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SAE J 2623-2002 Standard Rainflow File Format《标准雨量文件格式》.pdf

1、SAE Technical Standards Board Rules provide that: “This report is published by SAE to advance the state of technical and engineering sciences. The use of this report is entirelyvoluntary, and its applicability and suitability for any particular use, including any patent infringement arising therefro

2、m, is the sole responsibility of the user.”SAE reviews each technical report at least every five years at which time it may be reaffirmed, revised, or cancelled. SAE invites your written comments and suggestions.TO PLACE A DOCUMENT ORDER: +1 (724) 776-4970 FAX: +1 (724) 776-0790SAE WEB ADDRESS http:

3、/www.sae.orgCopyright 2002 Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc.All rights reserved. Printed in U.S.A.SURFACEVEHICLE400 Commonwealth Drive, Warrendale, PA 15096-0001STANDARDJ2623ISSUEDAPR2002Issued 2002-04Standard Rainflow File Format1. ScopeThis SAE Standard provides a definition of a rainflow file

4、 format. This type of simple text file wouldcontain all relevant information about the rainflow cycle content of a time history. Included information areComments, Signal Range, Signal Mean, Number of Cycles, Signal Maximum, Signal Minimum.Rainflow cycle counting has become the most accepted procedur

5、e for identifying material fatigue relevantcycles in complex variable amplitude load time histories. The cycle counting methods account for the effectsof material plasticity and material memory of prior deformation, and the resulting compressed historyinformation is used by durability analysts to es

6、timate the effects of a given service or test history.Standardization of the rainflow counting methods output files, which is the format addressed by the presentstandard, is important for reliable information transfer between test and design groups, or different calculationsoftware packages, and thu

7、s forms a critical step in the evaluation of components and vehicles. Furtherbackground information can be found in the SAE publication AE-10 cited in References2.1 Applicable PublicationsThe following publications form a part of the specification to the extent specifiedherein. Unless other

8、wise indicated, the latest version of SAE publications shall apply.2.1.1 SAE PUBLICATIONAvailable from SAE, 400 Commonwealth Drive, Warrendale, PA 15096-0001.The following publication lists a computer program for rainflow cycle counting.SAE AE-10”Fatigue Design Handbook,” 2nd edition 1988 pages 126-

9、 ASTM PUBLICATIONAvailable from ASTM, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959.The following publication defines how rainflow cycles are counted.ASTM E 1049, 1996Standard Practices for Cycle, Counting in Fatigue Analysis3. DefinitionsSee ASTM E 1045.SAE J2623 Issued APR2002-2

10、-4. RationaleA standard rainflow file is proposed to facilitate easy exchange of information of the rainflowcontent of a time history. Various vendor specific formats exist, but this document would allow users toexchange information without the use of commercial file translators.PREPARED BY THE SAE

11、ROAD LOAD DATA ACQUISITION SUBCOMMITTEE OF THESAE FATIGUE DESIGN AND EVALUATION COMMITTEESAE J2623 Issued APR2002-3-APPENDIX ASAE STANDARD RAINFLOW TEXT FILE EXAMPLE A.1 Standard Rainflow FileThe first part of the file is a comment section like this section of text.Anything can go in this section ex

12、cept the word BEGIN or “#BEGIN” at the front of a line. Users can addspecial flags, switches and operators if they wish, but no standards are set about what is in this commentsection.Examples of user specific comments:#FileType= rainflow#DataType= raw #”raw”= measured, as opposed to “fitted”#This is

13、 a S A E STANDARD RAINFLOW DATA TEXT FILEExamples of user specific program switches:!MIDDLE OF BAND ZERO:0!UNITS/LEVEL:100!sptv 1 5 25.0000 start T: 0 5700 22700end T: 5600 22000 37000.rain 800.000 -800.000 #Emod= 201000.If you see text like this in a file supplied to you, it would be prudent to ask

14、 your supplier as to their meaning orintent. It is recommended that such flags, or switches not be or used in an SAE standard rainflow file if possiblebecause they can mislead an inexperienced user. It is preferable that the data should be adjusted by thesupplier program to reduce the reliance on sw

