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SANS 10120-2 C-1982 Code of practice for use with standardized specifications for civil engineering construction and contract documents Part 2 Project specification Section C Site .pdf

1、 Collection of SANS standards in electronic format (PDF) 1. Copyright This standard is available to staff members of companies that have subscribed to the complete collection of SANS standards in accordance with a formal copyright agreement. This document may reside on a CENTRAL FILE SERVER or INTRA

2、NET SYSTEM only. Unless specific permission has been granted, this document MAY NOT be sent or given to staff members from other companies or organizations. Doing so would constitute a VIOLATION of SABS copyright rules. 2. Indemnity The South African Bureau of Standards accepts no liability for any

3、damage whatsoever than may result from the use of this material or the information contain therein, irrespective of the cause and quantum thereof. SAW 0120 : Part 2 Sect inn C-1982 Site clrarance PART 2 : PROSKCI SPECLBICATEON SECPION C CONTENTS Clause 1. 2. 3. 3.1 3.2 3.2.1 3.2.2 3.2.3 3.2.4 3.2.5

4、3.3 3.4 Pai:e Numher ESSENTLAL PROJECT SLECIPCCATION CLAUSES 1 ESSENTIAL DATA . 1 ADDITIONAL CLAIISI!S . 1 General 1 Normal Projects 1 Nois6 nuisance 1 Clearing and soil s tahilixat ion : e-lrthworks suhj ect tcr wind erosion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Clearing and disposal hy controllecl burni

5、ng 2 Trees of borderlinr. dimensions . 3 Sportsfields, gardens, orcliards, etc 3 Subeconomic Projects . 4 Labour-Based Projects . 4 First Revision May 1982 This section of the cnde supersedcs SARS 0120 : Part 2 : Section C-1980 Approved by tlie COUIICI I. OF l7113 S(1UTII A121ZIGIW BUREAU OF SPAN1)A

6、RDS SAM 0120 : I.rt 2 Sect ion C-1982 Site clear;nce SARS 1200 C : SITE CLEARANCE a) Aumher PSC clanscs in Portion 2 of the project specification in the sequence in which the clauses to which they relate appear 111 SARS 1200 C. b) The claust? runher(s) !:1ve11 at the brginnlnp, or after th Ic!aclinp

7、, of a clause ls/are, wnlws otherwise statrd, the numher(s) oC the rclevaut clanse(s) oE SARS 1200 C. ESSENTLAL PROJECT SPEC IFICAtLON CLhIJSIIS Set out suitable clauses in Portion 2 of the project speciCicatCon provide essential Information as follow: a) (Subclauses 5.3(c), 8.2.1 and 8.2.8) State t

8、he requiredlents for the removal of any structure that cannot reasonably be demolLshed and cleared by means oE the plant specified in Sihclause 5.3(c) OF SARS 1200 C, and schedrle suitable items. b) (Subclause 5.6) Where topsoil cannot be moved clLrectly to Its Einal position or stockpiled in windro

9、ws, state how and where it is to he stnckpiled. c) (Subclause 5.7) Where applicable, designate any particular flora that are to be conserved in terms of Subclause 5.7 of SARS 1200 C. ESSENTIAL DATA The availability of certain essential data may aCfect the prices tendered. Except where such data have

10、 been given in the schedule or in the tender drawings, set out fiuitahle clauses covering items sucli as the following in Portion 2 of the project specification: a) (Subclauses 3.1 and 8.2.1) Iihen applicable, designate disposal areas on the drawings or iri a nritable project specification cl;use. b

11、) (Subclause Where the engineer intends to designa te individual trees Eor preservation. state the penalty to be paid by the contractor if he damages or removes a designated inctividual tree. c) (Suhclause 5.4) State the requirements where the depth from the original ground level to the rxd

12、 bed or other finished surface is such that it is nucessary to remove stumps and matted roots to a depth greater than 200 mm below the cleared before compaction. d) (Subclause 5.8) State any particular steps that must be taken to preserve adjacent structures and any particular methods of de

