1、 Collection of SANS standards in electronic format (PDF) 1. Copyright This standard is available to staff members of companies that have subscribed to the complete collection of SANS standards in accordance with a formal copyright agreement. This document may reside on a CENTRAL FILE SERVER or INTRA
2、NET SYSTEM only. Unless specific permission has been granted, this document MAY NOT be sent or given to staff members from other companies or organizations. Doing so would constitute a VIOLATION of SABS copyright rules. 2. Indemnity The South African Bureau of Standards accepts no liability for any
3、damage whatsoever than may result from the use of this material or the information contain therein, irrespective of the cause and quantum thereof. SCHEDULE SABS Ot20 : Part 4 Section DM-1981 Earthworks (roada , subgrade) PART 4 : TYPICAL SCHEDULE OF QUANTXTIES SECTlON DM CONTENTS Page Number SFETlON
4、 : EARTHWORKS (ROADS, SUBGRADE) . 1 SABS 0120 : Part 4 Sect ion DM-1981 Earhworks (roads. subgrade) SABS 1200 DM : EARTHWORKS (ROADS. SUBGRADE) NOTE: Copy the typi,cal schedules that are applicable to the contract for which the document is being prepared. Delete items that are not wanted and add fur
5、ther items as required. Retain the applicable major subheadings in the sequence given in this schedule. 1;: l ww;t SAW 1200 DM .l .2 .3 8.3.2(a) .4 PSDM 1.3.4 .4.1 .4.2 .5.1 .5.2 .5.3 PSDM 1.3.4 .6 8.3.3(b) .6.1 .6.2 .7.2 PSDM 1.3.4 .7.3 I .7.4 I PSDM 5.2 .8.2 I PSDM 1.3.4 .8.3 .8.4 I PSDM 5.2 - Sho
6、rt Description SI3CTLON : EARTHWORKS (ROADS, SUBGRADE) SITE CLEARANCE Clear site 1 Remove trees ) Remove topsoil to stockpile and maintain TREATMENT OF ROAD-BED Six-pass roller compaction Heavy pneumatic-tyred roller Vibratory roller Impact roller Road-bed preparation and campaction of material Comp
7、act to 90 X mod. AASHTO maximum density Compact to 93 X mod. AASHTO maximum density Compact to 98 X proof density h-place treatment of road-bed in inter- mediate or hard material Rippin& Blasting EARTHWORKS Cut to Pill Compact to 90 1 mod. AASHTO maximum density ompact to 98 % proof density Rockfill
8、, process, and compact. Rock toe processing Borrow to Pill Compact to 90 X mod. AASHTO maximum density Compact ta 98 % proof density Rockfill, process, and compact Rock toe processing Selected layer compacted to 93 X mod. AASHTO maximum density Hard excavation Boulder excavation Class A Boulder exca
9、vation Class B Cut to spoil from Soft excavation Intermediate excavation Hard excavation Boulder excavat ion Class A Boulder excavation Class B Removal of oversize material Overbreak in: Intermediate excavation Hard excavatlon Boulder excavation Class A Boulder excavation Class B May 1981 Approved b
10、y the Unit Quan- tity Sect io -. Rate Amount SARS 0120 : Part 4 Section DM-1981 Earthworks (roads, subgrade) Payment refers jDM 1.3.4 SARS 1200 DM 8.3.10 8.3.11 8.3.12 8.3.13 8.3.16 Short Description :OMPACTlON lariations in compactive effort: Oratory roliers mpact rollers ill other rollers NNDRIES
11、Iaterials bladed to windrow Cxtra-over items .? and .8 for temporary %tockpiling of material sorrow pi ta (see Section D) IVERHAUL Sxtra-over items .3, -7, .8, .11. .12. and .l9 for hauling material in sxcess of the freehaul of 0.5 km but not more :han 1,O km Zxtra-over item .18.l for hauling material in excess of the haul of I,O km SURFACE FINISHES Fopsoiling GRAVEL SURFACXNC Gravel surface layer - Unit Quan- eity Rate
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