1、 Collection of SANS standards in electronic format (PDF) 1. Copyright This standard is available to staff members of companies that have subscribed to the complete collection of SANS standards in accordance with a formal copyright agreement. This document may reside on a CENTRAL FILE SERVER or INTRA
2、NET SYSTEM only. Unless specific permission has been granted, this document MAY NOT be sent or given to staff members from other companies or organizations. Doing so would constitute a VIOLATION of SABS copyright rules. 2. Indemnity The South African Bureau of Standards accepts no liability for any
3、damage whatsoever than may result from the use of this material or the information contain therein, irrespective of the cause and quantum thereof. SARS 0120 : Par1 2 Section LC-1981 Cable ducts IJAIC 2 : PROJECT SIIFICATION, PoIrrIorj 2 SECTlON 1,C CONTENTS Clause Page Number I. ESSENILAI, PKO.JECT
4、SPECII“ICATIO# CIAUSES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I 2. ESSENTIAL ntir . I 3. A1)DITLONAL CLAUSES . I 3.1 General 1 3.2 Normal Projects . 3.2. l Pillars or kiosks . 3.2.2 Crossings of telephone and electricity cable ducts 3.2.3 Co-ordination of work of contractors 2 .v 2
5、2 .S 2 lan GCC . . 2 3.2.4 Testing where contracts are governed by conditions of contract other t 3.2.5 Subcontracts fur laying cables . 3.3 Prestige Projects 3.4 Subecononic Projects . 4 DRAW l NGS Drawing LC-2.1 - Precast: Concrete Sl.abs for Cable Protection 5 Drawing LC-2.2 - Iolyethel ene Ldent
6、if ication Tape . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Noven11,er 198 1 Approved by the COUNCIL OF TM13 SOUTll AFRICAN BUREAU OF STAN1)ARUS SARS 0120 : Part 2 Sect ion 1.C-1981 Cable ducts SARS 1200 ,C : CAR13 IIUCTS a) Number the PSLC clauses in
7、Portion 2 nT the proJact specification in the sequence in whlcli the clawes to whlch they relate appear ipl SARS 1200 LC. b) The clawe numter(s) given st the kc?ginning or after the hencling of a clause is/are, clnless otherwise stated, the number(s) of the relevant clnuse(s) of SARS 1200 LC. ESSENT
8、IAL PROJECT SPECLPLCAPLON CLAUSES Set out suitahle clauses in Portion 2 of the project specification to provide essential information. as follows: a) (Subclause 3.l(c) On projects involving ducts for ESC cahles, state the nominal size ad class of AC pipe reqrtrrd. e.g. I00 mm Class T with ruh1)er jo
9、int sleevrs , 150 mm Class 3s with sleeve type conplings, etc. Other autlorities may require Class D or Class 24 AC ducts. b) (Subclause 3.4) When relevant, state the requirements for cable markers. c) (Subclause 5.1 .l) Where it is impracticable to obtain the specified cover to cable ducts. specify
10、 details of any speclal treatment that is to be given to backfill material or give other special requirements for duct protection. d) (Subclause 5.1.2) Designate the parts of the trench where it is known that shoring will he required to protect structures or services contiguous to the trench route.