13、molition that will he unaccep table in part icular situat ions, e.g. blasting. e) (Subclause 8.2.3) Where the terms IJC Subclauses 8.2.1 and 8.2.2 of SARS 1200 C are tu be superseded by those of Subclause 8.2.3 set out the reasons for adopting such a method of measuriment. f) (Subclause 8.2.9) Where

14、 the locatlon of disposal sites is not at the discretion oE the contractor and action regarding disposal sites has not bern taken under Suhclause 3.1 or 8.2.1 of SARS 1200 C. provide an item in the schedtle to cover the carting of material. ADDITIONAL CI,AUSI.:S. GENERAL. Where it is necessary to am

15、plify or otherwise to vary the terms oE SARS 1200 C to render them suitable for use in projects to be carried out in particular locations or under particular circum- stances. include suitable PSC clauses in Portion 2 of the project speciEication to deal with matters in addition to those covered by C

16、lauses 1 and 2. NORMAL PROJECPS NOTE: To meet requirements imposed by various norms of economic development, projects are classif 1-d as normal, prtastige, subeconomic, and Iabour-based projects (see Clarscz 4 of Section 0 of Part 3 of the code). Noise Iluisance (Suhclanse 4.1 of SABS 1200 A). Where

17、 demolition is to take place in a built-up urban area state restricttons on the days of the week and the timr of day when work will he permitted. Tn addition, if SABS 1200 AA) forms part of the contract, include in the project specification the contents of Suhclause 4.1 of SABS 1200 111 by means of

18、a clause such as PSC 1.1 below or, if SAW 1200 Al) forms part oE the contract, draw the contractors attention to the reqttirements of that subclause by means of a clausc such as PSC 1.2 below. PSC 1.1 Noisr cnntrrs. The demo1 Lt inn required nder this Cont ract will he rep,arcli=d as t.ikLnp, place

19、in a hullt-up area, ad the Contractrs attention is dr.wn to Regt11.1tion 11 17 or Chapter 111 of the regulnt ions framed under the Factories. Machinery and Iluildinp, Work Act. 1941 (Act 22 of 1941). The Contractor shall prnvide and use suitable nrd effective silencing devices for pneumatic tools an

20、t1 other plant that would otherwlsu c.usr .an equivalent noise level excerdlng 85 dn(A) during the demolLtinns ancl associated works. Alternatively he shall, by means of barriers, eErectively isolate the source of any such noise in order to comply with the said regula t ions. PS(: 1.2 Noise control.

21、 The demolition rquired under this Contract will he rrgartlcd as takLng place in a huilt-np area and the terms OF Suhclause 4.1 or SA115 1200 A shall apply. 1) General. 2) General (smal. l works). SABS 0120 : Part 2 Section C-l982 Site clearance 3.2.2 Clearing ancl Soi l Stab l liza t inn : Kart liw

22、orks Suhj 13c t tu 14i1id Erns inn (Subclause 5.3) . Where soil stabLliaation is the mans by which it is aimed to control dust and wind-blown sand after initial site levelling and, if possil,lt., to restore n site to its original appearance, consider the inclusitn nf tlie following Subclauses PSC 2.

23、1 and PSC 2.2 or PSC 3.1-3.3: PSC 2.1 Site cle;lrance and drffit control. Site clearance covers tlie removal of a1 l debris (including itms such as old tyres and vehlcle parts), vegetation, and topsoll (together with .l1 1 roots and vegrtat Lnn) down tn a mLnLmwn 11cpth nf 150 mm. 1)rhris tlmt canno

24、t be convurtt4 lntt mulch (See PSC 2.2) sliall he hnried Ln areas designated hy tlie Engineer and in an approved mannrr or, if no such areas are designated, removed frnm tlie Site to the rubbish dwnp of tlie nearest local authority under arrangements made 11y the Contractor. The hulk eartliworks sha

25、ll be complrted in stages in terms OF the general program set nut in Clanse PS 5 of Portion 1 of the project specification. As eartliworks for each area are completed tlie Contractrr shall hand the comple trd area hack to the Engineer. Construct inn work by others wLl l proceed in certain areas as s

