1、 Collection of SANS standards in electronic format (PDF) 1. Copyright This standard is available to staff members of companies that have subscribed to the complete collection of SANS standards in accordance with a formal copyright agreement. This document may reside on a CENTRAL FILE SERVER or INTRA
2、NET SYSTEM only. Unless specific permission has been granted, this document MAY NOT be sent or given to staff members from other companies or organizations. Doing so would constitute a VIOLATION of SABS copyright rules. 2. Indemnity The South African Bureau of Standards accepts no liability for any
3、damage whatsoever than may result from the use of this material or the information contain therein, irrespective of the cause and quantum thereof. Clause PART 4 : TYPICAL SCIIEUULP: UP QIIANTITIISS SECTlON A CONTENTS . PHEiV11%1: IU SCIIL.:OIJLI-: 01. QUANTlPlI.:S 1. General 1 . SF:C11UN : PHE1,lMlN
4、AHY AN11 GENEIUI. 3 Second Revision March 1986 This section of the code supersedes Approved by the COIJNCIL Ot THE SUlJTli AFRICAN HlJREAU OF STAl.II)ARDS !;hAS 0120 : Idrt 4 Sect jor A-1986 Grrivl a1 NOTE: For the information and guidance of the tcnderer completjng th schedule, the preamble cjver b
5、elow must be used. PREAMULE TO SCHEUIJIB UF QUANLITI ER GENERAL The general. condit ions of contract, t he special conditions oL contract (j f my) , thc rl.cci t icat icns (including the project syccj.ficativn) and the drawings are to he read in conjunction with tlw schedule of quantit-.ins. a) The
6、schedule comprises; items covering the Contl-actors xofit. and costs of general 1iabilj.I ies and of the construction of temprary and permanent works. b) The Tenderer is at liberty to insert a rate of his own choosing for each item in the schedule and his attention is drawn to the fact- 1-hat. the C
7、ontractor has the right, under various circumsta,-ices, to layrnent for additional works carried out and that the Engineer js oblirjed to base his assessment U: 1-he rates to be pair1 for such additional work on the rates inserted in the schedule by the ractor. c) Clause H of each st.andardizec1 spe
8、cification and the measurement and payment clause of czlch particular specification, read t-oyether with the relevant. clauscts of t-he project specification, set out what ancillary or associated activities are jncluded in the rates for the operations specifj.ed. Descriptions in the schedule of quan
9、tit.ies are abbreviated .ancl the schedule has been clrawn uln gcn.i-ally in accordance with the latest issue of Civil engineering quilllt.it.iesl). Should any requixcmcrit of 1-he measurement arrd payment cl.ause of the applicable st-andardiaed specification2), or the cuject-. specification2), or t
10、he part-icular specification(s)2) conflict with the terms oL t.he scledule or, WAII relevant, Civil engj ncering quant:ities7), the requirement of the st-andardized, project. or particular specification, as alplicable, shall prevail. Unless otherwise stated, items are measured net in accordance with
11、 the drawings, and II allowance h.+s been made for waste. The prices and rat-es to be inserted in the schedule of quantities are to be t.he full inclusive prices to the Employer for the work described under the several items. Such prices shall covcr all costs and expenses that may be required in and
12、 for the corist.ruction of the work described, and sllall cover the cost of all general risks, 1iobil.it.ies and obligations set forth or implied in the documents on which the tender is based. A price or rate is t.o be ent-ered against each item in the schedule of quantit-ies, whether the quantities
13、 are stated or not. An item agairst which no price is entered will be considered 1-0 be covered hy the other prices or rates in the schedule. The Tendcrer must price each item ill the scheclule of quantities in INK. 1) The standard systen of nieasulement of civil engineerincr quantitlvs for South Af
14、rica and South Wcsl Afrlra, puhllshed by the South African hstltution of Clvil Englncers. 2) Fee definlton in subclause 2.1 of Part 1 or the code. SAHS l200 A : GENERAJ, NCYPE: See Clause 5 of the Introduction. SAW U120 : Part 4 Sect inn A-19Rfi Leneral I te NO. Payment. refers Short Description Est
15、ablish facilities on the Site: a) Pacilitlt! for Engineer (SAW l200 AB) Offices: 3 furnished rooms with telephones at 2 namcboarJs Laboratory, as per PSAB . Garages: 4 lcan-to as per PSAB . b) Facilitlcs Lor Contractor Offices and storaqe sheds Workshops Laboratories Livinq accommodation Ablution an
16、d latrine facilit ies Tools and equipment Water supplies, electric power and communi- cations Dealincl wj th water (Subclause 5.5) Access (Suhclause 5.8) 10 t vibrating roller Plant for concrel e mlxing and cahleway Pldnt for tunnelling Plant for asphalting 3ther fixed-charge ohligdtions Remove Engi
17、neers and Contractors Site establishment on completion IIt1E-RET.ATI3J ITEMS :unt ractual Requirements lperate and-maintain filcllities on the Site: 1) Ilacilities for Enginwr ior duration )f construction (SAW l200 AB) ffices: 3 rooms,etc.,as for item .1.2 iurvey assistants and materials aboratory,
18、as for item .1.3 krages: 4 learl-to as for item .1.4 ) Facilj tles for Contrwtor for duration of cnstruction, except where otherwise stated )ffices and storage sheds lorkshops aboratories ,ivinq accommodation blution and latrine facilities 001s ard equipmenL ater supplies, electric power and communi
19、- ot.j.ons ealing with water (Subclause 5.5) ccess (Subclause 5.8) 0 t. vibrating roller for R months lant for concrete mixing and cableway, until am wall complete lant for tunnelling, until tunnel complete lant for asphalting, until asphalt.itcy com- lete lpervision jmpany and head office overhead
20、costs :tier time-related oblj.gatios JMS STATED PP(?VlSIUNAIJY RY ENGINISER )r work to he done by CCZ. valued I terms of Clause . of condit.ions of )ltVrar+ . . . - - - Supply and inst.all . . Cousrruct pump sump to details as ordered Sum Sum Sum Sum Sum Sum Sum Sum Sum Sum Sum Sum Sum Sum Sum Sum :
21、;urn Sum Sum sum Sum Sum Sum Sum Sum Sum Sum Sum Sum Sum Sum Sum Sum Sum Sum Sum Sum Sum Sum Sum sum Sum xxxx YYYY CABS 0120 : Part 4 Section A-1986 General Payment refers 8.5 Alt.ernat 8.8.5 8.6 8.7 VE ITEMS 8.8 8.8.1 8.8.2 8.8.3 8.8.4 Temporary Short Description I Unit. Brought. torward/. . . . .
22、Lkw work to be done hy a nominatod sub- contrsctor (or the Employer) a) Electricity installation (nominated sub- contractor) sum b) Overhrads, charges and profit on item .3.3 X C) Provide hardstanding for cranes for installat.ion of item .3.3 Sum ely, item .3.5 may be scheduled under item 4) 1.nnd Survey Act a) Search for and record .riqonomnetrical survey beacons, bench marks , and prov is 0T PSA 8
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