11、ESSENTIAL DATA The availability of certain essential data may aifect the prices tendered. Except where such data have been given in the schedule or in the tender drawings, set out suitable clauses covering item such as the following in Portlon 2 of the project specification: a) (Stbclause 3.1) State
12、 or scliedule the type(s) and class(es) (as relevant) of cable ducts to be prwided. b) (Subclause 5.4) Designate areas, if any, that warrant hackfill of a higher class than is required elsewhere and are to be backfilled in layers of 150 mm and compacted to densities higher than those required elsewh
13、ere. c) (Subclause 5.6) When cables are to be laid in the same trench as other services, schedule an additional item for the length of trench that is to carry other services, in addition to stating the applicable trench width if Subclause 8.2.4 of SARS 1200 llB is not applicable. d) (Subclause 5.7)
14、State the material to be wed for split sleeves. (See 3.2.2 and Subclause 1.3.3 of Sectlon LC of Part 3 of the code.) e) (Subclauses 5.6 and 5.7) State details of actton to be taken where a problem involving existing services in relation to the works Ls likely to occur but is not obvious. f) (Subclau
15、se 5.11) State which road crnssings, if any, are to he reinstated immediately after the trench has been backfilled. g) (Subclacme 8.2.2(a) Designate dlsposal areas for surplus material, if it may not be disposed of in the trench servitude within 0.5 km of source. 11) (Subclawe 8.2.2(b) Where excavat
16、ion is through boulder material. state the maximum size of stones allowed in hackf il l. i) (Subclause 8.2.6) If importation of bedding is scheduled, designate the source. (See also (b) above.) ADDITIONAL CLAllS KS GRNRRAI,. Where it ir necessary to amplify or otherwise to vary the terms of SABS 120
17、0 LC to render them suitable for use in projects to he carried out in particular locations or under particular circumstances, include in Portion 2 of the project specification clauses dealing with matters other than those cuvered by Clauses l and 2. Certain of the PS clauses given in Section DB may
18、he required. Ilepending on the nature of the contract PSDB or PSLC clauses may he used For variation5 to the requirements Eor trench excavations and for the main fill. Provide suitable PSLC clauses to deal with the matters covered by 3.2. SABS 01 20 : Part 2 Section LC-1981 Cable ducts NORMAL PROJEC
19、TS NOTE: To meet requirements imposed by varioits nonns of economic development, proJects are classLfied as normal, prestige. subeconomic, and labour-based projects (see Clause 4 of Section o of Part 2 of the code). Pillars or Kimks. Where roots of pillars or kiosks have to he placed by the civil co
20、ntrnctor, specify the work to be done and insert suitable menslrrement and payment clauses. Crnssings of Telephone and Electricity Cable Dua (Subclause 5.7). Except in the case of bitumen- coated cables, the electricity supply cable may be provided with an approved type of pitch-impregnated fibre sp
21、lit sleeve at any crmsing. In the case of bitumen-coated cables, concrete or asbestos cement sleeves should be used. NOTE: Make suitable provision in the project specification or schedule the sleeves accordingly. (See Subclause 1.3.2 of Sectlon LC of Part 3 01: the code.) Co-ordination of Work of Co
22、ntractors. Should an electrical contractor or the GPO or both be con- currently working on site, state the program of the work Eor all parties and any limitation which may result Erom the program. Testing where Contracts are governed by Conditions of Contract other than GCC. Where the requiremertu o
23、f the applicable conditions of contract with regard to testing differ from the requirements of the GCC (see Subclause 1.3.1 of Section A of Part 3 of the code), provide a clause such as thci following: PS1.C 1. CDST OF TESTS. The cost of making any test shall be borne by the Contractor if such tm t
24、is clearly intended by or provided For in the specification or schedule of quant ities and (in the case only of a test under load or of a test to ascertain whether the design ctf any finished or partially finished work is appropriate for the purposes which the work was intended , to fulfil) if the t
25、est is particularized in the specification or schedule of quantities in snfficient detail to enable the Contractor to price or allow for the test in his tencer. Subcontracts for Laying Cables. Particularly for new township and industrial complex layouts the employer frequently prefers that the civil
26、 contractor be responsible for laying cables dux ing the construction process. In such a case make provision for a) an electrical engineer to specify, and (probably) to supervise the supply and construction of the cable work (except trenching and backfilling) that is to be carried out under the civi
