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SANS 10120-5 C-1982 Code of practice for use with standardized specifications for civil engineering construction and contract documents Part 5 Contract administration Section C Sit.pdf

1、 Collection of SANS standards in electronic format (PDF) 1. Copyright This standard is available to staff members of companies that have subscribed to the complete collection of SANS standards in accordance with a formal copyright agreement. This document may reside on a CENTRAL FILE SERVER or INTRA

2、NET SYSTEM only. Unless specific permission has been granted, this document MAY NOT be sent or given to staff members from other companies or organizations. Doing so would constitute a VIOLATION of SABS copyright rules. 2. Indemnity The South African Bureau of Standards accepts no liability for any

3、damage whatsoever than may result from the use of this material or the information contain therein, irrespective of the cause and quantum thereof. SARS 0120 : Part 5 Sect ion C-1982 Site clearance PART 5 : CONTRACT MNINISTRATION Clause Page Number START OF CONSTRIJCTION . 1 General . 1 . IMMEDIATELY

4、 AFTER THE IIANDING OVER OF THE SITE 1 General . 1 Areas to he Cleared and Grubhed 1 Preservation OF Individual Trees . 1 Permit to Clear Indigenous Forest or to Fell Valuable Trees 1 Counting and Classification of Trees 1 DURING CONSTRUCTION 1 Methods of Construction I Dealing with fences. orchards

5、. particular Flora. playing fields. etc 1 Demolition of structures . 1 Administration . 1 Indigenous forest 1 Demolition of structures . I Clearing. clearing and stripping. or clearing and removal of topsoil . 1 Removal of topsoil without prior clearing 1 Payment for excavation associated with remov

6、ing pipelines. etc 1 Unspecified disposal sites . 1 Reclering . 1 QUALITY CONTROL AND OTHER CONSIDERATIONS . 2 General ? Notes on Difiputes. Mediations. Etc 2 . Action before clearing commences 2 Measurement of the clearing of trees of girth exceeding 1 m 2 First Revision Hay 1982 This section of th

7、e code supersedes SARS 0120 : Part 5 : Section C-1980 Approved hy the COIINCII . OF TICK SOUTII AFRTCAN IIUREAU OF STAN1)ARDS SARS 0120 : Part 5 Sect Ion C-1982 Site clearance SAW 1200 C : SLTR CLEARANCE NOTE: The clause nrunber(s) given at the beginning or arter tlre heading of a clarse Ls/are. unl

8、ess otherwise stated, the numher(s) of the relevant clase(s) of SARS 1200 C. START OF CONSLKIJLT ON GENERAL. For the purposes of this part oE the code, cont ract administrat inn starts with instruct inns to the contractor to commence work as set out in Suhclaiase 4.1 of Section 0. IMHF.DIATEI,Y AFPE

9、R Till HANDING OVER OF THR SECI*: GENERAL. Both the engineer and the contractor sbould give immediate attention to the matters set out in 2.2-2;s and 3.2.1 and 3.2.6 below to ensure that the contractors program is not adversely affected by lack of information and also that disputes that are unresolv

10、able because oE lack of evidence will not arise in regard to the measurement oE items removed during the initial stages of site clearing. AREAS TO BE CLEARED AND GRUBBED (Subclause 5.1). The engineer should designate in writing the exact areas that are to be cleared and shonld state the time when ea

11、ch area may be cleared. The engineer should also ensure that the boundaries of the areas to be cleared are properly defined either in the description or by means of pegs, marks on trees, or other recognizable indications on the ground. PRESERVATION OF INOIVIDUAL TREES (Subclause 5.2.3). The engineer

12、 should issue a written authorization for the cutting down of marked trees, including a statement on when felling may commence. PERMIT TO CLEAR INDIGENOUS IVREST OR TO FELL VM.UABLE TREES (Subclause The engLneer should hand to the cnntractor a copy of the autliorization given by the Direct

13、or General of the Department of Environment Affairs for the work OF clearing indigenous forest to proceed, including any instructions issued by the Director General. When the work is being carried out across forested land that is under the control of a local authority the engineer should obtain simi

