1、 Collection of SANS standards in electronic format (PDF) 1. Copyright This standard is available to staff members of companies that have subscribed to the complete collection of SANS standards in accordance with a formal copyright agreement. This document may reside on a CENTRAL FILE SERVER or INTRA
2、NET SYSTEM only. Unless specific permission has been granted, this document MAY NOT be sent or given to staff members from other companies or organizations. Doing so would constitute a VIOLATION of SABS copyright rules. 2. Indemnity The South African Bureau of Standards accepts no liability for any
3、damage whatsoever than may result from the use of this material or the information contain therein, irrespective of the cause and quantum thereof. SAR:; 01 ZO : Part 5 Section A-1986 General PART 5 : CONTRACT AUMlNISTRATJON SliCTION A CONTICNTS Clause START OP CONSTNUCTlON . 3 General . l 1MMEDlATKL
4、Y APTER TllE HANDING OVER OF THE SITE . 1 General 1 Quality of Materials . J Water Supplies l Setting out of the Works 1 Plot Boundary Pegs . 1. Existing Services . 1 Prime Cost and Provisional Sum Items 1 Time-related Prel.iminary and General Items . 1 DURING CONSTRUCTION 1 Methods of Construction
5、l Contractors office and stores, and access . l Tolerances in practice . l Administratiorl . 2 Capacity of plant and equipment 2 Silencing of plant . 2 Contractors charges for iteros in Schedule of Quantities . 2 Dealing with water . Z Tolerances . 2 Time-related preliminary and general items . 2 QU
6、ALITY CONTROL AND OTllER CONSIUERATIONS . 2 General 2 Disputes . 2 Extension of time . 2 Second Revision March 1986 Thls section of the code supersedes SAUS 0120 : Part 5 : Section A-1982 Approved by the COUNCIL OF TllE SOUTH AFP1CN.J BUREAU OF STANUARDS SAPS 0120 : Part 5 Section A-1986 clenel a1 N
7、WE: The clause numler(s) given at the hcgjntring or aftcr the heading oE a clause is/are, unless otherwise stated, the nWer(s) of the relevant claube(s) of SARS lZOO A. STAPT OF CONSTRULTION GENERAL. Fol the purpocies of this part of the cuclc, contract ,ldminstration starts witlr instrurtlon to the
8、 contractor to commence work as S t out in Sub-lausc 4.1 of the Irtroducinn. IMML?.VIATELY AYTEH TllE llANDING OVER OP TlfE SlTE GEMCML. Early attention should bc given to the matters set out in 2.2-2.8 below. QUALITY OF MAlCRIALS (Subclause 3.1). The contractor slloulcl ensure thdt any samples he d
9、elvcrb dre a fair representation of the materials or goods that will be delivered in due Lourse fol mcorporatiotr rn the works. The engineer must, without delay, qive his deislon as to acceptability and he must preservc the samples carefully. WATER SUPPI,I$S (See Subclause 1.3.1 of Section A of Part
10、 3 of the code). Wlrenever rlouLt exists as to the quality of the water available for the works, the enqiueer must give his ruliry without delay, or order the tests to be carried out expedit.iously, and the contractor must co-operate in producing samples and in arranging for tests with a minimum of
11、delay. The provision of acceptable water is t.he responsibility of t.he contractor. Velays in the provision of wat.er are not acceptable as grounds for claiming extensions of tintc. SCTTING OUT OF TllE WOKKS (Suhclause 5.1.1). The engineer should place such line peq.: as are necessary to transfer th
12、e nformation given on the drawings on to the slte. The engineer should satlsfy hmself that the contractor has been given enough pegs to determine, by direct rearliry and without subsidiay arithmetical calculatjons, the positlon of all elements of the works from the data given on the drdwinys. Immedi
13、ately the pegs and bench marks have been placed, the engineer should point them out to the contractor and show him the relevant dimesions on the drawings. The contractor should pay particular attention to the protection and preservation of the pegs. The contractor should ensurc that referclice pegs
14、are placed at a safe distance from workin9 areas and arct carefully protected. PLOT BOUNUARY PEGS (Subclause 5.1.2). The contractor and tlle engineer should oyrec on the yositiot and existence of all ppys before any clearing or earthnioving is commenced. EXISTING SEHVJCES (Subclause 5.4). The engine
