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SANS 10120-2 LF-1983 Code of practice for use with standardized specifications for civil engineering construction and contract documents Part 2 Project specification Section LF Erf.pdf

1、 Collection of SANS standards in electronic format (PDF) 1. Copyright This standard is available to staff members of companies that have subscribed to the complete collection of SANS standards in accordance with a formal copyright agreement. This document may reside on a CENTRAL FILE SERVER or INTRA

2、NET SYSTEM only. Unless specific permission has been granted, this document MAY NOT be sent or given to staff members from other companies or organizations. Doing so would constitute a VIOLATION of SABS copyright rules. 2. Indemnity The South African Bureau of Standards accepts no liability for any

3、damage whatsoever than may result from the use of this material or the information contain therein, irrespective of the cause and quantum thereof. Clause - SAUS 0120 : Part 2 Section LF-l983 Er connections (wat:crrI PART 2 : PROJECT SPECIFICATION SECTION LP CONTENTS ESSENTTAL PROJECT SPISCIFICATION

4、CLAUSES . l ESSENTIAL DATA . l AUDITIONAL CLAUSES 1 General . I Normd Projects 1 AC pipe and fittings 2 Range of volume registration by meters 2 Service connections 2 Documentation and design requirements 2 Prestiqe Projects 2 Subeconomic Projects . 2 Labour-based Projects 2 June 1983 Approved by th

5、e COUNCIL OF THE SOUTH AFRICAN BUREAIJ OF STANDARDS 1 SARS 0170 : Part 2 Section 1.P-1983 Erf connections (water) SARS 1200 LP : ERF CCNNECTTONS (WATER) NOTE a) Number PSLF clauses in Portion 2 of the project specification in the sequence in which the clauses t-o which they relate appear in SABS l20

6、0 LP. 1,) The clause nnml7er(s) given at the or alter i.hc IexIing of a cloust? isjal-c, ulrlc:;:; 011;lwiw stated, the number(s) of the relevant clause(s) of SAW 1200 LE. I. ESSENTIAL PROJECT SPECIFICATION CLAUSES 1.1 Set oui suitable clauses in Portion 2 of the project specification to

7、 provide essential infor-mat.icm as follows: a) (Subclause 3.1.4) When relevant, state or schedule the type and class of polyethylcne pipes to he used for the service connection. b) (Subclause 3.1.5) When relevant, state the class of uPVC pipes. C) (riubclause 3.2.1) State the type of operating memb

8、er required for hand operation if a crutch 1s riot required for the stop taps. d) (Subclauses 3.2.2, 6.2, and 7.3.1) State the type, make, and the range of volumes of water that each meter must be capable of registering, the applicable working pressure, the maximum flow ratv of the water and, when r

9、elevant, the type and class of the pipes to which the meters are to be connected. (Sec also 3.2.2 below.) c) (Subclauses 3.6 and 5.4.1) Sei- out the requirements for markings or for marker posts, as apl-liall, and state how and where each marker post is to be set up. f) (Subclause Where a p

10、lug-in type ferrule is acceptable for AC pipes, set out the rrquirements for the ferrule, the method of fitting it, and the extent to which the ferrule may project into the bore of tle pipe. g) (Subclause Set out the procedures required to be observed by the contractor in making a connectio

11、n to a steel pipe that has a lining or a coating. h) (Subclause 5.5) Give details as to how the meter is to be installed i.f the details given on Drawing LP-3.1 of Section LP of Part 3 of the code are not acceptable. (See also Subclause 3.1.2 of Section LF of Part 5 of the code.) i) (Subclause 6.2)

12、See (d) above. 2. ESSENTIAL DATA 2.1 The availability of certain essential data may affect the prices tendered. Except where such data have been given in the schedule or in the tender drawings, set out suitable clauses covering items such as the following in Portion 2 of the project specification: a

13、) (Subclause 3.1) Where material more expensive than any of those specified in Subclause 3.1 ol SAW l200 LF (such as stainless steel) is to be used for a pipeline or fittings in corrosive soils or in certain industries, specify the requirements and schedu3e the items accordingly. (See also Subclause

14、 1.3.2 of Section LF of Part 3 of the code.) b) (Subclause 3.1.1) Wheze necessary, state the material from which saddles must be manufactured. C) (Subclause 3.3) Where AC pipes and fittings are required, specify and schedule them. d) (Subclauses 5.2.2, 5.3 and 5.5) State what materials are to be use

