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SANS 10120-3 C-1982 Code of practice for use with standardized specifications for civil engineering construction and contract documents Part 3 Guidance for design Section C Site cl.pdf

1、 Collection of SANS standards in electronic format (PDF) 1. Copyright This standard is available to staff members of companies that have subscribed to the complete collection of SANS standards in accordance with a formal copyright agreement. This document may reside on a CENTRAL FILE SERVER or INTRA

2、NET SYSTEM only. Unless specific permission has been granted, this document MAY NOT be sent or given to staff members from other companies or organizations. Doing so would constitute a VIOLATION of SABS copyright rules. 2. Indemnity The South African Bureau of Standards accepts no liability for any

3、damage whatsoever than may result from the use of this material or the information contain therein, irrespective of the cause and quantum thereof. SARS 0120 : Part 3 Sect ion C-1982 Site clenmnce Clause 1 . 1.1 1.1.1 1.1.2 1.1.3 1.1.4 1.2 1.2.1 1.2.2 1.3 1.3.1 1.3.2 PAUT 3 : :GUII)ANCE NlR DESIGN SE

4、CT LON G CIINTI!WS Page Number PRE-TENDER CONS1I)EMlTONS 1 Tnvestigatlons . 1 General 1 . Valuable trees 1 . Burning of trees 1 Credit for recovered material 1 . Administration 1 Indigenous forest 1 . Reclearlng of vegetation 1 Documentation 1 . Substantial structures 1 Reclearlng of vegetation 1 1.

5、3.3 Landscape preservation and consewat Lon 01 flora 1.7.4 Additional project speci Eica t ion clauses . 1.3.5 Varying hush aid vega tat ion drns lt ies 1.3.6 Measurement of tilt- clearing of erecs OF girth exceeding 1 . area cleared . 1.3.7 Clearing str Lpping. and conservation of topsoil 1.3.8 Dis

6、mantling and removal of pipelines. cables. etc m on the basil 1.3.9 Credit Eor recovered mnterial ? 2 . DESIGN REQUIREMENTS ? 2.1 Topsoil 2 . 3 . APPLICARII.T.1Y OF OTtlER COIXS 2 4 . TEST PR0CEI)LJRES ? . 5 . QUALIZY CONTROL AND OTHER CONS1I)EKKPIONS 2 First RevisIon May 1982 This wct Lnn of the co

7、de supersetler; SARS 0120 : Part 7 : Scct Ion (:-l980 SAW 0120 : Part 3 Sect ion C-1982 Site clearance NOTE: The clause number(s) given at the beginning or arter the heading of a clause islare, unless otherwise stated, the number(s) of the relevant clause(s) of SARS l200 C. PRE-TENDER CONSIIX RATION

8、S General. Although site clearance is a minor port ion of most construction contracts, the costs of clearance can become disproportionately high if the work to be carried out is not scheduled in such a way that advantage is taken OF the wide variation that exists between tlie costs oE clearing diffe

9、rent densities and types of vegetation, and different types of structures. Ensure that preliminary investigations cover matters relevant to the project such as are dealt with in 1.1.2, 1.1.3, and 1.2.1 below. Vaiuahle Trees (Suhclause Where clearing of the site will require the contractor t

10、o deal with trees which my be regarded as valuable hy the Department of Environment Affairs or any local authority concerned, discuss the anticipated problems with the said Department or local authority (or both) with a view to either inclding suitahle requirenents in tlie project specification or s

11、clieduling suitable items. Should this prove to Ire impracticahle, ensure that the engineer provides the contractor with the clearauce and instruct ions from the said Ilcpartment or the local authority early enoup,h to ensure that the contractnrs program is not afrected by the need to comply with Su

12、bclause of SARS 1200 C (see also Suhclause 2.4 of Section C of Part 5 of the code). Burning of Trees. Consider fire risks an11 the rmlui rements of the Atmospheric Po1luti1,n Prevention Act, 1965 (Act 45 of 1965). and discrsb these with interested authorities before specifying destrwtion by

13、burnlng. Credit for Recovered Material. Ascertain the employers wishes in regard to recoverable material, hut ensure that he is aware of the limitatins oF such operations. Although CEQ) (V11 3.3.6) provides for credit for recovered mterial, the cost and risks to the contractor during recovery and di

14、sposal may outweigh any benefits, unless the contractor operates in the scrap market or the materials to be recovered have a high intrinsic value, scli as rails from a demolished raiiway line. The party who may benefit most from the recovery of used material in sound condition is the employer. It is

15、, therefore, preferable to provide items 111 the schedule for recovery and returrl to the employers store, or for re-use (at his risk) elsewhere in the project. Indigenous Forest (Subclause Where clearing and grubbing involves the cutting down of indigenous fores t containing a sign1 Ficant

16、 number of trees witli a trunk girth of more than 200 mm, give the Director General of the Department of Environment Affairs enough notice of the intention to clear and grub such areas to afford the said Department the opportunity of identifying the trees before they are removed and of salvaging any

17、 usable timber. Reclearing OF Vegetation (Subclause 5.5 and see also 1.3.2(c) below). !here it is expected that the need for reclearing will not arise until shortly before the site is to be handed back to the employer. provision for reclearing may be omitted from the contract with a view to negotiat

18、ing a price For the work or inviting separate tenders shortly before tlie need for such reclearance arises (see Suhclause 3.2.7 of Sect ion C of Part 5 of the code). Substantial Strctirw (Subclauses 5.3 and 5.8). Where structures that are to be dcmolishrd and removed are substantial, especially in t