26、oon as the hulk earthworks In those areas are complete, but 11t1rt.r completed areas will remain unusrcl For lengthy periods. The Contractor shall be responsible Cor controlling dust and shall also he liahle for all clalms arising from dust nuisance in e;icli area of the Site at all times from the d

27、ate on which the Site is handed to him Ln the date on wliich he hands hack the area in terms oE the Contract. For the purposes of dust ccmtrol and suhject to the provisions of PSC 2.2 the Contractor shall make full use of all bush, scrnh, stahle soil, etc., existing on tlie Site. PSC 2.2 Topsoil and

28、 mulch. The Contractor may use the topsoil and mulch (thrashed vegetation) stockpiles as, where, ancl when lie wishes for the purposes of dust control provided that a) he imports at his own cost any such materials required in addition for any part of the Workq; b) layers of soil containing vegetatio

29、n are not covered by subsequent filling; c) no stockpile of topsoil and mllch or any part oC such a stnckpile is huried under any till; and d) all remaining stockpiles are removed from each nrea hefore the nrea is handed back to tlie Engineer. OR - PSC 3. 1 Clearing cnmblned with humus prctitct ion

30、PSC 3.1.1 Recore the start of earthmnvinp, operations a11 trees and hushes on the Site shall he clear-fel led. PSC 3.1.2 Thr retnalninp, vegetation cons1:ting of grasses and shrubs shall he so mowed with a 11rush cut trr that the matc.ria1 is inclndcd in tlae layer of topsnll that ie to be moved to

31、stockpiles as speciFLed in PSC 3.2. PSC 3.1.3 Wood chips shal l be manfactured From all suitnblc trrwls and shrubs felled on Site. Branches or diameter up to 70 mm shall he chipped by means of marhiery equipped with knives nr blades that cut, rather than shred or break, the miterial. The length of c

32、hips shall he 50-150 mm and thcir width and thickness sliall he 3-15 mm. The wood chips shall he stockpiled for tutnre use in sand st.tb il Lzat ion o1erntions ad as vegetable mulches arormrl plant Lngs. Tree stumps, large rorls, and logs or br.nches, of diameter exceeding 70 mm, shall be removed Er

33、om the Site and disposed of. PSC 3.2 Topsoil. All topsoil with the. vegc?tatioa and chips produced as specif Led in PSC 3.1 shall be remuved to a minimum depth of 150 mm from areas on which construct ion is tr take place and shall be stockpiled in the vicinity in windrows or heaps. Until required fo

34、r spro:ldlng, the stockpiles shall Ite stabilized by a) the planting of grass or ley,rminus plant cover tliat is suLtahle for incorprrntion ns green manure; or b) watering or other approved means. After cmnplction of the earthworks iu trh area topsoll and chopped vegrtal inn shall be remnovrd from s

35、tockpiles, spread, tr innied, rolltl, watered, and maintained unt l1 a uniForm covr 01 vege tatlon has been re-cs tablisheri over the finisled tcrr-icw. PSC 3.3 Measurement. Thc work wil L he scheduled under the fol lowlng items: . a) Clear Sitr of ruhlislr, and tree stumps and large roots OF girt11

36、 exceeding 2.0 m IJni t: ha b) Clear-fcl l, chip, thrash, an11 stockpile rema Ining veget.tinn llqi t: m2 . c) Remove topsoil in vary in clepths, minimum l50 nim. and stockpile Unit: m2 d) After completion oi the general e:rthworks, dje and transport topsol1 antl vogetnt ion from stockpiles and spre

37、ad, roll, antl wat6.r topsr)il in a unLform layer 150 null thick to finished levels and slopes Unit: 1n2 e) Where stnckpiled chtpped vegetntion ancl topsoil materials are insuF T Lc ient , dig, transport, spread, roll, and water tqsoil ancl supply and spread oats/hay (provisional). Unit: “2 f) Maint