15、itches.A.1.1 End of Comments, Beginning of DataThe comment section is ended by the following line, after which thedata follows:#BEGIN DATAA.1.2 Data SectionThe data can be in any units for the signal, but must use CYCLES (rather than reversals) asthe event counter. Numbers are to be read (and theref

16、ore can be written) in “free format”, i.e.: separated byone or more blanks. Note that blank lines are allowed amongst the data lines. In normal practice the SIGNALvalues will be read by computers into REAL (Floating Point) storage locations. CYCLES are generallyexpected to be INTEGERS, but some rain

17、flow counting methods create fractional cycles, and in consequencegive a cycle count such as “1050.5” for example. Thus the cycle numbers should be read as REAL*8 orDOUBLE PRECISION. The write format can be REAL OR INTEGER depending on the algorithm used tocount the cycles. See Table A1:TABLE A1DATA

18、 COLUMN CODECol.1 Col.2 Col.3 Col.4 Col.5Signal Signal No. of Signal SignalRange Mean Cycles Maximum MinimumSAE J2623 Issued APR2002-4-A.1.3 End of Data SectionNo special delimiters are used as “End-of-File”(EOF); it is up to the reading program to detect the EOF byitself. (On some machines it may b

19、e wise to place an extra blank line as the last line, otherwise the last dataline may not be read.)A.1.4 Example of Data Section#BEGIN DATA 0.103E+04 232. 1 748. -284.826. 232. 1 645. -181.877. 258. 1 697. -181.51.6 -103. 17 -77.4 -129.103. -77.4 5 -25.8 -129.155. -51.6 3 25.8 -129.206. -25.8 1 77.4

20、 -129.258. 0.305E-04 2 129. -129.310. 25.8 3 181. -129.361. 51.6 2 232. -129.465. 103. 2 335. -129.516. 129. 1 387. -129.568. 155. 4 439. -129.619. 181. 3 490. -129.671. 206. 2 542. -129.723. 232. 5 594. -129.774. 258. 4 645. -129.826. 284. 1 697. -129.51.6 -51.6 61 -25.8 -77.4103. -25.8 29 25.8 -77

21、.4155. 0. 27 77.4 -77.4206. 25.8 23 129. -77.4258. 51.6 6 181. -77.4310. 77.4 8 232. -77.4361. 103. 3 284. -77.4413. 129. 7 335. -77.4619. 232. 1 542. -77.4671. 258. 2 594. -77.451.6 0. 287 25.8 -25.8103. 25.8 125 77.4 -25.8155. 51.6 61 129. -25.8206. 77.4 14 181. -25.8SAE J2623 Issued APR2002Ration

22、aleA standard rainflow file is proposed to facilitate easy exchange of information of the rainflowcontent of a time history. Various vendor specific formats exist, but this document would allow users toexchange information without the use of commercial file translators.Relationship of SAE Standard t

23、o ISO StandardNot applicable.ApplicationThis SAE Standard provides a definition of a rainflow file format. This type of simple text filewould contain all relevant information about the rainflow cycle content of a time history. IncludedInformation are Comments, Signal Range, Signal Mean, Number of Cy

24、cles, Signal Maximum, SignalMinimum.Rainflow cycle counting has become the most accepted procedure for identifying material fatiguerelevant cycles in complex variable amplitude load time histories. The cycle counting methods accountfor the effects of material plasticity and material memory of prior

25、deformation, and the resultingcompressed history information is used by durability analysts to estimate the effects of a given service ortest history. Standardization of the rainflow counting methods output files, which is the format addressedby the present standard, is important for reliable inform

26、ation transfer between test and design groups, ordifferent calculation software packages, and thus forms a critical step in the evaluation of componentsand vehicles. Further background information can be found in the SAE publication AE-10 cited in 2.1.1.Reference SectionASTM E 1045, 1996Standard Practices for Cycle, Counting in Fatigue AnalysisSAE AE-10”Fatigue Design Handbook,” 2nd edition 1988 pages 126-132Developed by the SAE Road Load Data Acquisition SubcommitteeSponsored by the SAE Fatigue Design and Evaluation Committee

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