19、he case of multi-storey buildings in towns, hridge superstruc- tures, and the like, give full details of the strtlctures and measure the major items (i.e. mass concrete, reinforced concrete. brickwork. stc.elwork. etc.) in the units speciFied in Clause 8 of Lle relevant standardized speciFLcation(s)

20、 covering their construct ion. Give consideration tu a separate contract For such demo1 l tiun work ancl, if a wparate contract Is to he prepared, incorporate in the contract document requirements based on the provisions of the measurement and payment clauses of the relevant stardardieed specif Lcat

21、 ion(s) or prepare a part icular .;peciFicat ion. Where a separate coriLr.act is not to be drawn up, include in the. project speciFicat ion details of the method of measurement that is npplicahle and other suitable clatsrs based on the provisions of Clause 8 of each relevant standardized specificati

22、m. Schedule suitable items. State when and hy whom the work of disconnecting and making safe each existing service to a building will he done. Give particular instructions For the s:llvapLnl: oC plumbing, electrical, and other Fitllres whi*rv these are required for subsrqucnt use or sale. Reclearing

23、 of Vegctathn (Suhclause 5.5). lbfore scheduling an item such as reclearing. consider the following points: a) As the correct time for the issuing of an order to reclear is a matter of opinion. the engineer runs the risk of being held responsible for fire hazards which would otherwise, in terms of t

24、he conditions of contract, have been the contractors responsihi Lity until the coniplet ion of Lhe works. b) This is a di FEicdt item For the contractor to price and tlw rate tendered may be 111811 because he cannot foresee how rugged or steep the ground Ire will have to work on will he or what clrg

25、rer of growth will have tiken place hy the date on which tle order is issued. c) The need for reclearing usunlly arises shortly before the site is due to be handed hack to tht. employer. (Sec 1.2.2 above and Suhcl.wse 3.2.7 of Sect ion C of Part 5 oF the code.) 1) Civil engineering quant ities: tlie

26、 standard sys tem of measurement OF civil engineering quantities For Soutl Africa and South West Africa, puhlished hy thr South African Inst i rut ion of Civil Engineers. SABS 0120 : Part 3 Section C-1982 Site clearance Landscape Preservat ion and Conscarvat Lon of Flora (Subclause 5.7). Where desig

27、nated flora are tt, be dealt with in terms of Subclause 5.7 of SABS 1200 C, provide a speclflc item in the schedule tcr cover the cost of removing. planting. fencing, and replant ing, in addit ton to a suitable clause in the project specification. Addi tional Project Specificat ion Clauscw. Include

28、such of the project speclf icat ion clauses that are set out in Subclause 3.2 oE Section C oF Part 2 of the code as are applicahle to the project. Varying Bush and Vcget;it ion Densities (Subclause S. L). Where areas to he cleared are large and tlt. average density of the hush and vegetation to be c

29、leared varies widely from area to area, define and schedule separate items for clearing each type of area or each different density, sucli as “bush in gul leys“. “open scrub“. “karroo bush“. “light ind Lgenous forest“, “plantat tons“, and designated groups of trees (girth under 1 m). Measnrement of

30、th Clearing of Trees of Girth Exceeding 1 m on the Rasis OF the Area Cleared (Sub- clause 8.2.3). Do not adopt the roetliod of measurement based on area unless the area to be cleared is a) so well defined on the ground, at tlie pre-tender stage, that each tenderer can evaluatr, with reasonable accur

31、acy. tlie quantity of each size of tree to be clearrd (NOTE: If he can do so then the engineer could have done so as part of his preliminary Inves tications) ; b) covered by a plantation in which the number of trees per hectare and the size of the trees are reasonably constant ; c) covered by indige

32、nous and generally impenetrable forest; or d) large, and the nature of the project such that 1) heavy earthmoving plant will be used for the e:rthworks; and 2) the trees are oE sucli a stze (generally up to 2 m in girth) and type that they can be pushed over and manoeuvred by the earthmoving plant t

33、hat is to he used for the earthworks. Clearing, stripping, and consrrvalion of topsoil. Where stripping of the site or conservation of topsoil are required schedule items on the basis of the operations described in Subclause of Section D. Dismantling and Removal or PLpellnes, Cables, etc. (S

34、uhclattse 8.2.7). Where an item snch as the dismantling and removal of pipelines or cables is included in the schedule, include in the project speclEicatinn suitable requirements selected from those given in SARS 1200 DW) or, LE necessary, include SAWS 1200 DB) in the contract document so that payme

35、nt For the associated excavation and backfilling is covered. Credit for Recovered Haterial. (See 1.1.4 above.) Where materials are to be recovered for re-use elsewhere on the project, ensure that the project specification covers the matters dealt with in Subclause 3.2.4 oE Section A of Part 2 of the

36、 cocle and that a separate item for the recovery of each type of material is scheduled. DESIGN REQUIREMENTS TOPSOIL (Subclauscs 5. h and 8.1). Site clearance is oE ten er fectd ms t expeditiously and economically by tlie removal of the tipper layer of soil together with vegetation and roots from the

37、 area to be cleared, and the creation of a stockpile of humus-rich topsoil for subsequent use, at minimum cost. (See Subclause 3.2.2 of Section C of Part 2 of the code). APPLICABILITY OF OTHER COIUS There are no other SABS codes of pract Ice that are applicable to site clearance. TEST PROCEl)URl.:S. Not applicahle. QUALITI CONTKOL AND 0CllER CONSIDERATIONS GENERAL. Apply the relevant recommendatlons of SAWS 0157) to the design of site clearance projects. 2) Earthworks (pipe trenches). 3) Quality management systems.

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