38、ain (including watering, etc.) areas complted unclrr items (d) and (e) ahove . Unit: I. /month 3.2.3 Clearing and Disposal by Cont roller1 llrtrninfi. The fol lowinc clause may be appticahle in ccrt.tln cirrum- stances: PSC 4.1 Clcarint;. Thr. cxisttnp, s.ahll l ty $I the are-* shal l he prwerved n;

39、ins t wind eros im. The methods of clearing shal l be such that the grass cover is not destroyed and tliat ground levels are not disturbed more than is ticcessary liy the pass;%! of the Contractors vehicles. Before commencing work the Contractor sh,ill obtain the Engineers approval oC his proposed m

40、ethod of clearing. SABS 0120 : Part 2 Section C-1992 Site clearance Clearing shall incltde the cntt ir of grass and shrubs to a height of between 150 and 300 mm and tlla rcmnval oE a1 l rlchris, rubbish, bufili, ind trves oE girth (mr;lxrt!d 0.5 m abnve grntnd) 0.5 m or less and the disposal of such

41、 material to windrows approximately 20 m apart for cles truct ion by burning at an approved time. Trees of girth excrcding 0.5 m slr;ll l not he removed unless their removal is speclfical ty directed by the Engineer. Trees that are not to be removod shall be protect4 from injury. Trees that are to 1

42、1e removed slall be cnt ill tnake his own arrangemenl.s for the supply, cartage, and storage of water or other media and shall make ample provision in this respect. PSC 4.7 Fkasurement. Tn additlnn to the items given in Subclause 8.2 of SABS 1200 C. the following items will he scheduled: a) Fire ins

43、urance and provision of adequate water snpply for use on the Works. including a11 . necessary storage and distribution (controlled burning not ordered) Unit: Sum b) Fire insurauce and indemni tier; and f tre fighting Eacilit ies (controlled hurning ordered) (prov.) Unit: Sum c) Clearing of veget.tio

44、n and stacking in winlrows 1) in Areas A and B . hit: ha 2) in other areas . Unit: ha d) Res tacking windrows and cont rnlled huruing (prov.) 1) In Areas b and H . Unit: Sum 2) in other areas . 1Jnit: Sum . e) Removal of trecs of girth ovex 0.5 m and up to and including 1.0 m Unit: No. 3.2.4 Trees o

45、f llorderl lnc Dimens inrs-. Where the hulk of the trees have a girth marginally ahove and below say, 1 m, schedule an item such as “Clear site incltlrling trees of girth up to 1.5 m“ and incllde n clause such as the following: PSC 5.1 Rate to inclndt. trees of girth excrrding 1 m (Suhclause 8.2.1).

46、 The rate for clearing and gruhhing sl1.3ll cover clearin/: of trecs of girth up trt 1.5 m in addition to the operations specified in Subclause 8.3.1 of SABS 1200 3). 3.2.5 Sportsf Lelds, Garclt?ns, Orchar8ls, etc. Where trenches are to cross gardens, lawns, sportslields. orchards, and the like, and

47、 the cont rnctor has been required tn take particular steps IJ deal with the original plant growtl, use a payment clause such as the following: PSC 8.1 Wcasurcmcnt and paymen: For orcharrls ancl vineyards (Suhclauses 8.7.1 and 8.2.2). Site clearance will be meamred by leqgth anti separately, as sche

48、dnlrd, for the different types of cultivainn crossed. Trees of glrtli in exciBss oC 1.0 m will he measured under itrws . and . of the schdule. The r.iLe Eur site cledrance sliali rover a) the lei-iig, riwoval. and disposal withLn the servitnde width of all fruit trl-es and vines (except trellised vi

49、nes) in a manner agreed between the Contr.*ctor and Engineer in terms oE PSC; h) the removal of other trees of girth (measured 0.5 m ahove ground level) up IJ I ,O m, complete with stumps. 3) Earthworks. SARS 0120 : Part 2 Section C-1982 Site clearance The rate for trellised vines shall cwer removal and disposal as specified ahove, and in additLon, the supply and planting of new anchor poles, anchors, new wire (where necessary), and the re- straining of all trellis wire that were cut or have b

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