14、lar authorization from tle local authority. COUNTING AND CLASSIFICATION OF TREES (Subclause 8.2.2). The classification and the nnmher OF trees in each class should be agreed by the engineer and the contractor beEore the commencement oE felling operations. DURING CONSTRUCTION Dealing with Fences. Orc

15、hards, Particular Flora, Playing Fields, Etc. (Subclauses 5.3 and 5.7). The engineer and the contractor should have a clear understanding on what is to be done in regard to any fences, orchards, flora, playing fields, etc in the area or along the route to be cleared. Demolition of Structures (Suhcla

16、use 5.8). Before moving plant onto the site, the contractor should make known to the engineer the proposed method of demolition. ADMINISTKATIOW Indigenous Forest (Subclause The contractir should ensure that he has obtained krom the engineer a copy of the authorization and instruct ions refe

17、rred to In 2.4 above from the Director General oE tlle Department oE Environment Affairs. Demolition of Structnres (Suhclauses 5.7 and 5.8). Suhclauae 5.3 of SARS 1200 C covers the demolit inn of relatively insubstantial structures such as dwelling houses and snall Eactory buildings. If the demoliti

18、on of structures is associated wit11 or incidental to the excavations, it will be measured as excavation under Clause 8 of SAUS 1200 D1) or SARS 1200 DA), as relevant, the volume of structure demolished being computed rots the overdl cnhic content ahove and below grwnd crE each structure. (See Subcl

19、iinsa 1.3.1 of Section C or Part 3 of the code.) Clearing, Clearing and Stripping, or Clearing and Removal OF Topsoil. See Subclause of Section D of Part 3 of the ccde for a description of the operations (clearing, clearing and stripping. or clearing and removal of topsoil) that are specifie

20、d, scheduled, or ordered. Removal of Topsoil witllot Prior Clearinp, (Subclause 8. L). Where the contract does not require the contractor to clear beEore handling topsoil, the work slnuld he measured as excavation in terms of Clause 8 of SABS 1200 Dl), SARS 1200 DA), or SABS 1200 03). as applicable.

21、 Payment for Excavatlnn Associated with Removing Pipelines, etc. (Subclause 8.2.7). Where the schedule includes items that require particular excavatfnn such as those associated with tlw rcmovnl of pipelines, etc., measure exc- vat ion and backf illing in terms of Clause 8 of SABS 1200 DU3). Unspeci

22、fied Disposal Sites (Suhclanse 8.2.9). Evaluation of, or reaching a compromisp on, the or volume oE material to be carted to unspeciFied disposal sites will be no easier arter the work has been completed than beEore it is started. It will be equally difFLcnlt for either party to ensnrr that vehicles

23、 are fully loaded for each trip. Depending on the type of material to be transported. a reasonable compromise on which tn base an agreement would be R mass or volume of hetween 70% and 80% oE the nominal capacity oC e,lcli vehicle used. Such an agreement should he reached heFore carting is commenced

24、. Reclearing (Suhclause 5.5). If the need for reclearing arises shortly beEore the site is du to be handed back to the employer a separate tender my be invited or a price may be negotiated for the work. 1) Earthworks. 2) Earthworks (small works). 3) Earthworks (pipe trenches). SABS 0120 : Part 5 Sec

25、tion C-1982 Site clearance 4. QUALITY CONTROL MD OTHER CfiNS1I)ERATIOMS 4.1 GENERAL. Apply the relevant recommendations of SARS 0157) to site clearing. 4.2 NOTES ON DISPUTIES, MEUIATIONS, ETC. 4.2.1 Action Before Clearing Commences. In order to minimize the risk of disputes the responsibilities cove

26、red by 2.2-2.5 above should be dealt with before clearing is commenced. 4.2.2 Measurement oE the Clearing of Trees of Girth Exceeding l m (Subclause 8.2.3). Where the method of measurement covering the clearing of trees on the basis oE area and regardless of girth is properly documented and adopted the contractor cannot have a valid claim for additional payment for exceptionally large trees or other unforeseen problems unless the engineer amends any of the boundaries designated for the scheduled item. 4) Quality management systems.

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