15、er should odc,r, and the contractor shuald carly out, further invcstgations to detect alid expose services in those areas where the dsiyn englrlecr has not been able to provide speciiic information. From the information provided by the desiqn engineer and the results of the investigaticns descrilwd
16、above, the contractor should be able to draw up a program for the protection or relocation of services that can be carried out well ahead of the main work of the contract. The engineer is in a more authoritative position than the contractor to deal with outside authorities who are required to make a
17、lt.eratiols to or protect services ahead of or simultaneously with contract works. The contract-or should assist him by openiuy up and diorillg such services without delay and by ensuring that the engineer has a copy of the relevant part of the program uf const.ruction. The enrirreer can assist by c
18、ompleting thc details, negotiating with outside bodies for the necessary protection vr alteration and following up these arrangements to ensure co-ordination of programs. PRIME COST AND PROVISIONAL SUM ITEMS. The contlactor should be kept fully informed of details of all prime cost and provisional s
19、um items that have been included in the schedule. Aqreement should be reached on the progrm for the delivery to the site of such items so that the necessary tenders can be called for dnd the contracts awarded or orders placed in good time. The purpose of the proqram 1s to ensure that the goods or be
20、rvlces are supplied to the contractor in ample time and that his work is not delayed. If, In the execution of a program submrtted and approved krr terms of the conditions of contract, delays occur that are due to factors beyond the contractors control, the contractor has valid grounds for claniing c
21、ompensation ior any increased costs that he may incur as a result of such delays. TIME-RELATED PREI.11.1INARY AND GENERAL ITEMS (Subclause 8.2.2) . Where a schedule i ncludas more than one time-related preliminary and general item and these have been priced together as a single sum, the engineer sho
22、uld, before work cornmenres, reach agreement with the contractor on the allocation or this sum amongst the schedulecl tine-related preliminary and general items. DURING CONSTRUCTION METHODS OF CONSTRlILTlON Contractors Offce and Stores, ancl Access (Subclause 4.2). 111 the course of deallrg wlth tll
23、c locatlorr of the contractors office and stores durlny the “yre-tendcr“ stage (see also Subrlauscs 1.3.3 of Section A and 1.1.1 and 1.3.4 of Sectlon AB of Palt 3 of the code), the enylrreer wlll lmve indicated the access available to the cwrtractor. The use by the contractor of ally othel .rcr-ess
24、wlll he the contractors sole rcsponslbility. tolerance in Practice (Clause 6) Grids for control. See below. Permi osihle devinrions not to be exceede2. See (a) helow. Vimensions of components. see Lclow. Checking of in-situ concrete. See below. SABS 0120 : Pa
25、rt 5 Section A-1956 General 3.2 ADMLNISTRATLON 3.2.1 Capacity of Planr and Eyuipnerlt: (Clause 4 of SARS 1200 A and Subclause 1.3.1 (PSA 1.3) of pction A of Part 3 of the code). If the engineer cnnsidcrs additional standby plant rlccessary, he slould yvt t11e contractor at least one weeks wainlnq of
26、 his intention to order the contractmr to ohtain sucl tlant. Should the engineer havc to hire plant for which the contractor will be expected to pay, the erqirreer must ensuro that he has hired such plant. competikively. 3.2.2 Silencing of Plmt (Subclausc 4.1). As thr engineer rnny bc blamed hy loca
27、l authorities 01- intdbitil,tfi for excesive noise, his ruling on what is an excessive amount of noise must be acceptcc1 rotwithstorldinq any contrary opinion held 11y the colrtlactor. 3.2.3 Contractors Charges for Jtems in Schedule of Quantities (Subclause 2.8). It should be noted that the provisio
28、ns of tlre second paragraph of Subclause 2.0 of SABS l200 A are valid only provided that tlre quantities remain substantially t.he same and that conditions do not alter from what was oriqitrally intended or envisaged at the t.ender stage. The 1.imit.s are controlled by the provisions oE PSA 1.0 qive
29、n in Subclause 1.3.1 of Section A of Part 3 of the code. 3.2.4 Dealing with Was tSubclause 5.5). Alt.hougi the contractor is responsible for the rovision of all facilities for keepitg the works dry enouqh to enable hint to execute the construrtion in strlrt cnnfonnity wit 11 the specifj cations, t l