27、l ccntract by a nominated (or ordinary) subcontractor; and b) the civil contract document to include 1) specifications prcwlded by an electricaL engineer, and 2) project specification clauses such as the following, as applicable (NOTE: Where the work specif led below L9 to he carried out for the GPO
28、, alter the requirements for the supply of the tape by the contractor (PSLC 2.1.2) to a statement that the tape will be provided by the employer): PSLC 2. MATERIALS FOR PROTECTION OF CABLES (Clause 3) PSLC 2.1 Tape PS1.C 2.1.1 For power cables. The Contractor shall provide tape manufactured From Gra
29、de XJF 46/60 polyethylene that is completely impregnated with a bright orange plgment. The tape shall have a nominal width of 300 mm and a thickness of at leafit 0.12 mm. Lettering and warning symbols consisting of skull and cross-bones designs and lightning flaslres, as depicted on Drawing 1.C-2.2,
30、 shall be clearly and permanently printed onto the tape in black. The whole pattern shall be repeated every 300 mm. The quality of all materials employed shall be such as to ensure the permanency of the tape under all environmental and ground conditions as well as the stability of the orange pigment
31、ation and the lettering and warning symbols. PSLC 2.1.2 For telephone cables. The Contractor shall provide a warning marker tape of an approved PVC or medium density polyethylene having a thickness of 0.12 mm and a width of 150 mm for a single cable or 230 mm for a double cable. The tape shall be su
32、pplied in Lengths of approximately 500 m. PSIX 2.2 Precast concrete slahs. The Contractor shall provide precast concrete slabs of thickneys at least 50 mm and of nominal width sufficient to provide cover extending to at least 100 mm on each side of the cable it is iutended to protect and conforming
33、to the applicable details shown on Drawing 1.C-2.1. PS1.C 3. PROTECTION OF CABLES PSIX 3.1 General. Where the top of a cabLe or a duct not encased in concrete is less than 750 mm blowurface of a road or other area subject to vehicular traffic or, in any othr!t area, is less than 600 mm below natural
34、 ground level, protection shall be provided for the cable or duct in accordance with PSLC 3.2 or PSLC 3.3, as appropriate. SABS 0120 : Part 2 Section LC-1981 Cable ducts PSLC 3.2 Power cables. Power cables shall be protected by precast concrete slabs or polyetlrylene tape (see PSLC L. 1. I), as sche
35、duled or shown on the drawings. Where two or more cables are laid together, concrete slabs shall be so laid as to abut laterally one with the other and, in the case of polyethy- lene tapes, the tapes shall be so laid as to provide cover that extends at least 100 mm on each side of the cables and to
36、provide an overlap between adjoining tapes of at least 100 mm. PSI,(: 3.3 Telephone cab1 es PSLC 3.3. 1 Concrete slabs a) Coaxial cables in urban areas, paired cables, and ducts. The cable(s) shall be covered with concrete slabs having a minimum thickness of 50 nun and a width equal to 400 mm plus t
37、he diameter(s) of the cable(s) or duct(s) they protect. b) Coaxial cables outside urban areas. The cable(s) shall be covered with concrete slabs having n minimum thickness of 50 mm and a width equal to 200 rnn! plus the diameter(s) of the cable(s) they protect. PSLC 3.3.2 Warning marker tape. A mark
38、er tape (see PSLC 2.1.2) shall be placed 500 mm above the cable(s) and shall be run out flat when the compacted backlill has reached this level. The tape shall be continuous and lengths may be joined by knotting. PS1.C 3.4 Measurement and payment Cable/cable duct protection as specified in PSLC Unit
39、: m Separate items will be scleduled for each type and each width of protection. The rat.e shall cover the cost of provision and installation in the manner specified in the designated PSLC clause, of the protection scheduled. PSLC 4. BURIAL OF TELEPIIONE (OK SIGNAL) CABLE BY PLOUGHING-1N PS1.C 4.1 c
40、ant and workmanship. The onus shall be on the Contractor to satisfy the Jhployer that he has the plant and expertise so to carry out the work of ploughing-in a cable as not to prejudice the long-Lerm reliability of “the cable installation. PSLC 4.2 Survey of louuus = I50 150 PLAN I ELEVATION SECTION PLAN I ELEVATION 7 I I Mmenrions in millimetres I 230 SECTION Drawing LC - 2 .l-Precast Concrete Slabs for Cable Protection SABS 0120 : Part 2 Section LC-1981 Cable ducts DANGER GEVAAR ELECTRICITY ELEKTRIESE GEVAAR ANGER _JYCI_ p- Drawing LC- 2.2 - Pdyethelene I ISBN 0-626-06043-5 ilbs pia
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