
20、 one or more of the following functions: a) filling, b) coolant reservoir, c) de-aeration, d) retention of coolant expelled from radiator by expansion, afterboil, or both, e) visible fluid level indication, including add and full markings, and f) a warning of low coolant level either by an electroni
21、c fluid level indicator or low coolant warning sensor. 7KHWHUPEXUSERWWOHRURYHUIORZERWWOHLVVRPHWLPHVXVHGVQRQRPRXVOZLWKWKLVWSHof recovery system which is non-pressurized. 3.11 BLOCKED OPEN THERMOSTAT A thermostat mechanically blocked open to the position representing its maximum open position; usually
22、 used during cooling tests. 3.12 BLOWER FAN A cooling system configuration where the fan is positioned such that the air passes through the fan before entering theheat exchanger(s). This configuration is sometimes called a forced air flow system. 3.13 COOLANT In the context of this standard, coolant
23、 is the fluid circulated through a cooling system by the pump, that absorbs heat from the hot surfaces of heat exchangers from the hot side fluid, as well as absorbing engine heat rejection from hot internal surfaces as a result of fuel combustion at high temperatures. The heat is then dissipated to
24、 ambient air circulated through the core of the radiator by the fan. The coolant has other puposes in the case of engine cooling systems. At a minimum, the coolant consists of water plus a rust inhibitor which protects iron parts of the engine and cooling system from RLGDWLRQ$QWLIUHHHLVPRVWFRPPRQODG
25、GHGWRZDWHUHLWKHUHWKOHQHJOFRORUSURSOHQHJOFROWRSURYLGHDGGLWLRQDOcooling system protection by: x Lowering the freezing point temperature for low ambient temperature conditions when the engine is off. x Raising the boiling point temperature to prevent localized boiling in areas of high temperature and l
26、ow pressure inside the engine when operating a high load, high ambient temperature, or both. x Adding galvanic corrosion protection for protection of cooling system parts containing copper, brass, and solder; and a surface coating on aluminum parts of the system to prevent oxidation. x Providing add
27、ed lubrication for seals in the coolant pump. 3.14 COOLANT RECOVERY SYSTEM A subsystem for the purpose of containing the coolant which is expelled from the system when it expands due to an increase in WKHFRRODQWVEXONtemperature. The recovery system consists of a tank that is partially filled and att
28、ached using a vent line to the vent on a filler neck of a full and pressurized radiator. As the coolant heats and expands it forces the radiator cap to open and allow fluid flow into the auxiliary tank. When the coolant cools, a vacuum is created forcing the radiator cap to open and that draws fluid
29、 from the tank back into the radiator. A pressure-vacuum cap is required for this type of system. SAE INTERNATIONAL J1004 Revised FEB2014 Page 4 of 11 3.15 COOLING SYSTEM A group of inter-related components that effectively transfer heat for the purpose of keeping components and cooling fluids below
30、 specified design temperatue limits. 3.16 COOLING SYSTEM CAP Device that seals the opening used to add coolant to the pressurized section of the engine cooling system and regulate WKHFRROLQJVVWHPVSUHVVXUHOHYHO. A relief spring will move enough to open the seal at a specified pressure, allowing coola
31、nt or pressurized air to flow out of the opening (either to the environment or an auxiliary tank), and prevent over pressurization of the system that would cause structural damage or leakage elsewhere in the system. The opening system pressure is determined by the OEM. In the case of recovery tank s
32、ystems, a second spring reacting to vacuum will also be included in the cap to allow flow to return to the cooling system from the auxiliary tank when the coolant cools and contracts, and reaches a specified negative pressure below ambient atmospheric pressure. 3.17 COOLING SYSTEM CAPACITY (VOLUME)
