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SMPTE ST 159 1-2001 Motion-Picture Film (8-mm Type S) Model 1 Camera Cartridge Cartridge-Camera Interface and Take-Up Core Drive.pdf

1、1 ScopeThis standard specifies the dimensions of the 8-mmtype S motion-picture film camera cartridge andcartridge-camera interface. Also specified are thedimensions of the take-up core drive opening andcritical dimensions of the take-up core as well as thedriving force, direction of drive, and recom

2、mendeddrive ratio.2 Normative referenceThe following standard contains provisions which,through reference in this text, constitute provisions ofthis standard. At the time of publication, the editionindicated was valid. All standards are subject torevision, and parties to agreements based on thisstan

3、dard are encouraged to investigate the possibilityof applying the most recent edition of the standardindicated below.SMPTE 166-1999, Motion-Picture Film (8-mm TypeS) Exposure Control and Stock Identification Sound and Silent Camera Cartridge Notches 3 Dimensions3.1 The dimensions shall be as given i

4、n figure 1and table 1.3.2 The dimensions apply to an assembled car-tridge with a film load at the time of manufacture.3.3 Datum planes B, C, and A are referred to asfirst, second, and third, respectively. Theseplanes, which are used for dimensioning, aremutually perpendicular and are jointly called

5、adatum reference frame.3.3.1 Datum plane A is coincident with the centerof a circle, located from plane B by the basicdimension T. The circle is in contact with theedges of the locating slot defined by dimensionsA, O, P, and Q. The diameter of this circle issuch that it applies regardless of feature

6、 size(RFS) of the locating slot (see annex A.3).3.4 Datum features B, C, and A are primary,secondary, and tertiary, respectively.3.4.1 Datum feature B is the unnotched, un-labeled surface of the cartridge. It is the primarydatum feature and relates the cartridge to thedatum reference frame by having

7、 a minimum ofthree points contact the first datum plane, B.3.4.2 Datum feature C is the front seating sur-face of the cartridge. It is the secondary datumfeature and relates the cartridge to the datumreference frame by having a minimum of twopoints contact the second datum plane, C.3.5 Dimensions L,

8、 M, N, R3, U, V, and W,measured from datum planes A and C to thedepth of dimension E, as shown in the view ofthe label side in figure 1, describe the extent ofboth triangular recessed areas. The inboardwall of the recessed area, defined by dimensionsL and N, shall be a smooth surface and may betilte

9、d sufficiently from the perpendicular todatum plane B to allow proper release from amold, when the cartridge is manufactured in amolding process.for Motion-Picture Film (8-mm Type S) Model 1 Camera Cartridge Cartridge-Camera Interface andTake-Up Core DriveRevision ofANSI/SMPTE 159.1-1996SMPTE 159.1-

10、2001SMPTE STANDARDPage 1 of 4 pagesApprovedJune 6, 2001Copyright 2001 by THE SOCIETY OF MOTION PICTURE AND TELEVISION ENGINEERS595 W. Hartsdale Ave., White Plains, NY 10607(914) 761-1100REAFFIRMED 2006Figure 1 CartridgeSMPTE 159.1-2001Page 2 of 4 pages3.6 The thickness of the wall of the cartridgeus

11、ed for notching, dimension W in figure 2, shallbe sufficient to withstand a force of at least 1 kgfor 2.2 lbf (10 N) while deflecting no more than0.04 in (1 mm). (For purposes of measurement,the force is applied by a solid round pin of nomi-nal 0.05-in (1.3-mm) diameter centered 0.03 in(0.8 mm) nomi

12、nally above or below the filmspeed or filter notch coincident with dimension Ton datum feature C.)3.7 Dimension A specifies the normal overallthickness of the cartridge.3.8 Dimensions B and M are measured fromdatum plane C. Dimensions C, H, J, and S aremeasured from datum plane A.3.9 The take-up cor

13、e axis shall be locatedwithin 0.010 in (0.25 mm) of the true centerformed by datum plane A and basic dimensionAf.3.10 Dimensions Aa, Ab, Ac, and Ad are diame-ters.4 Take-up core drive4.1 The direction of rotation for the core shall beclockwise when viewed from the core side of thecartridge.4.2 After

14、 disengagement of any core anti-backup device, the cartridge shall operate witha nominal torque of 0.85 ounce-force inch witha permissible range of 0.5 ozfin to 1.5 ozfin(6.0 10-3newton meters with a permissiblerange of 3.5 10-3Nm to 10.6 10-3Nm) asapplied to the cartridge (see annex A.2).NOTES1 Pla

15、cement of film data, such as name, number,length of load, and inclusion of any notches, shall bein accordance with SMPTE 166.2 Although two driving lugs are shown in the core andare recommended, only one is essential for satisfac-tory operation.Figure 2 Camera locating slotDimensions Inches Millimet

16、ersA 0.954 0.010 24.23 0.25B 2.99 0.01 75.9 0.3C 1.390 0.010 35.31 0.25E 0.780 max 19.81 maxF 0.09 0.01 2.3 0.3G 0.06 0.01 1.5 0.3H 0.88 0.03 22.4 0.8J 0.61 0.03 15.5 0.8K 0.015 0.010 0.38 0.25L 0.470 min 11.94 minM 0.005 0.003 0.13 0.08N 0.177 min 4.50 minO 0.154 0.004 3.91 0.10P 0.142 0.004 3.61 0

17、.10Q 0.770 0.010 19.56 0.25R10.50 0.10 12.7 2.5R20.25 0.05 6.4 1.3R30.160 max 4.06 maxS 1.02 0.01 25.9 0.3T 0.870 basic 22.10 basicU 1.225 min 31.12 minV 0.125 max 3.18 maxW See 3.6 Aa 0.680 max 17.27 maxAb 0.575 min 14.60 minAc 0.327 max 8.31 maxAd 0.264 max 6.71 maxAe 0.015 max 0.38 maxAf1)1.608 b

18、asic 40.84 basicAg 0.100 min 2.54 minAh 0.040 0.005 1.02 0.13Aj 0.020 max 0.51 maxAk 45 nom 45 nomAl 0.024 max 0.61 max1)See 3.9.Table 1 SpecificationsSMPTE 159.1-2001Page 3 of 4 pagesAnnex A (informative)Additional dataA.1 In designing the camera driver, consideration should begiven to the fact tha

19、t tooth-on-tooth engagement of the corelug on the camera driver pin is a possibility.A.2 It is recommended that the core be tendency driven (bysome form of slip-drive mechanism) with a drive ratio of atleast one turn of the core for every fifteen strokes of thepull-down claw.A.3 To provide a consist

20、ent method of measurement, it isrecommended that a cartridge gauging fixture be usedwhich incorporates datum surfaces, a locating pin, andmeans of exerting locating forces on appropriate surfacesof the cartridge.Annex B (informative)BibliographySMPTE 159.2-2001, Motion-Picture Film (8-mm Type S) Model 1 Camera Cartridge Aperture, Profile, Film Posi-tion, Pressure Pad and FlatnessSMPTE 159.1-2001Page 4 of 4 pages

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