30、rrre may he special ci rcuwr;tances that warrant the allocat ion by tile engineer ot different priorities to different requircnents of the specifications in vder to expedite the project. For instance, he Inay decide that water should be held in chock long enough to pennit the laying and sound beddin
31、g of a wwer pipeline true to line and level, but not long enough to permit placing tire main fill in layers and comp&ting at optimum water content. This is a second przority subject to difftrent performance criteria. 3.2.5 Tolerances (subclause 6. l) The use of grids a) Drawinys are read mor
32、e easily and mistakes are less likely if grids arc used and dinrrnsions ale referred to these. Grids provide a pattern for reference at every stage oE design and construot.ion and ensure the correct relationship of the various elements to each other and to their allotted spaces. b) The use of a grid
33、 simplifies dimensioning and keeps the number of dimensions to a minimum. c) The contractor may use grids with advantage for sett.ing out and controlling the construction process and, if those are related to a grid used by the engineer, it will heLy to avoid confusion and reducc inaccuracy. 3.2-5.2
34、Survey (Subclause 5.1). Usually the survey will not be to a higher standard of accuracy than that asked for. Therefore, the standard of accuracy required should be stated clearly by the engincer in his brief to the surveyor. In cases where space on the site is limited and boundaries have to be deEir
35、ed precisely, the engineer should ask for the survey to be plotted on a co-ordinate basis. Setting out (Subclause 5.1.1). The location of a building url a site may prove to be incorrect 3f it has been defined imprecjsely on the setting-out drawing. A boundary which appears as a firm line on
36、the survey drawing and the setting-out drawing may prove to be the indeterminate centre of u hedye or the uneven face or a brick wall which could be out of plumb. In order to ensure precision, setting out should be established directly from survey stations and level data used by the surveyor. The en
37、gineer should ensure that the surveyor leaves lwhlnd permanent survey stations and level data, the position awl value of which lould he recorded on the survey drawing. On the setting-out drawing, the structurc should be located with reference to thew stations and data. Frequent physical checks on th
38、e st:tting out slould be mdr hecause such checks rccluce inaccuracies to acceptable levels. Inspection (Clause b) a) If the benefts of sprcifyirrg permissible dcviationb arc to be realized to the fu31, it s important to ensure that the deviations are not exceeded, and the engineer should satisfy him
39、self on this pcllnt. b) Dimensions of components mnufactured away from the site should be checked at set irrtervals durinl thc course of manufacture. C) As t nkly be neither necessary nor desiraldc to check every component and operation, random sdspllng may be carried out and predictions made accord
40、ing to statistical principles to ensure that the results achieved are those specified. d) In-situ concrstc should be checked before the props are rcmoved. Time-related Prelimirrilry and Gelcral Items (Subclause R. 2.2) . When an extermion of time for a contract is bsiny considered, .t should be born
41、e in mind that, iT such an extcrisjon is aplroved, payment for relevant time-related preliminary and general items will fall due in terms of the NOTE to .Sul)clause 0.2.2 of SARS l200 A. QUALITY CONTRUI, AND OTHER CDNSIUERATlONS GENERAL. The relevant recommertdations of SABS 0157) should be applied.
42、 DISPUTES Extension of Time (Subclause (1.2.2). Where an extension of time has been approved, the contractor and the engineer should reach agreement as to which of the scheduled prrliminary aid qeneral time-related items are relevant to the work or operations in respect of which the extenbion of time was approved, and the engineer should authorize pro-rata payment of the relevant tjme-relaVec1 relirninary and yenetal items tirneously so as to avoid dispute. ISBN 0-626-07517.3 rebt pra
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