15、d for surrounds and give on a general arrangement drawing the direction of take-off, the minimum cover over each service connection, the types of surface boxes, the depths of stop taps and meters, and the distances from erf boundaries of the c:onnections, stop taps, and meters. (See Subclause 2.1.4

16、of Section LF of Part 3 of the code.) e) (Subclause State the pressure in the water supply main at which the tests for the connections are to be carried out. f) (Suhclause 7.3.2) Where meters are to be tesl:ed on site, state what equipment must be supplicd by the contractor and specify the

17、method of testing and schedule an item to cover the cost. 3.1 GENERAL. Where it is necessary to amplify or otherwise to vary the terms of SABS l200 LF to render them suitable for use in projects to be carried out in particular locations or under particular circumstarrces, include in the project spec

18、ification clauses dealing with matters other than those covered by Clauscs 1 and 2 above. 3.2 NORMAL PROJECTS NOTE: To meet requirements imposed by various norms of economic development, projects are classified as normal, prestige, subeconomic, and labour-based projects (see Clause 4 of Section 0 of

19、 Part 3 of the code) . SAkis 0120 : I,rrt 2 Section I?-19ti.l Erf connection:; (warer) 3.2.1 RC Pipes and Fittings (Subclause 3.3). AC pilcs and fitt.irrcjs may he rilqardccl a!. Tdl linq uiicit:r. :;b-l,ii:-r 3.3 of SAliS 1200 W. Where they are specifically required, say so in a suj tabln l)rnjcct

20、siwci! icit-iim a:e (See 2. l. (cl above. ) 3.2.2 o Subclause 1.3.3 of Section ?.F of Fort 3 of the ecde.! PSLr I. b16TF:RT; (Subclausr! 3.2.2). k:i-,ch ineter shall be capable vf rcgisterig the VCIIIX: of w:ivr on a dial of a cyclometer type or other digital kisplay iypo, withill the range . . . 1

21、to . . . i ,it r maximum flow rate of . . , e/min, to the accuracy in terms of Subcliiu!if f,.2 01 Sn1i.c; 1210 W. The diqit.s displayed shall be such that he volumo (of water can be detcmnincd to the ricar-est. 10 1. The pressure drop across the meter shai l not exceed . . . . . at t.he

22、maximuin fiiw rat, :;lxcii it4 ilbr)vc. 3.2.3 Service Connections (Subclause 5.2.3) . The frequent1 y specified rrquircmcnt that. a conricr:t ion IN! mirdci -p- at a joint is generally not prac:tricable and is expensivu hocanse a) two existing sliort collar detac:hable joints must be removed, oiln f

23、rcm each end oi s lup 2nd a Img rollar detachable jpint must be fil.t:ed to one end: 11) tlle pipe must Lc cut to the new reduced length; and c:) ir full pipe length of trench must be opened ap and the pjle inust. be rc-betidecl dii the teiich back lil led. However, if it is essential that the conre

24、ction be made at a joint., lli:;c?rt: il lillli wr:Ii a: t.lic, ZoJ lowing: PSLF 2. SEIWICE CONNECTIONS 10 . . . FACTORY (Subclause 5.2.3). prcqvutr;,!s. This: connect.ian shall be made by first f ittjng a Jonfl coilar detachable joint. and then dril liiq nii,l tapping to ttle size required for the

25、. mm connect5on pipe. 3. 2.4 i)ocment.ation ar:d Requirements. Compile project specification cl auses and sct?edul e i l-cma wwre - -U- appl icable, in accordance with t.he recommendations of :;ubcJnuse 1.3 and Clause 2 uf Sectiori 1,Y of tP,irt : of the code. 3.3 IkESITGE PROJECTS. Tnclude

26、in the project specifj.cation clauses dealing with those portios cif ilw work that require special workmanship, tolerarces, or testing, such ds those gjxen in 2, 1 (a) abrovc. 3.4 !il!HE(:iXKBlTC Ill(i.rECTS. llntil a suitdble standardized spt.cificatiori has been published, st.ate which clauses of

27、SAD$ 1200 I.,. will not: he appli.cable to the projoct. 3 . 5 I,Al3OIIit-l3ASEL) TROJECTS. Until a suitable standardized spwification has been publisher?, r;t;.Le wlljch claur-;es of IiARS l 200 1.F will not be applicable to the project, and irwc?r appropriate al tt?lnaCivc :l aiis:s to c(wer the requirements in a manner more suited to the project. ISBN 0-626.06480-5

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