33、The amount of coolant designated liters or quarts to completely fill a cooling system to its designated cold full level mark. This includes filling all heat exchangers, lines, and a dry engine. 3.18 CORE The section of a heat exchanger assembly that is comprised of the heat transfer surfaces. 3.19 D
34、E-AERATION The removal or purging of gases (air or combustion gas, or both) which have been entrained in the coolant. 3.20 De-aeration Baffle A barrier used to separate chambers in a top tank or auxiliary tank to form a de-aerating tank. The purpose is to provide low coolant velocity and surface are
35、a where entrained air can buoyantly separate from the liquid without being re-introduced into the active cooling system. This reduces the susceptibility of the coolant pump to cavitation and maintains WKHFRRODQWVDELOLWWRWUDQVIHUKHDWIURPWKHHQJLQH 3.21 DE-AERATION CAPABILITY The ability of the cooling
36、 system to de-aerate the coolant expressed in terms of time, volume flow rate, or both, under specified test procedures. 3.22 DEAERATING TANK A specially designed tank capable of removing entrained air, combustion gas, or both, from the circulating coolant. 3.23 DEGAS SYSTEM A subsystem that consist
37、s of a pressurized de-aerating tank, cooling system cap, and the hoses that connect the tank to the cooling system. The degas system provides a volume for expansion of the coolant as it is heated, as well as a means of de-aerating the coolant. 3.24 DRAWDOWN The volume liters or quarts of coolant whi
38、ch can be lost before impairing the cooling system performance or grade cooling level, by initiating pump cavitation and loss of pump rise, under normal operating conditions. Drawdown is often expressed in the volume of coolant below the add mark where pump rise is a specified percentage below its n
39、ormal pressure rise with a full system at temperature below thermostat opening temperature. SAE INTERNATIONAL J1004 Revised FEB2014 Page 5 of 11 3.25 EXPANSION VOLUME The volume of space in a cooling system (such as in the radiator top tank or auxiliary tank) that allows for the expansion of coolant
40、 resulting from temperature rise. 3.26 FAN AIR FLOW The rate of air flow meters3/second or feet3/minute that a fan can deliver at standard air temperature and pressure at a given static pressure rise (also called air system resistance) kPascals or inches water gauge and rotating speed rpm. 3.27 FAN
41、PROJECTION The fans penetration into the shroud. Projection is GHILQHGDVWKHIDQVSURMHFWHGZLGWKZKLFKOLHVXSVWUHDPRIWKHVKURXGas a percentage of the total fan projected width in the case of a knife edge fan shroud. 3.28 FACE AREA The core area meters2orfeet2 defined by the radiator width times height thr
42、ough which the air flow passes. 3.29 FACE VELOCITY The velocity of air approaching the heat exchanger core meters/second or feet/minute. Face velocity is used for GHWHUPLQLQJWKHFRUHVKHDWWUDQVIHUSHUIRUPDQFHDQGPXVWEHVWDWHGDWVWDQGDUGWHPSHUDWXUHDQGSUHVVXUH 673 FDOOHGVWDQGDUGIDFHYHORFLW7KLVLVEHFDXVHWKHUD
43、GLDWRUVXSSOLHUs performance is provided as a function of coolant flow and face velocity at STP. 3.30 FAN DRIVE A set of components between the engine and fan hub which causes the fan to rotate. Drive types include: a) belt drive with fan speed proportional to engine speed, b) belt drive with a clutc
44、h attached between the driven pulley and fan hub, c) hydraulic pump and motor, and d) electric motor. 3.31 FAN DRIVE - TEMPERATURE CONTROLLED A fan drive which can be turned on or off or whose speed can be modulated in accord with an input signal (i.e. can be passive operation based on temperature c
45、onditions of the circulated air, actively commanded on such as a call for air conditioning operation or other fluid temperatures requiring cooling). The purpose of the drive is to operate the fan as required for cooling, but when cooling demands permit, allows the fan speed to be reduced or the fan to free-wheel to reduce fan input power and noise. Viscous clutches control fan speed by controlling the flow of
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